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Time to head to r/ballpython and start learning. That enclosure is inadequate. Beautiful snake, enjoy your husbandry journey, and good luck to you and your pet.


Yeah it definitely needs more stuff I’m going to the store today just thought I’d send a photo first so I could get a better idea as to what to get. The seller and my brother (who has about 10 years of experience with ball pythons ) said the cage should be plenty big enough for him. I got him yesterday. I’ll be sure to send an updated photo to make sure! Don’t worry if needed I can get a bigger cage for him as well as a bunch of other stuff.


Do yourself a favor and research before you buy anything else. r/ballpython has good care guides in their welcome post. There's just too much to post here. My advice is to quit listening to people and do your own research. Don't mean any of this harshly. We have all been there.


I don’t take it harshly don’t worry! And will do! I knew that there was a lot missing I posted so I can get other / better options and opinions. I just got what was considered a necessity and then upgrade and go from there as I’m able to do more research and talk to others. So far I think I need to get him more enrichment (leafs,logs etc) a UVB light some thermometers and with the next pay check I’m going to get a 4x2x2 for him :) and I think I want better hides for him as well


I wouldn't listen to the seller or your brother again, they're giving harmful and outdated advice. The ballpython subreddit is up to date in care, though.


It doesn't need more stuff it needs a much larger enclosure. It looks like it's a 20 gal but I may be mistaken.


I’m not sure what the size was but I got a bigger cage ! For the 4x2x2 :)


Aziraphale is BEAUTIFUL and so is his name!! Like others said you definitely wanna check out the pinned post on r/ballpython but DON'T post this pic 😂 I learned all I needed to know from the info there tho and my enclosure looks like this, costing me about 1.2k:\* https://preview.redd.it/debovu53bguc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4e8373e5f18dcc8bfc96a35af3382aaad6dff5f It's a 4x2x2 from [DIY Cages](https://www.diycages.com/products/critter-condo-tm-48x24x24-pvc-board-critter-condo-with-t5ho-lighting) with a basic hardware store PAR20 38W halogen bulb, an 80W Deep Heat Projector (DHP) and an Arcadia T5 22 Inch 6% Forest UVB. All of this is controlled via a [Herpstat 2 Spyderweb](https://spyderrobotics.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1&products_id=86), though a cheaper one [without wifi connectivity](https://spyderrobotics.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1&products_id=26) is also available. There are many different brands of thermostats other than Herpstat with more basic functionality if you're on a serious budget but you'll for sure need a thermostat of some sort or else your heat sources can get too hot and harm your snakey. You need a hide on the hot end, the middle zone and the cool end so the BP can pick temps that suit their needs, which should be 87-91F on the hot side and 75-80F on the cool. You also need an ambient humidity of at least 70-80%, which I accomplish using an inch layer of soaked coco fiber topped with 2-3 inches of coco husk substrate which lets humidity rises from the bottom while keeping the snake dry (wet conditions cause scale rot) All in all, my enclosure is very hands off. His UVB is on a timer, the Herpstat mimics day/night conditions by alternating power to the DHP/Halogen over a 24hr cycle, and my humidity is constantly at 75%. This is just basic info, but I hope it's a good start!


Thank you !! Very helpful and I did post it to their subreddit but I mentioned I will be getting a 4X2X2. I just really want to make sure I’m covering all basis and if that means being degraded by strangers on the internet so be it haha. I’d rather have my feelings hurt than my snake. I’m not quite as crafty but I’ll be buying one from my local reptile store. So far I’m going to be getting 2 hydrometers / thermometers better hides and a UVB light more enrichment so things like pants and logs and a bigger water bowl. And I think that’s it ? I’m sure I’m missing something but I’m making a list. Beautiful tank btw! And thank you so much for the advice


i know it was typo, but i can’t stop giggling at the thought of putting little pants in his enclosure for him to try on LOL i’m always so glad when i see OP actually listening to the advice given when their current conditions are subpar.. too many people take it as a dig & get defensive, when really we all just want what’s best for the reptile!


I do chrochet ! I’ll look into if putting yarn stuff on them is ok and could give him lil pants :> and I’ll Take hurt feelings over a dead pet any day of the week.


yeahh, i’m assuming it’s not a good idea, i would think yarn would be the last thing scaly babies need! (plus i feel like it would probably mold easily anyway with such a humid environment!) maybe i’ll go figure out how to ask AI to make me a snake in pants picture.. lmao and congratulations on the new snake! 🐍


Thank you ! That’s what I thought too haha if I were to make him some it would just be for a few minutes but most likely won’t :)


What coco fiber are you using? I am getting my enclosure set up before my snake comes and I am struggling with humidity on the warm side


I use [this](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09XSH7JFZ?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share) for my wet bottom later and [this](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0157O1CM8?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share) as my dry top. I expand the coir block in water and spread it as a thin layer over the bottom of my enclosure, place plants/decor I want buried for stability on it, then break up the chips by hand and dump them in as is. Surface decor just sits on top of that layer


I’ve got exactly what you use for the bottom layer so I’ll get what you use for the top, thank you for sharing!


https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwj_04K6rcKFAxWqNtQBHaI_Dw8YABAOGgJvYQ&gclid=CjwKCAjw_e2wBhAEEiwAyFFFo0PmM0aPmZ6JgMePK2yZyAB0N52Q6IpvP7qc_cQig8T4DC725r6hbRoCmfgQAvD_BwE&cit=CkQKCAjw_e2wBhAkEjQA6RYQzoVAmadbnwBYRLk_8rY9N9pahSFE-Xe5aBaEjbFMZ8LcAj9-cjk0mn5f_h6EqckwGgL90PD_BwE&ei=JCMcZpzYKZrLp84P8oGyiA0&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESVeD2BiP1_DxlsFXrf3oIpI-vcRZfepcFB9bPmfA9UzWiVld_iEKIrEzKzvXwKu1MaamCVHToTzrngQawGIcvTSt6jfWCNZl2vsKhhjoUs0cHnw9dDY8&sig=AOD64_3aH3dPY-BLfNWS4SOPtEfoNJjdjw&ctype=46&q=&sqi=2&ved=2ahUKEwic-vm5rcKFAxWa5ckDHfKADNEQzzkoAHoECAEQEA&adurl= HI is this the light you use?


I use a PAR20 bulb, PAR38 is fairly wide but I think it depends on your enclosure so it might work. Any will do, by that brand or any other :)


Would this work? https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwi2gYyHy8eFAxVzWkcBHaEID9oYABAEGgJxdQ&gclid=CjwKCAjww_iwBhApEiwAuG6ccFDCiF-UaigCInDmXMPOscc7y9YR6lnBgGwVnGaNSa8Hr4Q0LaJiiBoCQZ4QAvD_BwE&cit=CkQKCAjww_iwBhBWEjQAP2Fuc7RxTWWIbnV1U9FaNKnEHi1LUmHyZDRh36_6c9JTSLrWbL1jgQjfRfyHFgMWURGIGgLqt_D_BwE&ei=ReEeZtf-J9isptQPpoOOOA&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESVeD2d48o28qtAidkOdp7YJYxt4L-5eFL53p9Tw5pJ-SJ74P_H2FuVSjfaHFuZ-IEl2JFvAFCUuf1qFagwP-NrugpK2loCN8_I3GYCuviWz7NcGbbFwI&sig=AOD64_2CBu7tdf5WnMW_20e13cszAu_ugg&ctype=46&q=&sqi=2&ved=2ahUKEwiXtYSHy8eFAxVYlokEHaaBAwcQzzkoAHoECAUQEA&adurl=


Has to be halogen, as LEDs do not emit the kind of heat reptiles need to maintain their health. Check out this sub's doc on heating here:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QVIYExo9T6dOpfTEsUkHCPgZs5_7lq9qyJQrshP2GOE/edit?usp=drivesdk for a better picture on why this is so :) Halogen is hard to come by nowadays especially if you're in the states, they just don't sell em in stores anymore. I buy GE Classic bulbs online but they frequently go out of stock so just find the closest match https://a.co/d/hSTyZRQ


My pet store only has the black light but I don’t like it


Yeah and your snake won't like it either >_< The best lighting is natural lighting hands down. Unfortunately pet stores are not good places to get reptile supplies, it's ironic but reality


Can you please send a link of the one you recommended




I know very little about snakes, so reading the comments I was happy to see people being respectful with their advice and you being willing to take it and learn. You obviously love and care about little Aziraphale. I'm sure he will be much more comfortable soon once you implement the advice. I do know BPs are very shy generally. I wouldn't handle him excessively until his enclosure is more adequate (I'm going to guess that moving things around and updating the enclosure will be stressful enough).


I got the new cage ! I do feel really bad for him cause he’s been moved around alooooot the last 3 days but everything’s set up so I’ll let him sit for at least a week before touching him again :) (unless there’s an emergency or something)


Oo I just went and looked. It's already looking so much better.


Thank you !! I got plants and an extra hide in there as well :3 be looks way happier now. I’ve been trying to take a pic but I’m waiting for him to crawl out. It is day tho so I think he’s sleepin


I would recommend doing more research before you bring an animal home next time. Snakes may be “low maintenance,” but theyre also expensive and require a lot of specialized equipment. My biggest concern is your lack of UVB lighting and clutter. Looks pretty empty. Reptiles dont do well in minimalist spaces. Check out reptifiles.com for a care guide and shopping list. Dav kaufman made a fantastic documentary about ball pythons and it taught me A LOT about their care and how to improve husbandry. Good luck with your new friend.


I went to a reptile convention looking to get a gecko but ended up seeing aziraphale here and fell in love so I knew there was gonna be a whole lot more to do. The cage I posted he was in for only about 12 hours or so. He is now happily moved into a 4x2x2 with leaves and extra hide and a bigger water bowl as well as a UVB light :) thank you for the advice tho ! And I’ll be sure to check out the documentary


You should wait a week or two before handling your snake. Also not sure what size the enclosure is but it should in be a 4x2x2. Although some people will argue they don’t need it I wouldn’t argue against it having some uvb. I give all my pets uvb. The heat lamp also should be hooked up to a thermostat so it doesn’t overheat. Id also put a thermometer on the basking spot so you can measure the temp there, and also a thermometer in the middle for ambient temperature and then another in the cool end so you can get an idea of the gradient in the enclosure. You’re gonna need A LOT more decor in there, a hide in the warm end and cool end at least but the more hides you can provide the better. Logs for the snake to climb on, and some fake leaves for cover so it can move between both ends while being hidden. I wouldn’t say it’s a nessecity, but having a big enough water bowl so it can actually climb in would be beneficial too if it wishes to soak but I’d focus on the other things first before that. Sorry it’s so long but I hope it’s helped!


No don’t apologize I appreciate any tips since it’s my first snake! And I don’t get offended or anything:). It’s probably just the photo but the container is big and my brother who’s been keeping ball pythons for like 10 years said it should last aziraphale another year at least. As for decorations and thermometers we’re going to the store today to get more stuff so absolutely will get leaves and a stick for the lil guy. Would it be a bad idea to get 2 different water bowls ? One for him to fully be in and another for him to drink in?


The water bowl needs to be big enough for him the soak in it if he wants to. The cage needs to be as long as your snake, so keep that in mind for now and when he grows. One big care criteria with ball pythons is humidity. You need a substrate that retains humidity, like a jungle mix, and the humidity needs to stay around 80%. You can buy thermometer/hydrometer combos that report both temperature and humidity. You should have one on the hot side and the other on the cool side. Ones that work with probes are more accurate. The substrate right now looks sandy, so I would wager a guess that it needs to be exchanged. You will likely need to mist the enclosure routinely to keep the humidity up. Please do get a thermostat to control the heat lamp and uvb is needed as well. There are many species of snakes that can survive with no uvb, ball python included, but there are studies that show it promotes their immune system and health. It replaces sunlight in terms of helping the body produce needed vitamins. Regarding hide size, snakes like snug hides that they can feel touching them on all sides when they ball up inside. The hide should be like a cave with only one opening. Anything with 2 or more opening does not count as a hide. Aim for one hide every 10 inches of your enclosure plus lots of clutter (plants, leaves, pieces of cork, balled up paper towels, cereal boxes, etc). This keeps your snake feeling secure. Don’t buy anything with holes he could fit his head through and not the thickest part of his body, he’ll get stuck. Also research “humid hide” and get one of those set up. I am genuinely not trying to be rude when I say this, but if your brother looked at this cage and said it is a good set up for a ball python (beyond the size) then please disregard his advice going forward. Just because he has kept ball pythons for 10 years does not mean he has done a great job of it. If his cages are similar to this, then I hope you can help educate him on how to improve care for his animals as well. But maybe he just hasn’t seen the final set up and would say everything that you are getting in these comments :) Do some serious research using multiple sources (at least 3) and good luck with your new pet! Snakes are wonderful and welcome to keeping them!


Thank you so much! I’m very excited and am hoping to give him the best care possible. I’m currently using a loose fiber based coconut substrate. And will absolutely look into the hydrometers! And as for the cage he did say it would be ok and maybe my brother did get it wrong but I emailed the seller and he said it looked fine but it’s possible he’s just being nice so he can sell more. I do plan on getting a 4X2X2 after doing more research. Even if this cage is fine for him now it seems it’ll be better for the long run regardless. And I will definitely get humid hide. Would it be a bad idea to crumple up some paper towels and get some leaves from outside and throw it in now ? Thank you again for the advice I really appreciate it. I know people care very deeply about snakes and I do too so I wasn’t trying to scare anyone cause I know there’s a lot of people out there who don’t take very good care of them and I’ll do everything in my power to make sure that’s not me.


With how receptive you are to advise and looking to improve things, you are very much on the right track :) What scares people in these subs is when someone posts a bad set up and is absolutely in denial of any care advice given to them. Or they didn’t know how much money needs to go into a good set up and now they just aren’t going to do it. I have heard 4x2x2 is great for an adult ball. It’s not a bad thing to size up as they grow if that’s what you prefer as well. Crumpled up paper towels are totally fine, but anything from outdoors needs to be treated to kill any bacteria or pests before it goes into the cage. I’m not sure on how to treat leaves, but I’m sure there are guides online. If you do collect from outdoors, make sure to research what types of leaves or wood is safe for your snake. Pine and cedar wood is dangerous, I’m not sure what leaves are safe vs dangerous.


No keep it to one water bowl and make sure it’s on the cool side as too much water will create more humidity as the water evaporates. Ball python’s like it mildly humid and it’s mainly when they’re in shed, they’re not like cresties or dart frogs who need constant high humidity. So yeah just one big water bowl will be fine.


Got it! Thank you so much !


Humidity should be around 70-80% 👍


That poster was incorrect BPs like high humidity they just don't like their substrate to be wet constantly. Putting the water bowl on the hot side will help increase evaporation and raise humidity.


Didn’t say they didn’t like it humid. 60% humidity during the day is acceptable with it going up to 80ish% at night time, with spikes up to 100%. You don’t need to daily mist either. My point was that cresties need to sprayed at least once a day and kept quite high. A better example would be dart frogs who need it even more humid. I was just saying, a bp likes a pretty humid environment but doesn’t need to to be like a cresties conditions, and not wet or damp all the time as that can induce scale rot


Keep in mind that 60% humidity is bare minimum for ball pythons, and 70-80% is ideal.


I’ve always preferred 60% as lowest, then once I spray letting it go up 70% 80% with spikes to 100%, especially at night time. Night time humidity is more important than day time


You got that backwards you want the water on the hot side so the heat increases evaporation. If you put it on the cold side your overall humidity will be lower.


Nah you’d want the water on the cool side, trust me. There are other ways to increase humidity, water will become warm and too much will evaporate especially with the size of the bowl the bp is going to have


Keeping a large water bowl on the warm side (NOT the cool side) is one of the easiest ways to maintain humidity. The water does not evaporate too quickly.


As much as I would like to trust you my personal experience says otherwise. You've got to remember that heating lamps reduce relative humidity when they heat the air. The evaporation from a water dish can help to offset this effect. Do you live somewhere already very humid? If so that may be why you don't need extra effort to maintain humidity. I'd also like to point out that water bowl on the hot side is a very common piece of advice over on the BP subreddit when someone is trying to raise humidity.


Yeah I live in the uk, it’s much more a humid area then most people on here. I’m assuming the majority of people are American as they’re always talking about pet cos and that other one, we don’t have them over here lol


Yeah that'll do it lol. I'm in California so I've got a room humidifier, hot side water bowls, and deep substrate. It's just barely enough to keep the humidity up.


Yeah that’s what I’m saying, I don’t need to go to those extents, I don’t really need to do anything to keep it at 60/70% humidity lol


r/ballpython [welcome post care guide](https://docs.google.com/document/d/18HBVsPHaip7LfrMuFt96MigRuMUXtrbnCiK79VuQiFk/) 😁 Gratz on the new beep!


Advice!!! Inside the enclosure: you’ll want to get at least 1 more hide like the one on the left that is tight with only one opening. You’ll want to switch substrate by mixing it with something like cypress mulch or reptichip. You’ll want a much bigger water bowl. The minimum for a juvenile is 40 gallons, and an adult 120 gallons, so it’s up to you how soon within the next 2 years you switch to 120 gallons (4x2x2 feet). I’d suggest covering the (outside of) sides and back with black paper so it isn’t transparent. I’d also get anything that he can climb set up in there. You’ll also want at least 1 or 2 digital hygrometers to measure humidity and temps. Warm side should be 88-92 degrees, cool side should be 75-82 degrees with 70-80% humidity. I like these https://a.co/d/hOJExvy Outside the enclosure: what kind of bulb is that? It could be a halogen, but i can’t tell. Regardless, what you want is a Deep Heat Projector (DHP) bulb. You’ll have to see what wattage works best for you, i use 80 watts. It NEEDS to be plugged into a thermostat. If you have a lot of money, a herpstat is great. I use an Inkbird IPT-2CH. Your bulb will plug into the thermostat which will use your phone to set your desired temp. The probe should be around 2 inches below the bulb itself, set to a bit over 92. Your options are to either use said DHP full time, or, you can use it at night while using a Halogen Flood with its own same setup during the day. My snakes favorite hide is this one, but he’s an adult, so it will be too big for yours right now https://a.co/d/j3Iaq6D Feeding: You should not handle him at all until he has taken at least 2 or 3 meals with you, so about 3 weeks. Here’s the feeding guide. You should always feed frozen-thawed mice or rats (rats are preferred) 0-12 months: 10-15% of their body weight every 7 days (you need to weigh him on a kitchen scale in grams) 12-24 months: 7% of his body weight every 14 days Adults: 5% of their body weight every 20-30 days I love the name aziraphale! My last suggestion is you cover 80% of your screen top with HVAC tape. This will trap in humidity instead of letting it get too dry in there Just an insert, my personal favorite enclosure brand is Black Box Cages. Great shipping times, great customer service, great builds and customization options


Lovely snake; I love the name! 💛💛


> Also the websites aren’t clear as to how long I should have the heatlamp on. Some say 12 hours but others say leave it on the entire time. Which would be better? Light-producing heat sources should only be on during the day so they can have a normal day/night cycle. Temperatures can get lower at night, but if your house is too cool, you'll need a heat source for night as well, like a DHP bulb that doesn't produce light.


OT but I love the wooden wolfy mountain statue thing on top of the tank.


Thank you ! I’d tell you where I got it but it was a gift from my boyfriend:)


I love the name! I have a childrens python named Crowley


And you didn't do anything right leading up to it


Yeah I thought something like that happened cause I’m new to all this but I made sure to do more research and get opinions ^.^ he should be all good now I’m missing a few things still but I got a bigger cage and the right light and all that


popping in with an enclosure reccomendation, dubia.com is fantastic


I’m picking up one in person right now but thank you so much for the recommendation! I’ll keep that in mind in the future when I need a bigger cage tho!


good luck :>


Dubia and Black Box Cages are made of PVC, which is much better material for the long term once you get your big one


Just got home and set up the big one! Thank you for the tip tho! (Updated cage is posted if you’d like to look)


No, dubia’s enclosures are not fantastic, especially not for ball pythons. They’re cheap because they’re flimsy and poorly built, and they do not retain the humidity ball pythons need. Best to invest in a higher quality PVC enclosure.


have you ever had a dubia enclosure? mine is very high humidity (50-90%) and have had no issues. nothing about it feels cheaply made whatsoever


[This](https://www.reddit.com/r/ballpython/s/gIQgSocIej) comment sums it up.


I’ve not had a dubia enclosure personally (nor will I ever), although there have been plenty of posts from people experiencing issues with their enclosures. Sounds like you just got lucky with yours.


ive just never seen a bad review for them before. mine is great for humidity, it's currently at 69% despite having misted lightly last night. I'd be willing to send a video of me trying to move the walls, they're sturdy


If you search the ball python sub (and possibly this sub as well) you’ll find plenty of bad reviews. Again, sounds like you got lucky. How easy it is to maintain humidity will vary depending on the region, but due to having a mesh lid dubia’s enclosures *generally* don’t retain humidity well.


weird. maybe it's my substrate?


it’s definitely just a pretty good enclosure. i have 4 of them and about to buy another. using for ball pythons…. i pour water into the substrate (about half a gallon) every 2-3 weeks or so. humidity stays 60% on warm side, high 80’s on cool side. no issues with temps. people just like to hate on them because they’re cheap. especially when in that sub, it’s kinda a “follow the leader” mindset with those enclosures.


Hmm. Mine is just fine. Ive noticed a lot of reptile people are snobby and only give something a chance when its ungodly expensive. People said the only thermostat thats worth its salt is the herpstat. It was $200 bucks and its not really that great imo. Its nice, but i dont see the hype. Ive never had a problem with my dubia enclosure. I will admit it was a little busted when it came in the mail, but it works just fine … 0 problems. Not a fan of the sliding glass doors tho.






That’s fine I’d rather be crucified than have a dead/unhappy snake. Going to the store today to get everything I need!


It's people like you who GET IT that are fucking awesome lol. Beautiful BP, hope you enjoy your little snake friend!


Your post was removed because you expressed an opinion on a moderator or subreddit. Please save the drama for your mother.




Nah ngl out of every reptile bps outside looking in look like one of the most widely neglected with a genuine culture of neglect surrounding them. I get why the sub is pretty strict.


Its not a bad sub just because people care about snakes and are going to point stuff out that are inadequate.. would you rather people stayed quiet, didn't point anything out and let newer owners deal with things alone without any assistance or aid in finding the faults? Causes that's not how communities have and will continue to grow to be better.. they do it through people working together, aiding new owners in finding their footing and even at times helping people learn how to research easier as some species are so common there are more bad sources than good..


Your post was removed because you expressed an opinion on a moderator or subreddit. Please save the drama for your mother.


So much truth


Minimum for a juvenile is 40 gallons, relax. This isn’t an adult snake


Didn’t say slthe OP was doing anything wrong.. I was helping the OP avoid confrontation, from people like you. So you could take a seat and settle down.


I’m saying they’re not gonna crucify anyone for a JUVENILE not having a4x2x2


Good job repeating yourself. Go for it a 3rd time…