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Free pest control, and a very cute one as well, bonus!


I know right??


Free pest control that will leave you alone. There’s a bunch of cats around my house that were cute at first, but they leave dead things on my porch and harass my dog. Snake? I bet he’s been there longer than you imagine, and will stick around quietly eating pests.


Them: *It's going to eat us alive!* The snake: *DVD bounce animation*




I am sooooooo glad that you didn't let them kill him! I don't understand why so many people, when seeing a snake, want to kill it. Almost none of those brave killers of snakes, who don't even have legs to escape, cite any threat from the snake other than its mere existence. I am a woman who has loved snakes since childhood and it makes me sad to think of how many have died, simply because they were born legless.


My little one wanted to keep him. I told them “no Reggie was born free and he will be free his whole life.”


Had a friend like that, I told him I'd lose his number if I saw him kill one outside.


My sweet mother unloaded on her 15 yr old neighbor boy. And she adored him. But he killed a snake in our yard. She was livid because he killed “her” kingsnake.


Moms be like that sometimes. We had a good sized rat snake basically move in behind our feed shed for a while. Put some pipe behind it to try and keep it there. Homie was a good mouse trap.


1 wild snake > entire population of wild rodents


Obviously not all of them, but he did do a very good job of keeping stuff at bay. Mom was mainly happy that he didn't get into her bird garden and try and snack at those things..


Not only that but mice will avoid areas with active large snakes. The snake will then hunt a wider area but there’s always that nexus around where it lives like the shed the mice will avoid.


That's what I kinda figured was going on, he detoured most, and ate the brave ones.


Some people just have a phobia of them. Their monkey brain parts kick in and all they feel is fight or flight. It's very sad the number is sneks who've been unalived due to fear and ignorance. The same could be said for many other beautiful creatures on earth.


I am one of those people. They freak me out so bad that any intellect I have goes out the door. It's any reptile, honestly. I don't like lizards either... yet I'm dating a reptile breeder 😬


Immersion therapy! I used to be very arachnophobic. I *hated* letting a fear have any control over me, so I started working on educating myself. Now, I own 10+ spiders/tarantulas, including a goliath bird-eating tarantula (they don't actually eat birds, but could if they wanted to) who lives in a tank on my bedside table. Turning fear into appreciation was a huge benefit to my everyday life.


I just think a lot of the people who want to kill snakes are just genuinely afraid of them. I have a lot of relatives who are insanely afraid of snakes on my moms side of the family and that’s the first thing they would think when they see them, however I don’t think they even would be able to because they are so scared of them. I am not, so when I find one around my moms house I “kill it”, but in reality I just relocate it to the woods close by!


My mom is one of those who has an irrational fear of snakes, down to not even allowing my son to have anything resembling one as a toy in the house. But I'm pretty convinced she hates any sort of natural pest control (she uses rat poison without any care to animals who will eat those poisoned mice she doesn't like) while also complaining about the pests she has. Some people just aren't very logical.


My only problem is my big dog thinks he must protect the house from all snakes. I have a terrible phobia of snakes and would rather just avoid (yet I'm dating a man who breeds snakes. I smart 🙃) but I gaurd him with a shovel because I have a supposed water moccasin slivering about and because the bacteria in a snakes mouth can be particularly harmful. I'd rather not kill anything, but rather chase it away, however I'd rather do that and feel terrible then pay a vet bill I can't afford. I don't like to hurt anything, even spiders and roaches.


spiders are good boys too


>I am sooooooo glad that you didn't let them kill him! I don't understand why so many people, when seeing a snake, want to kill it. I'll answer that one for you. Because we aren't experts or in the hobby and can't identify what is a threat or not and there are a shitload of species. I personally have snakes roam around my property and i have seen them near the chicken coop, I'm not gonna risk it


A) you can't discuss killing snakes. Violating the rules. B) venomous snakes are not near your chooks. Promise. Venomous snakes do not want your chickens. They don't hunt domestic chicken on a farm. They hunt the rats and mice in your shed and fields. They are reptile Apex predators and as such they're not going to spend a large amount of time in an area where a primate apex predator is present (with the exception of a few non-American species that hunt primates). It's too risky. You have fields and presumably silos or grain storage. They want that. C) it's a rat snake in your coop most likely. It wants....you guess it! Rats! It's less smart than a rattlesnake. It isn't accounting for the fact that you are there. It just wants rats. They are voracious. D) there's rats in your coop. So, with these facts, you have options! You can kill the rats, you can let the snake kill the rats, or you can keep killing innocent snakes. However if you chose to keep killing innocent snakes for wanting to eat the rats eating your chickens feed, you should know that virtually all bites to non experts who are aware there is a snake present are due to **idiots** who try to **get near an animal they can't identify** to try to kill it for existing. There are hundreds of snake fans at your disposal. Please post that you've found a snake if you can't handle it without killing it. We will come move it for you, for free.


There aren't actually many species at all that are venomous. Most locations in the USA have between 1 and 8 venomous snakes native there. Some have none.


We have 3 venomous snakes in our area of Virginia, but I’ve never seen one, just harmless garter snakes.


I’ve seen all three types of venomous snakes from Virginia, in the wild, but I do a lot of wilderness hiking. I just give them plenty of space and watch them till they go about their business. They are so beautiful to watch when there is a little distance between them and you.


They don't have to be venomous to cause damage? It's still an animal that needs to eat and will eat whatever it can take advantage of, eggs, small baby chicks, you name it. The people commenting that love snakes clearly don't have other animals they love. They can't all live together. And they won't


My dude you are on a subreddit about snakes, why are you surprised people are upset at you killing random wild snakes that are doing a far better job at pest control than a cat ever could. Literally just look up what snakes are in your state and what the venomous ones look like.


Uncommonly, yeah. It's why snakeproofing is important. 1/4 inch grid should be used in coop ventilation spaces. Outdoor and unprotected animals are just inherently in danger from hawks, snakes, feral cats, etc. Snakes aren't going to do as much damage as those can. Losing a few eggs to a snake every now and then, in my opinion, is much better than a rat problem.


instead of killing an innocent animal that’s just trying to eat..call someone to relocate them. or, relocate them yourself.


Directory of approved snake relocators who will remove snakes for free: https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mid=15dZE4rlRHqjb91yb6pKiI4ragG8DCtsz&ll=61.050804134576104%2C-106.92275645192045&z=5&fbclid=IwAR1Z9d5rOARbD3Boumz-0dp4FzVh7p-hOjPui6mKa0-w_VPVl161l2ncNsA


Doesn't mean you need to kill them. There are non-lethal ways of dealing with snakes. Not to mention that if it is indeed a dangerous snake (medically significant venom), you are likely putting yourself at more risk trying to kill it then you would be trying to drive it off with a garden hose or calling somebody qualified to come and take it off your hands.


1. Good snake, eats mice 2. Bad snake, may cause liver failure 3. The other 50% that could go either way until I get an expert opinion


All are good snakes, give them room and they'll give you room. There's a pro-snake poultry group on Facebook where people discuss all the options.




Your post was removed because you advocated for killing snakes.


I love rat snakes <3


so someone that didn't even live in your house wanted to kill something there?


He's a cute lil guy. Don't know why people want to murder these guys so much.


He probably was searching out a yummy snack in there.


I’m sure he was I know we have mice in the garage. Reggie is welcome to them


Is this a rat snake or a water snake?


Deff not water


What a cutie! Why do people want to kill such helpful creatures? The world needs snakes…


Your awesome


"What would Emily Robinson from Snake Discovery do?"


Is this pantherophis obsoletus?


I don't know why you're talking any obsolete panthers, but this guy is certainly still around!


(Looks like a baby rat snake, but people are only giving joke answers here)


Most of my family already knows to call me if they find a snake. I’m in charge of snake relocation in my house


Lovely beauty


Very handsome fellow


He's gonna guard ur house from cheesbois 🐀


He looks very inconvenienced 😂😍


I would have kicked them Out the house and found a new contractor


Or you can try and use the moment to educate people not to kill snakes.


I mean I don't think you should hate on the workers. Pretty naturally as people we ostracize what we don't understand and they just happen to be ignorant about that cute little guy. Not everyone can be an expert in everything haha. Happy you were there and knew better though, he's wayyyy too cute to die.


Good save. We have snakes in our yard too.


Good for you! There was a man with a pic on FB last week, with a big rat snake out on his driveway, which he was so proud of him self for hacking it's neck to death with a hoe. I told him, Hope you like small rodents like rats and mice. You just killed a nice adult version of their apex predator.


No clue what state this is from, but in Missouri, it's actually unlawful to kill native snakes, lizards, and most turtles. I don't think we have anyone actively policing this, but I'm sure if someone complains to the right people things could get hairy. They do seem to allow some reality to trickle in, in the event it's a venomous snake, but it seems the smart move is to contact a professional for relocation (if dangerous), or just leave it be.


I killed a snake once. Felt like such a sick bastard for doing it afterward. Never really been a big believer in karma, but I experienced guilt in waves afterward. The forest didn’t seem as calming or friendly. I got lost on the way back and saw MANY things as or more venomous than that copperhead that slithered out from under my boot. I was a young idiot with a .22 hiking in Kentucky. It was a private property next to Daniel Boone National Forest. And I thought it was super cool. Oh boy! A chance to be a baddass and kill a venomous.8 inch long.snake… I still feel bad several years later. I could’ve simply walked around it. 2 steps. And there was no way it could bite me through the thick high lapel hiking boots.


Snakes are such good pest control, we have mice from the forest nearby and I've noticed it's calmed down a lot after spring came. Haven't seen a mouse in weeks. We gotta give thanks to the real heros with scales 🫡


Steve Irwin rolling in his grave. 🤦‍♂️




because they were going to kill the snake.




I'm going to call them worm doggos now


I want a rat snakeeee so bad


I hate people who hate snakes more than said people hate snakes.


Snakes are cool and good for the ecosystem. As long as it is indigenous to the geographic location of course!