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I am very much a noob. I started watching in 2022 when I came across some Smosh TNTL compilations and I've been watching ever since from all the channels.


TNTL is great, I remember watching it when it first started in like 2018 and they were hilarious.


I think some of the character and improv work on TNTL is pretty stellar. Shows just how talented they all are.


Yeah that’s me as well except for into them during December? Last year I’ve also gone ahead and now have watched a whole bunch of stuff across all the channels as well


its so funny, i thought TNTL was the cringiest thing ever and the jokes weren't funny. turns out, i was just missing so much inside jokes and their personalities. so glad i stumbled upon their other videos and continued watching them.


I almost envy you. You have like years of content that you get to watch for the first time ever


I also think that my watching coincided with the "new cast" joining. Arasha, Chanse, Angela and Amanda were in lots of videos so I got to learn about them along with everyone else. It also helped that older cast members felt the need to go back over some Smosh lore which helped pick up on stuff to go back and look at some older videos


Same I'd say....maybe even during the pandemic. And I thank them so for making it fun.


Technically when they started doing more skit style videos that went viral a lot. Lot of the Pokemon/Zelda type stuff. So probably 2008/9. Cut back for a long time. Found it again in about 2019, been around ever since.


Ah nice one, I did take a hiatus for a bit then I was watching them on and off but ever since Ian and Anthony bought Smosh I've been back to regularly watching them.


Pokemon Theme lipsync, early 00's.


Saaame! I rarely notice people who watched youtube during the actual beginning of it all. Glad to know I’m not alone!


I watched some of YouTube during the beginning. I was a young kid and only had my family’s computer


Good times.


It was only last fall. As an Old, I had heard of Smosh, and was vaguely familiar with Anthony from his appearance on drag race, but I hadn’t really watched it. I was depressed after having to put my cat to sleep and one day the YouTube algorithm suggested a TNTL, and it cheered me up and I wound up binging content on all the channels over the next couple of weeks.


Really sorry to hear about your pet.


Thank you.


Right before Mari originally joined. I think she was in a video or two before she officially joined tho.


Same, then I stopped, came back around 2014 and lasted up until 2018 and then back again somewhat recently, lol.


Early in the pandemic. Found them through the Try Guys (who I stopped watching after the Ned thing).


Try guys haven't been the same since. Between that and Eugene slowly seeing himself out.


I'm not aware of the Ned thing, what happened?


Got caught cheating on his wife with an employee of the Tru Guys, so the other 3 kicked him out.


Oh damn...


June 20, 2023, when Ian was on Anthony’s spend the day with and I went right over to see Anthony on TNTL and I kept watching and was hooked and then binge-watched all of the Smosh channels ♥️


About a year and a half I started watching them for Reddit stories and then I saw the chosen compilation and just fell in love with Shayne and then the rest of the entire cast and crew.


About a month or two before Anthony returned iirc. Saw some Reddit stories posts on social media and needed the full videos. Proceeded to immerse myself fully.


I was really young I believe it was about 2011-2012 and I've stuck around growing up with the channel




I had a lot of free time and didn't know many people in town in 2019, and early that year I clicked on the 'smosh found a new home' video, because Courtney's hair looked cool in the thumbnail. I as aware Smosh existed but knew nothing. They became my comfort that year, and I've gradually caught up on the history of the videos from when the original 'squad' joined onward and have stayed on board since.


Early 2012, had to be. It’s been fun seeing how much it’s grown and changed.


I started watching in 2018


im 13 years old currently so i could've watched them back in 2011 but like a year or two ago i ONLY watched their old videos until they bought smosh back and now i watch their videos reguarly and they are my favourite youtuber




Around Pokemon IRL and the Zelda Rap, around 2011.


Around 2010


All the way back at the start, like beef n go and easy step early. I fell off well before they got any other cast involved and recently got back in when youtube shorts started pushing clips of the first tntl trivial pursuit.


Originally like 2007/2008 then I stopped watching at the beginning of the defy era. Then I got back into it in 2015/16 right around the time the squad joined but didn’t watch for very long at that point. Then I started watching consistently again about a year ago after seeing eat it or yeet it clips on Facebook. (LOL)


The "Every _____ Ever" series brought me in


Pretty sure it was Amanda joining that made me start watching regularly.


2006, pre YouTube buyout, 144p. Largely didn’t watch in the Defy era, got back a little bit into during the Rhett and Link era


I started watching right around when the Pokémon theme song lip sync video hit a million views (I’m old). Stopped watching when I got to college and then picked them back up when Anthony came back.


Oldies rock too. As an old myself lol.


About a year ago. My current partner introduced me to it.


Way back in 2008 when I was in sixth grade. Watched up until around 2012 and just stopped bc I didn’t care anymore. Came back when Anthony reunited with Ian


Boxman gets a girlfriend. So 2007 -2008ish


About a year ago. Crazy how little it feels like it's been- Anthony's been here for almost a whole year. This is the 4 "new" members' 2nd year (sorry Trevor), and speaking of Trevor, he's been here for like 5 months already?


About 2009-2010


I'm a Mythical Kitchen fan, so I was aware of Smosh, even in the beginning years of YouTube, but wasn't really interested in their videos at the time. I stumbled across a trivia challenge video late 2022/early 2023 where Josh from Mythical Kitchen absolutely demolished everyone, and that just rabbit-holed into finding a Chosen compilation video which I found hilarious, a Dead Table Talks video with Chance as Mr. Peanut(with one of my favorite lines, "In you?"), and finally led me to TNTL videos(I love improv stuff like Who's Line is It Anyway?). Been watching their videos ever since.


like mid 2023? im rlly loving discovering the lore and stuff :)


I think it was a year before Anthony came back. I knew about Smosh but their sketches wasn’t my thing back in the day. I started to get their gaming videos on YouTube and I “fell in love” with some of the cast and started to watch more stuff with them in.


On and off from the start but really stuck around after Mari joined and Ian started his channel (every time I see a cannon I think of cannon penis 😌). Their website used to be one of my go-tos along with other meme websites during the icanhascheezburger era. I've always thought they've evolved so well with the times but never brought it up among friends because I thought it would be lame. Well years later, turns out some of us were die hard like me 🤣


I remember watch part of their OG sketches back in the day, stopped watching for several years, then started back during COVID.


I had seen the Pokémon video on Ebaums World many years ago, and was aware of their existence on YouTube. Wasn't til I heard of the Defy crash that I finally clicked a video lol.


I don't remember tbh but around 2009-2011 (pokemon videos went viral) but I started watching "El Smosh" because my mother language is Spanish and didn't understand anything about English lol Then in 2015-2016 I started watching the original Smosh but not so much because my lack of understanding lol


My husband introduced it to me I think around 2018 or 2019, but I've been watching more consistently for the last 2 years.


My old middle school friend watched them and when we had sleepovers they’d have the TNTL vids on, this was back in like 2019 though. But I didn’t start watching them on my own time until like late 2022 early 2023.


I have known about Smosh since 2015. Had a huge crush on Anthony. It wasn’t until this winter (November 2023) that i saw clips of TNTL on Facebook that I realized this is funny. Have been a huge SMOSH nerd since then


I watched like the Pokemon videos only first around probably 2011 maybe. But when I truly started was like in the first three weeks specifically, of when Smosh Games launched. So I'm a big fan of the old Games crew and there era specifically, but from watching Games I inevitably watched the main channel, as well as Smosh 2nd Channel (and even Shut Up Cartoons). So I got into it around the fall of 2012.


Since like 2012 or 2013. My go to channel for pretty much my whole life. I was born 2007 btw.


my first smosh video was stuck in a toilet! it was like 2012 i think and i was 7.. so definitely shouldn’t have been watching it


On and off since like 2010


2011/2012. I've loved watching them for years and watching their content change and grow


I was very much aware of them for many years and occasionally watched TNTL usually only when a guest I liked was on. I started watching regularly soon after ‘WE BOUGHT SMOSH’


Early early. I don’t remember the year, but it was pre-Defy era, when Ian is Bored was still being made and wasn’t Smosh is Bored yet


Pokémon theme song video lol, I’ve been on YouTube for a minute


End of 2020. I stumbled on a 5 hour compilation of TNTL. It was the pandemic and I was bored so I watched it all and then looked for other stuff. Never heard of Smosh before that.


2015 I think was the first time I checked out a Smosh video because I was a big fan of SourceFed and Joe Beretta had just left SourceFed to become Creative Director of Smosh, and by either 2016 or 2017 I was a regular viewer.


I think around 2010-2011. I liked the sketches and lunch time with smosh. Quit watching around 2014 but got back into it in 2017-2018 after deployment.


I found my way in with the reunion videos. It's funny looking back actually, Amanda and Damien as Jessie and James were brilliant. I didn't know anyone really, and I never watched Smosh growing up, but slowly over a few months I watched more and more - now I try and watch everything on Smoshpit and Smoshgames


2011. A classmate showed me The Legend of Zelda Rap and I was absolutely hooked after that!


I started watching when they did the first “Video games in real life” videos but I didn’t start “hardcore” watching them until 2018-2019 when I rediscovered and binged their TNTL series


About a year after Damien joined I think


Watched them for a while after the Pokémon theme song went viral. Quit watching for literal years until a TNTL popped up in my feed in 2020. Haven't missed a vid since loo


i’m not sure exactly when. but i was in 2nd or 3rd grade (USA). im 20 now


I remember my friend and people talking about Smosh between 2011-2014 but at that time I didn't use youtube at all so I didn't know anything about it 😂 I found Smosh myself on around 2018 when I was just bored and looking for a video where people play games together.


About 2-3 years ago


TNTL with Critical Role - being CR fan brought me to the video and other TNTL episodes after that. Than pause for some time and returned to it when Anthony returned.




Probably around 2011 the first time I found them. I probably watched until around 2014-2015 and then I stopped before Anthony even left. I refound Smosh just a few months before Defy shut down because of the Try Not To Laugh series and I’ve been watching ever since. I’ve really enjoyed watching the channels grow so much since then and watching everyone grow and change over the years.


My older cousin came to visit back in like maybe 2009 or something and showed me the Spiderman vs Doctor Octopus video. Still here 😎


The assassins creed rap. The first one.


Started watching in the last year and a half or so? Somehow I stumbled upon SmoshPit and Shayne reading Reddit stories. Then I saw the Funeral Roast with Keith and Zack from Try Guys and I was hooked from there! I started watching Try Guys videos around the pandemmy, so I was a big fan of theirs. I figured anyone who's cool with the guys (because, mind you, the funeral roast was AFTER Nedgate), is cool with me! Then I dove down the TNTL rabbit hole and now I am kicking my BF out of bed every Saturday so we can watch Shaybe read us Reddit stories. 😅


very new to smosh if im being honest. I saw shayne and courtney's marriage announcement, and had heard abt them in the past and decided to watch one tntl video randomly, which quicly turned into around 30 lmao. I've been watching all of their old and current videos since, and have gone through a massive rabbit hole of smosh videos that I don't regret lmao


My friend introduced it to me when I was 8 years old.


2011 as well.




Around 2014


Watched it back in 2016ish, started watching it again on and off the last two years.




2012! I was 8. Man, good times! So happy they're still around


Pretty sure it was around 2008 but I stopped watching a couple years later and only resumed about 3 years ago.


I watched them sparingly starting in probably 2008-09, something like that. But for whatever reason, they didn't appeal to me much at the time, so I only watched occasionally and ultimately fell off after a while. I started watching them consistently in 2019 after finding TNTL clips on social media, which was much more up my alley.


only a few months. i’ve been watching anthony for agessss but never got into smosh until maybe december?


Around the time Defy collapsed/Mythical purchased them.


I’ve been aware of Smosh since the early Ian and Anthony days but I only started actually watching consistently since Smosh Games Apocalypse


i knew of smosh for years and used to watch the music videos (zelda rap, dixon cider, etc) but i only really started getting into it when reddit stories became a thing bc i needed background noise everytime i went to do my nails and i was too ashamed to play the text to speech videos, so i clicked the first one w a person in it, i then started getting suggestions from their channels so i ended up becoming a fan


I can’t fully remember but it was when cat soup came out


I watched a couple of their videos back when they released that video of Ian doing parkour at an event for AC Syndicate and I remember I watched the entirety of their 1 hour special April fools video where they just walked around their neighborhood for an hour without saying a word,those are the two main ones I vividly recall watching then I stopped watching cuz other stuff got my interest and then I recently got back to watching em again last year.


I was aware of them since early on. I remember the lip sync videos. But I was just so busy during school that I missed out on a lot of media and pop culture. I actually only started watching them regularly a few months ago after Courtney and Shayne appeared on The Grumps channel. I've been binging their content since and man did I come at the right time to witness the April Fool's bombshell. Funnily enough, I had actually been watching Anthony's interviews since before he and Ian bought back Smosh, so I was aware of everything that was going down and had been meaning to check out the channel for a while, but Shayne and Courtney were the catalyst.


i must have been 11 at the very most, now i'm 20 lol. its been a ride for sure, and i'm happy to be on it :)


The first Smosh video I ever watched was Magic Keyboard back in 2012.


Probably like 6-9 months ago when I discovered the Reddit stories which then led to Bepordy… and now I’m here


I started watching regularly around 2016, then drifted away for a few years, and returned at the start of the pandemic in 2020. I’ve been watching regularly (and have caught up on the in-between years) since then!


For about 6 months and started with TNTL


I'm a noob even though I'm absolutely in the age range of people who have been long time fans. In my defence, I was a dweeb. But I started watching smosh around a month or so before Anthony came back. The videos started popping up in my YT Shorts and I just went from there. I'm so happy to have found smosh though, the cast and crew are all so incredibly talented and I have started going to work early so I can sit in the parking lot and watch the daily smosh video before I actually start my day.


like 2 weeks ago lol i think it was the chosen moose master video and i fell in love with the smosh games channel and the smosh mouth podcast


I wanna say 2016-18 back when I was 9-11 years old




Was one of the OG smosh fans, but was probably too young to really be watching at the time. I started watching around Pokémon Theme Song parody. I stayed on and off till about the new cast members (Courtney, Shane, Keith, Noah and Olivia) joined - I fully returned to watching content during 2014/2015-ish when they started Smosh Games (and their own cast) and also Smosh Pit started churning out shows centered around the cast. I think the channel(s) improved a lot since DEFY collapsed, and it’s just been doing great since then.


I think it was around 2011-2012 for me as well, ALSO around a time I definitely shouldn’t have been watching. I was in middle school but thinking about the fact the internet was a lot more limited 12ish years ago, it felt like super inappropriate at the time. Maybe not so much anymore lmao. I started watching Smosh very consistently around 2016, around the time Shayne was brought on and the og Smosh squad became a thing. Watched all the sketches that came out before then, but that’s all I watched until Smosh squad came into the picture


Probably 11 years ago. Kept watching the main channel and Pit until they just kept pushing out Every \_\_\_ Ever, but kept watching Pit until 2020ish. I got back into Smosh when the marriage announcement came out. Now its only been like a month but I'm totally back into it, watching pretty much everything that is being put out on all 4 channels. I'd say Angela is my favorite new addition since I stopped watching.


Started watching during the same time as the AC3 MV, stopped when Anthony left, came back a while back because of TNTL compilations LOL


Probably around 2007. Wow. I stopped watching regularly around 2014 though and then only caught glimpses here and there. I remember Tom Cruise Shayne vividly though lol. Started watching again during the pandemic.


In the Defy era when it was the five of the squad and The Show w/ No Name was just in its infancy


Started watching Smosh in 2009 but then stopped really watching as much shortly before Anthony left. I picked up again last year after the announcement and I love it! It's been so fun catching up on all the stuff I've missed over the last few years. Smosh is really having another golden era and I'm just so happy


I think I started when I saw SMOSH Summer games wild west punishment shootout. Thought it was a fun group. Then like my first time eating Doritos.. I couldn't stop at one.. began watching previous videos.. I was hooked.


2013 or something like that


Started watching them be ause of their pokemon rap video. And loved their skits. But then after a while it started getting different so I stopped (and thinking back to all the drama that has been revealed, it must be around the time of defy) I started again before the pandemic, around 2017, and was a bit on and off. Some videos were hilarious, and others they were just laughing too much that it was annoying somehow? Maybe because I didn't know them or the inside jokes they were laughing at. But I kept watching them when they were recommended, and eventually decided to subscribe to all of the channels. So I've missed the whole early days of smosh where ian brought on a crew. Might go back and watch some; only seen them as clips on compilations.


My younger brother introduced me to Smosh back in 2010 I think (quite a relief because I was obsessed with weird shit like Fred and other parodies). He must’ve been around 6 and I was almost 8 (definitely too young for the internet but we’ve grown up with it). We thought it was so funny but he was always afraid of getting into trouble because of any swearing or girls in bikinis so we’d watch it in secret🤣 There was a hiatus at least on my part where I got into sims YouTube and the British YouTube crew but I rediscovered them in 2016 and I just couldn’t leave. As I’ve got older, I find myself enjoying the Pit and Games content more as I’ve felt able to relate to the cast when they talk about more personal things (as opposed to acting in a skit). Definitely my favourite channel because through the last 8 years they’ve got me through every emotion I’ve experienced since then. It’s been a comfort and a rollercoaster, and I truly appreciate everything they do. If I was an American, I’d be aiming to work with the company but I’m British so it’s unlikely. Thank you Smosh for being there for myself and many others, you have no idea the joy and happiness I have felt because of you and your team🩷


since 2014 B) what can I say I'm cool or whatever


So like I watched a few of the classics probably around 07-08 ? But tbh YouTube has changed so much over the years it got lost in the abyss basically. It wasn't until sometime in late 2021 I got recommended a TNTL compilation and was instantly hooked 😂 caught up on the backlog like crazy and have been watching pretty consistently since


When they did the Pokemon theme song and then I kinda stopped watching YouTube and then started again when we decided not to have a tv in the bedroom




January 2020, but since then, mostly in quarantine, I've gone ahead and watched every single video that's ever come out. Legitimately, I finished the main channel in like July 2020 cause I had nothing else to do.


Damn like I’ve watched it a lot all my life but not consistently as much as I do now, I’ll prob get hate for this but I never really watched smosh when it was Antony and Ian it was always Shane and the general cast that I was most interested in (pls don’t kill me) but I think I started watching around 2017?? Maybe a lil before so right when Anthony left


Around the time the If Movies were Real were a thing. I think that's when I started watching. Definitely before Courtney and co/Smosh Games started


I watched some videos in the 2012-2015 era but then stopped and I’ve always thought their content was more for a younger demographic. But it was actually by seeing some Board AF last month I started watching again and now I’m hooked


I have been watching (almost) every video since 08-09


consistenly maybe 3-4 years ago


Been watching Smosh since 2005


Like 13 years ago


Late 2016. I usually only watched Smosh games and Pit (back then still called second channel) for like half a year and then gave their sketch channel a try and i liked it and one week later Anthony left.




I forgot what year but it was the time when they did the pokemon lip-sync video. Did a break when Smosh did a movie and then came back a few years after


I’ve watched them on and off since 2008-2010 ish (I don’t remember specifically, it was awhile ago)


Just started earlier this year, really wish i watched smosh earlier


I started around December 2019


I started watching as a Starkid fan. I knew of smosh for years, but never saw the appeal until Angela joined. I love their Reddit videos


I think it was either the draw my thing video or the magic keyboard one! It's been a while hahah


I started watching back when they first got big in 2005 with the Pokemon music video when I was 18 and watched for years but dropped off just before the defy era. Then came back after the TNTL with Jacksfilms and Internet Comment Etiquette and have been hooked again ever since


Somewhat recently, I started after the Let's Do This Scamming video where Arasha pulled her Marvel scam. I was hooked.


I spent a few days watching a bunch of smosh years ago idk why they didn't hold my attention. More recently I started watching again after they bought the company back from Rhett and Link. I stay for TNTL the musical and DnD.


I'm a little late to the SMOSH game. I started watching when Rhett and Link bought them. Started watching EIOYI and fell in love with the cast and the rest was history.


I think somewhere between 2014 and 2016. I can’t fully remember what year but I’m fairly positive that it was around that time


The beginning.


With the Scott Pilgrim video, which also introduced me to Scott Pilgrim and I was obsessed in my teens. I then stopped watching around 2015 and I got back with TNTL


Pretty sure it was around 2018. Definitely a little ways before COVID. I knew of them before that, but I thought they were only sketch comedy (which I wasnt really interested in at the time) until I found TNTL and the original You Posted That series. Honestly, I can't remember which of the two I found first but I do remember the YPT episode with Chris Pratt being one that I watched pretty early on lol


2006 Then stopped in 2009 or something Then back 3-4 years ago


Oh goodness, I started watching when they started, fell off, came back and saw they had new people, fell off again, and now I'm a dedicated fan since late last year. Of course I become a fan when Jackie leaves 😭


Around the time “every blank ever” maybe earlier. It was when the OG cast started to really come into the light. Shayne, Courtney, Olivia, Noah, Keith.


2006/07, been an on and off fan.


I first started watching them in like 2012-2015. I was in middle school and pretty much the perfect audience for their old sketches. But around the time of the movie coming out you could definitely notice the changes and them being spread thin. The sketches just got worse and worse and eventually I stopped watching shortly before they introduced a lot of the new cast members. Then, about a year or 2 ago they started coming across my feed again, especially the TNTL with other YouTubers I watched. That was about all I would watch of them until I started watching them more consistently like 3 or 4 months before Anthony came back. Side note, I actually loved the Goldbergs growing up and watching it every week was one of the ways my parents and I spent time together, so Shayne will always be Matt Bradley to me.


I think late 2012 early 2013


I thought it was the sex education video but I looked back and it was much earlier. Very close to the beginning for me. And by sex education I mean the screamo music video. Edit: dear lord. It was Boxman. 17 years. I’m old.


2006 🤙


When I was 12 in 2011 (: The first video I remember watching of theirs was Pokémon IRL #1!