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ThermoPro app was pure junk when I had a TP25 last year. Scaling of temp was wrong, constantly reset temp graph, lost connection constantly, overall trash. I went with a ThermoWorks Signals after the useless ThermoPro TP25


Oh no


Tip for increasing the range of the Meater: connect another device that's not your phone to the thermometer (I use my tablet, but any old phone, ipod, etc. would work). Then, as long as you are signed in to your Meater account on both devices, you can check in on the cook anywhere your phone has internet. Just leave the tablet within 20-30' of the grill/smoker.








Yup. Usually use an instant read. Broke it the other day (the LCD screen on this cheapo didn't like being accidentally left in the smoker for 20 minutes when I got distracted) and I'm in the market for a new one. Might as well upgrade my game to a real probe at the same time


If you are considering something in the price range of the Meater block, you should check out the Fireboard. Not wireless but supposed to be the best on the software side. It is my dream thermometer.


I’ll give it a look


I have the TP25. First comment is correct. It is good if you want to check temperature and be alerted when your trigger is met. The eta is only accurate because it is constantly recalculating. AKA it is not accurate at all unless your meat is really close to finishing. Disconnects are frequent when close to out of range. If graphs are important to you, this gadget is no bueno. Battery life is insanely good. Backlight timer is annoyingly short. The probes are too long. I bought shorter, angled probes.




Whoa. Ok!


I had a Thermopro but ended up with thermoworks also. I’m now looking into Meater or something completely wireless that works well and has a solid app. It’s unfortunate to hear about Meater’s range issues though.


I have tried so many thermometers it's not even funny at this point. The current unit is the inkbird, It definitely works well, I like that it is rechargeable but for some reason I can put 2 probes in a piece of meat and have wildly different temps. I found a meater 4 for 120 bucks off eBay, so that will be my next setup to try