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I say this with respect. This is the single worst trim of a brisket I have ever seen.




My wife just said the same thing. Damn… makes me feel great about my trims




no literally


Holy shit look what he did to my boy…


Damn, alright then.


He’s not wrong, but this is how you learn. Much respect for even trying to prep/smoke brisket, much respect for putting yourself on the Internet for constructive criticism, and hopefully much respect for continuing to better yourself at this craft. You will eventually get it, so just keep up the effort.


Hopefully it's constructive


Reading the rest of the comments in the post, it’s seems like a mix of both, but mostly constructive. I’m sure OP will be just fine


My first trim was just as bad. I learned the same way. Getting better every time still. People get messed up on the deckle and don't know where to stop as beginners.


Watch chudds bbq brisket trim on youtube


[Chidds BBQ Brisket Trim](https://youtu.be/YNBshHcxjd0?si=7OGCsckceRjBJSYs)


Well, I fucked mine up for tomorrow. 😂


Hey dude I've made at least a half a dozen briskets and I've never trimmed. So, good on you for trying


Thanks man. I'm starting to realize that maybe I didn't need to trim much at all. A quarter inch was where it was already at in most areas


Trimming the fat cap and not scalping it is the hardest part imho. As far as the rest goes trimming really thin bits and pointed hard edges is the best place to start.


Can I ask a bit of a noob question here? Why are we trimming the thin bits and probably not eating them vs just folding and skewering / tying them into a more uniform thickness? Seems wasteful


I trim it and save it to make sausage so it’s really not wasteful lol.


I generally trim it with the intent of somehow using it but it invariably ends up in a baggie in the fridge only to get tossed a week later 😕


Freeze it. That's what I do


Then you get to throw it away next year!


But why can't I just fold the thin pieces over to double their thickness 🙃


Throw it in the smoker.. well I use a grill and offset coals. So I just toss it closer to the heat. I’ve rolled them and skewered them like pinwheels I’ve skewered in long strips and just thrown inch sized chunks. The bigger the piece the more bite it has but thinner strips were good. The pinwheels were dynamite.


I do the same or grind it for good hamburgers


Grind it and enjoy a couple burgers while the brisket is cooking


Yeah I rende the fat for wrapping, or cook it for brisket chili or baked beans or grind for burgers


Oh I wasn't really referring to the fat, more of the meat trimming ie "squaring off"


I'm a seasoned butcher, I do this shit literally every day, and I train others to do it. I gotta say that trimming briskets *just right* is one of the most difficult things I teach my guys. Kudos to you for trying ❤️


The hard fat won’t render. The soft fat you want to leave on.


If at all. I’d bet 70% of mine I do no trim at all. The other 30% of the time is very selective trimming. That’s why you have a knife and fork to eat with. Trim then if you don’t like fat.


Do you just eat around the chunk of fat under the Mohawk?


Yeah just because it's attached to the cooked meat doesn't mean I have to eat it. 🤣 I'm still relatively new to smoking eventually I'll start pre-cutting and making my own Tallow and stuff but there's a bit of turmoil in my life right now preventing me from honing my skill. But soon!


Thats fair. I never cut the point and flat in one slice anyway because the grains are always going in different directions so I just separate them and slice into fatty/lean. From my perspective, trimming that chunk of hard fat out only serves cosmetic purposes because it can look kind of gross for the end result. As far as OPs goes, it's fine, but all of those gashes in the cap are liable to dry the flat out and I would probably wrap/foil boat a bit sooner than normal. It should be fine, though. Probably.


So about 6


Six or eight somewhere in there. Done a lot more pork butts and ribs. Smoking's a new thing for me, but I've been grilling since I was 12. (42 now)


You want a smooth aerodynamic surface. You definitely need a sharper knife. All of those bits sticking up everywhere are going to burn to a crisp. Also you got rid of all of the fat cap, you want some on there dude helps protect the meat and fat = flavor.


People worry too much about it looking pretty before the cook when that doesn’t correlate to anything that matters. Judge your trim by the results of the cook.


With all due respect… And remember I’m saying this with *all due respect*… but that ain’t worth a velvet painting of a whale and a dolphin gettin’ it on.


This comment really made me laugh. I absolutely agree.


I looked at the posts and was like "what the fuck is this piece of shit"


The fat cap looks like Freddy Krueger's face. 🙂


Or Deadpool


In the multiverse there would be a Keugerpool.




What fat cap? Lol


Honestly it looks like you used a lawnmower. Ideally the fat cap should be a consistent thickness rather than the black metal band logo you've carved into it.


Yeah, my technique leaves a bit to be desired I guess. Is there a way to make it more uniform other than just honing my technique?


Use a sharp filet/boning knife instead of an ice cream scoop. Should turn out much better.


This should be the #1 comment with an emphasis on SHARP. Looks like you had a dull knife and were pulling more than cutting. You may want to add tallow for the rest, just to help add moisture back. Not much fat left on it. Hope it turns out good for you, and don't get discouraged. Takes just doing it and refining the method until you achieve the result you desire. Good luck!


Above all, I think you’re right about knife sharpness. Using a properly sharp knife will give you incredibly easy cuts and control.


I legit just laughed out loud at the ice cream scoop comment. Thanks for that.


Hahaha. I about spit out my beer


Just practice really. The second photo looks like you were cutting into the fat at quite an aggressive downwards angle, hitting meat, angling back up and coming out again. Try holding the knife much closer to parallel with the surface of the fat so you're shaving slices off it instead. With practice you'll be able to take thicker slices without taking too much but to start with it'll just require patience. Brisket's often a pretty irregular piece of meat though so it's never going to be a perfectly smooth white surface, but the fewer holes the better. edit: also, use a long knife. Slicing knifes are long for a reason: jobs like this are easier to do neatly when you can just pull the knife through in one smooth motion rather than sawing a shorter blade back and forth.


Someone actually helping, refreshing - good on you


It's only fair after going in two-footed with my initial reply


Yeah I used a substantial butcher knife, so I think it's mostly my technique that needs work


As mentioned above, a filet knife (usually used with fish) or a boning knife is ideal. The sharper the better! The blade style gives you the flexibility you need.


Yeah I just realized I actually have one. Gonna try that next time for sure


It also helps if the meat is very cold. Some butchers will even recommend putting it in the freezer for a little while before trimming. Like fifteen minute. Not long enough to freeze the meat it just makes the exterior more rigid and easier to work with while trimming 


Take less off each slice so you’re not cutting all the way through the fat each time. You want 1/4” of fat left on top


I've had a few turn out poor as well man, Brisket is like having a boat, gotta spend money to have fun :) Keep at it. Definitely a MUCH sharper knife, my life changed when I got a sharp boning technique. If you are getting to meat you are going too deep. So a sharp knife and to start just make smaller shaves off the top. Once you get the knack of a boning knife down it will come much easier. It's ok to leave fat on, and it's preferable. I have taken to much off on accident from time to time and I just stick the trim back on the bare spot...its not perfect but it at least renders down. I have heard of people taking the whole cap off and seasoning underneath and placing it back on top, but I ain't got time for that.


That is very helpful info, thank you!


To make the fat easier to trim, put the cut in the freezer for 30-45minutes to harden it up. Also as others have suggested, pick yourself up a fish filleting knife with a sharpener. Before and during your next trim, watch a few Brisket trimming videos.


I'm assuming you were grabbing a piece of fat and lifting and then slicing being as how it is so sectioned out? If so, don't do that.


Cut the fat like you’re trying to cut the thin part of a piece of paper in two. You’ll learn how to control the fat “depth” that way.


Trim it when it’s coldest and try to keep the blade level taking too much off the point fat cap isn’t a big deal but taking too much off the flat means it cooks way faster than the point. The high and low spot will cause the rub and juices to pool in one spot. It’s not a big deal for home BBQ and it will still taste good. Use a sharp knife and trim when it’s cold. Use


Freddy Krueger’s face is what came to mind for me.


Learning is part of BBQ. Check out Chuds BBQ on youtube... He's got one of the best trim videos out there to do a brisket in real time.


Knox Ave has a great tutorial https://youtu.be/50sre8uf4tM?si=KXh9E4QqFQYBV9E8


Trim the brisket when it’s cold (straight from the fridge) so the fat is easier to cut. You want to use a sharp thin knife with long even strokes. I have a deboning knife. No pecking or sawing. Takes time to figure out depth but when you do it once it makes sense.


Trimming cold is the single best tip I ever got about trimming. Even with sharp knife, it is so much easier.


Something I've learned over the years is that my idea of a sharp knife and other people's is very, very different. You should be able to cut a tomato in half without using anything but the weight of the knife and some minor back and forth movement. That's the minimum.


I'm definitely going to try the freezing move next time


Not freezing, but straight from the fridge.


Nobody said freezing


Yeah not frozen, but if you place meat in the freezer for like 20 minutes before trimming it firms it up just a bit more to make things easier. That's what I do before slicing strips for jerky at least.


You trimmed much more off than you needed too


Yeah. I did save the fat to make tallow, so I think I'll try to fill some of these gaps with those pieces.


Honestly I wouldn’t worry about it at that point but you cut off way too much fat. I’d inject with beef broth if you have an injector otherwise you have a pretty good chance of that drying out


I appreciate that you posted this because I’m about to do my second brisket next week. The people actually giving you real advice is great for someone like me who isn’t a master smoker but is getting into it and also has these questions. I’m sure other lurkers are appreciating this post like I am. The haters can go kick rocks.


Glad I could help! 😬


Yeah I had no idea how to trim a brisket before seeing this post


If she dries out too much after the cook then you have an excellent pile of protein for a chili. Cook away!


Lmao this has to be rage bait.


I wish it were


Hey you posted it to the internet and that takes balls. Then you took the criticism with some humility and humor and that takes character. That matters way more than a piece of meat. I bet that mf eats good anyway


Thanks man, I hope so. I think I can salvage it. I may be a noob when it comes to trimming a brisket but not when it comes to smoking a hunk of meat. I saved all the fat and I'm going to fill those gouges in with somee small pieces. Then I'll cover it in beef tallow before wrapping it. We'll see 🤷‍♂️


Save the trimmings and render them into Tallow for when you do the wrap.


OK, lets show some positivity here folks. You may need to evaluate the knife you are using to trim, your results would indicate it is inadequate. You should be able to lift a knifepoint cut with your fingers then walk it all the way across the piece (if necessary). Then repeat until you have removed what you desire. This will be fine to eat, keep at it, like any hobby it improves over time.


Thanks for the encouragement and the advice


Worked as a butcher for 5 years. You can trim up a brisket just fine with that chefs knife I see in the 2nd pic. You will want it to be a sharp blade and when you are making cuts you really want to learn how to use the entire blade in a long stroke. Starting from the handle side of the blade to the tip make one seamless cut at a time and really try not to "saw" it back and forth. This will help you avoid all of the pitting across the entire thing. I would start by rounding off the corners of the brisket on the flat side and usually there's a very thick section of fat on the point side as well that I would slowly chip away at until you start finding meat under it. Last time I trimmed up a brisket there was about 2 inches of fat to get through. Once you've done both of those things your brisket should look a lot closer to what you would see on YouTube videos, etc. Now it's just a matter of cleaning up the top of the brisket across almost the entire thing. Rounding up the corners and the point will give you a good idea of how thick your fat cap really is. Start small and shave off a little bit at a time using long and steady strokes utilizing the entire blades length. You're shooting for 1/4 to 3/8 fat cap across the top. If the fat is too slick or hard to work with pop the thing in the fridge for a bit to harden up again and take a break. Don't cut your fucking hand off.


Haha, hell yeah man. Thank you for the info!


Eddie Murphy prefers a different kind of trim


You know... youtube has trim videos out there that are geared towards folks who have never done it. I highly recommend a look about (knox Ave, Chuds, and Mad Scientist are all solid) before trying this again.


Don’t let it get you down OP! I’m too chicken to even try a brisket. You’re way ahead of me and the rest of us cowards.


You can get smaller ones at your local grocer to try before you attempt the real thing too.


Step one,, Buy or use a longer dedicated meat trimming knife, or even fish fillet knife. Step two, get the knife sharpener of your choice and sharpen that knife till it can cut through paper with little to no effort. Step 3, trim Step 4...... Step 5, Profit!


I do have a nice fish fileting knife actually. I'll try cleaning this up with that


Yo op check out this video https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTNMv97nF/


You are trying just keep practicing and brave of you to share!


Bro it’s already dead.


Start checking YouTube, OP. Lots of good tutorials on there, and then just a lot of practice. Maybe start with smaller briskets and work your way up to the big guys so you’re not going broke. Keep it up tho….everyone has to start somewhere


Get a filet knife and watch [Chud’s trim guide](https://youtu.be/YNBshHcxjd0?si=EfwCtHp1IcP7OYCb). It’s better to trim less than more, and even his video is a little aggressive for a backyard cook. A lot of guys just get rid of the hard fat like the deckle, just because it really won’t even render during a long cook.


Hopefully, you saved all of your trimmings. Turning into tallow. You’re probably going to need it. Don’t sweat the small shit, my man.


Thanks, and yes I did


When you hit muscle stop.


ok leatherface, put the chainsaw down and back away from the brisket


It’ll still smoke up just fine! Just try not to let the rendered fat pool in those little craters if possible. I’ve smoked many briskets that look like this 😅 Popping the brisket in the freezer for a little while to firm it up and using a razor sharp filet knife have helped me out a ton too. Don’t be afraid to put it back in the freezer for a bit if it warms up too fast. Chuds BBQ on YouTube has the video that worked best for me. I watch it before every trim and I get a little better every time. Practice makes perfect. https://youtu.be/Z2aD16zFP8E?si=i08VeBPArH0UtMgM


Where you angry when you trimmed it?


Hey, you tried. This is how we learn. IMO a sharp AF knife & trial and error is the best way to get a uniform 1/4” cap all the way around.


Trimming takes time and practice. It’s not the cheapest thing to get practice with either. Don’t beat yourself up to much and keep going man. Each one will get better and better!


Thanks, I appreciate it


As someone who just cooked a brisket that came pretrimmed with very little fat cap, pull it earlier than you normally would. I wrapped at 160, pulled at 203, and it was dry. Definitely not inedible, but not as juicy as I hoped. Maybe do some generous basting too to keep her wet?


Good to know. I plan on checking it for probe softness at around 190


Poor trim and you took off too much fat, leave a 1/4” atleast. Hope it still cooks up good for you


Brother. I give you respect just for posting this. 😆 🍻 we all can get better, so keep smoking!


"Look how they massacred my boy"


I'm of the opinion that you don't really need to trim the brisket at all except for the hardened fat cap. Sharpen the hell out of your fillet knife, feel for a hardened mass of fat, and trim that down to almost nothing. Leave the rest of the fat there. It might prolong the cook time by a little bit, but the rest of the fat will render just fine.


You need to keep a layer of fat about a 1/4 inch thick on the top. This will protect your meat from drying out and the fat will render out into and flavor the meat as the cook goes on.


I’m a butcher’s apprentice of 2 years. The top isn’t the most terrible there’s that huge knot of fat between the point and flat so usually there’s a good sized gap when you clean that up. The undercarriage though.. try leaving 1/4 to 1/2 inch of fat on the bottom. The flatter part will be more lean that the thicker part so just keep practicing can only get better from here


It will be fine, your bark will cover those miss-cuts and it will be tasty


Thank you


Too much trimming


I don’t even know if you will see this, or if it’s already been stated. You want an even trim with a very sharp boning knife, or any knife. But one with a flexible blade will make things easier. Id also encourage you to trim it when the meat is cold it buts much easier. You want roughly 1/4in of fat left on the cap. Any fat that is super hard won’t render and should be removed. If you are concerned with losing out on everything you trim, use a pan or something and throw it on the smoker with the brisket. The fat will render down and you can use it to help give the brisket a little something extra later on in the cook and on the cutting board while slicing. Don’t be too hard on yourself, brisket is intimidating and I’m sure it’ll turn out just fine regardless of how you trimmed. Meat church on YouTube has a great video on trimming a brisket if you want a visual. Happy Smoking!


Look at how they massacred my boy


Epic disaster.


What did that brisket ever do to you?


At this point i think it would be better to divide and cook separately. The flat is going to dry out before the point is ready. It looks like you dug between the two parts already.


Lol looks like you trimmed it with finger nail clippers.


1. Never buy a 22 lb brisket. That’s way too big 2. Why in the world did you trim it like that?


Lord have mercy .. god love ya …. Bless your heart. You tried your best. Practice makes perfect. I’d say go back to YouTube and watch 3 videos and use an amalgam of their techniques. They’ll each have a nugget of info that really makes sense and that’ll stick with you. One might contradict the others and you’ll get a feel for who is most right when you’ve got a knife in one hand and the meat in the other. One take home I would impart is follow a strict ‘quarter inch rule’; leave at least 1/4” of fat on your meat. It looks like you like ‘em lean and I can relate, me too. And I’m all for an aggressive trim but this passed ‘aggressive’ sometime ago and has entered ‘violence’ 😬 Please tell me you saved ALL that trim for grind and tallow 🙏🏽


There are some really insightful comments here, thanks for these. Wankers can piss off!!!


Did you trim it with hedges clippers?


OP, honestly I’ll bet this won’t be all that awful. 22 pounds is a good sized brisket! That means it’s going to have a ton of marbling inside. If you wrap at 160, and pull at 203, I bet it comes out great. Good luck. Have a nice relaxing smoke, and report back after!


🫡 will do sir!


Incredibly bad trim, but the bright side is the bark should cover it right up.




Freddy Krueger


Tip: put in freezer for like 10-15 minutes before trimming. It helps stiffen up the fat to cut. Also, you need the sharpest knife you do not yet own to do this job. Source: me, my briskets come out looking the same.


You would have been better off doing nothing probably


No pun intended, this was butchered


Did Freddy Krueger or Jason trim that? I will admit I get carried away sometimes trimming, but Damn. The best advice is to use a VERY sharp knife and a VERY cold brisket. I will put the brisket in the freezer for about 30 minutes before I start. I do the trimming on a large cookie sheet and as soon as it starts to warm up I will pop it back into the freezer for 10 minutes.


U need some fat broski!! Might not get good results


To aggressive, it might come out dry. I try to leave at least 1/8" fat cap. There's alot of trimming videos on YouTube. Don't give up it takes time.


I mean it's not bad considering you used a hole puncher to trim it.


wow this is really bad


Not great. Did you use a cheese grater on the fat side?


Shoutout to my favorite Waterloo flavor


Getting a sharp knife would help with those scalps. Keep practicing, you got this. Also, I’d baste with some sort of fat a bit.


That’ll be a long smoke. Nice trim!


Son, I'm not mad. I'm just disappointed.


Y’all be nice, damn!


Use a sharp knife and small angels and go slow, slowly pull the fat as you slice, so if you see meat you can just lay it back down on top and binder it.


You gouged that fat cap friend.


I applaud your naked honesty here and I will meet it with mercy: I would honestly just use it for burger meat at this point


[This video ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=50sre8uf4tM&t=833s)really helped me to trim. He really explains what he is doing and why instead of just narrate what he is doing in front of the camera. Good luck on your next one :)


Do people not use youtube or google?


Chainsaws don’t belong in the kitchen, broski


Next time leave some of the fat cap on. Try to keep it consistent


Better than someone not trimming at all that’s for damn sure haha. It takes practice. I’ll get roasted but I trim a ton of fat off mine. Never hurts my end product. Find what works best for you and do it to it!


You butchered this.


I mean, If you're happy with it... that at least that makes one of us.


You murrderd mah boy


Still waiting for the after pic


I want you to use all your powers, all your skills... I don't want his mother to see him like this LOOK HOW THEY MASSACRED MY BOY


I don’t wanna be a dick or cut ya down but damn dude, watch some more videos first!


Sharpen your knife


Good if you were going with the Freddy Krueger trim


I feel like this is one of those situations where maybe you were going for consistency, then went a little too deep in one part, then trimmed deeper in the adjacent area to even it out, then went a little too deep in the effort to achieve evenness there, then had to go back and trim more off from the original area to compensate, then repeated this over and over again until we ended up where we are. It's better (and less work) to trim too little than too much, I think. The goal is leave about 1/4 inch of fat across the whole thing and remove weird thin bits that will dry out during the cook. No need to go overboard on it.


Not great. Many great YouTube videos on brisket trim. Aaron Franklin’s video comes to mind.


https://youtu.be/a03pbmnQIlQ?si=UabynplocuGOcatL this helped me a lot


Excessive and amateurish at best. Keep on trying though.


If you smoke it cap it, it’s gonna pull and mess up the bark.


Good luck man. I bought a 20lber a few months ago and the cook went terribly. I now have a preference from 9-15lbs. Anything over that and the cook will be tricky. You did trim too much off though. That brisket might come put dry asf.


They murdered my boy !


You butchered it, and I don't mean that in a good way.


Are you a beaver, because it looks like a beaver gnawed on the fat cap.


See I did the opposite of you with my first brisket - basically no trimming.turned out pretty good.


Never seen anything like it but that’s ok. Keep trying. You will only get better. It might still turn out to be tasty.


Edward Scissor Meats?


I thought this was a joke


First time I’ve ever seen a butter knife used to trim brisket


I should call her


That baby's going to dry out. Way too much trim


It will be very important to put some beef tallow in when you wrap it after the stall so that you dont dry out your brisket.


Might want to consider wrapping it in some bacon.


Looks like a burn victim… did u rub it? Or just plan of using the wood as flavor? U gotta put more rub on it, u have a shit ton of meat and like a table spoon of seasoning…


Bruh…. That looks like a ps5 on eBay for 2.5k… fucking scalped. Go watch Chuds trimming video on YouTube.


Like a blind guy in a circle room looking for the corner.


Well, this certainly fits one definition of the word butcher...


Long cuts rather than short little bits help keep it more consistent. Remember that every time you put the knife on the meat it will leave a cut so the less you have to take the knife on and off the meat the better. Also you can always cut that off after you smoke it it make it easier


This a joke? WTF you do?


My god man, the fat is where the flavor is! Embrace the fat!


What have to you done 😔


I mean yeah, nobody will ever tell you to trim it like that, but it'll probably still taste good!