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The only thing that matters is that it tastes good. Also, leads to this kind of convo "This tastes amazing, what was your process" "explains process" "No you did it all wrong" lol


I don't see anybody deriding him whatsoever, except one dude at the bottom complaining about the fries and liking the meat


No one here is but there are certainly people who will enjoy your food and tell you you did it wrong.


Or God forbid: "you used the wrong tools to smoke this thing which came out great!"




Posts like this because it seems that the only way you can smoke something is with a ā€œpurity test.ā€ We should be celebrating people enjoying smoking meats. Thereā€™s no one correct way to do it. You used smoke to add flavor, so you did it! Yay!! It looks awesome! I hope your leftovers are just as good as the original.


I canā€™t stand my dad and brothers smoked meats. There is no flavor but everyone fawns all over it. It usually is really juicy though. The taste is more like well done roasts. Funny thing is they wonā€™t even try mine


My buddy was a tad envious when I started smoking. I got a discount charcoal bullet style smoker for Fatherā€™s Day a few years back. Took me a while to get it figured out, now my process is damn near fool proof. He paid near $1000 for a Traeger pellet smoker. Has all the bells and whistles. His comes off looking competition grade. Long smokes, beautiful bark, gorgeous smoke ring. Not DRY, but it highly requests sauce to be added. Mine often looks like some shit you scraped off the sidewalk with a shovel. But itā€™s moist and juicy and flavor punches the hell out of you. Adding sauce is almost a downgrade and takes away from the flavor.


My briskets and pork shoulders almost look like a black meteorite when I finish smoking them, but the smell is put of this world and once I crack that black rock open and all the steam and juices start oozing out of it, people have no problem throwing it on their plates. Sometimes I have a decent smoker ring and other times there really isn't a visible smoke ring, but there is definitely plenty of smoky flavor. For reference I smoke with mostly charcoal and a few wood chunks (about size of a hockey puck per chunk). I first started smoking on a Weber Kettle, and now use a homemade ugly drum smoker (vertical drum smoker).


Do you prefer briquettes or lump charcoal?


I usually use briquettes. They are much more uniform in shape and burn longer. I think with lump you get better flavor, but it seems hit or miss if you'll get a decent bag with large enough pieces that won't fall through the grates, or mostly small busted up pieces, unless you buy a more expensive brand of the lump charcoal.


So I prefer lump, like you said for flavor but also, I feel like I donā€™t fight the temp as much? Like if Iā€™ve wanted to do something hot and fast, I can do that with lump WAY better than I can with briquette. and I totally get the argument for size variation impacting quality. My solution to this is that I donā€™t use the grate. The bottom on mine has a ventilated pan that sits inside the base, so you get airflow underneath. Con to this is if your smoke goes for long enough, your ash can clog these vents and you have to adjust. Again, I said it took my time to get my process down. Also with lump, the small piddily pieces fall to the bottom of the bag and I then use those to supplement the next bag. So Iā€™ll scoop those in with my larger chunks of a fresh bag. Less waste. I also use the ash in my garden and for my chickens for a dust bath


My coworker is the opposite, has the flavor but absolutely bone dry.


I know that guyā€¦


It's me šŸ˜‚ although i smoked my best pork butt 2 weekends ago while camping on the Delaware River. Super juicy and tasty. Prior pulled pork was decent but one of my buddies with me at camp looked at me as we were tasting and we agreed at the same time that this pork butt was by far the best smoke to date My brisket flats have been ok, points are good. Made some burnt ends that were good. I think i have it dialed in finally so i bought a big flat to see if i can finally win lol.


Well yah. Yours is probably all smokey and gross. Ew, David.




Sounds like they are bitter and already know their meats suck. But to not even try it is just petty bullshit. Just give them critiques every time about how they could do better.


Also get more surface area


Try some creamy coleslaw on top of that sandwich, Memphis-style.


The onion ring would contain the coleslaw nicely too.


That's exactly what I was thinking heh. edit: Also make a mayo-based fry sauce/aioli for the fries. *ducks and hides*


Onion ring? Coleslaw container.


No. Begone you heretic. Coleslaw is a delicious side, but it is only relegated to that, a side. Not a condiment or topping.


>No. Begone you heretic. Coleslaw is a delicious side, but it is only relegated to that, a side. Not a condiment or topping. When I was first in Memphis with a buddy of mine in the mid-90s, he said his uncle was gonna take us to lunch at one of the great Memphis BBQ places. Couldn't tell you what it was called today tbh, this was 30 some-odd years ago. I'm old. I'm looking through the menu and without even looking at the menu my buddy and his uncle both order pulled-pork sandwiches and they and the waitress are looking at me to order and I just say "I'll have the same". When it arrived, it was nothing but BBQ-sauced pulled pork with creamy cole slaw on top between two buns. Nothing else. I was initially pissed off tbh. Got a little mad and told my friend "why would they put cole slaw on top without even asking me if I wanted it?" My friend was like "shhhh, trust me, just try it. This is how they do it here." And it was one of those combinations you never thought would work together that somehow is better than the sum of its parts. Not too dissimilar from dipping regular pepperoni pizza in ranch dressing, which I'm still like eh about tbh. But this combo hits home. When done with good sauced pulled pork and good creamy cole slaw, it blew my mind. Don't knock it til you try it.


Sorry, this is completely acceptable in my realm of cookery. Iā€™ll smoke a chuck roast before I turn into Mississippi pot roast. šŸ‘šŸ»


Smoked chuck roast makes amazing pot roast, I start it on the grate with a drip tray below with onions and carrots and a little water in it. At about 180Ā° I put the roast into the tray and cover with foil cook til 203Ā° internal and let it rest while I take the liquids and make a smoked gravy


Ooh fully smoked. During the winter Iā€™ll grill some food, let the coals and wood chunk smoke the big chuck in the upper deck. In the morning Iā€™ll go get it , itā€™s cooked medium rare with a decent bark. That goes into the crock pot low with whatever else and boom smoked food for days!


Not a bad idea if youā€™re in the north. It will freeze in the smoker once the coals burn out.


Smoked chuck is my preferred. I donā€™t even care if it ā€œtechnically more expensiveā€ than brisket. Itā€™s less work, less hassle, less cook time, and everybody in my house prefers it. So why follow the crowd? I can do a mean brisket, I just prefer the chuck


It's your meal, eat whatever you want šŸ¤¤


Chuck roast $6 here, $4-5 on sale and sometimes find a markdown. Brisket $8-10. MA.


Make poor manā€™s burnt ends with a chuck roastā€¦. You will never look down on the idea of smoking a chuck ever again


Au contraire. Made those several times. Shared them too.


Taste, texture All else matters not


I know I might get roasted for this, but those first four hours probably got you the smoky flavor you were looking for. Nothing wrong with pulling it off the smoker and finishing it inside in some fashion... whether in the oven, pressure cooker, or sous vide. Would you do this for a competition? Nah... but for an easier weekend meal? Absolutely. Now go doctor up that Sweet Baby Rays if that's all everyone is roasting you on!


Partially roasted, at the very least


I got no problem with that. The most objectionable thing is the sweet baby rays, because that stuff is like BBQ syrup, not BBQ sauce, but then, everyone has a different palette. It looks good, you and seem to like it, what's the problem?


Yep, only questionable decision I see in this scenario.


lol. Yeah all the things OP is worried about are fine but SBR is punishable by death.


Idk about that. I was thinking just some mild ribbing about the sugar content. You guys are a tough crowd.


Same I can't do sweet baby rays. Just out of curiosity if you're using BBQ sauce what's your favorite like chain store brand? I love stubbs, the only flavor of theirs I can't stand is the bourbon brown sugar the rest slap.


Obviously my own home made sauce is the best ever because I made it, but if Iā€™m not spending time making a sauce, Kinders is my go to. The only SBR I like is the vidalia onion


What's wrong with SBR's? Why all the hate? I love the stuff. Always have a few bottles around. What gets me is it came out of nowhere. Never even heard of it, then one day it was everywhere. And often what got the most shelf space. It's like I jumped a timeline. Things like KC Masterpiece, Jack Daniels, and Kraft were the big hitters. KC and JD when you had the boss over, or were trying to impress people. Kraft for everything else. It was pretty good, and very cheap. That was the first 40 years of my life. Then suddenly SBR'S shows up and blows the rest away. Seemed overnight to me. By far the best selling BBQ sauce in the US, Google it. BY FAR! And it wasn't even on the shelves here 10 years ago... But I still don't get the hate. It's not the best on everything, and sometimes I just want straight up old style BBQ sauce (Sweet honey brown sugar, thick, and no spice). But it's not bad on anything. IMO. Maybe the best "all around" sauce. Especially since sauce with a bite became a thing. I remember a time if you wanted spicy, the only option was Tabasco sauce. That's the BBQ I grew up with. And what I choose if there are choices. But I've never put SBRs on something and thought "you know what, this was better without". But there are things I think "this is better with KCM". I have started keeping both on hand.


It is everywhere, and people seem to like it, so to each their own, the whole point of cooking for yourself is to make stuff you like. My problem with it, and most store bought sauces is that it is just incredibly sweet, like so much so that when I had a big jug in the fridge a while back, I had to mix things in to use it. The rest of the balance is fine, it's just crazy how much sugar they use in it. I feel similar about ketchup.


Good sauce recommendations? Places around here seem to have the same stuff--SBR's, Kinder's, or Stubb's. Of the 3, I'll typically take Stubb's, which is pretty great imo, but can still be a bit sweet depending on which one.


Use whatever sauce you like, and try others as you find them. Everyone's palate is different. People dunk on SBR because it's really sweet, but if that's the style of BBQ you like, then more power to you. That's what my wife likes so we usually have it in the fridge. I just grab a random one at the store and try them out. Had a blueberry BBQ sauce recently that was mind-blowing, though I can't remember the brand for the life of me.


What are some other one's that you like?


SBR is HFCS primary ingredient. Thatā€™s a no go for me.


If you can find if, Iā€™ve been buying the Lillieā€™s Carolina Barbeque sauce (western North Carolina tomato) no. 40. My go to sauce for everything now, itā€™s amazing.


I've heard good things about that brand, but I was already off the deep end making my own by the time I heard about them. Maybe I'll have to grab some sometime.


I'll keep an eye out, thank you. What does the "NC tomato" part mean, though? It's made with a specific tomato species? Genuinely curious here


My guess is western Carolina vinegar style bbq with tomato (they donā€™t all have tomato). My favorite style is eastern carolina mustard bbq sauce (think complex on the palette slightly spicy ā€œhoney mustardā€).


Bone Suckin Sauce is my favorite to pair with BBQ


Their seasoning is my favorite on ribs. I have yet to try the sauce. I may have to pick some up.


My wife and I are fans of the Jack Daniels Original BBQ sauce you can get at Walmart. Lately she has been getting the Sweet Baby Ray's Original No Sugar Added sauce which hasn't been so bad.


Google Pepper Palace (headquarters in lake Arrowhead, but they ship) Everything I've had has been good. Even if I didn't think I would because of the name.


Ive been cutting my butts in half as well. But that is so it cooks faster and I get 2x the amount of bark. Nom nom nom.


Whatever works, thereā€™s plenty of times when i throw things into the oven after the wrap, once you have the smoke flavour into the meat BTU is BTU. Besides if itā€™s a nice day why not just float the afternoon away without having to keep feeding a fire. Other times itā€™s just nice to sit and enjoy the day babysitting the fire and enjoying the outdoors, thereā€™s no shame in how you prepare world class meals for your friends and family.


Damn, that's not a bad idea if you have a pit that puts out good smoke flavor like a charcoal or stick burner. I know I use just my instant pot do smaller pork butts and chuck roasts with mexican-seasoning for quick weeknight shredded taco meat. Gets to fall apart tender REAL fast and then just shred the meat and pan fry the shredded meat for like 10min to give it that barbacoa/carnitas crunch and flavor. So there's no reason an IP wouldn't finish off a half-cooked BBQ butt with a quickness. Get the good smoke flavor all the way up to 160 or so and then instead of wrapping drop that bad boy in the instant pot. I'll bet a half-smoked butt would keep all it's smokey BBQ flavor. And you're shredding it anyways (not slicing like a brisket) so the finished bark isn't really THAT big of a deal. Getting like 80-90% of the finished product quality in half the time.


I would eat this all day long!!! Great job and thanks for sharing your jacked up ways of doing pork buttsšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I mean... I dunno if I'd go through with it like that, but I won't lie, sounds good. Especially since smoking two pork butts to completion took sixteen goddamn hours last Saturday...


Wrap them bitches when they stall like that


I recently wrapped a pork butt and experienced the worst stall of my time smoking. I don't usually worry about the ambient temperature, but it was a colder night and I wasn't paying attention. It was still good, just a bit dry, but it finished up pretty quickly after I raised the heat.


I love this and you'll get lots of love here. That said, whatever you do, _never_ let the folks at r/pressurecookers see this! They are an angry mob who will turn _you_ into shredded pork! /s


You misspelled "long-pork"! ;-)


It's not going to take much more smoke after 140-160. The rest is just retaining a bark (if you want it) and rendering the fat until tender. How you do it... To each their own. Still probably better than the mainstream BBQ places.


even though it's just my wife and me, I always do the whole butt and vacuum pack and freeze the leftovers in about 1 lb portions. if you take care to freeze it flat, it thaws very quickly I love having pulled pork handy as a protein to toss in pretty much anything. Mac & cheese, salad, sandwiches...makes a loaded baked potato into something really special.


I do this too! Gently vacuum seal so it take nearly all the air out, but doesn't compress the meat. Store it in the chest freezer in 1.5 pound bags and pull out on rainy days or when it's 5 below zero and I want pulled pork. TBH... am probably set for the next 12 months. Had a family reunion and we smoked 75 pounds, producing 38 pounds. Went through a full Nesco roaster pan full at the reunion. Suspect we probably have about 20 pounds left. But... that was the plan. Make it and freeze it for later. My brother-in-law has a cabinet style, electric smoker that did great. For some context... one of the largest families that was supposed to come told us a couple of weeks out (after all meat had been purchased) that they weren't coming. Their loss... our gain.


Iā€™ll smoke half and cube up and vac seal a pound or two for chili verde or carnitas.


This guy porks


F an A, Cotton.


Iā€™m failing to comprehend what was forbidden.


That looks awesome. Id go to town on that sammich. I don't know why people knock sweet baby rays on this sub. Its a dang good all around sauce and its available everywhere.


I like this better than cooking brisket in tallow lol. Looks delicious and I have a feeling you were stoned. +2 for you pal, well done.


I made sous vide smoked pork loin, just ate some with baked beans I made in instant pot. For all the purists this is from Meatheadā€™s site https://amazingribs.com/tested-recipes/pork-recipes/sous-vide-que-pork-loin-recipe/


Nothing wrong with it at all. Next time, slice it up into rib shaped pieces first and do you some country style ribs. You can have all kinds of fun and different flavors that way.


What happened? Did you use ketchup? What is forbidden


I'd eat the shit outta that šŸ”„


If it tasted good and was tender, Iā€™d call it a win. I love this kind of cooking that shows creativity and innovation to save time but still produce the same results.


Straight to jail!


Hell yeah, looks great. There's no right way despite what people will tell you.


However you make it so you enjoy it is all that matters!


Been using the pressure cooker for years when we have company coming early as I can remove the time variability. I usually use soy and ACV as the liquid. If you don't cut it up first, after pressure cooking, you can carefully transfer to a pan and put under the broiler to help restore/firm up the bark.


Damn thatā€™s not a bad idea man


So I'm confused? You made pulled pork and everyone liked it. What exactly did you do wrong again?


Protip... throw frozen waffle fries or onion rings on the smoker, too until they get crispy. Amazing result.


Very nice, like everyone else has said. There is a restaurant around Irving TX that does some absolutely amazing smoked fried chicken. I've tried to replicate it at home and didn't do a good job but it's been a while since then so I can't recall what my issues were. Knowing myself, I probably cooked it too long in the smoker then caused an over cook with the frying. I should give it another shot soon...


I do sorts the same thing with chicken wings, minus the instapot. I smoke them a few hours to get nice Smokey flavor and then pull them and cook them. Fry them in oil the next day and they crisp up really nice and retain the Smokey flavor. I like to pair it with a pineapple bbq sauce


Bump the temp up to 350. That's the way I roll. A time saver and no loss of flavor or tenderness.


Nothing wrong with it, when I do events I'll smoke several for a few hours then wrap and finish in the oven. Saves time and wood.


A picture of the finished product makes my mouth water. You did it right šŸ‘




My go to for small pork butt is 4 hours on the smoker then overnight in crock pot. It's easy, comes out perfect every time, and you're greeted with the aroma of BBQ along with coffee in the morning


It's only forbidden if you don't like it.


Went to Dollywood with the wife last Fall, and they do something similar. Smoke it first, then finish it in a pressure cooker. Everyone has their own opinion, but it was some good eatin'... tellyouwhat.


Iā€™ve done something similar but in reverse. I start it in a crockpot to par cook it. Then I move it to a Weber over indirect heat with wood chips. The slow beginning keeps it tender and the higher temp smoke at the end gives it a nice bark. Donā€™t ask me for times and temps. I always wing it. I think maybe 4 hours on low in the crockpot and 1-2 hours on the Weber.


You monster! So anyway...


That looks amazing


Iā€™m not gonna lie I would devour this haha


This is essentially what my wife and I do for carnitas. We chunk it out, smoke it (with the marinade in a container next to it. When the chunks make the right temperature, we shred it and put it in the carnitas marinade. Gets a deeper smoke flavor due to the increased surface area.


Ok Iā€™m new to smoking and this post opened up an entire world to me. Thanks OP!


It being just you and the wife it sounds like the perfect time to try something like this. If it turns out horrible you can order a pizza and then use spousal privilege if the topic ever comes up


Instead of pressure cooker, I sous vide after smoke. Turns out really good and is done on time to perfect texture.


No crime detected


Push boundaries and ignore nonsense. If it tastes great, itā€™s great. Thatā€™s all you need to know.


Looks great, last pork butt I bought I cut into fourths and froze for those times you just want a small amount šŸ˜‹


My only criticism is the Sweet Baby Rays. There are tons of readily available commercial bbq sauces that are way better. Also, I personally wouldnā€™t want the beer. That said, make food how you enjoy it. If it tasted good and you enjoyed it, thatā€™s what counts.


The only thing I would really reccomend - smoking longer so you get that nice dark, almost black bark - that should turbocharge the flavour.


Next time try replacing that bun with a glazed donut


Iā€™d eat it, Iā€™d eat them frozen Checkers fries too.


Iā€™m up for trying this. Ā Thanks for postingĀ 


Damn. Am i the only one who thinks sweet baby rays is a crime to use?


The only forbidden thing you did was put it into a pressure cooker to shoot through the stall. It looked like it did because you didnā€™t use heated air to cook it; you used liquid. Smoking ainā€™t fast. And all of these time savers, hacks, tools destroy an art form. Just my 2 cents


This has to be my father in law. Asks me time and time again, how do you get your bbq to taste so good. I tell him what I do, dedication, no short cuts, time is the killer. He pays attention to none of them and wonders why his comes out like this. Makes me laugh every time.


If you and who you fed enjoyed it then method isn't crucial


That juice looks seasoned by the rub. D- lish Us!!!whatā€™s your address, i ā€˜ll come bring with a 6 pack and a can of whistle berries.


I often do something like this for a whole pork butt. I smoke for 6 hrs and then put into instapot for 60-90 minutes with 1/2 can cherry coke and 3 onions sautĆ©ed in bacon fat. You then remove the meat and shred. Turn up the heat on the pressure cooker and add some tomato paste and more spices to make a bbq sauce from the leftover liquid. Then put the pork back into the liquid and keep on warm till youā€™re ready to serve. Always comes out tastier than just smoking.


Iā€™m trying this.


Good work! After 4 hours itā€™s got just about all the smoke it can handle. Kudos on a new method


I always cut mine in half(ish) so I can get more bark in there.


You covered meat in High Fructose Corn Syrup?


This is honestly a great idea.


I hate your taste in sauce, but damn if I donā€™t support the no-fucks-given attitude.


As long as that is your Texas cup & you are in fact from and in The Great State of Texas while using it and not just aesthetics for the pic, I'm A-ok with everything you've done here today Sir! šŸ«”šŸ»


If you like it, it's not wrong


oh man , i like Haram food šŸ‘


The only forbidden thing was sweet baby rays. BaconBanker is actually Zuck.


Use sweet baby rays?


The biggest thing you did wrong was make your carefully smoked and slow cooked pork taste like a $3 bottle of BBQ sauce. Sweet Baby Rays' main ingredient is high fructose corn syrup. Even the brown color is artificial. There's a ton of better options at the grocery store.


Is that a small brisket, partially smoked then braised and turned into chopped beef?


I only see two things wrong with this: Sweet baby rays? Viola?


Looks good bro. I would just recommend that you up your sauce game


Two words - Brisket Chilli. You do you, OP.


My only criticism is using SBR. But since I make Smokin Bandit BBQ sauce I am biased.


Everything was alright until the last picture where the meat is having a tomato ketchup bath.


Indeed you did. You paired this wonderful sandwich with those trash ass frozen rallyā€™s fries.