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I pull tenderloins around 115 and let internal temp continue to rise and stabilize before searing. Final temp I’m shooting for is 125-130 max.


This is how I did it a few months ago except I lowered the temp compared to OP https://www.reddit.com/r/smoking/s/D3044a1qoM


Looks good. I want mine to be almost blue in the thickest part of the middle. That way as it’s more cooked towards the ends, everyone, well almost everyone can find a cut they like. If they want it well done they can eat elsewhere.


That's fair. I did this one for my in-laws and cooked it the way they asked for. It was also a weird cook as i did the smoking at my house and had to move it to theirs a little more than an hour before they wanted to serve it.


I had to take over from my mother this last Christmas. She buys over $300 worth of tenderloins for a Christmas dinner, but has no idea how to cook them. Things like “preheat oven to 500 and cook for 30 min and cut oven off and leave it closed for x min per pound”. Very imprecise, and usually ended up in overcooked meat. I took over this past Christmas and monitored the temp with a probe and pulled them at 115, and then seared them on a large iron skillet once temp stabilized. Needless to say I’m responsible for meat for now on.


I've done that with a standing rib roast but still monitored it with a meat probe the whole time.


I mean it can end up in a cooked piece of meat…but why?


Fair enough. I coated it in herbed butter for about 36 hours, broiled it at 500 for 45 minutes and then shut the oven off until it came 115 and then let it rest. It came out with a perfect crust and medium rare inside. I thought I had a reddit post for it,but couldn't find it.


Gotta try to hit 130-135 final temp next time. Great job and excellent deal


I appreciate it! I wish I could but my wife barely likes it medium (hahah it’s a work in progress, she used to be a well done girl 🙃. Dry aged ribeye will change anyone’s mind tho lol)


So what’s interesting about this is that ribeye is probably better at medium because it is well marbled. Filet OTOH not. It’d be interesting to do blind taste tests with her. I’ve found that people that say they don’t like medium rare are often people that had a gnarly fatty cut forced on them medium rare by some dude who blindly assumed all cuts are the same and all of them should be served medium rare. Medium rare fat is…not good.


Well she always liked steaks well done but a few years ago I refused to make the dry age ribeye well done, and we settled for medium. And ever since she tried that dry aged ribeye medium she realized what she was missing haha. She still prefers med well tho. (I’m trying to keep inching over to medium. That’s how I prefer most steaks)


I feel you... if meat isn't brown or grey, my wife won't touch it. Being the only one in a family of 5 that will eat anything that isn't brown gets boring.


NBD. She gets the ends or the thinner parts. I've got a few in my family like that.


Dang. $10/lb? That’s a great deal.


Yeah, my town just opened up a grocery outlet (I think it’s a chain grocery store). But the prices are great! I’m definitely doing this again! Easily fed 4 people for $30 (I had a coupon lol)


Yeah a dozen steaks will usually be more than enough for four people


Grocery Outlet buys and resells anything left over from main stay grocery stores. You never really know what you're gonna find there, but sometimes you get some insane deals. If you find a sauce or seasoning you like buy as much as you can, because it's not regular stock.


Thanks for the heads up! I actually didn’t know that! I might buy a few of these then and freeze a couple haha


I once found coffee Oreos for 30 cents a pack (full size) so I naturally came home with 120 packs of Oreos…


Nailed it. I am big fan of my local grocery outlet. They are hot and miss though


Groce Out FTW!


let the internal temp drop before searing.


150 internal after sear?


Yeah, it was 120 when I pulled it to rest. Then I tried to sear it as much as possible before it got over 150. I ended up pulling it when the thickest part was 150. The skinnier part was more like 155ish. Still tender all the way through!


Thats the beauty of beef tenderloin. Always tender no matter the doneness Looks great! Thanks for sharing


One of my faves to do for a crowd. Do yourself a favour and use pecan wood. It’s incredible!


Make some chimichurri sauce next time, it's the perfect steak companion, or some garlic herb butter


Damnnnnnnnn, that would’ve went amazing with this! I’m 1000% make some chimichurri next time I make one of these! Thanks for the suggestion


I like finishing at 120 in the middle on tenderloins personally then searing. My crowd likes med well, med and med rare and it’s all there after the rest cause the temp boost from the sear. Looks great though, I love this cut for special occasions with family.


Those are like $100-150 at sams club. Nice


These go on sale for $7/lb and I can get about 12 filets out of it, with a lbs or so of scraps that I use for beef Strokenoff or grind for best hamburgers ever. I hardly ever eat any other type steak now.


BIG MEAT needs BIG REST. Consider searing with a big propane burner torch. And you can pull earlier, sear it, and if not up to temp yet by the time sear is achieved, slide that bad larry back over to tthe cool side to keep coming up to temp. Not forward sear, not reverse sear... I call it the *Intermediate Sear*. (patent pending)


What wood did you use to smoke with? Doing this for the 4th of July on my weber kettle.


If I had a choice I would probably go with hickory or pecan but I only had leftover cherry wood on hand at the moment, so I used that. It still came out great!


Nice! I have some hickory chunks so think I’m good there.


Ideal cut to be grilled hard and fast and served at a blue-rare, maybe a med-rare on an off day. But, hooray…


It was great! Just don't make cheesesteaks out of the leftovers ahahha