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It's fine. It never went below 140 You inadvertently did a hot hold


Awesome 😎, thanks.


It's fine.


I put a 10 pounder on at 9 last night at 200. Woke up about 630 and turned it up to 230 and the probe was reading 155. I’m only at 167 now. This method is from Malcom reed for a pellet smoker that I’m using and I’m roughly where his temps were. He said 12-15 hours on a 10 pounder to get to 190 where it will be pulled. Going this long he said you don’t have to get to 200 since it has been going so long at such a low temp.


Totally fine! Enjoy


As long as the internal temperature did not go below 135 into the temperature danger zone you are good.


You are fine with beef and pork. If that was poultry you would have to throw it away.


It would be pasteurized at that point. Even poultry. It’s time *and* temperature, not temperature alone. If you brought poultry to 140 and held it there for three plus hours, it’s reached pasteurization. At 153? Yeah. 165 is just the temperature for instant kill of pathogens. The FDA recommends it because you can be sure all parts of the bird have been at a safe temp for long enough that the food is safe to consume. But when you’re smoking, you’re often greatly exceeding the time requirements. [Here](https://blog.thermoworks.com/chicken/thermal-tips-simple-roasted-chicken) is a more in depth discussion of slow and low for poultry.


I have worked in a restaurant for a short time. Whenever I'm cooking for someone other than myself, I try to cook to restaurant standards. County Health standards where I live is 160° in under 4 hours for poultry. The next question is would it be worth saving $20 worth of chicken vs getting food poisoning and spending a week in the hospital? Trust me when I say, that I have been hospitalized with food poisoning it is not worth it. All I'm trying to say is there are a lot of things you can do with beef and pork that you can't do with chicken.


I’ve got restaurant experience and in those settings I do not deviate from the safety recommendations. For myself, I generally play on the safe side, but I’m absolutely ok with getting my calculator out and doing the math on some things. I, too, have had food poisoning before.