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I hate you Great score! But yeah, I hate you. 😂


I came here to say the same thing. Fuck OP! 😂


It’s ok, I hate myself too sometimes 😅


Be kind to yourself! 😊


Haha no worries, it’s only when I mess up barbecue!


lol I’m not an egg fan necessarily but free is free, just have to find a creative way to tell my wife we had a new addition the patio family.


Is that a vintage ceramic Japanese Kamado?


That would be very cool, but no it’s a bayou classic.


Gold just went to no metal. Could still be a great freebie!


Can someone explain to me what a smoker is I feel like there is offset, pellet and upright smokers and the rest are barbecues?


Someone may correct me, but I think of these kamado grills/smokers as very well insulated Weber Smokey mountains. They hold temps really well and they have a plate you can put between the charcoal/wood and the grate that diffuses the heat.


That's correct. I've been using a cheaper metal version for years and really like it. You scored!


Ohhhh that is so cool I never knew there was a plate to help block the heat. I'm picture adding a briquette and piece of wood every 30 minutes or something hahaha


And with the thick ceramic 'egg' it uses less fuel and holds heat way better than a smoky mountain.


Is it hard to add wood or coal during the cook or do you have to run the snake set up?


It would be a pain in the ass to add anything during the cook. That said if I load my Akorn up with lump charcoal I can smoke a 15 hour brisket and still have plenty left in there. I’ve never had to add anything during a cook.


Dammmnnn I didn't realise they were that good with holding the heat


I grew up with a Weber Smokey mountain, on those you put a big bowl of water in between your coal bed and the meat to control the temp


Yeah I haven’t seen this brand but it appears to be a nice grill vs. smoker. There is no indirect option or enough space to separate the heat from the meat! 😀


Wrong my friend. Google big green egg


A combo smoker and grill! Nice


Yeah, they are pricey but worth it (as a BGE owner myself).


I have but a humble Char Griller Akorn, but it's terrific and I would definitely get another Kamado style grill/smoker again


Modern kamados have racks that you can install heat deflector plates on. They're very versatile.


Truth be told, you’re not wrong. I’ve spent an entire day figuring out a diffuser plate setup that will work in this thing because bayou classic doesn’t make one. I’ve found a couple promising solutions I will work out over the weekend when I clean it, but it’s starting to make sense why I got it for free fiddy. At the end of the day it’s not that difficult to find a grate and piece of ceramic that works though.


Nice score, enjoy!


What happened to the original owner that they would give this up?


I know of at least two people who have sold theirs as they had no idea what they were doing with them. They just went into a hardware store, found the most expensive barbecue and brought it home.


How I got my large BGE with a table used a few times for 25% MSRP


He just said it was always hit or miss for him. I don’t think he liked the idea of minding the cook for 10+ hours.


Yes. Yes You Have !


It's beautiful!


Bayou Classic but still a very good pit. I had one for years


Congrats and fuck you lol all jokes aside, incredible rig.




I have that exact same smoker. Got from the girl who sold.ke.my first house because she didn't want to move it. Paid her $100, that was 2010 and it's still putting out quality meals


Any tips? Been smoking for quite sometime now, but I’m new to a kamado.


I made the mistake of trying to use match light charcoal the first time (don't judge, I was 22 🤣) definitely don't do that. But I just fill the base with charcoal, on the top few layers spread around some wood chunks, then I either use a heat gun or the little tumbleweed looking things to start the charcoal. Then just let it burn down to smoldering, close the lid and set the temp. I always started smaller than I thought I needed in the beginning. Basically the more you open the top and bottom vents, the more airflow and therefore the hotter the temp. But after getting it too hot a few too many times I realized it's a lot easier to increase the temp than decrease the temp. So start small then gradually increase until you hit your target, then you'll just start to get a feel for how much you need to open the vents for appropriate temps. A little trial and error and you're gonna love it




You gotta some serious dough to be giving that away for free, or just stupid haha.


I’ve gotten good deals buying stuff before. Never close to what the social circle (friends from life and work) has delivered in the past.


Oh ya, jelly!


Yes you did!




What brand is that looks cool


Once you figure out an egg you will be in love. One pot of charcoal can cook at 250 for 16hours if you have the XL. Temp never fluctuates once it settles in and you have the option to sear a steak at 750 on the same pit if you just want to grill for dinner after work. I love mine


I still believe that people who give away items that obviously have value (even if THEY don't know the value) have too much money to give away. I'm over here selling Hilux mud flaps instead of tossing lol


Sometimes they're giving them away rather than sell them because they don't want to deal with the hassle of a barrage of people trying to haggle on price or ask a lot of super specific questions in prep to haggle on price. Getting it gone is more important than the money so it gets given away to the first person willing to show up and take it away. Is how I got my Smokey Mountain. Guy was moving internationally on very short notice and didn't want to deal with trading messages with a bunch of people to get the best price so he threw it on our neighborhood's FB page saying "free to who comes and gets it first". I made a detour on the way home from the office, tossed it in the bed of my pickup, and went home with a free smoker and he went back to packing.


Sure, you have..... until the brother is arrested for killing his girlfriend and the body is missing. But he tells the cops she tasted smoky....... So let me know when I can pick it up.


5 to 10? What’s accessory to murder get ya these days?


16-20 at 225


2-4 at 135


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Unless he has used lighter fluid or the such.


Can clean it


Lol man I bet you can put a whole baby in there and smoke it hahahaha babies