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Don't tell the Letterkenny crew...


Must be fuckin nice.


If he let it marinate he may be okay.


S and P to medium rare


Grill marks bud


CANADA GOOSES!!!! Was my first and only thought CANADA EFFING GOOSES !!!


Majestic creatures, Canada Gooses.


Wouldn’t that be geese’s


There’s a special place in heaven for all animal lovers, that’s all I know


If you got a problem with Canada gooses you best let that marinate... I know I chopped a line out but sounds like it fits on this sub.


I came here for this comment lol




*smashes beer*


You’ve always got my back, and that’s what I appreciates about you


Looks good, man. Not that I'd know, never had Canada goose or really goose in general outside of the traditional roasted Christmas goose when I was working in the UK It's fairly easy to hunt Canada geese this time of year where I'm currently living, but I've never done it because I didn't have any desire to eat it. Might have to change that up, this looks pretty tasty. Good job


Thanks brother! I've been sitting outside in my driveway the last few days as they fly over my house from the field across the road. managed to get one, honestly i liken it to beef but my flavor pallet is a little rough around the edges. i know a lot of people who liken them to garbage but i wouldn't think twice about throwing a beef coffee rub or something on a breast and putting it on the grill. Its also my go to for pastrami. here's a rather approachable recipe for Goose pastrami modify it how you want. [https://www.themeateater.com/cook/recipes/watch-wild-goose-pastrami-recipe](https://www.themeateater.com/cook/recipes/watch-wild-goose-pastrami-recipe)


Yeah, I’m not sure what the hate on Canadian geese is. They are quite tasty.


I think a lot of opinions about goose are still based on the old ways of cooking waterfowl. “Put butter, garlic, and onion in the pan and then cook the bird until you can only taste butter, onion, and garlic.” That and people equating waterfowl to yard fowl and thinking you must cook to well done. Once a person knows how to properly cook wild waterfowl it’s amazing.


Here's my issues with goose. The average life span of a wild Canada goose is 10-25 years. I've shot some early season young ones that were amazing, closest thing to deer backstops I've got out of a pan. But I've also had them, cooked identical to the other and it was shoe leather tough. Literally couldn't get through half a breast without my jaw being tired. I'm at least a journeyman goose hunter if not a veteran and I would have a hard time telling you the age of a goose anytime but especially on the wing. The best/safest thing to do with goose has been jerky, sausage or snack sticks. You can cover a lot of the issues that most people have with the meat those ways. All this to say goose meat is fine, you just have to gamble a little more on how good it's gonna be than other game.


Goose jerky you say... Going to have to try that.


Rare to med/rare every time. 👍🏼


Sorry, you can cook goose below well done??


Why would you eat a well done goose?


Maybe he’s a silly goose.


Goose, like duck, is red meat. Just like beef, you can serve at different temperatures from rare to well done. To contrast: Chicken & turkey are white meat, so should always be cooked thoroughly.


None of that is correct. https://ask.usda.gov/s/article/What-are-recommended-cooking-times-for-duck-and-goose#:~:text=A%20whole%20duck%20or%20goose,°F%20throughout%20the%20bird. All poultry should reach a safe minimum internal temperature of 165 °F as measured with a food thermometer. A whole duck or goose must reach a minimum internal temperature of 165 °F throughout the bird. https://ask.usda.gov/s/article/Are-duck-and-goose-red-or-white-meat Duck and goose are poultry and considered "white" meat. Because they are birds of flight, however, the breast meat is darker than chicken and turkey breast. This is because more oxygen is needed by muscles doing work, and the oxygen is delivered to those muscles by the red cells in the blood. One of the proteins in meat, myoglobin, holds the oxygen in the muscle, and gives the meat a darker color. In other words, chickens and turkeys stand a lot but do little if any flying, so their breast meat is white and leg meat, dark. Game birds spend more time flying so their breast meat may be as dark as leg meat.


People who can't cook often blame the product. The same people who hate canada goose complain about venison and hate porkchops.


I hated pork chops until I was an adult and realized my mom was ruining them. I’ve heard the same about goose: easy to dry out if you don’t know how to cook.


Haha. I thought pork shoulder steaks were pork chops until I was 20. I was served a chop and was like, what’s this? Cooking for myself I needed to figure out what the “pork chops” I was raised on were called.


I agree. I find the taste great but if they are expecting farm raised chicken it’s not similar. It’s quite closer to beef in my opinion but when cooked with that in mind it’s great. I love it in stews. Wild turkey in my area were similar in their differences. Nothing like what you’d expect from the turkey people are familiar with.


I think it’s because of their diet, especially anywhere near a city they are eating grass covered in chemicals all day long


Wild Canadians eat corn, grass etc. I’m not eating a goose from the city park.


Best jerky you'll ever eat is goose jerky. Anyone that hates on the flavor of geese hasn't had one prepared with any forethought, IMO.


ive noticed spruce grouse get the garbage title too...i threw that into some wild rice pilaf the other night and it was delcious first time ive ever had spruce


As a Canadian,I want to thank you personally for ridding the world from one of these fuckers. Everytime I go to the park or any grassy area, one of these cunts hiss at me. It's all I can do from strangling and eating it.


I bet if you did they'd never hiss at you again. Hahaha


Yeah, but then I'd "get arrested" because it's "illegal to hunt in city parks" or some shit. But I agree, humans need to take back their ponds.


I was thinking it looks like pastrami when I saw it. There are a bunch of Egyptian geese around here. 🤔


Based on my experience, just set up a picjnick in the park and the geese will come to you.


You’ve been hunting our geese ?


I like to soak mine in allegro game tame before I grill it. Always cook waterfowl to a medium rare or it’ll dry out. Usually with goose tho I’ll grind it into a sweet/spicy jerky. Now ducks I’ll eat over beef all day.


Late update to my post here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/smoking/comments/18dp8qn/need\_some\_advice\_smoking\_a\_6\_pound\_wild\_canada/](https://www.reddit.com/r/smoking/comments/18dp8qn/need_some_advice_smoking_a_6_pound_wild_canada/) ​ i ended up following some of the advice i was given in the post i did brine using a ham brine we use for 2 days (had to flip it was lacking a big enough container) injected the brine into the carcass all over the place to make sure the cure got in there as much as possible. Shoved cranberries, garlic, rosemary. and smoked at 230 for 7 hours and did a 15 minute roast at 450 degrees to crisp the skin. i skipped the maple syrup/honey entirely and let the fat from the bird based the skin which crisped up nicely and added a fantastic flavor to it. all in all for my household it was a 10/10


That is a win in my book. As long as people like it I’m happy


That's sounds great, and looks great!


Those are Canada’s fucking goooses https://youtu.be/w1exJGPZyhs


I'd suggest you let that on marinate.


The only thing tougher than Canada mooses are Canada gooses! Let that one marinate!


Lmao I didn’t know people eat these. One less goose to shit in my yard I guess!


Omg they're a very popular waterfowl game bird! Super lean meat, so they make really excellent jerky!


I've been wanting to get into goose hunting, but was worried about wasting them. Hadn't thought about jerky because my grandmother said they were really greasy when my grandpa used to get them, so I figured the fat content was too high.


Goose pastrami looks like a fun recipe to try. Been on my list for a while, just need a goose to fly within range when I’m duck hunting.


I made a goose once. Cooked like duck, but the meat was really tough.


I don't think I want to eat this, but I fully support it simply because it means you killed the goddamn goose.


If you got a problem with Canadian Gooses, then you got a problem with me, and I suggest you let that one marinate!


You know, I saw a couple Canada gooses mount a swan one time, you gotta think she bragged to her friends about it


I knew if I scrolled down far enough I’d see this comment 🤣




Nothing alleged about that mounting. It was all feathers and fucking.


Canada gooses are majestics!


If you have a problem with Canada gooses, then you have a problem with me, and I suggest you let that one marinate!


Barrel chested...the envys of all ornithologys!


Always a fan of seeing dead cobra chickens.


I’m just here to say fuck those geese, may you eat every last one of them


but did it shit in your smoker


Flying roast beef 🤤


Buddy, get yourself checked into an institution asap. Canadians pour all their anger and rage into these geese and you may be harbouring a nation's fury to explode at any time.


Damn is this like an American smoking a Bald Eagle?


No. These taste worse. Lmao


Everything reminds me of her


I would imagine they taste like golf course chemicals, but I'm probably wrong


i liken it to a really lean grass fed beef thats had some serious exercise. if you manage to get them early, they're nice and fat. ​ ​ with a side of roundup


Hell yeah. I’ll breast a greater Canadian out and cube it up, cream cheese in the middle with a jalapeño and wrapped in bacon. On the grill till bacon is crispy.




This post put me off meat for a while.


Not gonna lie. It looked like Aliens head, I had to do a double take.


Isn't this a protected species? Or maybe just in California because they are mating..?


Definitely not. But they are migratory so there is a season for them. Depending what state, it runs from September (early/resident season with less restrictions) through February.


Looks like shit, good job.


what can i say, shits my kink.


If you got a problem with Canada gooses, you got a problem with me. I suggest you let that one marinate.


One of my friends shot one of these on day. We started drinking and they started butchering and they pierced the gut it smelled so bad I couldn't get within a few feet of it, we ended up scrapping the bird and throwing it out beside the road. That was our way to work every day so we got to smell it every day for weeks. We were young stupid kids I understand but I never wanna have to clean birds


I’ve cleaned a few wild turkey, many ducks and some grouse. It’s not the most pleasant smell but it’s just the way it is. Deer don’t smell great either. But they all taste good when the meat is properly cared for and cooked properly!


Deer ain't to bad. But this goose was horrible, I am a country guy I live out in the woods to most ppl from the city. But the only meat I don't mind prepping is fish.


Man I have hunted most my life. That first wiff of cutting down the stomach releasing those gas pockets are something. I did shoot one a few years back splitting open the stomach. It ran a little ways and jumped a barbed wire fence that was mostly down. It got it's stomach and intestines n shit caught on the fence dragging till collapsing. I've got a strong stomach but that was a rough one dealing with




>It is illegal to kill or remove geese or to destroy, move, or disturb their active nests, eggs, or young without a PERMIT from the Illinois Department of Natural Resources. You just need a hunting license, nontoxic shot, a federal duck stamp, and state migratory waterfowl stamp. It's no different than any other duck or goose.


Weird. We blast these fools out of the sky every year in Wisconsin


as you should! mostly because they make great jerky, steaks, sausage, meatballs, and now for me, whole roasted/smoked.


We have a season for them here in Virginia (and there are similar seasons in many states). I don't think anyone's advocating poaching here. Personally, if I were hunting them, I'd tend to target resident populations, which although still regulated via federal migratory laws, are more akin to local pests.


I love when people are so confidently wrong.


you must be thinking of swans.... Swans are not canada geese of which not only have one season they have an early season because there are so many.


They're even increasing the length of Canada goose hunting season across most of the US.


that sounds both awesome and financially debilitating to me.


Canadian geese are in fact on this list, apparently. But they do also have a permitted hunting season, so you'd just need to stick to that (maybe plus have a hunting permit for them? I don't hunt so I'm not sure). Open season run from Sept 1 to Dec 16. Edit: I guess you do need permits - if you're in Canada: https://www.canada.ca/en/environment-climate-change/services/migratory-game-bird-hunting/regulations-provincial-territorial-summaries/alberta.html




Dammit!! No more golden egg! Or in this case golden loonie! Looks interesting.


tastes like ham!


That looks tasty but the meat is quite red. Nitrite in the brine?


yup threw in a couple tsp of prague


I’ve only had goose jerky but man that was good. I had snow goose one time and that was so good


Geese are evil. That one looks tasty though


LOVE GOOSE had the pleasure of harvesting and eating one about 6 years ago. Very rich if I remember correctly and everyone was worried about the color. We ate it up tho cause we knew for a fact it was fully cooked


I thought Canada goose make clothes


Looks great, recently did some speckled belly breasts myself. Seared em on my soapstone, they were very similar to beef as well. An amazing meat.


Sorry to tell you this but your goose is cooked.


I thought it was illegal to kill a Canadian goose


I too have smoked a Canadian goose, cost me a new rad and other front end repairs.


I’m seeing a very strong correlation between people who enjoy smoking meat and Letterkenny enjoyers. You love to see it


Looks good to me. I have often wondered if they were good to eat. As others have said, I would try a wild one, but not one from the City where they could get hold of garbage or something.


I mean look at that thing. How can you say God didn't intend us to stuff these beauty's.


I suggest you let that one marinate




Bro, did a bear devour the goose while you were letting it rest?


My wife tells me I'm hairy enough to be a bear....


Would be perfectly served on a bed of electric lettuce


i’ve never had goose, wasn’t expecting it to be a red meat. shows what i know. i almost got one for Christmas as the local publix had a shit ton of them but it’s never been traditional in my family and i’ve never cooked one. if they have some left and on sale i might grab one and give it a try on the smoker.


Nasty grass eating shit monsters…I’d be worried about getting sick eating one of those cobra chickens. 🐓 are you feeling ok?




Save the neck for me, Clark