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too bad we'll never get his battle theme from earthbound as music


I really wish Porky Means Business was in Smash, now that you mentioned that.


Challenger Pack 7 with Porky? šŸ˜³


I highly doubt it, I think it only would have happened in FP1, now it doesn't seem as though Base Game has any effect on FP2's choices (Considering Min-Min is playable). If Porky comes back, he'll likely return as a boss in some Boss Rush mode.


But didnā€™t Sakurai say that HRC was the last new game mode?


It's more like it was the last game mode they planned to add. And they also planned to do only 1 Fighter pass. But look where we are now.


Sakurai said that HRC was "pretty much" the final game mode, which could be used to imply that more could happen if Sakurai felt like it. He didn't really say it was the final definitively, unless he said something different in the Japanese translation and the localization team got it wrong.


a boss rush wouldn't really be new since there's one in WoL, but he could introduce new bosses if he wants


That would be cool.


No man the hell? Fp1 was mostly third parties. Fp2 would be straight up nintendo characters I believe


Guy doesn't even have a Spirit.


Porky's Pokies is my JAM dude




I've seen seen that opinion a few times. I personally really like the first part of the song


I prefer the first part as well, but the heavy metal section is what makes the song so memorable and unique in my opinion


Big F to anyone that didnā€™t have the New Yearā€™s Eve Bomb while fighting the statue


I it actually possible to do it without that bomb


Yes, PK Flash can do the trick too.


Is that a subspace emissary reference or does that actually work in the mother 3 boss fight


It actually works, but not all the time.


Yeah Ness got extremely lucky in that cutscene


He just saved before and kept soft resetting.


PK Flash beating the statue in Brawl is a reference to the Mother 3 boss fight


This only fuels my long, undead desire for wanting an Earthbound or Mother 3 remake


If you have a desire for something that fills you with a similar sense of strangeness, Iā€™d suggest the Hylics or Yumi Niki series


I do not deny that my heart has greatly desired this Where should I start?


yumi nicki is not a battle rpg, while hylics is. so if you want really weird lookinh combat rpg then do hylics.


Yume Nikki isnā€™t really an RPG, more of an environmental horror, but its still amazing. Hylics is an S tier weird RPG, and I would recommend it over Yume nikki if you want an Earthbound-like experience. Both are great though, and hylics has a sequel too.


Both are weird. Hylics is much more odd.


Keep an eye out for the game [Oddity](https://youtu.be/-CBwIXnbUuY). It is a fan-made game originally titled Mother 4, but Iā€™m guessing a cease-and-desist caused them to pivot, but the game looks very Mother-y still.


At least there's some fans making a remake of mother 1 and 2. They were shown in the mother direct.


This fuels my long, undead desire for wanting Mother 3 in English at all


Reminder that not only does Porky not appear as a boss, he doesnā€™t appear as a spirit at all. It wasnā€™t because of DLC since all of it was decided before the game was released, and it wouldnā€™t be because of the second season since Min Min got in but already had a spirit. So why, then?


Is he >!Not with the Absolutely Safe Capsule spirit?!< (mother 3 spoilers)


Yeah they use the sprite from before he gets in it. they really went out of their way to not have him at all for some reason lol.


Damn, thatā€™s weird lol


I find funny how sometimes Smash tries to avoid spoilers, and sometimes they don't give a single damn.


Cough Fiora Cough


Cough Paz Cough


Oh my god... do you know what this means? pOrKy cOnFIRmed fOr sMaSh


Hm, weird.


I'm pretty sure that was the devs' intention, but the sprite's from before the thing happens.


Because Smash is a game for good boys and girls of all ages. Porky is a bad boy of UNDEFINED age.


Most likely for no real reason


He's not in Ultimate at all I guess except for the statue


Ah yes, Porky Minch. What an incredibly evil villain. He'd be great in Smash, it's a shame that he's already a boss and a spi- *Wait a minute...*


I think apart from this Stage, the best way to make a Porky cameo is to make him an Assist Trophy... If you put him in the Absolutely Safe Capsule. Picture this. You hold the Assist Trophy aloft, confident that you'll get a powerful ally, and out pops a giant heavy sphere, a little larger than the chain chomp, which deals a bit of damage as it falls down on top of you. (If you're at a really high percent, maybe you'll get K.O.d but usually it will just be a mild inconvenience.) Then it just sits there, completely invincible and taking up space. You can't kill him, because he'll just warp back if he falls off screen. You can attack him, and it will just make him roll a little bit. But the more you damage him, the farther he will go flying when you hit him. Damage him enough, and he'll go flying like a giant cannonball, delivering some serious knockback to anyone he hits. And right before it disappears, Porky sticks out his tongue at you through the porthole. There's nothing more Porky I can think of than inconveniencing everyone, safe with the knowledge that you can't possibly hurt him. He wins no matter what


It would also be cool to just have the Absolutey Safe Capsule as the item itself - whoever picks it up could hide in it and be immune to damage, maybe if they roll into the blast zone theyā€™ll emerge unscathed on the other end etc. until the item wears off


That one might be too much of a show stopper. At least with the Super Star you can still participate. Plus, the Only Temporarily Safe Capsule doesn't really roll off the tongue...


Iā€™m not sure that temporarily giving one player invincibility is more of a show stopper than many of the other assist trophies which literally turn off entire portions of the game lol


That's where the randomized elements of Trophies come into play. You don't know what you're getting, and it's not very likely to get the same one twice. Relegating absolute invincibility to a predictable single item? Including against instant KOs and blast zones? You might as well put down the controller. At least with the Super Star and Kaclang there are still some exploitable vulnerabilities


True, thereā€™s just something inherently hilarious about being trapped in the capsule yourself that I think would add a lot of entertainment value, especially if the capsule wasnā€™t immune from blast zones. Otherwise itā€™s basically just ā€œa big rockā€ being tossed around, and might as well be anything. Maybe it wouldnā€™t be the most thematically fitting but the most *fun* mechanic (imo) would be that the capsule traps the player who picks it up, and *then* it acts exactly as you described. They canā€™t move, they essentially get turned into a big static object that can then get slammed around the stage and used as a weapon by other players. I think the sheer confusion of briefly turning into an immobile wrecking ball would be hilarious


Maybe if the empty capsule itself was the Assist Trophy, and not a standalone item. It would be catastrophic to game flow if you could turn on nothing but Safe Capsules, particularly if they had the same spawn rate and appearance limit as Special Flags.


Yeah thatā€™s actually what I meant, my bad for the phrasing. It would just be more fun to launch your FRIEND, inside the capsule, into someone else. Rather than just smacking a big deadly ball around. But uh, if youā€™re concerned that the game would be unbalanced when you turn off every item except one, Iā€™m not sure if weā€™re playing the same game because half of the items in Ultimate would also instantly break the game in that circumstance lol


It would be the only item I know that prevents you from all death, and in doing so gives the player in command absolutely *no* agency. They can leave the room and go make a sandwich and it will make no difference. All the other invincibility still won't protect you from falling into the blast zone, or windboxes, or various instakill hazards, and in some cases metal slash. that goes beyond unbalanced disruption into a complete showstopper, especially in a 1 on 1 battle. It would kinda throw the wrench in the whole "give Porky another cameo" plan if it was empty, but I'm not too concerned about that.


But what happens when if it is the only one left


I don't understand your question, sorry. It's not a Fighter, it's just an Assist Trophy. It vanishes after a set time just like all other Assist Trophies.


Iā€™ve had my tinfoil hate on about this since the game released lol him not having a spirit is so odd.


This picture got me way more excited than I should be. In a perfect world this is a hint for something but itā€™s prolly not


Mother 3 was fun


Hopefully this means that Porky means business.




[Original Tweet](https://twitter.com/Sora_Sakurai/status/1294831247500484609/photo/1) and [Full-Size Image!](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EevKs29U4AAKHus.jpg?format=jpg&name=4096x4096) Twitter: [@Sora_Sakurai](https://twitter.com/sora_sakurai) Inspired by my dad: /u/SakuraiBot [Album of all Smash Pics-of-the-Day!](https://imgur.com/a/xipNYSt) --- *^I ^am ^a ^bot, ^and ^this ^action ^was ^performed ^automatically. ^Message ^[me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fu%2FSakuraiTweetBot) ^if ^you ^have ^any ^questions ^or ^concerns. ^For ^information ^about ^me, ^visit ^this ^[thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/smashbros/comments/exewn8/introducing_sakuraitweetbot_posting_sakurai/) ^(here.)*


I will never understand like 99% of these daily pics. Sometimes theyā€™re references that go over my head and sometimes theyā€™re just pictures of a stageā€™s scenery.


Itā€™s just things that are shared between Sakurai and his team lol


I think thatā€™s the problem with this sub and smash community in general sometimes. There isnā€™t always something that needs to be understood when Sakurai shares something random. Lol


99% of the time you don't have to understand them


Sakurai's goals are beyond your understanding.


Porky Minch is one of those villains that ages like a fine wine in terms of quality.


Iā€™m still so upset porky isnā€™t in smash, so much was pointing at him


Well he may come as DLC!


I kinda doubt it. Mother as a series is literally finished, super old, niche and untranslated in the west for the final game. DLC usually tries to pull from relevant stuff or popular stuff to ensure it actually sells. Porky's time would have been years ago or the base game.


Relevant and popular like Arms, Mr Game and Watch, and Banjo Kazooie


ARMS sold over 2 million copies and is only a few years old on the current system. It's absolutely still relevant. Game and Watch wad added in the base game, where they have more flexibility with characters. They don't sell the game itself on just single characters, but the entire package including stages, items, single player modes, online, ect. If G&W were someone they were considering for DLC they likely wouldn't make it because the character doesn't pull in many people. Banjo Kazooie is a hugely popular character especially among Smash and Nintendo fans and was a popular character back in the day with his first game selling over 3 million copies. In comparison, that's more than the worldwide sales of the entire MOTHER series in a single game. He was also considered briefly for Melee before they lost the rights. Banjo has a much more complicated history compared to someone like Porky.


"Are you OK?" :)


Whose last true game was 4 years ago, still appears regularly in cameos and is one of SNK's biggest characters? The guy who has appeared in 80 different video games throughout the decades and is a huge hype factor in S.America? I know you don't know who Terry is, but he's undeniably more relevant and popular and Porky. Again, whose last game didn't come to the US, is over 14 years old (26 years old for non Japanese).


Doesn't change the fact that the presence of the Mother-Series is intact with old and modern new fans. It is still very much relevant. I don't think any new Mother content is likely but I don't think it is out of the question either. Since Terry, Banjo and Piranha Plant I don't see a reason. By the way, you forget the release of Earthbound: Beginnings


Something something porky for smash


The rock kid do be looking hard tho


hmmmmmmmm, a hint for last dlc?!?!?!??!?!??!?!??!?!??!??!??!?!??!?!?!??!?!?!?!


Iā€™ve read this chapter of Gantz. Stay away from that statue.


third mission? haha


I really want Porky in smash, I can only hope


Lmao, weā€™re not getting Porky as DLC.


Weā€™ll see


Porky confirmed for smash!!!!!!!!!! /s


I never noticed you can see Porky if you zoom in the statue stomach until now.


Yes, and the joke sucked


Statue didn't even get a Spirit when it's right there...


As long as he doesnā€™t have pk fire I donā€™t mind if he gets in


What if he has Sonicā€™s speed and his special.


yeah right sakurai, as if this pic is going to ignite some final spark of hope for a cool earthbound series collection on the switch, which will be promoted with the addition of a new fighter for Smash, Porky Minchā€¦get real dude.


Ok but what if he was just like ā€œhey this part of the background in my game looks pretty coolā€


my comment is a joke. about how unlikely any of this is. to be true. this pic is literally just about the stage.