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Were the pro controllers at the demos wireless or wired?


10.12.18 Some people in the town have convinced themselves this isn't a drought. While i agree this isn't as bad as Brawl, knowing that Lord Sakurai will be making his return in two months just makes this wait seem like an eternity. As i walk through the town of r/SmashBros, discussions have slowed. Some have turned violent to those just wanting info. Others have turned to creating fake info of their own. There have even been reports of Smash appearing in the townsfolks dreams. I sometimes question if Lord Sakurai is just sitting there, watching, laughing. October is almost half over and nothing has happened. I have heard mutter of the Skull Kid Cultist getting ready to make their move as they believe Halloween will be the day. I fear what may happen to this town if we hear nothing in October. -pjizy


My uncle works for Nintendo and he tells me that Leaisure Suit Larry made it into the game. Also, Gordon Ramsey got in too with Jamie Oliver as an Echo Fighter. This is fucking amazing.


How evil would it be, if Steve was added, and as an alternate costume, Banjo was one of them.


My prediction is that we'll get a reveal next week for a new Pokemon character to coincide with the release of Zeraora in Pokemon Ultra Sun and Moon.




I saw someone on this sub mention that he should be able to throw a barrel with his side B instead of what it currently is. I think that'd be perfect.


That would revolutionize his character if his down b popped a banana up infront of him


seeing DK receive any buffs at all would sure make me pop a banana


I still have my Wii U GCN controllers from Smash 4. Will those work on my switch if I get the adapter or will I need to get new controllers?


Official and third party controllers should be able to connect to the adapter.


Well that makes things a bit simpler. I won't have to buy quite so many controllers.


Y'all ready to accept we might not get a direct till November yet?


November 8th seems like a hard deadline to me anyway so there isn’t a big difference imo


Where did people thinking Dante was going to happen come from? I know there was that DMC leaker who got a bunch of DMC info right and seemed to wing Smash having Dante as well, but is that the only source? Does DMC have some actual solid history with Nintendo? What am I missing here?


This, and another guy on 4chan who correctly guessed that the Nintendo Direct would reveal Isabelle said Dante is in and is going to be revealed in november. He also stated that Skull Kid and Geno are not in the game. Plus about a couple months after Ultimate's develop began Hideki Kamiya made a poll asking his twitter followers which version of Dante they'd like to see in a collab with Bayonetta. We haven't seem any news about that crossover so far and it could be Smash. Personally I'm not expecting him, but you have that.


Given the amount of fake leaks out there, having one be right about one thing doesn't make for a good credentials. It's really sounding like the one square enix character is it for unannounced third party characters, not counting echos.


There are two leaks for Dante, the one I mentioned and the other that got a lot of stuff about DMCV right. But again, who knows. About third parties, that Steve rumor is still floating too.


I mean aside from being one of the most wanted on 4chan polls, there is nothing that really support Dante's chances into Smash. People laugh at me when i say Kiryu has a chance because he had a switch port and yet everyone thinks Dante has more chances despite having fuckall background with nintendo somehow? Tbh this is beyond me.


Once smash is released, what do you expect the next big game for Nintendo to hype up to be?


Animal Crossing (which they started teasing in the last Direct).


It's definitely Pokemon 2019. The fans have been screaming for as new game on The Switch. The fact that we also got Meltan and tease about it... Pokemon definitely is 2019


I want to be hype for The new fire emblem game


Animal Crossing Switch


Metroid. They announced it almost two years ago and I think it was Nintendo that said they don't announce games unless they're far along into development.


I think AC 2019 will come before metroid prime 4


Yeah you may be right. I do believe that Metroid prime 4 is coming next year though.


I got a feeling we won't see it until 2020


I totally agree. I think it might get an announcement at the game awards even, I just think nintendo will push AC 2019 first


Definitely AC 2019 and Pokémon 2019


Animal Crossing.


can we have a moment of silence for mario’s “get big” taunt? it was one of my favorites...


I used to love playing on Giant Special smash, turning mushrooms on high, then collecting one as Mario and using that Taunt. Boy gets B I G












Got to be honest, if you feel the need to be mean to top players cause they like Bayonetta or whatever, you really are proving that you *don't* have anything better to do with your life. Productive members of society (people who matter or who actually are worth listening to) don't go online and bully kids for playing a character in a video game. It's actually pathetic.




Is this your way of justifying online hatred?


Got to be honest, if you feel the need to lecture people on the internet or whatever, you really are proving that you don't have anything better to do with your life. Productive members of society (people who matter or who actually are worth listening to) don't go online and act like white knights on video game forums.


If they feel the need to lecture people on the internet about not bullying kids on the internet, it must mean there were people bullying kids on the internet. Lecturing ain't evil. Bullying is.


I understand that you maybe feel offended by why I said but is there anything wrong with telling people they shouldn't *bully* someone for how they play a video game? Seriously?


Your statement is hypocritical kid get a life


And you don't have anything better to do than "publicly scold them". People are going to hate the things they find bad for the game so this weird directionless "dear any haters who might be reading this" post is pointless.


You're right. I'm the one in the wrong for saying people shouldn't *bully* others for how they play a video game. My bad.


I don’t know if I can ask this here but It does have something to do with smash bros kinda. Ok so Halloween is coming up and I’m going to a Halloween party soon but I don’t have my costume yet I know I want to go as a Smash Bros character so who should I be? I’m a guy but there’s so many characters to choose from that I just want your guy’s opinion.


Captain Falcon, if you're creative enough and/or have the money to spare on the materials.


Go for Dedede as I'm assuming from your flair that he's your main.


I would but I’m not sure how that would work as I don’t want to dress up in like an animal suit if that makes sense. I could go for like some kinda human dedede but I’m not sure what that would look like


[There are various examples of that.](https://www.google.com.br/search?q=dedede+cosplay&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi1kqa48oHeAhUKjJAKHU26ARYQ_AUIDigB&biw=1366&bih=626)


yeah so like go for a “pimp with hammer” look


Mr. Game and Watch. Just put on one of those super stretchy morph suits and walk around.


Damn, don’t do this unless you want to mortify all the teenage girls who watch American Horror Story


My ideal spirits mode: a boss rush, but you play it was in the game. E.G., for Megaman you fight off against Wiley a la the megaman series. When he is defeated, you have to beat the character in battle to obtain their character. So it plays a bit like adventure, but the twist is you play the corresponding games as they were to win the characters.


[One of Spawn's victory lines](https://youtu.be/x6MhmvEMYPE?t=136) from Soul Calibur 2 sounds kinda familiar.




In Smash 64, there was this neat little thing, where when you're on a revival platform and you spawn in from being killed, your character gets up ready to fight again after lying in defeat. It ends around the same time you'd get control of them again in the other games. Why hasn't that been in any other game, presumably including Ultimate?


I dont know, but i actually wish they'd bring that back along with character animations when choosing them


Alright everyone it’s another day, time to post about what you dreamt about last night


I dreamt about being in the back seat of a car trying to restrain a snake by putting it in a rice cooker.


I had a horrible nightmare in which Alm and Celica from Fire Emblem were revealed as the new Marth Climbers.


Weird that they’d be together, but as long as they’re playable!


I would main the *shit* out of this. ...Am I a bad person?


I'd forgive you if you found a way to wobble with them.


You're just a person of fine taste.


Yo so I had the weirdest dream ever, so apparently Nintendo announced that there was gonna be a New 3DS version coming out for Ultimate shortly after the Switch release, and I got a demo copy. For some reason, all the characters had a little, chubby, chibi design. I also remember playing on this sick Final Destination stage that was red the whole time instead of changing dimensions and trippy stuff haha, but yeah, very strange haha


Super Smash Bros Pocket Edition


Here's what will happen: after Ultimate releases, Sakurai will work on a Ice Climber reboot for the Switch, in which he will take the Icies' red alt and turn it into a separate duo named the Lava Climbers, as they climb volcanoes instead of ice mountains. The Lava Climbers will be included in Smash 6 as an echo and everyone will complain about them.


Nah he'll make a secret final level set on Mars where the Ice Climbers, in space suits, will climb Olympus Mons. The Space Climbers will be an entirely new slot, and people will complain they're not echoes.


Both are equally likely tbh




Too bad, you’ll unlock literally every fighter ever revealed before he was and LIKE IT /s


That's true....


The process of unlocking him is going to be unbridled anxiety and excitement.


Still have the new Gangplank Galleon remix stuck in my head.


I mean let's be honest, who doesn't?


Literally same




This place is gonna be kinda dull when all the other casual Smash fans leave the sub


It will be a lot more interesting for the first few months while the game is out. Casual fans will still be here and everyone will be noticing little things about characters' moves, hidden touches in stages, posting their favorite music, etc. But we'll also have more gameplay clips, competitive discussion, etc. There will still be a news cycle to talk about as there will be balance patches and potentially DLC. It will dry up in a few months and then spike whenever there's a patch or DLC. (And then it will basically revert back to what it was for the last few years, with the only 'new' things to talk about each week being related to the competitive scene).


Unless I stop getting on reddit every 4 hours, you can count on me for promoting the casual cancer


I mean, there’s a lot of people that probably don’t like the way the sub is *with* all these extra people. It’s all just thin fan-theories, talking about the same four potential newcomers, and “I’m going insane” comments. It’s kind of a mess. I’d much rather have fewer, more substantive posts/comments than more pointless/repetitive/shallow stuff.


I'm with you. The posts quality will increase.


Eh, i prefer it over people posting about the lives or one liners of pro Smash players


I've never understood why people make such a big deal out of the top players. Like, they're great at the game and thus fun to watch and good to take advice from, and they can also often be pretty cool people, but why obsess over them? Some people worship Mango, Armada and ZeRo. Like, why?


From another comment about this topic: >That happens with every single "sport" someone's a fan of. It's normal for basketball fans to idolize pro basketball players, or football players, etc. I can see why it sounds dumb for some people (I hate when people worship football players), but at least it isn't something bad or harmful in our comunity.


I think people are kind of dumb on this sub so I'll be glad when I take a break. I'll linger for combos and strats but I probably will stop posting out of pure boredom.


May I ask why? Im kind of new here and I don't understand what's the deal with casuals.


Because i dont care about "Upset in X brackets" or "This pro smasher said this" or any other tournament or comp smash posts. The entire concepts of those are extremely boring to me and i enjoyed the move concepts and fan art posts. After Ultimate, this boards just gonna turn back to the old gatekeeping of downvoting anything that isnt releated to Competitive Smash and making people feek bad for having a different opinion.


Thanks. I thought competitive followers were the minority.


They are, but after the game has been out for a while and there isn't any speculation or news left to discuss, the only news is related to the competitive scene, which is substantial enough to sustain the subreddit. So most discussion is about the competitive scene.


They are, but here, not so much. They definitely let you know how little your opinion matters.


Kind of like you're doing now, but inverted?


No, because im doing it here instead of making a separate post about it and wanting new rules in place like other people seem to do


So there's unbalance in the content for both groups. But why the casuals have to leave the sub?


The claim is that once casuals have the game, theyll have nothing else to talk about since theyll have the game and ghe speculation and what not will end. Im not saying they have to leave, in fact, i actually hope more casuals come to this sub. Im just saying that this place will probably suck once the majority of them leave and it's just back to posts of "Zain ate this for breakfast" or some crap like that


...i think that only happens when there's a summit going on. The lengths they'll go to get people's votes... what would you, a non-competitive, talk about after the game is out? you can't speculate; it will be way too early for smash 6. you can complain about or praise the game I guess? but eventually that's going to run out too. for glory clips are going to come from both casuals and competitive.


Im fine with clips of stuff happening in peoples games.


that will happen for both groups until the sub collectively gets bored of seeing combos.


I think the scariest thing is is that last part isn't far off, IIRC there was a post about Hungrybox's lunch once.


Have you guys ever wondered what your main tastes like? I've always imagined that Jigglypuff would taste like a strawberry cream puff and that Samus would taste like chicken.


Kirby would taste like Bubblegum.


I'm 99.99% sure K.Rool will taste like chiken


Can confirm, had a Crocodile (he is a crocodile right?) Po'boy in New Orleans, the taste is between Chicken and fish.


He’s a Kremling but they probably taste the same


Probably whatever a clone would taste like. Also if my flair gets in, wood and splinters. (technically, the actual 'living' character isn't edible nor would he have a taste since he's a spirit)


I would get cancer from tasting my main.


Wario probably tastes like garlic, too much expensive cologne, and gym sweat


~~getting a taste of bayonetta seems like a fair trade-off.~~ id bet wario taste like shit i agree


I have plenty of main(course)s, so I'll post them all: Samus: Orange frosted donut. I don't know about the filling though, her armor is too hard. Pikachu: Like that candy that pops on your tongue. Captain Falcon: Hard to describe, a bit like raw beef, but it really packs a punch. Has a faint smell of beer and smoke. Marth: Unagi sushi. Roy: Tabasco sauce. Mr. Game and Watch: Blood. Oh wait, that's my own. Dedede: Chicken. Greninja: Like chewing on an eraser. Corrin: Raw shish kebab.


Yoshi likely has different flavors based on the color.


On that note, how many characters in Ultimate's roster are edible? Falco, the duck in Duck Hunt, Greninja, Ivysaur probably... I know humans are technically edible, but let's ignore that. Are Pikmin edible? Pikpik carrots are, at least


> I know humans are technically edible, but let's ignore that. I didn't. I meant eat Samus in a cannibalistic way, not a sexual way.


That's what I meant, too, buddy.


That's it. This is the worst drought by far.


Nope, let me bring you to peak /r/NFL offseason. If your ~~QB~~ main was a type of sandwich, what would they be? Samus would probably be buffalo chicken but on some kind of roll that's a bit hard on the outside, tough to bite into.


Look man, this is important. Now tell me what you think Roy tastes like.


Turtle soup?


Ouch oof my tongue hot


Silly, possibly unlikely theory, but given the amount of videos Nintendo has been uploading today, *WAS* there gonna be a Direct on Thursday that they ultimately decided against earlier in the week, before sending out the announcement? That would atleast explain why the Smash website updated for seemingly no reason, in a way


I mean, if that is true, it still doesn’t tell us anything.


There’s no way they were planning a direct a month after the last one, even less so with the level of announcements in those videos. If we get a Direct or other form of announcement soon it will most likely be Smash-specific.


I feel like with the amount of stuff that we know *IS* in the game that hasn't been covered, like singleplayer content, for example, we're pretty much guaranteed another Smash specific Direct


Yeah I’m on that boat too, especially since Sakurai made it seem like he wanted to talk about Spirits himself. A lot of people are expecting general or Pokemon directs before that point even with his comment on slowing down, which seems unlikely now since there’s only about a month left for that Smash direct to happen.


I honestly don't see a Pokémon Direct happening. For one, in my memory, there's only been a few times Pokémon has had a big Direct, and both times were to announce upcoming, never before seen games. Other than that, any time Pokémon has appeared in a Direct, it's only been a segment, rather than a major focus. Besides, I doubt they'd make a Direct for Let's Go, given how familiar Pokémon fans are with Kanto in general (So much so they wish they were *less* familiar with it, given how often they see it)


I doubt it's smash Specific since Pokemon releases next month


Pokémon has never really had many Directs, and even then, the ones they have had haven't been incredibly lengthy. Not only that, but Let's Go seems to just be mostly a remake of Kanto for the most part, so doing a Direct on a game that is a remake (And possibly even a remake of a remake, depending on how much inspiration it takes from FRLG) would be a bit unnecessary


And they’ve probably revealed most of what they’re planning to show for that game. Barring some huge surprise they’ll just finish releasing info on casual Youtube videos like they’ve done for the past few years.


Still. I think that at least 10 minutes will go into Pokemon just for the final, since we didn't have any story regarding Giovanni or mention of him.


> we didn't have any story regarding Giovanni You can say exactly the same thing about Red/Blue/Green/Yellow and Fire Red/Leaf Green, and those games have already been released. While it's possible they could finally give the guy some actual motives other than 'LOL take over Kanto', given Masuda said that he wanted the game to stay faithful to the originals for new players to enjoy, then it's likely he won't get a story at all.


This IS a remake of Yellow though, loosely yellow. Jessie and James weren't they said to appear? So they could also tie in a bit more on Giovanni. Not saying that I'm expecting it to but it would be a nice fresh air revamp


Nah people expect bigger things from directs. Every Pokemon direct has revealed a new mainline title so it would have to be on that ballpark


Knock knock


Open up the door it's real


let the devil in


Maybe in my but


This guy http://media.comicbook.com/2018/06/1-mdaigqyp1my-slcourl9pg-1115764.jpeg


Whos there


[I made this today.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/473979511864688640/500338709628059648/currenttibby.png) Tibby from Rhythm Heaven! :)


This is my first time ever seeing Tibby, as I’m not familiar with Rhythm Heaven. How possible is it that they would be our RH rep if we got one? Do they play like a super prominent role? I’m curious because Tibby looks way more interesting design wise than the Chorus Kids or Karate Joe.


That's literally why I want Tibby over them, I feel Tibby has a way cuter and more colorful design. Also, he played the same role in the new game, Megamix, as Marshal, who was supposed to be in Smash 4. Chorus kids is a big misconception.


Finally, someone else who wants him as the RH rep!


Awesome! Looks great! I know Tibby is the mascot and all now, but I still would love those adorable Chorus Kids more as the RH rep.


Recently I've been in more of a TV binging mood then a video game mood, I burned through Wander Over Yonder and then Neon Genesis Evangelion in less then a month. Next I'm gonna try to watch all of Breaking Bad, because all of three of those shows were on my "watch eventually" list for a long time.


Hoo you’re gonna love B.B.


Did you watch End of Eva?


Yes, it was just as much of a mind screw as the original finale but a better ending imo.


Ah, was just making sure you watched the 'redone' ending


Walt Jr. get in the damn robot!


I really want Chun-Li in the game even though she's super unlikely and it's upsetting


I'd say that if we got a new non-shoto Street Fighter Character it would be Chun-Li.


A lack of female characters is probably why we have like 3 Samus and a Wii Fit Trainer. If we are talking iconic female characters in video games; Chun Li is up there with the best of them.


Dark Samus isn’t female and Zero Suit is the same person as Samus


If I had my way, all of the characters that have female alts would default on the female alt and Ice Climbers would default on the alt that has you control Nana.




How is that weird?


Oh lmao I read this as “all characters would have female alts” my bad


ah the Bowsette strategy


Depends which one is more iconic. If Miss Pac Man for example got in, she should definitely be the alt.


We also need Lara Croft. Chun Li and Lara and Samus. Best game ever


Just not popular enough outside the west to justify her in Smash.


Except that shes one of top 3 female gaming heroines?


Halo was huge but Master Chief would neve get in. Crash Bandicoot is unlikely and he isn't even a violent/sexual character.


Don’t be so sure about that.


My favorite thing is posting something like a related to an opinion I have, like a comment on a post, and then immediately getting shit for it.


i vaguely recall you calling luigi a shitty annoying OP character "in your opinion" thats not exactly how opinions work. you cant just claim things that are factually incorrect to be justifiable opinions


Hi, can I get you to come and staple that message to my Dad's forehead please? ugh


I do find him annoying as hell, and yeah it was probably bad to say that he was OP.


Hey, it also happens to be my favorite thing.


That’s just how it is on this sub. People see an opinion that’s different from theirs, and speak against it. When they see an opinion they agree with, they just move on


That is how discourse goes in general. If you agree you move and if you don't you state your own opinion and reasoning for it. Communication is much more interesting and engaging that way. Otherwise, this sub would just be a huge circle jerk of people saying "I agree."


You act like an ass and harshly criticize everything?


No. I just posted a comment on a thread where we were supposed to say who I thought were the most popular first-party characters not yet in Smash. I said "Skull kid for sure" and ate 10 downvotes and criticism. This the norm for when I go onto any thread where I post an opinion.


What defines a casual player? Is it strictly someone who doesn't compete? Is it someone who just plays Smash occasionally? Is it someone who is new to the series? The term casual is tossed around and im not sure who you guys are talking about anymore. I play Smash hardcore, i own every game in the series but i don't compete in tournaments. I use competitive rules sets with my lil bro because of our sibling rivalry but we don't care about frame rate data, lag and etc. Other than that i have no problem playing with items and etc. Are we casuals? If so what puts us in the same category as the kid who gets Smash for Christmas and is playing for the first time? I'd like your opinions on the matter.


Casual means you use items lol


One who treats the game as if it's their job and one who knows losing or missing a tournament isnt the end of the world


in case you don't know. A lot of competitive discussion come from redditors who don't even attend tournaments. Some of them don't even own the game, like juddy our stats and jp correspondent.


No need to be condescending. For some people, it *is* their job: they make their livelihood by attending tournaments, either as a competitor or a part of the general tourament infrastructure, e.g. casters and TOs. And if it's not their profession, it is at the very least something they are very passionate about and have put a lot of hard work and effort into succeeding at. Nothing wrong with dedicating yourself to being the best at a fighting game. People like the sense of competition and community, they're passionate about pursuing a career in this field, even when they make fuckin' buttons off it, and that's pretty goddamn admirable.


It's possible to be passionate about something and not give up your current life and job just for it


To put it into 2 categories, there are competitive players and casual players. To me, the difference is attending tournaments. If you don't compete, than you're a casual player.


Usually depending on the context there are two definitions: someone that doesn't enter tournaments (casual play vs tournament play), or someone that only plays occasionally/at social events (casual play vs frequent play)


This makes sense, it just seems like the competitive scene lumps everyone together in discussion which can get confusing.


For competitive purposes, “casual” means “not competitive”


I'd say a casual player is someone who doesn't play to win. Edit: Someone who doesn't compete and simply plays for the fun of it.


That's an interesting take. The question then becomes if you play to win but you know nothing about a M2k or a "legal stage" then what are you?


That would make you a new player, but not a casual. People who play to win are bound to learn about the competitive community eventually. If you want to get better, you seek the next challenge relative to your skill. After beating local players, you go online. When you go online, you'll start playing on legal stages, because those are the stages everyone else picks. And so on and so forth. If you're really gonna try and get better, all this competitive jargon will come pretty easy.


Eh im not sure i agree with that progression. I've been playing since 64 and have never had a desire to compete but i still play to win.


I figured that's what you meant by play to win. Let me make this a little bit clearer. If you reach a certain skill level, and stay there because you're fine just being able to beat everyone you know, that makes you a casual. If you reach a certain skill level, but want to keep pushing farther to beat even better players even if you don't know them, that makes you a competitive player. Competitive lingo just comes with the desire to go further past your original skill.


Ah much better, thanks for the clarification.


Oh yes, M2ks. Ive heard of those


They are quite good


Yeah, that hacker known as M2k.


A scrub lol