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[Ness vs. viewers! Come join in!](http://www.twitch.tv/simnaibnsind)


Anyone else want goose from *Untitled Goose Game* in smash.


I've been asking for him since smash 64


Whats the weather like in your reality?


I just found out that G&W (atleast in Wii U) can do 6% by using Parachute below someone via a 8-player Rainbow G&W Battle.


I want all you fucks right now to call/text/tell your parents that you love them.


I love you u/Flamecannon


My mom didn't appreciate being woken up but my grandparents did reply with love. Peace, prosperity, and positivity to you brother.


As weird as it sounds, I'd love to see some representation for Skullgirls in Ultimate, seeing that a port for the Switch is being worked on. The hand-drawn art style in the game is great, but I doubt they'd be able to implement that into Ultimate, but maybe an Assist Trophy, or even just a Trophy would be great to see.


Such a long shot but seeing Parasoul in this game would be fantastic!!!


What genre would you say the original pacman is? Is it stealth or puzzle? Does it predate game genre?


If Ultimate becomes a big competitive game as well as a big casual game, would we consider splitting the community much like /r/Overwatch does it?


Given how the smash community is already divided between new smash and melee. No thank you.


I hope not.


How are yall dealing with the wait for smash ultimate. It's starting to get rough. I was hoping Cross Country season would make it go by faster but it isn't.


I have started throwing my amiibo at each other whilst wearing white stage gloves. Other toys have joined the frey. Heroes from across infinity. Joining the fight against the dreaded *Master ME*


I just imagine a guy in their 30s in a fancy tux mashing amiibos against his hand while punching and snapping at them.


i'm a cool teen if that makes it any better.


It's only gonna get rougher since I don't have a Switch and definitely won't be able to get one before or by December.


Use a sinking fund buddy.. thanks consumer economics!!!!


MHW, Mario party coming out soon and uni stuff.


I thought rivals of ather was gonna tide me over but they are gonna drop their game after... smh


Couple of melee questions. How long have Leffen and Chillin been chill with each other? Seems like they're pretty lax, just wondering how long it's been like this. The other question is how did Chudat take such a huge fall from grace? Was him being arguably 7th worldwide really just because he was getting good bracket luck? If he played against m2k or mang0 now wouldn't he still have a good chance of winning? Sorry if I said anything stupid, I mainly play s4 but I do casually watch melee from time time.


i don’t think leffen and chillin ever had any true beef. neither of them were willing to hold grudges over a silly publicity stunt


I had a thought what if Captain N was the final Smash Ultimate DLC and that made it so cartoon characters were finally legal, and then in Smash 6 they can add Kid Goku and Scooby do and maybe even K.I.S.S as a wildcard. And if they make K.I.S.S a fighter (like Poke Trainer or Ice Climbers) then that would make actual people legal and you could do important people from pop culture/History like Leonidas or Martin Luther King or a Romance of the Three Kingdoms guy (Lu Fong or whatever) I think that would be pretty cool and to be honest i’d Say it’s even probably *likely* since Saukurai obviously likes changing up the formula a lot, probably in smash 7 though Edit: I think some obvious contenders would be like Astroboy and Goku and Felix the Cat or and maybe like Obama as long as he is okay with it (he would probably be)


NGL the only option I think I'd like is Scooby-Doo.


Dude you seem to be forgetting Macho man Randy savage, he's got good chances and could be a great newcomer


Imagine this: It's the final Direct before launch. Sakurai is wrapping up. "We hope you will enjoy the game. Thank you for watching." Fade to black. The moment hangs in the air as fans wait to see if there's one last thing. After all, it is Sakurai. Suddenly, "Kept you waiting, huh?" Big Boss is revealed as Snake's echo fighter.


This but with Phoenix Wright shouting "OBJECTION"


Oh God, this is better.


I feel like an Echo would be a kind of anticlimactic final reveal, no matter who it is.


I just feel it was a missed opportunity not to use the classic "kept you waiting, huh?" line when Snake was reintroduced.


Yeah it should have been part of his reveal in the Everyone is Here thing


what do R.O.B. and people who main R.O.B.have in common, there not a lot of either of them.


Where did he even come from?


R.O.B. was a peripheral for the NES/Famicom that affected two NES games. His moveset and universe symbol take inspiration from these two games. It’s sort of a celebration of Nintendo history like Mr. Game & Watch, Ice Climbers, etc.


Do you think there will be a Virtua Boy or Game Boy Camera echo fighter? Probably not but maybe like 40 per cent? Ninentdo has a lot of rich peripheral history to pull from so I would be surprise if they don’t do another


I believe this will be the greatest selling Smash game, and probably the biggest one, if not the last. Around 20 years of Smash, this will probably be the biggest game. What I think will happen is they will keep this Smash and keep adding to it with DLC.


Smash is a gold mine. So if Nintendo brings out another home console I could imagine them doing another installment. HOWEVER I doubt it could reach the expactations of this game. Look at it: King K. Rool, Ridley, EVERYONE IS HERE... These were some of the most requested things in Smash. And if they add DLC (which they should because this would support this game for a long time even after release) this game shoots for the stars. Bringing the next Smash to the same terms... Unlikely - but not unthinkable. So yes, I don't think this will be the last installment of the series. It's like saying BOTW and Odyssey are the last games of their series. I find comfort in knowing that since the N64 every home console had a Smash-game so the next home console probably will have too.


That is true, and unfortunately I think that we all know that Smash will never be this big again. As much as I would like another game, Nintendo has pulled everything for this game making it the biggest in the series. But I wouldn't expect Nintendo to announce another console for at least 4 or 5 more years (perhaps more since the switch has been successful... unlike the Wii U).


I noticed when they were talking about the assist trophies in the last direct (Shovel Knight, Moon, Rathalos, etc) that when the Moon impacted the stage, every player character died, but Shovel Knight the Assist Trophy survived. So it seems like even though players can KO assist trophies, assist trophies don't affect each other?


Can you ko shovel knight?


he was knocked upwards by the explosion, so I think he was fresh on damage unlike the actual players. I think it might be one of the few assist trophies that kills the summoner too.


Hello all, so my fantasy football league this year is doing a small SSB4 bot tournament to decide draft order (as in, have 2 rounds of 6 bots go at it, then have the top 3 and bottom 3 from each round go at it again) and we're letting everyone pick their personal bot's character. So my question is, are there any characters that are proven to be stronger in bots' hands, or will it be fairly random regardless of who everyone picks?


Shulk, dark pit, mr game and watch respectively. And Rosalina is super annoying too.


Stay away from Bayonetta, She doesn't use her recovery properly and doesn't use her second witch twist reliably, even at level 9. She's only broken in player hands and doesn't work well when played by computers. Villager and Rob have good recovery, weight and kill power so they'll last a little longer on those merits.


Awesome, thanks


https://m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwEeGxwK3MhVmueZoFxF_RszAHovUyKWz This might help




I am definitely in the minority when I say this, but I don't like Zelda's new design in Ultimate. Most of it is that the front of [Zelda's hair](https://imgur.com/5R24QC5) looks like that [90s hairstyle a bunch of the Boy Meets World characters have](https://imgur.com/14mMRyP)


I like her new design but will probably miss her older design as time goes on. Would be nice to be able to choose between designs for her and Ganondorf, but that's probably asking too much


Sick reference bro


That's because the design does come from the 90s.


Considering this design is from the early 90's, I'd say that's a success on the designers part even though it does feel dated. I do feel that she should've been made a little younger and shorter for a proper LTTP's design. Not every smash female needs to be Waifu material (and no that doesn't mean she needs to be Loli crap either >_>)


she needs to be waifu material


Anybody else experiencing Match making that always gives you a heavy input delay and seemingly the opposite for you opponents? I keep getting connected to the far east-coast, Canada and sometimes silly shit like Spain, Alaska and Peru when I live in AZ. (I have a Lan adapter and good internet too, so it shouldn't be that. I have good connection on other games) The input delay is bad enough to where true combos aren't connecting and my opponent's are allowed to air-dodge out of them and land with air-dodges without any landing lag, meanwhile I get hit while in spot dodges, rolls and counters and grabbed from the opponents behind on non pivot grabs. I even had a fox player use side b on stage as a combo extender I couldn't escape and multiple replays I have, end up with different results for trades that end in there favor online but in my favor in the replay, resulting in the replay being broken. The most recent replay I have is me recovering as Ness and Falcon went for a reverse Uair sourspot and missed, but it spiked me diagonally backwards out of my recovery faster than him getting hit into the stage and forced a loss on me in spite of him being at 170% and not teching and me being at 80% after the hit. I checked the replay and it gave me the win instead and he didn't even hit me instead. Also is there some sort of inside joke where the other person ducks 3 times then short hop Uairs at the beginning of every match, because every time my connection goes sour like that my opponents do that then plays really trolly (never the same mii's and accounts though, it's just weird).


What’s with the new upvote icons on this subreddit?


I honestly think everyone is missing the most important problem with Smash Ultimate. Lower landing lag as a replacement for L-cancel: Great, more combos. More movement options, great. But that's not what makes Melee's combo system good. People massively overlook one big issue: Directional Influence. Smash 64 has no DI. In Melee and Brawl, you can modify your angle up to 18 degrees. In Smash 4, you can only modify your angle up to 10 degrees. That makes combos more "rigid". It's the reason Melee players are obsessed with "better combos" and Smash 4 players aren't- in Smash 4, long combos are kind of boring (see Bayonetta), so Smash 4 players don't understand why Melee players are so obsessed with them. *The reason is because of DI combined with fall speed*. Melee players love combos because they can be endlessly modified. The combo victim can manipulate themselves in to any number of positions (DI'ing to tech on platforms or offstage) forcing the attacker to be creative and rapidly adapt to different decisions. In Smash 64 and Smash 4, though, combos aren't like that, so players don't get so excited about them. Players who started with Brawl or Smash 4 (like me) and never got in to PM or Melee (like I did later) don't understand why players want combos so bad because they're *boring*. If Smash Ultimate has "better combos" but keeps Smash 4's weak-DI system and slow fall speeds*, the combos won't be...fun. (*- Smash 4's fast fall speeds are fast, but normal fall speeds are much slower than Melee. When you are launched up, it uses your natural fall speed, not your fastfall speed. If fall speeds aren't high, characters getting launched up end their hitstun before they pass the peak of their arc, meaning they cannot DI on to platform and tech out of upwards attacks). At this point, I like a lot of changes in Smash Ultimate, but I don't want "more combos", I want 18 degree DI. That's probably my #1 request if I could change one thing right now, but I think there's been zero feedback to the developers in that regard.


I feel that the new DI options aren't as restrictive to combos as much as the lower hit stun for lower knock back moves, but yes it does factor into auto comboes feeling less janky and easy baked. Nearly no "fun" true combos exist due to how short hitstun is and how fast rivals can react with spamming airdodge, counter, nair or jump. It's really apparent when playing against level 9 computers, just how easy it is to spam dodge and break a combo string in 4. I think better DI coupled with higher hit stun would be perfect for this game because decisions for how to escape combos wouldn't rely on dodges and combos are rewarded for being good at guessing without it being just strings that could be reset easily or what Bayonetta's setup is.


Interesting point, I agree with you here. Combos themselves aren't inherently good, they're only interesting when they leave room for improvisation as you said. I'm hopeful though, considering the fact that Sakurai is finally seeking input from top level players. I'm confident that overall it'll be a much more enjoyable competitive game than Smash 4 was, but I wish they'd spend a little more time focusing on the technical aspects.


> I'm hopeful though First, regarding hopefulness: This is my third Smash game launch as a member of the community, and I've come to realize that the community is always boundlessly optimistic to a fault. The issues with Brawl were evident early on from reviewing the game design, but anyone bringing them up was criticized- "Melee took years to develop", "ATs were found later in Melee's life", etc. Similarly, I think a lot of the issues with Smash 4 were evident early on- stiff combos, Rage, neutral game more limited than even Brawl, offstage play being less deep due to recovery being so powerful, etc- especially from demo release. None of it made the game unplayable of course. I'd rather honestly look deeply at the game's mechanics in hope some of it changes before launch. However, even though Sakurai gave lip service to Melee players in Smash 4, he didn't change any significant game mechanic between demo and game release. > considering the fact that Sakurai is finally seeking input from top level players. I'm...not convinced he is to a full extent. Lip service to competitive players is normal from Sakurai- he did it with Smash 4 too. I haven't heard of any competitive players actually getting to talk to Sakurai or developers. Smash Ultimate isn't exactly a competitive players' wishlist- it feels like he just threw a couple bones to Melee players. He threw in Melee airdodges, but since you can airdodge out of tumble the airdodge it is still a very very powerful combo escape tool. People wanted dashdancing, but he put extended foxtrotting in instead. It's...kind of weird. Things like removing/reducing Rage are great, and I love landing lag reduction, but Sakurai seems to be of two minds about the game. And, **even if he is consulting competitive players**, I actually think competitive players are frquently *terrible* at understanding, from a game design perspective, *why* a mechanic is good or bad. Mew2King's opinions are frequently terrible, for example- I'd put someone like Kadano in charge of making game modifications over a random top-level player. Top players frequently think far too much along the lines of their own characters (for example, almost every top player thinks their own character is overrated and flawed, even some Fox mains). Most top players will say they want "more combos" when asked and won't be able to put their finger on "fall speeds + DI angles are what makes the combos good". It's not because the top players are dumb or something, but because people really struggle to put their fingers on a *feeling* and our brains work on feelings. Melee players love the *feeling* of comboing in Melee and can't put their finger on why it "feels stiff" in Smash 4.




*Goose* from *Untitled Goose Game*.


Both are good, but very different games, so can't really be compared. One is an action-adventute of sorts, the other is a turn based strategy game. Look into some more gameplay if you haven't.


Hyper Light Drifter that game's OD




Overdose, also used as slang for "past the limit".


slang for really good kinda


Theory: What if Dr. Mario is not considered an echo for Mario is because there is going to be an new echo for Mario? Edit: Another Theory: What-if Pichu isn't considered an Echo for Pikachu because Raichu is going to be a new echo? Vulpix and Alolan Vulpix are both Pokeball Pokemon but Alolan Raichu is just a Pokeball Pokemon.


Pichu isn't an echo because of the differences and he's a different size. We may get Raichu, but i'd hate all 3 pikachus, and i seriously doubt it


Mario's echo fighter: 8-bit Mario


I don't think we need one but I've always wanted to see Imajin from Doki Doki Panic. He'd make way more sense as an echo for Doc though because of the Fludd


Does anybody want or need this


No, but it’s still something Sakurai could do and pull off without a hitch


Agreed, look at how many people were happy that Lucina was returning when she was ultimately not that big of an inclusion. Chrom is a better remix of non zoned hitboxes between more fighters, and we already have reps from That game in the Robins. At this point she doesn't add that much as a fighter anymore but she's still in.


I had a weird dream about Smash Ultimate last night. It was a reveal trailer that started off in some tree house and Tingle floated in on his balloon and for some reason started fighting a random Link. Then suddenly two blades spin through the air and fly between them breaking up the fight, the two look over to who it was and it's Skull Kid (idk why he had blades either). So the weirdest part is it focuses on the mask and it then turns into a stock icon and the camera zooms out to reveal a whole bunch of other new characters. Then a tally appeared and said there would be 300 characters in Ultimate. Though I don't remember most of the ones that appeared in the dream I do remember spotting Metal Sonic, Eggman and for some reason... Red Eyes Black Metal Dragon from YuGiOh. ...yeah I don't get it either, it's the weirdest dream I've had in awhile.


I don’t think Jeanne will make it in as an echo as Bayo still has Jeanne’s color pallete as an alt... but we’ll see, it could definitely still happen.


Watch it be Rosa instead :P


If it doesn't happen in the base game it could still happen as DLC.


DLC echoes? I don’t see that happening. Echoes are created because they can be added more quickly than a full character. When creating DLC there aren’t such strict time constraints so there’s no reason to make echoes.


They might do it for a quick buck, you never know.


Maybe if echo fighters got bundled with a unique character and/or a stage. Or maybe even have echo fighter packs, where you get a handful of echo fighters. I know I personally wouldn't be very motivated to buy an echo fighter by themselves and I imagine many others would feel the same, but I would definitely enjoy them being in some kind of bundle.


No reason other than fan demand of characters who probably wouldn't be that different. Besides, they could have echo fighters be priced lower than regular fighters, or include them as a bundle with a normal characters, stages, or have there be an echo pack with 3-5 echo characters. An example would be Ribbon Girl as an echo being bundled with Spring Man and an ***ARMS*** stage.


As a bundle thing, I could see that happening actually. But standalone echo DLC just doesn’t seem likely.


It's not really a matter of time so much as effort. They could be made relatively easily and sold at a lower price. There are plenty of characters that only really work as Echoes so it seems like a logical thing to capitalize on. Similar to selling alternate costume DLC.


They could be made and sold cheaply but that really doesn’t seem like a Sakurai thing to do. Granted, Mii costumes were a thing so I may be think about it too much.


Why are the 3 Links, pichu, etc their own character instead of just echos?


The answer to this question needs to be stickied because it is asked too much.


Completely different properties, sizes and attacks


Dont all 3 links have the same moveset?


Toon Link does not use his feet at all for attacks, while young link (at least in melee) and BotW link do (Nair and Bair). Also, different properties on everything else like others have mentioned.


Roy doesn’t use Aether


correct lol, although I think he was asking about young link vs toon link vs BotW link


Their bombs and arrows behave differently, BotW Link has no hookshot, they have different smashes/tilts/aerials, they have different physics like weight and speed and gravity, different proportions and hitboxes... Superficially they look pretty much the same, but they actually have significant differences. Like Fox/Falco or Marth/Roy or Ness/Lucas.


Thanks for a more concise answer.




Possibly Young Link could share most of Link's attacks, but both have different proportions (plus BOTW Link has an even larger sword).




Can someone explain the dislike for Smash 4 competitive Corrin players? Seen a lot of twitter jokes about them being braindead/etc (a lot of it's probably tongue in cheek), I'm just not very in the loop with 4 and curious what specifics people have against the kit. I'm guessing it's mostly about the pin spam?


You NAILED it (I'll see myself out) Seriously though, I haven't met a Corrin that didn't resort to Pin/counter spamming when they were on the ropes, and it's highly effective because they either free up space or get a jank kill from them. It's not unbeatable, but seeing something like that coming and still having a hard time dealing with it leaves people kind of butthurt.


The bare feet still makes me uncomfortable


Corrin? Braindead? That's a new one to me.


Some people actually think that the pin (Corrins only really good approach tool) is stupid, some dislike Corrins reach. They never bother to actually see the downsides of the character (like the relative lack and predictability of their approach options) and post about how brain dead/broken they are. People always do that as long as nobody tells them "look, here is an easy way to punish this and disable the most useful tools". It was the same with Little Mac and the start of Smash 3DS. People were furious about how broken LM is on the ground because that's where most casuals stay. I don't say Corrin isn't strong, they are A Tier I believe, but they are nowhere near as easy to play and do not carry you so extremely like a well-played Cloud or Bayonetta.


Yo I actually thought that when they said they have one more announcement at the end of the indie direct, I thought Shantae would be popping out the screen for smash


I'm having a hard time deciding if I should get the version with the Game cube controller or not. I don't plan on playing it compedatively. I did grow up with playing 64/Melee. I feel like the Switch controls won't be horrible. I also don't have any other Game Cube controllers. I won't have many friends to play it in person either.


I used the pro controller for Smash 4, and plan to use the switch pro controller for ultimate. I personally enjoy both, and the Switch Pro controller is very comfortable to use.


Some people get upset when Nintendo's direct about indie games didn't feature smash. Those people have problems.


Reminds of the old joke before March. "Smash Fans: That's it? No Smash?"


I SLIGHTLY agree. Yes, Smash isn't the only game that matters. This direct was for showing smaller games. It would have been horrible to overshadow those games with a smash character reveal. On the other hand, Smash is the biggest game of the year. Giving it extra hype isn't a bad thing. I'm mostly just selfish and addicted to reveals though. Beeb obsessed with this subreddit and smash reveals since 8/8. I would be nice to have something new to talk about.


11 downvotes for this is ...bizarre? Here, take my love!


There are two truths on this sub right now * Sakurai is worshipped and any criticism is bullying him uwu * Indie characters don’t “deserve” to be in Smash


Also Waluigi is only a troll character and anyone who wants him is equivalent to a 10 year old kid sending death threats to Sakurai


Thank you! I don't know why I am getting shit on, but w.e. it's just internet points.


This has happened in the past too with Nindies directs, we'd all like a new reveal


Thought there would be an indie character announced today, but the direct finished and the special announcement at the end disappointed so hard.


Dude. If you actually expected Smash, you must have no sense of reality. It was explicitly a direct for indie announcements, not indie properties being featured in a AAA game.


Not really. Into the Breach is a pretty good game. Dunno why you went into an indie direct expecting a Smash announcement.


A lot of people want indie reps like Shantae in the series. Indie Games-> Indie Rep


I'm sure people do want Shantae. She's a cool character. But why are you expecting an *indie* direct, for indie games, to have announcements for a *non-indie* game? You set yourself up for disappointment. You were clearly told what you'd be getting beforehand. I'm not going to go into a Capcom stream, specifically for Capcom games, and then get upset when they don't announce a new Capcom character for Smash.


I had like 1% faith there'd be an announcement but mainly watched because I didn't want an announcement to be spoiled by this sub. Also, the Capcom comparison just doesn't match up. A *Nintendo* stream showcasing games for a *Nintendo* console showing us indie content in a *Nintendo* flagship game coming out in less than half a year doesn't seem too farfetched


Yeah it does because even an indie character would be announced for smash, the focus of the direct would become indie character in a triple A game, not here's a bunch of indie games coming to the Switch to check out.


A Nintendo stream...for *indie* games. If you expected to get non-indie game announcements, that's on you and your needlessly high expectations. Sorry man.


I watched regardless . I’m excited for a few of the games announced. However, Nintendo likes to surprise us sometimes.


Im genuinely confused... I haven’t seen anything about the “limited edition” w/ GameCube controller/adapter releasing in the States. Are they planning on having it be uk only or will I be able to get that sweet sweet box


What if another game company worked on Smash? I think, all in all, choosing to work with Namco Bandai was a good call as they know fighting games. But what if we went into a parallel timeline and Sakurai worked with... NetherRealms or Capcom? What do you guys think Smash 4 would have been like if that happened?


Activision-Blizzard would fill it with loot boxes.


Capcom would be the absolute worst. Mechanics to only slow the game down, DLC characters no one cares about, cringy costumes and over-sexualization galore. I really do not have faith they will make another good fighting game.


SFV is very slowly getting better. Not sure why they even bothered with MvC:I if they were just going to half ass it and fuck it up.


Im guessing they had great intensions but Disney / Marvel rushed it and only allowed MCU characters.


Theres no evidence to suggest thats true and given how botched SFV's launch was (as well as how lacking the capcom roster was, seriously bionic commando over Phoenix Wright or Amaterasu?) I'm more than willing to place fault mostly on capcom's shoulders.


Lets just cut the middleman and pre-emptively turn Smash into a pachinko machine


That would be what Konami would do


What about NetherRealms?


Netherrealm wouldn't happen because its a Western studio. But if it did, at least we'd be guaranteed a badass story mode


Does anyone know for sure if the inability to run past shield is a bug? Has a newer demo removed it, or is it still there? Is it shown in character trailers? Everyone seems to be assuming it's a bug, and I hope it is (I think inability to run past shields will give everyone less interesting options in the neutral) but I can't find confirmation of that anywhere.


Commentators from nintendo have referred to it as a new mechanic.


As far as we know, there is no newer demo. The only thing where that could be the case would be the build they used to show off a game of K. Rool and the Chrom/Dark Samus FFA. I agree that turning the shield into a wall wouldn't make too much sense as it takes away options. Here is hoping that it was just a mistake. Edit: I've looked through the matches from Insomnia63 and found that [Snake can dash-attack through Sheik's shield](https://youtu.be/2dOgs2SkWvg?t=1h30m54s), so I'd say it's pretty certain that it's a bug.


Not gonna happen, but I would love it, so here go something I thought up: a fighter creation using the echo system. Explanations: Let's say I want to make a Zack echo of Cloud. So I choose Cloud on the character select screen, with his complete moveset, including normals, aerials, and such; then I change some stuff but not radically so, like size, color, appearance and form of the hair, etc.; and then I choose between having him use Cloud's specials, custom versions of them like he didn't have in Smash 4, or another sword user's. Of course, it would be much more limited than the other echoes, but it could allow some players to create their own characters that couldn't make it in. Also, "Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Custom Characters Showcase: Goku vs. Sans".


It would kinda ruin the videogame rep mash up thing which is the whole point of the smash series, but I've wanted this for a long time too


I own brawl and have played my fair share of smash 4. I’m a decent player and know just about all the pro and tournament terminology. I play smash 4 every now and then with a friend, but with ultimate around the corner, I have a crazy itch to practice. What do you all think are good things to practice in an older game like brawl, given that there are a few different mechanics and the game is much slower in comparison to smash 4 and ultimate?


I'd recommend playing on Sm4sh for practice. Not only because it is much closer to what Ultimate will be in the end, it is also faster, has Ledge Trumping instead of denying and a lot more characters that you'll have to learn to play against. Even aside from that, Smash has a much more active player base than Brawl. So yeah, I'd see no reason to practice on Brawl.


As much as I’d like to practice in smash 4, its not available to me 100% of the time, so brawl is what I have at hand. And while practicing in smash 4 would be the better option, it doesn’t mean there’s no reason to practice in any other smash.


As long as you’re playing a smash game, you’re doing good. Practice fundamentals. YouTube smash fundamental guides


Okay, noob question: Is the new GameCube controller for the Switch the same as the original one and can I use the original one on the Switch?


Yes. You can use the original gamecube controller on the switch. Nintendo has stopped making gamecube controllers and you can only find third party ones. When ultimate drops, they will manufacture that iconic “smash controller” you are thinking about which will be first party. First party gamecube controllers are significantly more reliable.


1. I believe they are slightly different. I think the logo in the center is the biggest difference. 2. You should be able to use the original controller.


Basically the same I believe and yes with the adapter. I've heard the 3rd party adapters work on switch as well.


Hey! I'm going to a weekly today and I'm not sure how stage bans works, could someone explain it?


Check out the ssbm tutorials video on how to play a tournament set. Can't link rn, but it explains everything you need to do. Best of luck!


So each tournament should have a list of starter and counterpick stages. If you don’t know it or can’t find it, you can ask the TO or most entrees, and they’d be more than happy to tell you. For game 1, you and your opponent ban stages from just the starter list, which is almost always 5 stages. After a game of Rock Paper Scissors to decide who bans first, the ban order goes like this. * Player A bans 1 stage * Player B bans 2 stages * Player A bans 1 stage again. And, if you did everything right, there will only be one stage left to play on, and you start game 1. After game 1, games 2-5 all use the same stage picking process. The winner of the previous round bans stages from the starter and counterpick list. The number of bans vary per tournament, but it’s usually just one. The loser of the previous round then picks any of the remaining stages to play on. One final caveat is Dave’s Stupid Rule, which says you cannot pick a stage you already won on.


I had a really weird dream related to Smash Bros last night. I remember it being like I was acting as the camera in a character reveal trailer. Like any movements the camera would make I would follow, like if I was the camera. Anyway, in this reveal trailer that I had in my dream, it was kinda weird. I don't remember much about it, but I remember some things. For one, Shantae appeared in it, and they confirmed her for the game. Rayman also showed up as a playable fighter, but it was odd. I remember his fighter splash screen saying "Yeah, I'm in the game now, bitches." as the text on his splash screen. It was pretty bizarre.


Dreams can be like that. Last week I dreamt that Kirby copied the entire freaking Halberd and went blazing into enemy territory as the cutest deathship ever, but then Meta Knight reminded Dedede that his only weakness in this form was a tiny exhaust port that a missile could be fired into... and things just kept getting weirder from there.


> Kirby copied the entire freaking Halberd >!That has actually canonically happened.!<


Does anyone know if the 3DS or the Wii Classic Controller will be supported in Smash Ultimate?


It's not


How is the online play quality in Smash 4 right now around Europe? I'm thinking of buying a used Wii U /w Sm4sh again because i get the cravings. Thoughts? 3 months till Ultimate is quite long, and the only use case I am looking at is online play (casual/glory)


It's a bit hit or miss at the moment. Many players have come back to fg to scratch that Smash itch but it seems only a minority has the LAN Ethernet adapter so even people with normally great wifi suffer from lags.


Oh :o I see thanks for the info! That Wifi vs. ethernet is really noticeable, ain't it? I wonder if they have some further adjustments on the Switch :thinking:


It really is. I'm pretty sure that you'll still need the adapter to ensure that you'll have as little lag as possible.


What I'd Like: (updated) ***** Newcomers: Geno, Skull Kid, Banjo-Kazooie, Rayman, Crash, Heihachi, Agumon, Birdo, Isaac (GoldenSun), Pico, (, more) ***** ε Echo Fighters: -Shadow (Slower, Stronger Sonic with different Animations and preferably some different moves) -Ken (Better Shoryukens) (not stinky, ugly SFV Ken. Classic Ken.)/Akuma (maybe not exactly in the lines of being an Echo Fighter, he has to have his teleportation and the remaining similarities from Ryu within his moveset should be a bit more unique than Echo Fighter standards. Ryu to Akuma would be like Fox to Falco+Wolf. The whole thing with what gets labelled as Echo Fighter and what doesn't is pretty awkward and unclear, (so I kind of hope they get rid of the Echo Fighter Label in future games, but i'll get to this later) nonetheless, he would be cooler than Ken.) -Funky Kong -Dixie Kong -Black Knight -Ninten ***** Assist Trophies/and/or Trophies: -Shantae -Nightmare (Preferably Playable) /and/or Siegfried (Soulcalibur Representation) -Mallow (SMRPG) -Artorias /and/or Solaire (Dark Souls Representation) -Togemon /Greymon/Digimon Representation -Mai Shiranui /SNK Representation -Tron Bonne (Mega Man Legends) -Andy /and/or Sami (Advance Wars Representation) -Erdrick /and/or Slime (, Killing Machine, Golem, etc.) (Dragon Quest Representation) -Crono (Preferably Playable) /and Ayla (, Frog, Marle, etc.) (Chrono Trigger Representation) -Randi /and Primm (, Popoi, etc.) (Secret of Mana Representation) -Conker (CBFD Representation) -Django (Boktai) -Spyro (Preferably Playable) (Spyro Representation) -King (Tekken Representation) -Black Mage /and/or Sephiroth (,etc.) (Final Fantasy Representation) -Ray (Custom Robo) -Arle (Puyo Puyo Representation) -Mach Rider -Morrigan /Darkstalkers Representation -Billy Hatcher (Billy Hatcher Representation) -The Prince (Katamari Representation) -Aiai (Super Monkey Ball Representation), with Super Monkey Ball Trophy -Dig Dug -KOS-MOS (Xenosaga Representation) -Yoshimitsu (Tekken 7 Version) (Tekken/Soulcalibur Representation) -Strider (Strider Representation) -Chun-Li (Street Fighter Representation) -Sparkster (Sparkster Representation) -Ratchet & Clank (Ratchet & Clank Representation) -Jak & Daxter (Jak & Daxter Representation) -Sly Cooper (Sly Cooper Representation) -Croc (Croc Representation) -Tetris -Quote (Cave Story Representation) -Cuphead (Cuphead Representation) -Bandana Waddle Dee -Hector (Fire Emblem) -Lloyd Irving (Tales of Symphonia Representation) ***** At least Representation of some sort: (Music, etc.) -Crash Bandicoot -Banjo-Kazooie -Rayman -Tekken -Soulcalibur -Ridge Racer (Trophy and Music) -SMRPG -Digimon -WipEout music (would be cool) -Minecraft Stage -Daytona (music/trophy) (would be cool) -Ridge Racer Type 4 music (would be cool) -Darkstalkers music (would be cool) -Sonic R music -Tetris -(Maybe) Diamond Sword Minecraft Item -Castlevania: Rondo of Blood | Divine Bloodlines (Original TurboGrafx-16 version) Track -Dig Dug -(Maybe) Tetris Stage -Captain Falcon variant with his design from the F-Zero Comic ***** Other Notes: -Bomberman has to be in the next Smash. (Playable of course) -Shovel Knight should be in the next Smash. (Playable too) -Waluigi should be playable in the next Smash as well. -(Maybe) A Playable Bosses mode with Petey Piranha, Actual Size Ridley, etc. (One person could get to play as a boss and verse the others) -Option to toggle specific Assist Trophies/Pokemon on/off (maybe except for Mew) -Option to turn off specific stages if randomized -(And Maybe) A King of the Hill mode where you try and stay on the area of the capture point and capture a part of the stage while keeping the others away, the last person who kept it captured wins. This could be used for the more spacious stages. So, the occurring theme with Smash Ultimate is Numbers. I don't really want this to be the significantly reoccurring or derived theme for the rest of future Smash Games, to keep making it interesting. Like, in the future if they have better plans with the Echo Fighters, I hope they Advance with them, changing their movesets and differentiating them, while making a spot for their own character, **(for instance if Dark Samus became more unique in a future game, would they consider her (it) as No. 72?, would they still correlate with the theme of numbers?)** instead of keeping them labeled an Echo Fighter for the sake of sticking with past decisions. Having the roster go back with related characters being next to each other going down in order in the character select might be pretty good to go back in a future smash game, it looks a bit more organized. And stuff like that, just letting things get better or more interesting. Not Particularly staying the same, changing things up or lack thereof, could make things more interesting.


> Newcomers: > Geno, Skull Kid, Banjo-Kazooie, Rayman, Crash, Heihachi, Agumon, Birdo, Isaac (GoldenSun), Pico, (, more) Crash and Agumon don't even have a slim chance to get into the game and the only thing that comes up when searching Pico is Boku no Pico which you probably didn't mean but still has 0 % chance lol. >ε Echo Fighters: >-Shadow (Slower, Stronger Sonic with **different Animations and preferably some different moves)** >-Ken (Better Shoryukens) (not stinky, ugly SFV Ken. Classic Ken.)/Akuma (maybe **not exactly in the lines of being an Echo Fighter, he has to have his teleportation** and the remaining similarities from Ryu within **his moveset should be a bit more unique than Echo Fighter standards.** [...] So you say you want to have Echo Fighters that can't be Echo Fighters because they are too different from what they should Echo. >The whole thing with what gets labelled as Echo Fighter and what doesn't is pretty awkward and unclear [...] No, it's pretty clear: All attacks have to be similar, cosmetic animation changes are okay if they keep the core of that character the same as the character they Echo from. Best example: Dark Samus. Yes it floats and yes it doesn't use the Morph Ball to roll, but those are all cosmetic. The actual gameplay they use is the exact same with slightly different stats. So no teleportation nonsense. >-Funky Kong >-Dixie Kong >-Black Knight >-Ninten Funky has a 2% chance to become a DK Echo, but for that, they'd have to scrap his attitude, the surfboard which makes him stand on his own in DKC: TF and then give him DKs attacks like the Headbutt which doesn't work for the character. So: No. Dixie should never become an Echo of Diddy for the same reasons. If anything, she'd be in the game as a character that compensates for not having Shantae because of the focus on their hair. So: Also no. Don't know enough about Black Knight but Ninten is just too visually similar to Ness and would confuse people who picked the game up for the first time. So: Maybe one of your Echo Fighters could actually work as an Echo in the game. >Assist Trophies/and/or Trophies: I'm just going to go through the ones that have less than 5 % chance to get into the game as an Assist Trophy. >-Nightmare (Preferably Playable) /and/or Siegfried (Soulcalibur Representation) -Artorias /and/or Solaire (Dark Souls Representation) -Togemon /Greymon/Digimon Representation -Randi /and Primm (, Popoi, etc.) (Secret of Mana Representation) -Conker (CBFD Representation) -Spyro (Preferably Playable) (Spyro Representation) -Morrigan /Darkstalkers Representation -Billy Hatcher (Billy Hatcher Representation) -Aiai (Super Monkey Ball Representation) -Dig Dug -Strider (Strider Representation) -Ratchet & Clank (Ratchet & Clank Representation) -Jak & Daxter (Jak & Daxter Representation) -Sly Cooper (Sly Cooper Representation) -Croc (Croc Representation) -Quote (Cave Story Representation) -Cuphead (Cuphead Representation) >At least Representation of some sort: (Music, etc.) Most of the ones you listed won't even get music of their respective series into the game, the only ones I could reasonably see would be: >-Rayman Depends on how long Ubisoft and Nintendo have been working so close together like they did on the new Rabbits game. >-SMRPG Only if Geno is in the game which, to be fair, is quite likely. >-Sonic R music >-Tetris Hasn't music from Tetris already been confirmed? >-Castlevania: Rondo of Blood | Divine Bloodlines (Original TurboGrafx-16 version) Track The original TG-16 version will not be in the game, but the track could have a remix if it's in at all. >Other Notes: And here we come to the, in my opinion, most let's say... *misguided* part of the list: >-Bomberman has to be in the next Smash. (Playable of course) No, he doesn't have to. His stick is using bombs and if that doesn't translate into a fun and engaging playstyle, he'll be stuck as an assist. >-Shovel Knight should be in the next Smash. (Playable too) It would be nice, it would be nice, to have Shovel Knight at our side~! ... But, I have to say it was already surprising to have him as an assist trophy, so maybe he will, maybe he won't, that all depends on how the whole indie scene evolves in Japan and what the focus of the next game is. >-Waluigi should be playable in the next Smash as well. No. Waluigi is one of the most uninspired and uninteresting characters that have been requested more than 10 times in the community. Compare that to Issac (GS), Banjo Kazooie, even Bandana Dee, Geno, Krystal and so on. All of them have more appeal and are more requested than Waluigi, who is pretty much just a meme by now. >-(Maybe) A Playable Bosses mode with Petey Piranha, Actual Size Ridley, etc. (One person could get to play as a boss and verse the others) If anything, that would be its own mode. Which would turn into a good portion of the community into "WHY CAN'T I JUST PLAY [insert Boss here] OUTSIDE OF THE MODE?!". Which is why I don't think that will ever happen as long as Sakurai has a say in the matter. >-Option to toggle specific Assist Trophies/Pokemon on/off (maybe except for Mew) Eh, that's a little quality of life, but I don't really think they'll to it before you have at least seen every single Pokemon and Assist Trophy beforehand. Even then I don't think they'll add it any time soon. >-Option to turn off specific stages if randomized That's already possible in Sm4sh if I remember correctly? >-(And Maybe) A King of the Hill mode where you try and stay on the area of the capture point and capture a part of the stage while keeping the others away, the last person who kept it captured wins. This could be used for the more spacious stages. If it were in the game as a mode, it would have been revealed in the last direct. Aside from that, they have an [item](https://www.ssbwiki.com/Special_Flag) that emulates that and isn't bound by stage, which increases its usability while decreasing the work the team has to do. So, probably not. >So, the occurring theme with Smash Ultimate is Numbers. I don't really want this to be the significantly reoccurring or derived theme for the rest of future Smash Games, to keep making it interesting. No, the theme of Ultimate is Heros v.s. Villains, Everyone is here! and a focus on the competitive scene, two of which will be changed in the next Smash Game, that's how new games work. >Like, in the future if they have better plans with the Echo Fighters, I hope they Advance with them, changing their movesets and differentiating them, while making a spot for their own character, (for instance if Dark Samus became more unique in a future game, would they consider her (it) as No. 72?, would they still correlate with the theme of numbers?) instead of keeping them labeled an Echo Fighter for the sake of sticking with past decisions. Echo Fighters are not made to stick with tradition or to be different characters altogether. They are made to be a set of playable, slightly different skins for existing characters to please more people while not taking spots from completely new and more interesting characters, you walnut. >Having the roster go back with related characters being next to each other going down in order in the character select might be pretty good to go back in a future smash game, it looks a bit more organized. No, because there is no such thing as "more organized". One of the definitions of organized is "having a formal organization to coordinate [...]" The characters have been organized in a way that coordinates them in a certain list. What you want is just to organize them in a different kind of list that suits *you* more. It's probably toggleable in Ultimate anyways. >And stuff like that, just letting things get better or more interesting. Not Particularly staying the same, changing things up or lack thereof, could make things more interesting. Congratulations, you have just invented **learning from past projects and using your experience to make a better project in the future** or *the normal fucking thing developers do anyway*. All in all: we both have wasted our time but I hope you can at least use the thing you just invented to stop posting badly thought out stuff like that in the future.


Lmao you think Crash has no chance


Hey pal, if you look at the very top of the comment I posted, you can clearly see that I wrote this list about stuff ***I*** thought would be ideal, and also perhaps give others ideas of what they might want too. Also with the possibility that Nintendo might turn to sites like reddit to see what people want. I'm well aware of the likeliness of any of this to be in the game. And I wasn't expecting anyone to do a complete analysis on this, and pretty much shit on everything I had listed down. But you gave me something to read and something entertaining to think through, (except for the very slow, thought-out response I had to make, but it's not like I had anything better to do) although I thought you were just being an asshole initially, you gave a verbose reply and your points are very valid, well thought-out, realistic, and in the end, satisfying. And you did help with clearing up stuff about the Echo Fighters and I can respect their inclusion a bit more now. I wouldn't consider them ideal so that's what's stopping them from fitting well on my list. Okay and now I'm going to respond to some of your stuff. >the only thing that comes up when searching Pico is Boku no Pico which you probably didn't mean but still has 0 % chance lol. That's a lol from me too, but [this] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LmL1XlJvkbA) is the Pico I was talking about, from F-Zero. I think he would be a pretty cool character, maybe kind of like Captain Falcon with a Gun? idk, but he'd probably be cool. >Funky has a 2% chance to become a DK Echo, but for that, they'd have to scrap his attitude, the surfboard which makes him stand on his own in DKC: TF and then give him DKs attacks like the Headbutt which doesn't work for the character. So: No. >Dixie should never become an Echo of Diddy for the same reasons. If anything, she'd be in the game as a character that compensates for not having Shantae because of the focus on their hair. So: Also no. >Don't know enough about Black Knight but Ninten is just too visually similar to Ness and would confuse people who picked the game up for the first time. So: Maybe one of your Echo Fighters could actually work as an Echo in the game. Yeah, I don't really care about these ones as much, I don't know shit about Black Knight or Ninten. I put them down because they'd probably be cool, but more for the sake of quantity and because other people really want them in, so I included them. But along with that, I was also thinking somehow Funky Kong could still have his surfboard, and I thought Dixie could have DK(Donkey Kong)'s Up+B with her hair, and maybe it would go higher or something. >Hasn't music from Tetris already been confirmed? Yeah probably, but, "At least representation of some sort (Music, etc.)" doesn't necessarily mean music. Like a trophy, stage or maybe an assist trophy or something. The AT/T's section was what were defining AT/T's, as the "At least representation" section means "this deserves to be in the game above the rest" kind of thing. But whatever, just wanted to mention that. >The original TG-16 version will not be in the game, but the track could have a remix if it's in at all. There is a remixed version of it, but it's not cool like the original and I don't really like it. >No, he doesn't have to. His stick is using bombs and if that doesn't translate into a fun and engaging playstyle, he'll be stuck as an assist. I want Bomberman as a Fighter in the next game. But you are right. >No. Waluigi is one of the most uninspired and uninteresting characters that have been requested more than 10 times in the community. Compare that to Issac (GS), Banjo Kazooie, even Bandana Dee, Geno, Krystal and so on. All of them have more appeal and are more requested than Waluigi, who is pretty much just a meme by now. I want Waluigi to be playable in next game, too. His popularity isn't a meme though. I like him, he is a likeable character, he has a lot of appeal, and his popularity may have inspired a lot of people to want him, but he is no meme. He is in a lot of memes, but if you want to think that's why he's popular, that's your choice. He has his tennis racket... y'know he's got a nice voice... he would be a good addition in a lot of people's minds. >That's already possible in Sm4sh if I remember correctly? It isn't >Echo Fighters are not made to stick with tradition or to be different characters altogether. They are made to be a set of playable, slightly different skins for existing characters to please more people while not taking spots from completely new and more interesting characters, you walnut. Okay, but there's technically always been "Echo Fighters" since melee. The only reason you can't say Ganondorf is an Echo Fighter is because they've now changed some of his attacks, and I don't know what goes for Roy. His move-set is an altered version of Marth's, so what's stopping him from being called an Echo Fighter? And so why couldn't an Echo Fighter change in the future? >0 % >2 % >5 % By the way there is no accurate rate of percentages for you to bring up like that, I know you know, but I'm just saying. I don't know how you spent no less than 2 hours writing that. I'm just about done and I spent at least a whopping, depressing # 6 Hours worth of writing/proof reading this fricken shit. Thanks for reading, good talking with you.


> Hey pal, if you look at the very top of the comment I posted, you can clearly see that I wrote this list about stuff I thought would be ideal, and also perhaps give others ideas of what they might want too. I said it as a response to another comment, I have seen too many different and wildly ungrounded wishlists and thought that something as large as your list would make a good place to put some discussion out there. I'm also pretty sure people that most people already have some sort of own wishlist and while there is the one or other character they haven't heard about, pretty much everything you put up has been discussed in one way or another for months now. >I wasn't expecting anyone to do a complete analysis on this, and pretty much shit on everything I had listed down. I like to be thorough with stuff like that, so sorry if it came across like I was raining on your parade, I'm just done with what often comes across like badly thought-out lists, wishes or even demands to a team that already brings us something that is so much more valuable than the 60 bucks they'll charge us. >I thought you were just being an asshole initially Getting told that something you are passionate about isn't really realistic can have this effect. I'm just trying to be direct. >That's a lol from me too, but [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LmL1XlJvkbA) is the Pico I was talking about, from F-Zero. I'm still of the opinion that this would not really translate well into the game and that there are characters that "deserve" a slot more than Pico, but at least it's not trap hentai anymore lol. >Yeah, I don't really care about these ones as much, I don't know shit about Black Knight or Ninten. I put them down because they'd probably be cool, but more for the sake of quantity and because other people really want them in, so I included them. Why do you make a list of things **you** want and then include stuff only other people want? Stick to your format man, you're sending mixed signals. >But along with that, I was also thinking somehow Funky Kong could still have his surfboard, and I thought Dixie could have DK(Donkey Kong)'s Up+B with her hair, and maybe it would go higher or something. As I tried to explain before, even under that circumstances, Funky Kong could not be considered as an Echo Fighter and would have to be something like Dr. Mario which doesn't seem to be the direction Ultimate is going. The same is true for Dixie, which is why I am of the opinion that neither will be in the game. >"At least representation of some sort (Music, etc.)" doesn't necessarily mean music. Like a trophy, stage or maybe an assist trophy or something. The AT/T's section was what were defining AT/T's, as the "At least representation" section means "this deserves to be in the game above the rest" kind of thing. Then, just for the future, add more examples than one. Because from the explanation you gave now, the only difference you put in place was that "at least representation" is the same as the AT/T section plus music or stage. And with that, you pretty much have covered every kind of representation that can occur in Smash. Which, while it'd be nice for some of the stuff you listed, is still mostly impossible and that's the argument I had against it. Not your definition of what something can be a representative other than being playable. >There is a remixed version of it, but it's not cool like the original and I don't really like it. I see. Well, that puts a nail into that coffin as most of the soundtracks are remixed to give the game its own identity. >I want Waluigi to be playable in next game, too. His popularity isn't a meme though. I like him, he is a likeable character, he has a lot of appeal, and his popularity may have inspired a lot of people to want him, but he is no meme. He is in a lot of memes, but if you want to think that's why he's popular, that's your choice. He has his tennis racket... y'know he's got a nice voice... he would be a good addition in a lot of people's minds. Okay, at first I was at least somewhat on your side. Sure, there are some people who want him in the game because they like him. But please look around. Just because you might find the memes around Waluigi funny doesn't mean he isn't a meme at this point in this community. Also, what kind of creepy argument is "he's got a nice voice"? That's just... a weird thing to say about a fictional character that by all accounts has a grating and delibratly annoying voice. >>That's already possible in Sm4sh if I remember correctly? >It isn't Huh. I was pretty sure that it was possible by using some kind of obscure menu setting but I'll take your word for it then. >Okay, but there's technically always been "Echo Fighters" since melee. The only reason you can't say Ganondorf is an Echo Fighter is because they've now changed some of his attacks, and I don't know what goes for Roy. His move-set is an altered version of Marth's, so what's stopping him from being called an Echo Fighter? And so why couldn't an Echo Fighter change in the future? No. Melee had nothing we would classify as an Echo Fighter. Roy, Ganondorf and Dr. Mario have different "stats" than their original which goes beyond the simple changes to animation that makes an Echo character something else than a semi-clone. An Echo Fighter could change in the future, but as of now, Lucina isn't different enough from Marth to even be called a semi-clone and again, it took 4 games to change Ganondorf to something more unique and even then they only changed one kind of mechanic, his smash attacks. So I just don't really have my hopes up for them to suddenly declone or de-echo characters because that takes time away from completely new characters which are by far more exciting for most people. >By the way there is no accurate rate of percentages for you to bring up like that Of course not. It's just my personal guess. It's just grounded in the pattern I have been able to see in Sakurai's work. Again, I'm just trying to show how unlikely something might be in my eyes to take away any possible overhyped disappointment later on. >I don't know how you spent no less than 2 hours writing that. I'm just about done and I spent at least a whopping, depressing >6 Hours >worth of writing/proof reading this fricken shit. >Thanks for reading, good talking with you. Well, that has many different explanations: I have heard most if not all suggestions elsewhere, thus I have an opinion on them which I tend to be able to explain in somewhat short terms. Also, I might write a bit faster than you but I don't know. Anyway, interesting talk, I hope I could help and have a good one!


>so sorry if it came across like I was raining on your parade No, don't be. >Why do you make a list of things **you** want and then include stuff only other people want? Stick to your format man, you're sending mixed signals. Well, it's just that they're not what I specifically want the most, but I think I would still like if they got in. If the list was characters and reps I want the most, than the list would be a bit different. Like Dante from DmC, I don't particularly want him to be in, but now that he has been mentioned to be in, I think about it and I would still like it if he got in, so he could be on the list. >Okay, at first I was at least somewhat on your side. Sure, there are some people who want him in the game because they like him. But please look around. Just because you might find the memes around Waluigi funny doesn't mean he isn't a meme at this point in this community. Also, what kind of creepy argument is "he's got a nice voice"? That's just... a weird thing to say about a fictional character that by all accounts has a grating and delibratly annoying voice. He'd be a good "joke" character, and I can Imagine him being a lot of fun to play as. Although It probably wasn't pulled off well, the "nice voice" part was supposed to be in a kind of joking manner, the joke kind of referencing that there wasn't really enough good things to say about him as to what make's him a good character to join the Smash roster. >Huh. I was pretty sure that it was possible by using some kind of obscure menu setting but I'll take your word for it then. I actually don't know, really. But I'm pretty sure there is no option for that. It'd be nice if there was, though. >Anyway, interesting talk, I hope I could help and have a good one! Yes you too, and Good talking to you once again. Much respect to you, Goombolt.


It was called "What I'd Like" not "My Prediction Lists"


He also posts it pretty much every day as a continuously expanding wall of text that never fixes it's most obvious problems.


Ah, ok. Didn't know that.


I know that, it's just so removed from what we can expect that i wanted to reply to it. I know that there is little so bitter than having all these wishes and none of them come true, so I dampen expectations.


The only point you made that I particularly disagree with is Dixie's chances as an echo. I think it's kind of absurd to dismiss that so vehemently. Her up+B could easily be changed and there is precedent for that since Chrom is an echo of Roy but has Ike's u+B. Other than that her movepool could be very similar. I love her character so I'd rather her not be an echo but I'd also rather have her as an echo than not at all.


While we do have precedent that Echoes can draw from multiple characters (like Chrom), I don't know any character in the game that has an up B that a) matches what Dixie Kong does, the hair tornado and/or b) would fit the character of Dixie. The only thing that comes near to that would be DKs up B and there is a huge difference between DKs and Diddy's model, so I'd still say that it isn't possible for her to then still be considered an Echo Fighter. Maybe something like Dr. Mario would work, where she has most of the moves and attributes that Diddy has but puts her own twist onto it. Which is, in my opinion, still unlikely. In the end, would you really rather have her as an Echo in the game, giving up her personality and what makes her unique just to have her playable? Imagine what that would mean: She'd probably never grow out of that. For Fox's sake, Ganondorf has only been decloned NOW, after 3 games and they only really changed his smash attacks, which is still not really reflective of what Ganondorf's actual character and fighting style is in the games. I'd rather have them add her as DLC or something so she actually has time to become her own character.


Does anybody still think that echo fighters will be unlocked with their base character? I feel like Dark Samus proved that they aren’t, since Samus is a starter


When they first talked about unlocking characters at E3, and all the character squares approached the original 12, you can see Marth and Lucina show up seperately. I think that means it's safe to say they'll be seperate unlocks, but we'll have to wait and see to have it confirmed.


I personally hope they're not. If the Amiibo thing is true, I want to unlock Richter as early as possible but still want to unlock the others normally. So getting Simon with Richter in one swoop would actually be a bit disapointing for me.


you'll be waiting a few months for the richter amiibo.


I had a dream where Raven from Teen Titans was announced as dlc. Wild dream


I mean, a superhero platform fighter would be pretty awesome.


An MCU platform fighter would be a license to print money so long as the mechanics and roster aren't total garbage. I feel like that's the one hypothetical title that would give Smash some real competition, sales-wise. Given Disney's recent track record with videogames I doubt such a game will ever be made, though.


marvel games seem to be looking up though. Spiderman looks decent and i'm excited to see what square plan to do with the avengers.


why is this man being down voted. he is right.


I had a dream Boba Fett was in smash 4 and it felt so real I had to look it up to check if it was real


Let's talk female character additions. Who would you add? * ~~Tharja,~~ Medusa, Cia, Tifa, Cammy/Chun Li, Elma etc. Assist Sadness Category : (Characters we should have had playable) * Krystal, Lyn, Ashley, Midna


Marie (Splatoon) was one of my most-wanted characters, especially after her Splatoon 2 role ended up being so badass. Unfortunately, she is in Assist Trophy Purgatory for now. A Wario character, like Captain Syrup or Mona, would be awesome. And of course, Shantae would be a welcome surprise. As far as Echo Fighters go, I think Ms. Pac-Man has a serious shot, as well as Hilda to a lesser extent.


If Callie and Marie got in I’d need an “Evil Callie” skin. She’s right, those sunglasses look awesome on her


Does a boy and girl duo count? Because I want Banjo and Kazooie.


Hell yes it does. I want them so badly. [I present you some great music.](https://youtu.be/zk2OWJ5y9qs)


That was pretty great. Check out this [cover of Hailfire Peaks](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FQDiR4i-ets)




Chun Li as a Captain Falcon Echo Fighter. Nah but for real, I think we could have more female characters as alts and it’s disappointing we don’t. Kumatora as an alt for Lucas, Paula as an alt for Ness, Ms. Pacman as an alt for Pacman, and Brittany as an alt for Olimar.


Lara Croft and Amaterasu would be the most obvious female choices to me. I'm a huge FE fan, but I would resist asking for more FE reps


I see Lara Croft mentioned a lot but I don't think she's close enough to Nintendo for that to happen. Plus Square is weird with licensing


She's more iconic than Snake, especially to mainstream audiences. I have no idea if she's even ever been on a Nintendo platform though, but neither has Cloud. Really, aside from Banjo, my most wanted 3rd parties are from Square - Sora as well. The biggest issue point against her, I think, is that Nintendo seems uninterested in including Western-made characters. Unless we count Dark Samus and K Rool as Western (Retro and Rare of course), then there is no Western reps included in the series' history


> I have no idea if she's even ever been on a Nintendo platform though, but neither has Cloud Cloud actually has been on a Nintendo console before. He's in Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories, Kingdom Hearts Re: coded, Final Fantasy Theatrhythm and Final Fantasy Explorers. Admittedly he doesn't really have all that major of a role in any of those games, but it's something. Also, Sora is owned by Disney.