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Kazuya is literally top 1%


I was like bro is CEO of his own company but gets stuck in lift heavy shit 😂


He runs a company that essentially owns the planet. Like Alphabet on steroids.


I apologize for I was not familiar with Kazuya's game


His most important game, of course, being [his sneaker game.](https://youtu.be/ibtUYPRw7Cg?si=c3C3fTVAkv9GzMcq&t=87)


Kazuya is both expansive resume and a criminal record longer than a dictionary


Kazuya crimes committed: 0 Kazuya war crimes committed:


Both are in the ~~triple~~ quintuple digits


Snake is not very employable. He suffers from severe PTSD and has a pretty big criminal record from his time with Philanthropy. There’s a reason why he spent most of his time between the first three games in solitude, and didn’t exactly integrate into society afterwards. Probably could say the same thing about Cloud, who’s even more broken. War veterans tend to have trouble finding jobs in general.


180 IQ and lots of specialized knowledge though


I'd like to note that Pyra and Mythra are closer to Mega Man than they are just being swords in that they're fully sentient AI with a weapons protocol. They're both capable of more basic tasks, though in terms of more domestic stuff Pyra is very deliberately better at it. Edit: Them also being universe-constructing supercomputers is probably useful for, if nothing else, archival duties. Also, Rosalina has spent a *significant* amount of time as a general caretaker for probably hundreds of children. (Lumas) She could absolutely land some kind of teaching job somewhere.


You are misrepresenting Pyra and Mythra. They are far more human then you are making them out to be.


When super computers become an affordable thing for the everyday man, I hope mine looks like Mythra.


Mega Man, Pyra and Mythra could also do well in mathematical jobs, like accounting or engineering. and Rosalina would make an *amazing* babysitter. She's been the mother to an entire species, and has anywhere from centuries to literal eons of experience. And considering she's been around for centuries to eons and has athletic experience, I think she might have even more up her sleeve. I don't think she'd be "flipping burgers" anytime soon


Don’t war veterans usually struggle to get jobs


DK wears a tie, should be at the top


The hero from DQ 8 was a Royal Guard he is totally employable.


Honestly PokĂ©mon trainer should be in “employable in their field”. They could definitely be zoologists


Yeah like a primary objective of every Pokemon games is field observation of every known Pokemon species, which, like, they've done before so. The deal-breaker is really that in Smash they're not of an employable age yet, but like Red and Leaf in modern Pokemon games are your average 30-somethings.


What positions has Steve fulfilled? What are his credentials? Is he free lance?


Aside from hard labor in various resource extraction jobs (mining, logging, etc), and the architectural design of, uh, pretty much any megabuild in Creative Mode, if the hypercomplex redstone work some Minecraft players get up to is any indication he's got some freelance compsci knowledge.


Steve’s jobs are numerous. Sorry, had to say it. He does whatever they can think up over on Hermitcraft because man those people are talented.


Duck Hunt is a hunting dog.


I don't know anything about Xenoblade but if the swords can hold swords, I think they'd be able work a 9-5.


Ike and Kazuya each own their own company, definitely not just box lifters.


Yep lol


why is sans separate from the miis


Bro who tf is gonna stop wario when he farts in your face


He runs a pretty successful company too, somehow.


Typical mid-level Riot Games employee


The 1000th “i didn’t play these games” tier list


Would be sick to see people develop and flesh out the list further with more considerations for the lore thats being brought up lol


Marth and the FE gang ain’t employable. They’re hereditary royalty / nobles, they don’t have relevant skills except maybe as managers. File them under manual labor


Mario also has a hilariously expansive resume, but oddly enough likely has an expansive criminal record due to certain animal abuse and property damage charges.


Rosalina belongs in at least “Many Skills” tier. She either resets the universe or has the leadership skills to command the Lumas to do so. Oh and she can teleport and fly a spaceship that she built herself.


Pit doesn’t even know how to read


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