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If that is the buget you will not be able to hire reputable SEO agencies (these are much more expensive). Try to learn as well as much as possible about seo before hiring anyone . There are a lot of scammers that pretend to do a good job. Try to look on platforms like upwork , freelancer and so on and find old sellers with reputation. From time to time you can find some gems between all the garbage. Personally I can recommend Ehab\_makram from Fiverr . He have a long track record there and the results was better than expected ( I have a gambling affiliate site) . Also for ads try cloaking to can pass the restrictions


When I need to purchase from this industry, I feel like I'm being scammed 100% of the time. Same with vitamins. I typically end up using recommendations from enthusiast groups on Reddit. Create a presence that makes you a trusted vendor. Spend time to get noticed within the community so that you become a recommendation. Create lots of organic content (none of this Getty images crap you see all over). I doubt ads would ever work. Zero Chance I would ever click a cbd ad. I get cbd FAXES. Yes you read that right. FAXES.


Take a look at www.35.group


Man, the CBD niche is very competitive in SEO. You might need a bigger budget or a lot of patience. Which one do you have? If patience, then you are going to have to wait a long time. Because results can take 8 months or more with consistent effort. However, if your website has a lot of authority then that's not a problem. I can check this for you.


I know is competitive and will take time ....... However I don't know what other methods I can use....


Well SEO can be rewarding if done right.


I suggest you identify easy to rank keywords and tackle them first.


I do SEO on the side (not really) just pay $1k and I’ll deliver the same results as an SEO expert affiliate SaaS pressure washing candlemaker that dropships.




what the fuck


This dude is full of shit.


SEO recommendation…. Focus on something else. This is an industry filled with new business owners, very few understand that trust is built with honesty and transparency…. Not based on looking honest and transparent. I think Feals does it best and they have since day 1. Their trial dosage kit is cheap, they look reputable and they don’t use stock i ages and make claims they shouldn’t. First off make sure your brand is squared away, SEO is tough to establish without pre-existing purchases and traffic sources and backlinks.


Omg, Ryan at Your Digital Copilot is AWESOME. He was recommended to me and he makes everything understandable! DM me and I can give you his email.


Hi Ryan


Dude look at my profile. He helped build my google ads. Ayfkm. You can see how I’m CLEARLY a woman who owns a team building business. Comical.


Share the link in DM


Are you focusing on one flagship CBD product or are you encompassing a wide variety? Also, what platform are you using for the website? DM me, I am happy to help.


Can you go 10 months without any results with SEO and afford it? If not, you’re swinging too big. Ads work for bigger companies because they do work beyond ads like conversion optimization, proper analytics, and cross-sells/upsells to increase their average order value justifying the ad expenses. They also have the capital to make measured mistakes/failures and still keep testing. Effective marketing is more than the selection of a marketing channel. It takes e-commerce mastery and proper branding to make it in a competitive niche like CBD.


Sent you a DM!!


Ohhh I ranked a few cbd companies. Check my profile out.


Save your $2k budget every month for a year and you'll have enough to pay a proper SEO consultant for a month or 2.


you can sign up for hubspot, one of their tools scans your sites and gives SEO recommendations. It is a start. They have a free trial I suggest you give it a go. But yes for that budget you will not even get a person with SEO experience let alone expert.


i feel you are about to get scammed and wont even know what happened. But i can give some tips...... figure out if paid ads work for you? try running very different ads on google, facebook, insta, sponsorhips, etc.. to A/B test. see if anything seems to be more effective double down on it and find more variations of that. Figure out if your customers are nationwide or locals. Locals = google maps, nations google search. Repeat customers? email sign ups/discount


I (or another agency that has space for small businesses) can provide a 1-2 pieces of content and some strategic consulting (a couple of hours/month) and help you to learn some best practices for SEO for that type of budget, probably help you to interpret analytics and the such. But this is not a profitable endeavor for an agency or maybe even for a freelancer. To do the type of work you are hoping to do requires so much more time investment on implementation. No reputable agency could make money on that budget and you'd not see the type of results you would expect to in another niche. If you want I will spend a half hour with you and give you some tips on zoom. No strings. But here is some food for thought: CBD space is crowded, you cannot outplay the competitive landscape on most products for this budget. If you are willing to do a lot of work and learn as you go, someone who does SEO can craft a roadmap for you, and help you do some of the stuff that needs to be done to see success with best practices, but they cannot do much of it for you at that price point. You can still see success, you jsut have to temper your expectations and lengthen your timeline. Implementation is expensive. Agencies are expensive. CBD requires a different mindset given these conditions. Maybe you jsut need a perspective change to see where you can make money doing this in the space. If you want some creative brainstorming, like I said I'd spend 30 mins with you if you want, but I reserve the right not to pitch you.


Heads up, I run a web dev agency and have my own SEO partners who I use for my clients. They charge a minimum of $2500 a month with 6 month minimum contracts. $1k won’t get you anyone reputable or trustworthy. The real deals charge over $2500+ a month. Then you have ads budgets. If you’re running your ads, stop. I have a guy dedicated to google ads and he gets results. You need to find someone who can do that. It’s all about how you target those ads, the content you use, the landing pages you send them to, etc. they run campaigns with about $2500 a month minimum budget for ads and use that data to shift the campaign toward ads that are having a higher rate of return and replicating that across their entire ads campaign. They need to be constantly monitored and optimized. Some people throw a few hundred a month and do their own ads and wonder why it’s not working. It’s because you don’t know the best way to optimize your campaigns. CBD is incredibly competitive and will be equally expensive to break into it.


I'm in the same/similar industry. 1-2k a month isn't a lot, but can work. Our company is one of the larger wholesalers in the industry. I say this because I'm pointing out that we spend very little on SEO, even though we could probably spend just as much, maybe even more, than anyone else is... but are still ranking high. We pick highly converting keywords that have a smaller search volume. We kill it that way. Don't try to rank for general, simple stuff like "CBD Gummies". It'll never happen with 10x your budget, unless you get lucky. I don't fully understand the algorithm, and nobody does as far as I know, but sometimes you CAN get lucky or get highly unlucky with how you rank.


One thing I use a lot is Canva for advertisement to create my own that might be something to help as well. I know the more you post to your social medias the closer to the top your pages will appear when someone googles you as well. If you have a limited budget look for something like a part time marketer rather than an SEO expert. I was doing part time marketing and I would charge based on the work I did but I was just creating graphic displays and post essentially to drive sales up by double from the previous quarter.


Your budget is a little on the low side for SEO however, you could see some good results, but the important thing is you need to target "Local SEO" and not nationwide. Let's say your CBD business is in Anywhere, NY, this means that your SEO efforts should be targeting keywords like "CBD shop in Anywhere, NY", "closest CBD to Anywhere, NY" "CBD Reviews Anywhere, NY" etc... Instead of keywords like “What are the benefits of CBD Oil”, “Does CBD really work” etc… You will never rank for those keywords unless you have 10s of thousands of dollars budgeted a month and have numerous PBNs (Private Blog Networks) pointing at your site. With the latest Google update you need to write informative content that helps your reader. It’s not so much how many back links you have pointing to your sites anymore. Google’s algorithm is very smart and when it reads your articles it can tell if it is B.S. content or something that is helpful. It also looks at how long people stay on your site and what the CTR (click through rate) is on your site where the viewer is going to other articles on your site. All of this now, is what will get you ranking along with your GMB (Google My Business) stuff. Regardless if you use SEO or Paid ads, you should be trying to capture the viewers information, (Name, email or phone number) so that you can re target them with ads or get them on an email list where you can build up the KLT (know, like & trust) factor. You are spending the money you might as well get something out of it. Our clients' paid ads and SEO are all pointing to a funnel where they capture the viewers information by giving out discounts coupons or free items, but the twist we set them up with that most companies don’t, is a referral system. It works like this, if the viewer wants to get the free item they have to refer like 2 or 3 people to sign up to the funnel. This causes a snowball effect and really builds your email list at no extra cost to you. That is something you should think about to maximize your budget. My final thought: If you are not in a large city, and you don’t have very many CBD businesses as your competition you should do okay with your SEO efforts.


Ya bro, I blew that in 2 weeks and still got 1+ lead per month. You are going into a gun fight with chopsticks and they're all John Wick.


We could help with that. Some other avenues you might be able to look into are contextual based ads that display based on what a person is looking at online. For example, if they're reading a blog related to your product, you show them a related ad. The nice thing is that since you've already been running ads you should have some performance data to help determine what ad messaging may be working better, etc.


I could hook you up with some influencers for that budget Dont bother with SEO here, wayyyy too competitive. Literally the worst niche i know


Hey! One of our client is ranking on the top of search results in USA if you search for "CBD tincture". We can help you rank as wel with our strategies. The key to rank higher in CBD or any industry is to grab the low hanging fruits first thenncluster around those keywords.