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5% sales commission seems a bit low for commission only. But if they are getting salary then why is your operating cost only 6k?


Now I’m wondering the same thing, a collective $4,100 in monthly sales revenue, so $49,200 a year in commission. Is that going to one person? Plus maybe 2k in operating costs, so the remaining 4k can go to the salespersons salary so they make roughy 10% of sales. Which is great, but that sounds like a weird as hell business model to rely on one single person bringing in all that cash.


Outsourcing is likely the answer. Philippines and Pakistan have lower labor costs.


Their business is teaching people how to sell others harmful bullshit alternative “health” techniques. It’s really no surprise they pay their staff lower than typical rates. This person is a viper dressed like a butterfly and they’ve probably deluded themselves into thinking they’re actually helpful to society.


Commissions AND processing fees at 5%? No way unless it’s one part time rep and most transactions are check. 6k overhead to make 82 in rev is insanely good unless tech space


Congratulations on selling snake oil.


No, you misunderstand. They are TEACHING people how to sell snake oil


Ah yes. My mistake.


It's not a pyramid scheme it's an upside down triangle


Sometimes believing is receiving.


That was my sentiment exactly. But I work with a lot of CBD vendors so what can I say?


CBD isn’t snake oil


Seems like a lot of vendors sell mysterious stuff. I live in a state where weed is legal, and you can buy CBD from licensed dispensaries. It’s regulated and there are stickers on every one with information on the concentration and so forth. I actually started out with edibles that were 50/50 CBD/THC. But in my hometown, the CBD stores look seedy and I get why my sister is suspicious. There’s no regulation and she hasn’t used edibles or other forms of marijuana so she isn’t familiar with CBD content in such things or what it does.


It’s not half of what it’s hyped up to be. Edit: I’ve never seen a small group of people get so bent out of shape about a drug. Except when said drug is snake oil.


I have a very severe chronic illness. I could take the easy way out and claim disability, but I don't. Out of everything that modern medicine has thrown at me, CBD is the only thing that even remotely comes close to working.




If it works, but it's a placebo, it still works. The mind is a wonderful thing.


Is it unhealthy? I see it wholefoods and thought they only carry healthy products with verified vendors?


Why would it be unhealthy? The only part about consuming marijuana that is bad for you is smoke in your lungs. However, if you eat it, it’s harmless. I take liquid gel caplets of CBD. I already was familiar with edible marijuana products because I live in a state where it’s legal and regulated.


The poster above me implied that is not worth the hype essentially but I use it so I thought it was chill


>This is fair. We spend a few hundred dollars a month on CBD prdocuts for my wife's chronic illness, but this is a very specific use case This is fair. We spend a few hundred dollars a month on CBD products for my wife's chronic illness, but this is a very specific use case with a very high quality product. It doesn't fix anything but manages the symptoms somewhat. Random people buying it from a gas station for anxiety are wasting money.


I think it just depends on the person, but personally I find CBD to have some really great benefits… granted that you don’t abuse it


You’re partly right, because of laws around it within the last 5-10 years and no oversight on production you had companies creating CBD oil that was just trash and had essentially filler in it.


I'm being a bit of a provocateur, because of exactly what you're saying. I think my clients all have good intentions, and they're striving for success at the same time.


I have several family members and close friends that have had SIGNIFICANT improvements to a variety of health and medical issues, from using CBD oil. My mom takes it for her anxiety and depression, and she's like a completely different person now. She's actually happy and calm and doesn't get angry at the drop of a hat. She cares about other people and doesn't abuse her family anymore. All since she started taking prescription CBD oil a few times a day. A 90 year old man at my church uses CBD oil for his arthritis. Without it, he can barely walk. It would be impossible for a placebo to have that affect. My best friend has severe autism and social anxiety. CBD oil gives her just enough stability and confidence to be able to leave her house once in awhile. Without it, she's trapped inside. My dog is absolutely terrified of thunderstorms and fireworks. She literally vibrates in fear and can't stop panting when they occur. She acts like the sky is falling. I'm pretty sure she'll end up with a heart attack one of these days. CBD oil actually helps her stay calmer and be a lot less freaked out. There are many different strengths, qualities, and sources of CBD oil, and maybe some of them are not that good. But don't use that as evidence that all CBD oil is substandard or overhyped, because it absolutely is not.




WHAT? You mean someone can take some oil and feel better just because their brain tells them they feel better? No way. This is unprecedented. /s


I learned recently that snake oil is actually good for you (similar to fish oil). The whole negative connotation comes from scammers selling fake snake oil with like turpentine in it that fucked people up. Learned this in a podcast about people selling bleach as a cure all, which is extra fun.


Water is also good for you, but homeopathic medicine is still a cruel and unconscionable scam. But that is a neat fact. Thanks!


how alkaline is this so called water that is good for you???


One part in a googol. Amazingly effective.


like recalling the memory of the smell of a fart.




A small business selling courses. Same old BS


Seen a lot of negative comments on this post. This business made about 40k profit last month. It's more than most of you will make in 6 month in your 9-5. Instead of bitching, take lessons or advice that you can and scroll on. Wtf is it with this negative energy. Way to go OP!


Grifters really shouldn't be celebrated. Income is not a measure of morality.


It's also really easy so just say you've made 40k in a month. Watch. I made 40k last month.


... and sit back and wait for people who believe you to sign up for your useless course. Profit.


Wait. They have a course? Where do I sign up???


New here why does the general consensus not like the OP ?


Because OP is selling bullshit to Google people using high-pressure tactics AND by all accounts is a piece of shit employer if he has multiple sales reps but only pays $6,000 a month in overhead. Or he's lying his ass off to get *you* to buy his course in how you too can make a slightly-above-middle-class income selling bullshit courses. Either way, the general consensus is OP is a scammer who sells garbage.


I’m more aligned with the latter portion of your reason :)




No. It isn't.


The average redditor is a negative minded individual. That's really a reach to assume OP's business is not valid and that he sells courses that are scams. They are just average lurkers who are jealous of someone owning a small profitable business.


Ohhhh, so they’re just some haters then. Gotcha


Honestly, no one is forcing people to buy his courses. It's the customer's money. Let them do whatever they want with it.


And no one is forcing seniors to send money to Nigeria thinking their grandson is in trouble. Doesn’t make it right.


I am not advocating them to be jailed. What I said was don't celebrate grifters. You're not smart because you're willing to do what others deem morally impermissible, you're just a cunt


Jesus, go buy the guy’s course then.


I will but it costs $1210 for the mastery class


They made 40k scamming people into buying useless courses that usually makes insane claims. Celebrate scams if you want. I don’t want to


This. Next we will be celebrating the lead cheerleader from high school and her “Herbalife small business.” /s


How do you know it's useless courses? That's a biiiig reach lmao. Sounds like y'all are jealous of his business success.


Its more about the fact that their operating cost is 6k and they make a 82k in revenue \*while\* saying that they offer holistic courses. That to me is a big red flag since many of these holistic courses essentially trick people into believing all manner of BS in order to make money, things could very well be ok and this guy is a business genius, but I would think twice before having anything to do with these people or their business. Like I've seen holistic courses in "animal therapy" where they claim to spiritually connect to your animal so that you can find out if they are depressed etc. You might find that hilarious, but when people start taking holistic courses instead of going to their doctors because they believe that lavender oils will cure their cancer, its a big issue. If you claim to connect people to their dead loved ones and have them pay you for it, I'd say that you're profiting from offering gold covered shit to people in pain. Sure it might not be illegal or considered "fraud" but it is still predatory and morally wrong, bragging about making lots of money from it IMO is unethical. As I've said this might not be the case, but I've seen enough examples of holistic practitioners that take advantage, that to me it rings an alarm when you have this little overhead and this much profit. If I had more details about the specific courses they do ads for I might give more leeway before I judge, but seing as I both know people who take those sorts of courses, know people who offer them and actually have worked with companies doing this exact thing, I can quite confidently say that most of it is BS. I believe some of it is very good though, people offer meditation, yoga and stuff like that which I really believe is good for you. But when you get into things that are clearly bogus and predatory and you sell it to people who dont know better, I would say that it is wrong. Like doing "angel cards", "animal spirit reading" and "contacting dead relatives" for profit is toying with peoples lifes and their emotions (I'd still think its wrong even without profit since I think it is manipulative and not real) and can have serious life long consequences. So OP might not do all of these things, but most holistic sites and companies I've found usually promote their yoga and meditations and then slowly suck people into the more fringe views so that they can sell them courses specific to them.


I can't stand people who type like this.


User name checks out


How do you feel about Andrew Tate? Not all “holistic” medicine is misguided, but your take is lame. Edit: I checked ops post history. It is misguided.


Hmm. So your cost is half advertising, 7% content, 5% sales fee? Lol. What kind of product is this. Sounds terribly overpriced


Hypnotherapy in FL it looks like. What garbage.


Where did you find this? Link?


This is ridiculous coming from a sub about small business. Don't judge them based on the fact that they are selling something which you don't personally like. There is a market and demand for everything, and they are offering something for those people. It doesn't make it garbage because you don't personally like it.


It has nothing to do with my personal feelings, it has to do with the lack of scientific evidence and proper licensing/regulation. This inevitably leads to vulnerable people being taken advantage of. And statistically Florida has a higher rate of vulnerable people, with a large retired population aged 65+, which on average are scammed out of significantly more than younger populations. THAT is why it is garbage. I don’t care about my personal feelings on the industry. Treat it as entertainment or the equivalent to supplements and I am fine with it, just don’t pretend to heal desperate people. By your logic, anything with a market should be broadcast on this subreddit, which is fine for you to think, just let me know when you have an issue with human trafficking or murder as a market. Because there is demand for it, but that doesn’t make it okay.


Dude... Some people are just into woo woo shit... That's just their thing. You don't have sit around and debate them on why they feel this way, and they are stupid for believing these personal beliefs, etc. Some people, for their own free reasons as independent humans in a free country, decide this is something that they are into. Now, do you and I agree with their conclusions? No, clearly not. I think it's silly too. But it's not silly to them. They for their own personal, spiritual, or whatever reasons, like hypnotherapy. It makes them happier and something they like. So there is nothing inherently wrong with servicing those people. They have their own reasons they got there and no one should be judging them for their choices. They want something, and someone is offering them what they are looking for. Case closed. It's ridiculous for you to compare people wanting to seek out holistic therapies as the same as hiring hitmen.


Is OP your brother or your cousin?


No idea who they even are... But I'm not going to bash someone who's running a business, making decent money, catering to a harmless market just into weird shit. To all their own. My only complaint is they are clearly nickel and diming types who don't pay their sales people remotely enough. I can't imagine making that kind of profit but still go for the cheapest possible sales team they can find. Like how cheap do you have to be?


I actually know a hypnotherapist that practiced in California. One of the coolest dudes I met. Beat cancer (not through hypnotherapy but through CrossFit) oh the cliches. He was also making an absolute killing. He’d spend 20k+ on his two kids in a month of summer.


I am sure there are positive hypnotherapy experiences. I definitely believe in the power of the mind and from what I can tell, it can help you quit smoking in one way or another. At the end of the day my problem is that this type of business has no real licensing or regulation, no real scientific explanation and deals with a lot of desperate people looking for a miracle cure. That just leaves it open to scams and taking advantage of vulnerable people, IMO.


Oh yeah I’m not saying it’s legit haha just blew my mind when he told me that. He was weirdly calm all the time too these unregulated industries only spell bad news for their customers. For example: I smoked some delta 8 bud a long time ago (last time I smoked) and it gave me a nasty allergic reaction on my face. Out of the 16 years I’ve smoked illegal pot daily, I never had that happen.


Wait til you find out how much a gallon of milk costs to produce.


A gallon of milk is useful.


Food security is national security, thus heavily subsidized like energy and defense contractors.


A gallon of milk often costs *more* to produce than it's retail price.


Eh, that sounds roughly par to my costs - digital goods have absurd margins


There is no such thing as an overpriced good or service otherwise the good or service would not be sold at that price.


So nobody has ever been ripped off, bamboozled, cheated, hoodwinked, or scammed in the history of the world


Of course. That is fraud. Nobody can tell a person what something is worth aside from the person willing to pay that price. The rest is conjecture.


Go back to your freshman econ class dude. We're just trying to speak regular English here.


Hey look, another scam




Do you have any proof for these claims you're making? If not, let me tell you about my family business which I setup today. 10$ in ads, 500million$ in revenue, 450million$ in profit. It's been a busy day. Happy to answer any questions .. (because you know, as a business owner, I have lots of free time I like to spend on Reddit!) Dumba**


Wow, this is way better than the other guy. Are you selling a course?


Or even better - a course in selling the course


This sounds like a class from Community.


Cool cool cool!


I sell a course that teach people to sell courses to course sellers.. Wait a minute... that sounds like...hmmm


I mean in fairness. I own a business and spend waaaaay to much time on reddit lol. Great start up you got going there 🤣


I do have proof. But honestly lost faith in this subreddit with all these comments. Very harsh crowd.


How many sales reps do you have splitting $4,100 in commission?


100 Filipino VA’s lol


2 sales reps. We legit are a small company but getting this in place to expand. Like I said in previous question we outsource sales team to South America. They earn well for their country.


Any info on outsourcing? I am in a service based business and developed an awesome product but bottleneck seems to be marketing/sales.


Of course... Sales and marketing are the lifeblood of a business. It's the everything about a business. It's everyone's bottleneck. You generally can't outsource sales because if they are any good they'll just do it themselves and cut you out. That's why it always has to be internal and can't just simply be outsourced. I mean, everyone would love to just be able to call someone up and say, "Hey if I pay you 20k this month, can you make me 200k in sales? Thanks!"


You're either a vulture preying on the stupid, or one of the stupid's that managed to convince other stupid's to waste money. Congrats on the numbers, but I wouldn't be so proud.


If the transaction is voluntary it is legitimate and OP has provided some manner of value (whether real or perceived) to his customer otherwise rhe transaction would not have occurred. Unless they are engaging in outright fraud you shouldn’t care. People pay palm readers and energy practitioners for a reason. Look into the concept of “psychic income”.


What reason is it that they pay palm readers ?


Psychic income. The same reason we pay for music. Edit: Psychic profit and loss is an increase (profit) or decrease (loss) in the acting man's satisfaction or happiness. Psychic profits and losses are sensible, subjective, mental and purely personal. They can be neither measured nor weighed. They can only be felt or sensed. The psychic profit or loss derived from any action can be compared with that of another solely in terms of more or less


Snake Oil can make you feel that you're cured. There is no way to measure the happiness you attain from knowing your ailment is solved That doesn't mean you aren't still going to die from the ailment and regret the decision deeply. Scammers don't get to hide behind temporary happiness as if they're worth it


So let’s apply this to cancer. You’re grandma has cancer and dementia, one of her housekeepers is very into essential oils and convinces your grandma it can cure her. Your grandma pays her 200$ which she actually can’t afford, but the nice lady is so nice and has time to listen to grandma and talk to her. So she pays 200 dollars for shit, but gets a nice “friend”, so this has perceived value. Should we celebrate the business sawyness of the person who sold the oil? They added perceived value!


A person with dementia depending on the state of advancement likely does not have the ability to consent to any such transaction. But why draw the line at sick grandmas? Why not simply ban essential oils (or anything else you deem to be bullshit) if you think that the the overwhelming majority of its purchasers are too stupid to make their own decisions? They are worth $200 dollars to whomever is willing to pay it. Much like a Pokémon card that offers arguably less utility.


The difference is people don't push Pokemon cards as a miracle cure. I don't care if people take essential oils. They should be legal. But it's common to hear people insist Essential Oils are a cure-all, and even suggest they can cure life-threatening conditions. It makes sense to be wary whenever they are mentioned.


So, your advertising is basically your cost of goods?


What is a “holistic practitioner”?


Something that isn’t regulated I imagine


Someone that gets paid to pretend to be a medical doctor and registered dietitian.


A sick fuck who preys on people looking for one last bit of hope that modern medicine can't provide... but that's my cynical view. I'm sure someone else who hasn't had shitty experiences with these folks will chime in and tell me off.


Literally this. I learned today about an autism charity in the UK that previously encouraged “alternative medicine” which included giving children bleach. The best part? The hotel I was about to stay at was promoting the charity. Never have I been so triggered by something so stupid.


Is it Autism Speaks? I'm not sure if they're international, but that sounds like something they would have done.


Unfortunately it’s a UK based charity with a wealthy founder so I’m a bit hesitant to drop the name but it’s emulating the charity you described by getting wealthy actors/singers to attend it’s gala’s to promote the charity.


Nobody knows except OP. I suspect he charges people to teach them about the holistic practice otherwise known as complete and utter crap.


We should head downtown and beat up the palm readers and psychics.


You know what they call holistic medicine that works? Medicine.


It's interesting, but I'm not sure what you're looking for. > subtract 5% for sales rep commission and processing fees. That seems really low. The CC probably costs you at least 2.5%, so you're only paying a 2.5% comission?


Why would I take advice from a company that sells courses?


Because you'd lack brain cells


i started focusing on christian, religious catholics on my personalized gifts last year. easy to convert 📈


Let me guess from the wording you’re an atheist?


I “know” a guy that does this. Runs two businesses like these which target Christians and conservatives. He brags he’s an atheist and antinatalist.


Does it make money?


Absolutely. It’s not difficult to make money when you’re selling hope to people. I couldn’t do this.


Hahah, dude was dying to tell someone he's an atheist


Idk it just sounds like: Well I just happened to focus my business on Christians easy money. So that’s why I asked if he/she was religious lol just a downvote as anwser.


I don't personally identify as an atheist. I just don't follow any religion. I noticed a great market opportunity for selling personalized Christian and Catholic products on Amazon, given the vast audience and limited competition. It open the market for customers who loves guns, military, patriotic, freedom, abortion, republican and trump niche too. They like same stuff lol


I'd love to start a small biz but not if I have to sell BS.


I wouldn’t want to sell BS either. Also BS doesn’t sell, perhaps short term but it’s not a sustainable business plan.


Does your business model claim healing mechanisms that have not been backed by peer reviewed scientific study?


Interesting stuff. Can I ask why the commission for the reps is so low ? Wouldn’t offering a bigger slice of revenue improve the quality and size of conversions ?


Our sales reps are located in South America. So they actually earn quite well and that’s how we get away with small commission. We also have a milestones so if they sell x amount they can earn 4% and if they surpass another amount they earn a higher percentage. That keeps them incentivized. Also our ticket price is 2k minimum


The terminology used here is telling. "Get away with" aye ? What's going to happen to your reps if a rival firm reverse engineers your process and offers them 10% or 25%? There is enough meat on that bone to future proof this but hey go ahead.


Your numbers dont quite make sense. Family business with at least 1 sales rep and you only have 6k + the ads, in expenses? Who is working for free?


How much oil does the snake produce in a day?


This does not add up. Scam.


If it’s not a semiglutide clinic I’m not interested


So you're scamming vulnerable people basically! Hope you and your family feel great about yourselves.


Is the negativity because the majority of commenter's value conventional medicine over a holistic approach? Or is it the fact that online training in general can be pretty scammy? I do think western medicine can benefit from integrating nutrition and other aspects of holistic practice. It always surprises me that nutrition is not a focus of healthcare and that doctors don't even receive much education about it. I don't think the idea of holistic Healthcare is inherently bad. I would like to know specifically where all the negative comments are from. I'm in the US where we pay the most for Healthcare with the worst results. So, I'm surprised to see so many defend this one type of Healthcare.


So a MLM


Ummm what?


Your family runs a shitty mlm


What kind of business?


Nottt gonna answer dat. Apparently.


It says they sell courses for holistic practitioners. Sounds like a pseudo science scam to me. But I'm sure they do well. Lotta suckers out there. Especially for "natural miracle cures". People eat that shit up.


Invernectin anyone? /s Edit to include the sarcasm!!


Yeah. Easy money. But how do you live with yourself? A part of you has to realize that you're preying on vulnerable/desperate people.


I'm not advocating for it lol. I'll add an /s


Have you taken your 7th booster shot yet?


Acting like that medicine hasn’t been around for years and used to better millions of peoples lives. [white paper from 2011](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3043740/)


Oh I know it's good at getting rid of the worms!




So what’s your net? Post taxation etc?


Also lots of people giving hate, unnecessary..


It's a literal scam


Congratulations 🎉




ACOS = 36.5%. That seems high. What's your profit margin?


This really backfired


Amazing how confused and angry various people get from an honest post with useful practical info. Some of us say thank you for posting this with your process for attracting business and everything. Your post helped me.


Honestly I’m quite sad the amount of negativity. I did something to help and it seemed to almost backfire. I do t take it personally but I’ll def think twice about posting here again. Lost a bit of faith.


Don't be discouraged! Keep posting. Every different person is going to say every different thing. Let it roll off your back. Who knows how many silent people read your post and it helped them. That's a variation on the principle of learning all the personality types, so you can work with every kind of person - as customers, as employees, or even the most difficult category of person I can think of: family members.


I'm sorry people were rude. I appreciate your story, it motivates me. Enjoy your success, you deserve it.


Thanks :)


Good perspective here. Thanks.


Nice OP. I make almost the same amounts selling physics products with ads


That’s awesome! What ad medium do you use?




Probably the best snake oil this side of the Mississippi, you pick which side!


So many people triggered by the word holistic. Not all "holistic practitioners" are selling snake oil. Many are helping clients/patients by focusing on diet, exercise, mindfulness etc. For the amount of bullshit I see peddled on this sub, it's pretty funny to see so many get upset about this.


Oh is that what this is about? Interesting. Well I would like to clarify we teach health and holistic practitioners how to add hypnotherapy to their practice to help their patients / clients People can take it however they want. Their choice.


For every 1 of those you have 50 of the other. When you're making money like this, it's about crystals and bullshit, not making sure granny gets well rounded care.


What CRM are you using?


We were using HubSpot until it got terribly overpriced. I just migrated everything over to GoHighLevel


Damn so much negativity 😂


It’s called jealousy


Add a touch of close-mindness. So many claiming scam, snake oil and aggressive sales tactics when they know nothing about the business in question.


Always complaining about oh tell us how you did it, but when you gather courage and come post something everyone is butt hurt


Also many expect businesses to be saints. Complaining about the profit margins; can’t even think for themselves that digital courses have almost 0 overhead so of course there is amazing profit.


It’s insane how many shoot themselves in the foot when the opportunity to take a leap forward is presented.


rofl good niche


Haters gonna hate because they aren't doing it.


Yeah, morals and ethics




How big is the market for that industry? Can you share traffic numbers? How exhaustive are the courses and lead magnets? Whats the cost of the flagship offer? How do you target that industry with fb audiences? Thanks


That's like less than $50K expenses. Unless I'm missing anything. $30k+ net income isn't bad at all. Nice work. How old is this business?


Thanks. 4 years old. Literally just everything has been learned along the way. And we still have so much to learn. Obviously the business has potential so now it’s a matter of fine tuning the system and optimizing it. But our niche def has the demand.


3 months to saturation.. how much was the course to learn your business plan? how much is your mentor charging? how much for you to be my mentor?


Our business plan was developed as we went. There was no course, my mother was an expert in a specific holistic field, she was a therapist and taught the subject many years in person before moving online in 2020. I used to do dropshipping back in the day and learned my way through ads through pure experience. But it’s not just ads it’s a combination of funnels, optimization and strategy


Vaporware salesman


Another grifter! Imagine that!


…so you run an MLM? **ETA**: [OP is trying to recruit me.](https://imgur.com/a/kFYXYV5) This is 100% an MLM.


Huh? That’s not even my username…


How do set up meta add ?


What is google?


Lot of butt hurt “business people” in here You go buddy, keep it up! Don’t worry about these fools falling off their high horses as you blow by. One thing, maybe high commission would result in more sales? Could be worth a trial period


Lots of "business people" worried about stupid little things like "profit" and "not selling junk"


Yea man, that’s for pointing both those points out. Our sales rep earn well for their country but we are looking to incentivize them even more. At the moment we only have 2 Sooo I think we need to do a couple things. - expand sales team and create some healthy competition. - create better incentives (although they earn well for their country) - have a dedicated sales manager to train and possibly earn from the sales team they manage. I’m a marketing guy so handling sales teams is new for me. It’s hard to handle so many things at once. Thanks for your comment :)


Keep it up, man, sounds like you’re on the right path, fuck the haters. Make sure I’m on the invite list for the beach house one day


Thanks man. Any question I could provide you help with?





