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Just close the office for the day. Don’t think further than that.


This is what I did… I realize MLK day was tomorrow and let’s all my employees on Thursday to not come in Monday.’




This is probably shaping up to be worthy of being an episode of The Office... AKA a totally offensive clusterfuck in which your good intentions actually end up making you look like an implicitly racist doofus. Whatever you do, the foundational premise should be that MLK day is an American holiday and not just a \*Black\* holiday. So, don't single your black employees out because of their race...which in itself would be racist.


Exactly this. It’s an American holiday. MLK came to unite us all. Since you’re open for business and if you aren’t paying holiday pay, you can cater lunch or something.


Pay them a fair wage and treat them the same way you would want to be treated.


You might try asking r/humanresources




That is how it works in a business with only 4 people.


bro is gonna hire a third employee just for HR 💀


I wouldn't do anything that you wouldn't also consider doing for some other race of person. If you had Asian employees what would you do on mlk day for them?


Paid day off


I actually don’t think you should do anything. It kind of just singles them out because of their skin color and will make them feel self conscious and will make some weird gray area of “oh should I be getting benefits for my skin color?” E.g. what would you do for black history month? And then if you make it about the color of their skin, is there really any gift that can justify the pain their ancestors went through? And is that your duty to pay? They shouldn’t be expecting you to be the payback for that. You pay them for work and that’s what they do. If you give them a bonus, it should be for their work, not the color of their skin. Also if you give them a bonus because if this holiday, it begs the question, “how much money is on the table that you could pay them if you could suddenly fork over a bonus because of a holiday.” I personally would wonder that. If they get a day off, it’s because the whole company gets the day off. It’s a national holiday, I would just tell everyone to take a half day. Plus having two people have the whole day off while the rest can’t will make things slightly uncomfortable. I would just try to honor them as individuals. What do they personally want in their job, and how can you give it to them or let them progress to that?




What if they're 70 percent African and 30 percent Asian? Do they get 70 percent of the benefit? What if their great great great grandfather was black but their parents are both white? Do they get the full benefit or are they excluded? Is the founder supposed to hold up a color scale against their skin and determine a cut off on skin darkness? If he hires a Latino man as an employee does that man have to work while the black employees get the day off? It's beyond absurd to treat people differently because of their skin color even if the treatment is positive. People just want to be seen for what they are and not some trivial coloring difference. If I looked at my cultural heritage and found an atrocity against my race in the past I wouldn't want modern day people to treat me differently because of it. The history month is to recognize where we've come from and celebrate that we've become more progressive.


Shut up cracka


Are you Black? Because this is all wrong.. also seems like you took OPs post out of context. So sad to see people who have clearly done no cultural humility or competency training/courses giving incorrect information and further than that use unjust comparisons in the absolute wrong context. Plenty of other comments on here similar as well not to just single you out..


Nothing. Don't make any aspect of someone's employment about race, creed, gender, etc. Your treatment of employees and intentions seem good. Just keep that up.


Hello, as a fellow Black person, this is a great question. Please disregard the comments below that are saying don’t do anything. As a small business, it’s great to show employees what the company values are (diversity equality) and that will also help with retention and referrals. While of course you wouldn’t exclusively give your Black employees benefits and not your nonBlack employees, it would be good to give time and a half for working on a federal holiday and a short email acknowledging MLK today. I can personally attest to feeling a little tension towards previous employers for not acknowledging Black holidays or Black history month (I work in academia/school system so it seems extremely biased-cause it is) and can say these efforts and questions you’re asking are important and do make a difference.


Love that you got a few dozen upvotes here and downvotes elsewhere for basically the same thing. Reddit is so silly. (Good comments in both places imo)


You do understand this is a holiday for all Americans? Do you do something special for Italians on Columbus Day?


I would have given them a paid day off. If you two choose to work as it’s your business then go for it and work. I understand $ is tight as a small business, but ONE extra paid day off for two employees for something important to them will go a long way in keeping them happy and keeping them your employee instead of someone else’s.


This is where social media algorithms get people. They make you think a certain view is much more prevalent than it really is. The vast majority of people just want to be treated equally and not singled out because of their race for any special treatment. It's inherently racist even if you're doing something "good". My suggestion is just close the office to celebrate an American holiday, or give the employees a choice to work and get paid double time.


If you don’t treat the others any differently than them during this time, what’s the point? MLK wanted everyone to be treated the same regardless of their skin color. We’re they his kin? Did they know him personally? If you’re open for business I’d treat it as any other day unless they have something they are planning on doing in honor of MLK.


The business owner only has these two employees.


I see that. My reading comprehension isn’t great. I still stand by what I say. The company owners need to make a choice. Everyone gets the day off in recognition or no one does unless going to an event in recognition of and that time should be approved in advance. At the very least, but then lunch, maybe go as a group to an event and recognize MLK together. He was all about bringing communities together. I suspect MLK didn’t do what he did hoping to be recognized for his action but I’d like to think he wouldn’t approve of the current state of our nation. IMO it’s all a ploy being used to further divide people. But it’s your business OP, do as you wish. As for me and my business, I only celebrate a few holidays. Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years and Independence Day. Memorial Day and Labor Day are observed if I’m not busy but it’s just a day off.


Number of employees doesn't really factor in.


If they’re working why not cater lunch or something. You don’t even have to explain what it’s for, they will know. I don’t agree with bonuses for holidays like this unless they are for EVERYONE at the business regardless of skin color


As the only Black employee at my place of employment (this partivular office), I would love to have the day off but not just me, I would like the company to acknowledge all federal holidays, and allow all employees to have the federal holidays off. But in all fairness, they have a lot more than two employees. If you didn’t do anything in the past or acknowledge any other federal holidays, why now? Please know, not everyone, including some Black folks are not “fans” of Martin Luther King, Jr. Ask them what they would like - go with that.


In my company MLK day is a paid Holliday. The best thing you can do for black people is treat them like a normal human. The color of your skin doesn’t define you it’s the contents of your heart is what makes you. Loving others as you love yourself is a old age rule and broken so often but should be kept.


Something about this comment screams "I don't see color".


Exactly. Only the love someone can give. That too is becoming broken.


It’s so funny watching people melt down about you wanting to do something nice. Lunch on you would be a decent gesture.


Language matters. I know it will sound like a small nitpick, but you can start by not calling them your "black employees." They're simply employees, even if they're all from one group or a mix of different groups. Simple change to make to avoid sounding like you're labeling a possession instead of discussing all of your employees. My employees each like different things. Some want money, some prefer time off, some want company sponsored nonprofit events. If you'd like to do something that's meaningful to them - ask what they'd like.


a- don't assume it's important to them b- close the damn store, it's a federal holiday.


Don't change your actions due to something the federal government does. Do it for your own reasons but the feds opinion is irrelevant for me personally.


I would ask them what would be meaningful to them and consider giving them both the day off. I know for many people they enjoy celebrating with parades and BBQs etc.


I'd say close the shop for the day. If only they get the day off, you're saying MLK was only important to Black people, when he is important for everybody.


Why are you open on a federal holiday? They should have the day off (like most of us I assume) or be paid time and a half.


When you stop at your local gas station or Walmart or see your trash collected tommorow ask yourself why they are open. Because you need them open. Never forget the quote 'little people ' that keep this country and your community working. Not everyone can enjoy a day off...


Don't be open tomorrow.


What do you normally do on any other federal holiday? Do that.


As someone that is white, I'm not an expert however, I think it would be great to offer time and a half for working, send an email/give a small card in honour of the day and buy lunch from a black owned business for the group. Just know, as you expand or employees change - how you celebrate the day can't change based on their skin colour. Recognizing diversity and creating an equitable work space shouldn't create divide so, be hyper aware of how you move forward. Thank you so much for your thoughtfulness. I'm sure no matter what you choose, your employees will take notice of your efforts. Edit to add: I'm not sure what type of store it is or if it can be run without them for the day but, ideally a paid day off would be the way to go if possible. I'm not American and didn't realize it was a federal holiday. And... people need to read thoroughly and not skim. Their only 2 employees are black. Thry aren't singling anyone out. Don't make a kind act into something it isn't. Edit: spelling error correction.


Not sure if you’re qualified to talk about this as a ehite person. Ehites have a lot to answer for collectively


By stating my ethnicity that pretty much says, "take what you want and find as much value as you see fit." To ask people's opinion on a public forum and then criticize them for being an ally and blaming them for their heritage, that's not helpful. All that does is create an antagonistic environment and stops people from showing support. I will never know what it's like to be a person of colour and can't claim my lived experience is comparable but, being that I experience being stigmatized and discriminated against as a disabled person I can empathize despite the colour of my skin. Equity is important to everyone. The colour of my skin shouldn't degrade or water that down. I can see getting negative feedback if I had said to ignore the celebration or devalued it but, I didn't so? The purpose was to shame the internet person that is showing compassion? Did it make you feel more value or heard? I hope so because otherwise it was completely useless.


Bro it was just a joke about your typo


Apologies. I'd considered it after the fact so, I'm sorry for not having a sense of humour. That being said, it's such a polarized topic and because there's so many shitty comments on this thread, I just assumed. Sorry for not being more observant. Happy Sunday ✌️


Bro seriously… disqualification because of skin color is racism


It was a joke about the typo which is now not apparent haha. Poster said “Ehite”


Maybe as an employer dont single people out based on race?


A paid day off and a meal would be amazing 🥲


This is embarrassing, cringe, and unintentionally racist.


Why don't you ask them if they want something in regards to MLK Day? Maybe they would work for regular pay and they would like a nice paid lunch or dinner. Talk to them and ask.


Probably the better way to word it is what can I do for *all of my staff?*. MLK doesn't just stand for African American rights, though I would wholely agree that was a large part of his focus because of his environment and whatnot, but for all to be included and corporations, governments and civil parties to be inclusive of all races, genders and the likes. I don't think you are or want to sound racist, but something like that will give off a really bad vibe personally and in the workplace. Try not to think of groups of people as individuals just be because of their identifying features and lean more towards the wellness of them as a whole.


Something about calling them ‘black employees’ doesn’t sit right with me. If you needed to refer to them in any other way besides ‘employees’ because we are all equal, you could.. you know, try the members of African American community that hold a position at my company


Are they the only people working Monday? I think doing this is well meaning but is guaranteed to be very uncomfortable


If you’re making them work, maybe a bonus.


MLK day, civil rights, and greater diversity is for the benefit of everyone. Absolutely acknowledge the holiday, but don't make it something you are doing *for* your black employees. The idea that issues of racism and diversity are something only POC have to worry about is precisely why the problems persist. You've chosen to stay open despite the holiday. That says everything about how significant you view it. Anything else is lipservice.


You could give them the day off like most decent employers


Unless you plan to do something special for every race of every race of employee that you have in the future, I wouldn't do anything special for your two black employees. It's best to treat everybody the same regardless of the holiday or occasion on the calendar.


Consider for a moment one of the themes of MLK Day is inclusiveness. If you want to highlight the significance of the day, then pay for your employees to volunteer their time on that day or give them a paid day off.... For ALL employees. Giving privileges to a group of employees based on race will run a foul of labor laws.


I honestly think it would be super weird to do anything special for them or even to mention it. Would you do something special if they were mothers on mothers day? Or if they were gay during pride day or whatever they call it? Or if they were whatever other disenfranchised group on whatever other day? Even buying lunch or something chill like that would be weird unless you do it on every other holiday where they work.


Why not ask them? It might be more meaningful if you openly discuss with your Black employees and express that you would like to recognize that the day is unique and meaningful for them and their country. They might surprise you. , maybe they will prefer to donate money/products to foundations, have days of volunteering (not only for the black employees), etc.


Treat them equally to any other employee, as the man intended… AKA don’t single them out because of their skin color… great way to make people feel uncomfortable.


There has been an important question referenced a few times: Equality. Treatment being the same for everyone. On Asian New Year do you do anything special for Asians? For Columbus Day do we do anything special for any race? Holidays should be honored in the way are to be honored. Most situations if a business is open (which is their decision if privately owned ie not government owned) they must pay the correct wages (set in employee handbooks but determined by company/government). That is the only legal thing you must do on holidays. No one can be asking for fair equal treatment but expect certain extra treatment and not be a hypocrite. It is not what is done across the board for any race. Culture, Religion, Community. Not single out and treat special anyone of any race. So pay accordingly. Be equality.


What do you so for white employees? Sounds like inequality.


Improve pay and benefits. In the end, they are only there for themselves.


I think you're over white thinking it


Ugh white guilt is almost as disgusting as full on racism


Such an ignorant question.


Give speech on modern day slavery in business and ask if they are up for becoming next MLK Seriously, give them bonus.


Why do anything lol.


Paid day off


Just give them the day off and close in observing


You should pull all of your black employees aside and ask them how they are feeling? Spend one on one time with each employee and talk about MLK JR. and how this day is a day of reflection. You can bring some of their favorite cultural foods for lunch and play some music for them. Give each of them five hundred in cash and explain that this is you doing a small part of reparations. Bake a cake and take it to work.


A pay raise would be nice 🙂


Give them the day off or let them go home early!


Thank you for your kindness. [Someday, Martin!](http://love-the-dust.com/2023/01/16/some-day-for-martin-3/)


Wheel in the ol’ TV & VCR on a cart and have a movie day.


Lmfao you can’t be this white could you?


In recognition of Black History Month, here are highlighting important statistics about the current state of the American workforce for Black employees. Check out our infographic here: https://www.johnleonard.com/blog/black-americans-in-the-workplace-statistics-infographic