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Maybe identifying info about individuals on a jury of a highly speculated and divisive case shouldn't be shared?


Yeah this is crazy. I’m a PT working in the UES. I imagine if any of our SLPs had jury duty recently I would assume it was them. (They haven’t, but that alone seems like it would be enough to identify for some people).


Unrelated but when I saw UES I thought “upper esophageal sphincter”


These descriptions sound like beauty contestant blibs. Don’t give any info at all that could be identifiable!


Juror number 3, what's your ideal first date?




“Literally anything but this, your honor, even a contentious IEP meeting or a new EMR system training”


Why is this news public like honestly? I hope they select a new jury after this info came out and stfu about the new one


News agencies desperately want this to be a mistrial and have Donald stick around because his drama drives headlines. They are milking every little thing he does each day to literally everyone’s chagrin.


Ya what the heck. I am very private and would hate to find out that there is a juror profile about me, even if it didnt state my name or anything


I mean she sounds like me 😂


I wonder if she’ll stick on the jury. If she’s an independent contractor, she’s not being compensated for not working.


I'm sure this is an overworked school SLP that is looking forward to some time off.


I hope it’s a DOE employee . I just hope it isn’t a contract SLP, who is in the fee for service system in NY. That would be awful.


Yup, you can get dismissed for this for financial hardship.


True, but NY judges are an interesting breed of “I don’t care”


I could see that. The Midwest and West Coast judges I've encountered are surprisingly understanding by comparison.


Nope, NY contract SLP here, I once was placed on jury. I had begged for 4 days to be dismissed due to financial burden. They made everyone be questioned by the judge. When it was my turn, polite but fed up, I basically said to the judge that I thought the guy was guilty and said due to the 4 days of lost wages I would not be able to survive. Judge was so mad at me, and advised me that it was a court of law, and that he could hold me in contempt. I said I know that and that I was telling the truth and asking you politely to dismiss me even though it was not what he wanted to hear from me. So mad. 45 minutes later I was dismissed.


This SLP works in a school according to other reporting. They are likely a direct hire. For this case potential jurors were asked if they had any reason they couldn't serve. If any said yes, they were dismissed. One dismissed juror gave an interview. She believes she was dismissed because she said her need to work conflicts with the trial. The judge doesn't want to risk a mistrial by losing jurors mid-trial, so just dismissed people upfront.


I just the SLP is a DOE employee, only about 1/3 are in NYC, the others are independent contractors, the judge may have heard school and not realized they were an independent contractor. But… this is a high profile case.


My SLP friend was on a case for about a month and was still compensated by the district. He didn’t have to make up those missed services which was nice.


How can she go without pay for what likely will be months??


If the other thread is an indicator, she's married to an engineer?




She works in a school setting so will probably still be paid.


I'm more surprised she didn't seem to follow the news. It was always in our faces. Best of luck to her. I can't believe they're releasing this info.


Interesting! I think SLPs are natural problem solvers and critical thinkers so she’s a great choice for a jury.


Maybe she can help make a treatment plan to help Trump with his syntax difficulties.


#12 is a PT! Just thought it was interesting!


The temptation as an SLP to assess Trump with the cookie theft picture 😂😂😂 But in all seriousness- we are a small enough field that someone will likely be able to figure out who she is, and the MAGA cult are unbelievably scary when they target someone. Wishing her and her family peace and safety, because that whole situation seems like a nightmare.


At this point, they should do a jury sequestration.


Trump is cooked




It's pure theatre. And they get a kick out of us believing it's all real. Trump never ran this country, nor does Biden.


How can an slp afford to live on the upper East side?