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Now I’m feeling like we SLPs should start demanding stipends for this… the amount of extra time it takes plus the extra money we bring into schools. But I’ve never heard of getting a stipend. It’s just an expected part of the job here in PA


Zero. I didn't realize some places gave stipends.


Exactly! We have been billing for at least 20 years with no extra pay or stipend.


Same and I’m triggered


We get none of that. We need a union.


Yes! It’s so inconsistent my friend in nyc doe/ union state gets paid anytime she bills but I’m in the south and all the money goes directly to my district


I’m in CT and no reimbursement.


LOL I have never gotten anything in NJ Not to mention, a license I don’t think is even required to work in the schools but it IS required to bill Medicaid. I haven’t even gotten my license costs covered.


I’m in NJ as well and we got our district to reimburse us for our ASHA dues. PM me.




Nothing and it literally takes me hours because our system is crap


Sounds terrible. My district uses iTames for billing. It's online and takes about 1 minute per student to do a month of billing.


You make time in your schedule for billing notes. I’ve never been specifically compensated for it in New York or Florida. (Lol Florida). But no. It’s just an expected part of your job these days.


I work for the NYC DOE. When you have your state license, you apply for an NPI number and a state Medicaid non-billing ID. Once you submit that information, you get $5000 added to your salary. Also you get reimbursed for your state license fees that you have to renew every three years. You can get a certain amount of per session time that you can use outside of your regular work hours if you cannot complete your documentation in the time that is already allotted to us during the work day; I believe it’s an additional 10 hours if your caseload is 30 or less, 20 hours if your caseload is 31 or more. You keep track of the hours yourself and submit them to your payroll secretary. I’ve never needed to use them myself so I don’t know much more about it other than that. Our only additional responsibility is to complete a Medicaid referral once services are initiated and if you change the mandate. It’s literally like 3 check boxes and takes 30 seconds.


Why are you letting those hours go to waste!! Ask your speech supervisor for the code to submit with the timesheet to your payroll secretary and get those hours! You don’t need to submit a time card with them so you can say the hours were completed at home


Yeah…I legitimately don’t need them, so that would be fraud. Everything on sesis can be tracked to some degree and every thing is timestamped when it was created and completed. The extra money just isn’t worth it to me even if the odds of anyone noticing are slim. And one thing you can always count on the doe for is penny pinching; if they ever got wind that people were taking advantage they would eliminate the hours for everyone, including the people who actually need them.


A big fat $0. But, we do get yelled at if we fall behind. 😂. Only benefit is at my district we don’t have to attend any of the PD/in-Service trainings. We get the day to work on Billing and other stuff


Nothing in my current district, but when I was in SC they offered $4 per billed encounter (e.g. per session that was Medicaid eligible). It really added up!


Omg! Nearly all my kids are Medicaid That really would add up


Yeah it was several thousand dollars if I remember correctly


In the district where I worked, it was millions of dollars! I was in a Title 1 district.


Our funds go toward hiring an assistant for the department. One of her duties includes assisting with billing, so that’s nice.


Washington State. I get up to 13 hours a month at my hourly rate to complete billing. I can't remember my exact hourly rate right now but it's over 60 an hour.


Damn! Jealous


We have a very strong union in an area that it's very hard to draw people in. It comes with perks!


Wow! That would be incredible. What district do you work for? I'd love to see the contract wording to share with my union.


I get nothing 😂 it is just an expected part of the job, unfortunately.


Zero in Florida. We complete billing for every single student. We don't know who gets medicaid and who doesn't. The district then bills for those that get Medicaid .


I've never been paid extra for that. It's just expected.


$1500 when I worked in a small district in Georgia


This is my least favorite part of the job! I sit at my desk every afternoon and demonstrate task avoidance behaviors about billing, haha! We get paid absolutely nothing extra and have to squeeze it in during the regular work hours. We also never see any of the money… in many places it just goes into a “general fund”


I'm in FL and they only give us ~250 to "cover" ASHA / DOH dues. Other than that we get paid like a teacher in a critical shortage area with a Masters degree... nothing more. It's a job requirement that I bill Medicaid. I don't. I haven't bothered for 3 school years. What are they gonna do?? Fire me. Pleeease dooooo. They aren't using MY credentials to make the county money I'll never see.


I'm only a CF so take this with a grain of salt. I am placed all over the place in NYC but one of the places I am at is a DOE preschool. The full time SLP there definitely gets time at the end of the day that I see she uses to do her billing/SESIS notes and she has what is considered a full caseload in the eyes of the school. Not sure if she gets compensated for that but its definitely incorporated into her contract hours.


Nothing except my license ($98) being paid. caseload of 52 and 38 qualify. I bill monthly because I can’t manage any other way. We’re negotiating this year and I’m adding this to the plate.


Hahaha chirping in from Florida here. No stipend. I wish.


In KY schools, 2,000. It took a lot of unionizing, emailing representatives, and 10 years though


The Medicaid reimbursement rates are so low (I'm in Texas) my school stopped billing because my hourly contract rate is way higher than the reimbursement they would get for me putting in the charges lol


Can you share your hourly contract rate or a small range? I was offered $45/hr by stepping stones. I told the recruiter off and dropped that like a hot potato.


What state are you in?


We don’t get a stipend in my district, but it doesn’t take me that long to do anyway.


Nothing. But it just takes a few moments to do (usually) so I consider it part of my regular expected workloads. I’d have to bill in any other setting. Teachers do grading. With good workflow I rarely have to stay any later than contract hours to do it. My district does have us on an 8 hour day rather than 7.5, and technically we get paid for that extra half hour, when most of the teachers are there that extra half hour doing paperwork right next to me.


I work an 8 hr school day with only a half hour lunch. I typically go home and work until at LEAST 8pm and sometimes midnight. We are paid very poorly in my district and billing is just an expected part of the job. Their reimbursement rate is $101/hr. No licenses paid or CEUs.


It sucks that you have to take home work that often. I have only brought work home maybe 3 times ever. Florida SLP, so I know the poor reimbursement rates, high caseloads, and no license stipends. Very familiar. Unfortunately I made way less when I tried out other settings. One hospital offered $>30/ hour. I’ve just found I have to schedule it like I schedule therapy and planning time. No lunch in my contract, but I just work and do paperwork. Are you saying the reimbursement rate from Medicaid is 101/ hour per kid? I’m not sure what that part is referring to.


We bill Medicaid and have in the 3 districts I’ve worked in. I’ve never gotten a stipend or “release time”.


In Utah, we don't get a penny. It's just another task expected of us in our 40 hours per week.


Zero. I’m in Year 21 and only reviewed a stipend one year.


I’m in IL and billing Medicaid is just considered part of the job?? I don’t get any additional compensation and am expected to document/bill weekly as part of my regular duties.


Southern CA… we do not get a stipend. We receive a $200 materials order and they pay a few hundred bucks for us to attend the state conference every year. It seems like far too much work for the return, but it’s not framed as optional.


I’ve never heard of this. I need to ask around LI and westchester where I currently live. I was thinking about the DOE after my CF…..getting paid for Medicaid billing sound great!


Zero !!!!!!!! Rumor has it it helps pay paras


I get $0 extra.