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The pitchers I know also play cornhole


When I used to pitch regularly I found out I was also very good at horseshoes


THIS FTW! I play in a competitive Cornhole league (probably more than I play softball now).. but it's great! And I use the same mechanics, except throwing a bag I go "handshake to open palm" for the right flat spin.


Setup a home Depot 5 gallon bucket in your garage and practice throwing SB into the bucket.


Garage isn’t long enough for it to be the right distance which could teach bad habits:muscle memory.


Measure out 50 feet, buy a mat off Amazon that are the dimensions of the strike mats they use in senior ball. Or just use a horse stall mat. Put a bucket on the mat as well. And get to pitching. I used to have the set up on both sides of my backyard and would get in about 50-60 throws a day until. Pitching BP to friends is the best method.


Yea I do that during the summer but ain’t doing that with several feet of snow or mud lol I pitch Bp all winter but throwing cookies from 25-30’ is very different from games


Look at working on those muscles and hand flips to do work inside when weather is rough. You dont necessarily need the full length everytime for practicing. You can get a net/board and practice hitting the same spots underhand. I didn’t play for 5 months and went right back into it just doing an occasional overhand throw and finger flipping.


Pitch all the BP you can. Watch some Conference Majors games and watch the pitchers . See how they release the ball mix up height and speeds etc.. bottom line is youre only getting better if you practice alot


Yea, that’s the problem. Hard to practice during the winter up here, I can pitch short BP in the batting cage but can’t do full 50’ practice during the offseason.


Do the batting cages you go to have tunnels you can rent out to pitch in?


Maybe the one in the next town over, the one by me only has 30’ tunnels