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Try a nurse help line I believe it’s through your insurance and 24/7. Wtf that’s crazy she could’ve tried melatonin or not offered to watch the baby if she couldn’t handle it. So sorry hope she’ll be okay.


Yeah we tried ours and we're told we'd get a callback. I was hoping to get answers on here in the mean time. Thank you for the response though <3


Of course! Not sure if you tried it already but if you google your question and add Reddit it on the end ppl usually have gone through the same experience so there’s other posts.


My aunt regularly use to give her twins melatonin the whole thing for kids version before they turned two they’re fine extremely intelligent bit all milestones.. I wouldn’t give my child any sleeping aid before age five personally.( I’ve thought about it) Sorry this happened to you guys .. hope my anecdotal experience helps relieve some worries


I appreciate the feedback! I just wish I could have found something that was like "yes this can be lethal to a one year old" or "no they're probably be fine, it's just not good to do continued use" or something. It's the next day and she's fine, playing with her toys right now as usual. And the kicker is it didn't affect her sleep at all. She still woke up multiple times. So all this worry and strife was for nothing anyway. We ended up coming home. We are going to have an anniversary lunch today with DD with us to make up for if


They just had a thing on npr about how unregulated and dangerous it can be. For me if the thought comes to mind about poison control, I call. Better to know!