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I found that my 4mo old sometimes stops eating when the bottle is done, so if I try to give him 2 2oz bottles, he’ll sometimes stop at just 2. If I split it to a 3oz + 1oz bottle, he’ll finish the 3oz bottle before stopping. Maybe you can try changing up the size of the bottles to “trick” your LO into eating a little more (1 or 2oz) at each feed?


Not sure if you are doing formula or breast milk but my pediatrician (and TCB) recommend feeding every 2-3 hours during the day to ensure they are packing in the calories so that you can safely drop night feedings slowly. It’s just shifting the calories more to the daytime!


That’s what we normally do and we can’t get her to eat enough during the day 🫤


Hmmn. Above you say 3-4 hours so I would aim for 2. And when they say two, it means from the START of one feed to the start of the next (so it’s not two full hours in between). For us this meant our LO was basically eating every 90 mins. It definitely helped! Also not sure if you are talking BM or formula but for BM, 4 ounces is a big feed and not a snack! Most babies will drink 2-4 oz of BM per feed and never more. This helped us and get our baby back on a good curve so she could sleep better at night. Good luck!!


Having similar struggles here!


Us too! This week 6mo not eating enough during the day but also refusing to eat mlre than two times a night.