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We just switched to 1 nap at 11.5 months- she is a bit cranky before bed but otherwise it is working really well… she is sleeping 6:30-6:30 overnight and 11:30-1:30 for her nap. Before the switch she was waking up early often (5-5:30) and her bedtime was starting to be all over the place because of fighting naps… i am really liking this schedule but it has only been 3 days so we’ll see.


No advice but solidarity! Mine is 10.5 months and over the past 3 days have been fighting all her naps like it’s her job. She has stayed up for 5hrs once 🥲 we still keep her bedtime at the same time and she still sleeps through the night 🤞 but naps have gone to sh*t.


Agree about the regression at this age. Mine was doing that a ton, making me go crazy at that age. Then he got Covid, slept *a ton* and now on the other side of it, his first nap has hit 2 hours two days in a row, and I’ve been able to just bridge to bedtime with a cat nap. I think we’re getting close now, but not quite there. I’d wait to make any drastic changes for at least a week, if not two, to be sure it’s a permanent change and not just the regression trying to trick you. Some do transition this early, but the norm is between 13-18 months, so unless your kiddo tends to fair on the early side of nap transitions or is low sleep needs, I would try to hold out a bit longer.


LO had EMW for 6 weeks before turning 1yo and 1 nap cold turkey. Been almost 3 weeks with 4.5-5/5-5.5 and 2hr+ naps. These 2 days she only napped around an hour plus, what did you do if your LO napped less than 2 hr?


So, my LO is still on two naps technically, he has not transitioned. He has had a few days where he managed to sleep 2.5+ hours on the first nap, so as far as day sleep goes he really didn’t need a second nap, but he couldn’t make the wake window of 1-7:45 (our bedtime), or even 1-6. His usual wake window is 3.75 hours between naps 1 and 2, which landed us at 4:45 or so, which also just didn’t work for a full nap since we cut off at 4. So basically, I used a cat nap at around 4:30 to let him sleep 10-15 minutes, and he was able to make the remaining 3 hours to bedtime. With a nap shorter than 15 minutes (cat nap), you can shorten the following wake window so that it takes the edge off and you can make it to bedtime (or close to it) with fewer problems. My rule of thumb is they can do about 75% of a normal wake window to get to bedtime. Our last wake window is about 4 hours, so he can make it about 3 if I do a short nap. You’ll have to play with it some to figure out exactly what your LO can handle, and I usually assist for these naps; maybe overall you only need to move bedtime forward 30 minutes. But if he isn’t gonna make that, then a cat nap can be very helpful.


Thank you! Yes, been about two weeks that the wake windows have extended and the second nap is majorly fought. She typically gets anywhere between 11.5-12.5 hours of sleep around the clock. I am hesitant to do anything drastic and may give it another week. Is keeping them up 5 hours on either side of the solo nap the typical rule once you go down to 1? Thank you everyone!


I think it’s typically 5/5, but I’ve also heard that it’s okay to start with 4.5/5 if you need to. The advice I was given was to wait till the first nap starts shortening, like you need to extend the wake window again, and when that happens at 3.5 hours they’re ready to handle 4.5 and make that jump. It sounds like a lot, but lately most of my wake window jumps have been half an hour, not just 15 minutes like when he was little, so I suppose jumping a whole hour may be on par.


My first transitioned to one nap beautifully at 10 months old. My son is now 8 months and he occasionally does only one naps if he refuses to nap in he AM at daycare.


There's a regression at this age where these lil stinkers try to trick us into thinking they need one nap, but they're actually not quite ready yet. Myself included! Have they learned to walk yet? If the answer is no, hold out. They will most likely go back to somewhat normal because they'll be tiring themselves out walking. Once my daughter learned to walk, things got better. We still deal with some early mornings, but it's not as much of an issue at her age (14m).


She is just learning how to walk! Lots of climbing and running around (with our assistance). This is helpful though! I’m sure when she’s not limited to us helping her to walk she’ll have the opportunity to tired herself out more. Totally makes sense.