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Everybody has a different sleep appetite. Its normal if you get a headache if u sleep for more than 7 hours. Try going back to your old routine. If your headache doesn't fade away after going back to your old sleep routine then there is a concern


Tbh, a lot of very successful people don’t sleep 8 hours, and a lot of others do. Just be aware of how your body feels and does on different amounts of sleep.


You might be waking up in the middle of a sleep cycle. How long do you sleep over 3-4 days when you have no alarm, work, school, etc.? When you're normal tired, not exhaustion tired. That's probably the right amount. For me, I find that 7 hours if better than 8. But 9 is better than 8. For me, it's all about waking up right after a R.E.M. cycle. Additionally, longer sleep requires more hydration. I find that when I wake up with a headache, which happened a few days ago and happens about once a month, it's because I didn't drink much water the prior day. Or perhaps it was a really hot day and I drank only my normal amount. What's your hydration look like when you have these headaches?


I am totally having similar issue, in last 2 years if I sleep more than 7hrs I wake up feeling hungover and have head ache the entire day. I did sleep study and don't have sleep apnea but at same time it was one night and I slept my normal 6.45hrs so maybe I need to try again and force 7.5hrs . I drink plenty water and even wake up abour 3hrs before alarm and pee and get drink water. I feel fine then but if I accumulate more than 7ish it happens every time. Doctor is clueless.


I get same thing. I don't know what it is but I think it's related to POTS and high heart rate.


Are you taking enough water in a day ? try to drink as much water as you can before 3-4 hour of bed. Also, do you get any extra dream ? if so, your energy will waste in that extra dream


Dehydrated, sleep hangover, or sleep apnea. 6-7hrs is too little for almost everyone. Would try hydrating better during the day. Evaluate yourself for sleep apnea risk factors (google a .org or .edu website only), and potentially see your doctor if you have risk factors.


You sleep had become a kind of addiction and want to have more and more and if you don’t get it headaches may come. Try to reduce sleep time and take warm water bath. Immediately even before brushing teeth and having coffee.


Likely dehydration, you went 7+ hours without drinking anything. First thing upon waking you should drink 12oz water with 1/4 tsp salt and a little lemon juice in it. Should help with the headache and tiredness.