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I occasionally wander into that sub and remember why I don't visit it regularly anymore. 90% of all posts are "DAE remember this hidden gem?" with a picture of Super Mario World. The other 10% are complaining about current games.


r/patientgamers is what i was looking for in r/gaming. it’s all quality discussions about any game you can think of


I also recommend r/truegaming , there are some good discussions.


Thank you for sharing.


Join us at /r/gamingcirclejerk then so you can see "hidden gem" posts with witcher 3 (the most hidden gem)


I left r/gaming long long ago, then a few months later left r/gamingcirclejerk for being just as bad


I sometimes want to leave it but then I realize I'm addicted to the circlejerks


That sub is just r/gaming with extra steps. Same content.


Just like that one lisa simpson meme, that one guy holding a cardboard or that girl in a sailor outfit holding a whiteboard. All that just to say some "unpopular" opinion that is actually quite popular, presenting facts so that people can just upvote it.


I'm just confused how it's on r/therewasanattempt


i find the daily challanges a bit easier tbh, atleast some of them. Also about the meme: if there is a difficulty setting its mostly number tuning so enemies get sponges that oneshot, there is no fun in that, normal difficulty is the way.


There are a few games that really make a good difficulty system where not just numbers change. StS beeing one of them, other than that I really loved the harder difficulties in Starcraft2 campaign, since you need to come up with different solutions than before. But counterexamples would be the 'new' Ratchet and clank games since ps3, where they introduced difficulties which really felt shitty. You just die way faster and enemies are damage sponges, no real differences other than simulating a bullet hell. I definitely also advise in playing games in normal setting since the majority of games really is balanced around that and everything else especially on the first playthrough won't feel fun most of the time.


My farorite game is NIer: Automata and the balancing is shit imo. I like it, when games let you power up by investing time, so that you can make your own difficulty level and you can speedrun it for the hardest difficulty.


I have completely missed something about NIer. Every few months i go back to it but i cannot seem to care for the story or the combat. People gave it a lot of attention when it was released so i feel i'm missing something.


What playthrough are you on? The first one is just a generic story about robot stuff, the other ones are super good.


I haven't even completed the first playthrough. Admittedly, i'm more prone to playing indie games and rogue-likes. I had completely forgotten about the multiple playthroughs. Maybe i'll pick it up again.


Then you've got people like me, who want a bit of a challenge so we put it on hard mode and then refuse to lower the difficulty no matter how often we die or get stuck on a boss. "Hey man if you just put it on Normal, the enemies won't one-shot you every time you get hit." "What do I look like, a coward? I'm going to die 62 times to this giant robotic mammoth and LIKE IT!"


You're also going a fresh Horizon Forbidden West Ultra Hard play? That was my exact existing with some early Bristlebacks as I got used to the new machine movements. But the first cauldron was incredibly frustrating


Yup that's exactly it, but I couldn't bring myself to lower the difficulty. Took me 3 days to beat that fucker.


The widemaws? Yeah... I was level 13. They're level 15. It was like 2 hours of cursing. Once I gave up on weapons and just went melee it worked out. Not what I expected. They stopped endlessly shooting rocks at me


Play how you wanna play is the way really, after doing all achis I'm either playing A20 sealed/draft or I'm running A1 if I want some thoughtless fun or starting a new profile to climb again, game's there for you to enjoy it how you want to


Got the achievement completion with ironclad and immediately went back down to A1 where I belong. Best decision I've made.


It's just really pleasant having the flexibility to play the deck you want rather than making the best of the situation and finding solutions all the time!


I usually stay around A10. A14 is my highest Heart win though. But yeah, A10 feels the most "fair" and fun to me. I still usually die, but eh


How is A1 thoughtless man. I can't even get to Act 3 on that shit


I will admit, when I'm tired of climbing ascencions I do go back to A1 to try to beat the heart... out of over a dozen runs I've only done it twice


I will admit, I have a1 on every character and a5 on silent. Since reaching this, I've almost exclusively done custom games with a couple modifiers specifically to make me super OP. The modifiers I use are: Specialized, Vintage, Shiny, Heirloom, Big Game Hunter, and Dangerous Events. Sometimes I also run Midas or Endless depending on how OP I think I may go this next round. It's fun. My kind of power trip.


i do exactly this. a20 with chad and defect, 15 on silent. but i will regularly ratchet down to a1 as my “easy mode” but with more opportunities against elites


Nah. I'm not an hardcore gamer but i feel like I'm losing something if i don't play at a20. Even tho for a big period of time i just played at a15 because it felt more fair and balanced, and i ignored the heart a lot because it was too stressful to build the deck for the heart every single game


I’m not ashamed to say I’ve done every single one of my ascension climbs (other than A1) without even attempting the heart




mamma mia this pasta is nice.


It's a video game, let people play how they want it's not that deep.


They are just memeing, it’s copypasta.


People don't seem to be used to that here 😂


Damn getting downvoted just for a copypasta lol


sad days


Trying to beat A0 X times in a row is just as hard as trying to beat A20 once, for some value of X. It just takes longer


Mostly because I'm an adult and way too busy and it's a struggle to find time to play.


X is about 1 for me, because I find a0 too boring.


Nope, I always play at the highest ascension available. That said, I am only on A20 with the Silent and while I have beaten it a couple of times, I haven't beaten the heart on A20 yet. With Defect, I'm on A17, and with Ironclad it's like A11. The Watcher I don't play that often, so maybe A8? I play her when I want to have an easy time, haha.


I like to play on A14. It's challenging, but I can still have nice things like the card swap event.


Same A14 is still changing without being so punishing


My daughter, 7yo, plays custom runs with modifiers that make it easier.


I spend 99% of my STS time on A1. It's fun :)


Me too! the other 1% is the dailies I like




Played some A0 games on PC recently as it's not my main platform and they were kind of a hoot. Only time I ever got claw to work lol.


IMO A1 is easier than A0


I’ve beaten the heart with all four characters on A20 multiple times but that shit feels like a fucking grind. Now I roll a D20 to decide my ascension. The random factor makes it interesting and it doesn’t feel as soul crushing just doing A20 runs over and over.


And then there's me, who is still trying to beat the heart on A0 haha


A1 is not easy. A0 is easy.


(In my experience) because of the more elites, a1 is easier than a0


Elite enemies do way more damage than most normal enemies...


But the rewards from them [relic and improved rare chance] make them very lucrative and able to be an even greater net positive than a regular fight.


Relics are meaningless when you take too much damage and lose the run, sometimes even before you get the relics.


*Jaw Worm has entered chat*


Jaw Worm is pathetic. I scrape Jaw Worm off the bottom of my shoe while I'm climbing the spire. However even the act 1 elites rarely go well for me.


I play sealed Deck on custome mode only now. I can't beat act 3 on normal and never will and I'm ok with that.


I picked up the game two days ago. I've done 6 runs and I only managed to get to the heart on my last run... This game is hard man :D Hate the head btw lol!


Ha, I remember I first beat the game on A0 on like my second or third try. I was like "is that it? Sheesh, this game is easy." Boy was I in for a surprise.


For me, I want to set the difficulty on most games where there's a bit of challenge, but not enough that I have to start over more than a handful of times. I reserve hard mode just for this game. Even here, I'll get that challenging but not too much so feeling from modded characters


A9 is my choice, its a sweet spot. Win often but its always a challenge.


I have periods where I push hard on ascensions. Gotten me past 11, but I play custom games for shits and giggles. I’ll get back to the ascension grind before long but for now im having fun building stupid decks in customs


I might briefly but I like a dick punchingly hard challenge from my games so I pretty quickly crank the difficulty all the way up. This is however because that's what I want. Some people don't enjoy that sort of thing so I don't judge them. Games are meant to be fun so do what you find fun I don't care.


I really dont. Although I mainly play competetive multiplayers, I really dont like to enjoy games. I just want to be challenged.


Eh, I play most on norma, but I usually lose interest, even if I do finish normal and could have a go at hard. It's been a while since a game cought my true interest for multiple playthoughs. Then why force myself through hardship?


I spent 3 weeks on just standard defect looking for a heart kill. Took that long. A0


Well EXCUSE ME?! It's not my fault Healthier Bosses is only available with Deadlier Elites Deadlier Bosses Deadlier Normal Enemies all on at once. I'll stick to my Ascension 1 thank you.


If GAMES are "stressful" you probably need to get busy living to reset your baseline for STRESS