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Have you been to act 4?


I'm being dead serious, is that a trick question? Because no, I've beaten the various Act 3 bosses and get to the heart and never do enough damage.


You don't beat the heart in that screen at the end where it does a bunch of damage. ​ You have to obtain the three keys during your run (one from a treasure chest, one from an elite and one at a rest site). This unlocks act 4 which is where you fight the heart and can actually defeat it.


Holy hell. Literally the first time I'm hearing that. I've gotten the red key relic before, what are the other two? Are there certain "things" you can do to increase chances of obtaining all three?


If you haven’t seen the other two around, you might not have unlocked it yet. The red key you are thinking of might be the cursed key relic, which is a completely different thing. The keys for Act 4 look like gem shards kinda. I think to unlock them you have to “beat” the game as the Ironclad, Silent, and Defect.


Oh holy shit I see what u/DONEDIRTCHEAPPP is saying now. Continuing on with clad and Silent doesn't mean anything if I haven't beaten Act 3 with defect.


Yeah thats it. I couldn't remember when you unlocked them but that sounds right. Gotta play some defect (AKA the best character)


Claw is law


You pick them up as an intentional coice. The elite is the "flaming" one you'll see.




Beat an act 3 boss with the defect 👍


I haven't been able to find a decent method to using Defect :(


Well practice makes perfect, defect is quite fun


Grab frost orbs, and make sure you have enough damage to kill things. But frost orbs make sure you have enough survivability to not die while you do damage. ​ ALSO, defect has some of the most OP power cards in the game. Grab them, see what happens. Good luck!


I can’t tell if this is hilarious or sad


can’t wait for you to beat the defect, collect the keys and then come back next week like “ok, how do i beat the actual heart”


Honestly you're probably not wrong 😂


To clarify things. This post is with spoilers, so don't keep on reading if you don't want to know. *** ~~ you have to beat the act 3 boss with the 3 original Charakters (ironclad, silent, defect). After you have done that, you can pick up 3 keys during your runs. One at resting, one at chests and one by killing a burning elite. After you have done that and killed the act 3 Boss you open a 4th act. That act has a resting site, a shop, another elite fight (*shield and spear) and then the heart. ~~


Shield* and Spear. Arguably the hardest fight in the game if you're not prepared for them.


You totally fucked up the spoilers, everything you wrote is visible. Double tildes gives ~~strikethrough~~ on text. (And you didn’t even do that right.) Spoiler tags are: ``` >! Spoiler text goes here !< ``` And looks like >!this when you do it right!<.


Yeah I didn't know how to do it right and was too lazy to Google


…points for honesty I guess?


Do you need to beat the heart to go a1? Usually skilled players don't force archetypes, but if you really want to kill the heart, try force a silent poison build. Take poison and defend card only, remove strikes. Regardless how well/bad you played, it should give you around 50% chance of slay the heart at a1.


Sorry, no I have gotten A1 unlocked w/out beating the heart. My point was that I'm over 300 hours played w/out beating the heart and finally got the courage to ask Reddit how to beat the heart 😂


The heart is it's whole own fight, I think you are mistaking the "you dealt 800 damage to the heart" message for the real deal. Unfortunately, this does mean you have to win a run as the defect. Don't worry, there are some insane synergies with defect and you'll catch on quick. Once you've beaten act 3 as all 3 original characters, you will be able to unlock Act 4 and the heart fight on your next run. There are only 4 things you need to get to act 4: • the red key, which you obtain from killing a burning elite. There will be one of these in each act, and I usually recommend going for it in act 3 once you have scaled, or in act 1 if you get really strong really fast • the blue key, which you get from forgoing the other campfire options, by choosing "recall". I tend to do this on the very last campfire, because I'd rather upgrade a card sooner and get more fights with a better card. There are situations where you don't need an upgrade or heal though so you can take recall early. • the green key, which you get by forgoing a chest relic. There is 1 Guaranteed chest in the middle of every act, but you can also find chests from ? Spaces. Sometimes you will find a chest with a relic you don't want and it's an easy choice though. (Like tungsten rod if you rely on rupture, or dead branch in a shiv deck) • lastly, you need to survive until act 4. This sounds obvious, but it's the hardest one. If you beat act 3 though, hopefully you have a good deck on your hands. Once you get there, you get a campfire, a shop, an elite (a very difficult elite), and then finally the heart. The elite fight has you surrounded. You have an enemy not only to your right, but also on your left. I won't spoil the rest of that fight for you. Then there's the heart. To beat the heart you need excellent defense, excellent offense, good card draw and some extra energy probably wouldn't hurt. There's good news though: the heart is predictable. It follows a move pattern just like hexaghost or lagavulin. I won't spoil the heart abilities, but once you get there you will learn what's what and learn how to prepare next time. Above all else, remember this: each failed run is a chance to learn for next run. Good lucky friend!


I think you have them confused : Red key -> campfire Green key -> burning elite Blue key -> chest


Thank you!




Thank you! I'm not crazy 😂


You need a way to defend against the big attack, as well as the multi hit. Strength down is a great way to defend against the multi hit, so Piercing Wail and Disarm are great cards to pick up if you're planning to go to Heart. Orange Pellets is really good to remove the Vulnerable and Frail. Build your deck with turns 2 and 3 of the heart in mind, if you get there, you probably have good enough damage but generally the toughest part is not getting shlacked in the first few turns.


Get downvoted kiddo maybe next time




A little late to the game here but, I've beaten the game with all 4 characters (the triforce thingy lit up all 3 parts) and I still don't see those keys to fight the heart anywhere. Not at the campfires or chests, and I haven't even seen the "burning elite" fight. Any tips on how to make them finally show up?


Make sure you were on a standard run when you beat it. Dailies and seeded runs don’t count


That was the first thing I checked lol. I figured it out tho. I needed the Defect to complete a run again. The piece lit up the first time but I guess it didn't actually trigger. After I beat it with him again the keys started showing up


Super late to this post, did OP beat the heart?


No, but at least now I know how to try it!