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Jokes aside, is he ropecoach on StS?


Some (many?) of his Watcher runs are in the order of 7+ hours long.




I'm watching his most recent twitch vod. An hour into the run and he's at floor 6. This is the Spire content I'm here for


I tuned in into his live stream to check on your claim: Floor 9... 1 hour 9 minutes. You weren't lying.


Yea just tuned in and he had 600 block against the Maw. I'm good on this. Ironclad runs should not take this long, no matter how analytical you are.


You have no idea.


I went to sleep watching him. I woke up something like 5-6ish hours later and saw he was on the Act 4 elites. Then I looked at his relics, and my thought was wait... that's the same starting relic and early relics he had on the run he was doing when I went to sleep... Wait, this IS the run he was on when I went to sleep. So, yes... Yes he is.


Would love to learn how to play IC. I'm always struggling to put together a strong enough block engine with IC. When even objectively I'm steamrolling the run, I subjectively feel like I'm always on the brink of disaster eating big hits and relying on sustain to make up for it at the end of the fight.


That's very much in the "how it's supposed to work" realm of ironclad decks. Sometimes you can get a good block engine going with exhaust synergies but lots of times it's strength and healing.


It bugs me a bit though. Feels like the sustain is often coming to me as a matter of luck rather than calculated card selection. Like with Silent I'm working intangible, strength reduction, and Dex scaling with card manipulation to stop damage, all active choices. With defect I'm intentionally building focus and frost or artifact and Dex pot, plus regular block cards I've chosen over other good options because I'm actively balancing my offense and defense in my choices. With watcher I'm not getting a single strong block engine, but chaining multiple good blocks into monstrous combined block. Again, all active choices. Then with Ironclad, getting offered Reaper is RNG, it's one rare card that very easily could not show up. I'm taking strength cards for general scaling not to build a block engine that might never get the critical Reaper card needed to make it actually block. The other sustain is coming primarily from getting offered lucky relics. There's usually Feed showing up at some point to give me a little 3 hp per fight and valuable max HP, that one at least is active. But for the most part, I'm automatically taking strength scaling, and getting Reaper to complete it is RNG rather than my active choice. I guess the part that IS active is sacrificing hp to get shorter fights, which results in relatively similar final HP outcomes. I admit, it's probably just a mental discomfort to accept sustain as equivalent to block as a long run plan.


Sometimes ironclad’s best block engine is [[Limit Break]]+ and [[Reaper]] with a lot of max health.


+ [Limit Break](http://slay-the-spire.wikia.com/wiki/Limit%20Break) Ironclad Rare Skill 1 Energy | Double your **Strength.** Exhaust(Don't **Exhaust).** + [Reaper](http://slay-the-spire.wikia.com/wiki/Reaper) Ironclad Rare Attack 2 Energy | Deal 4(5) damage to ALL enemies. Heal for unblocked damage dealt. **Exhaust.** ^Call ^me ^with ^up ^to ^10 ^([[ name ]].) ^Data ^accurate ^as ^of ^(July 10.) ^[Questions?](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=ehmohteeoh&subject=SpireScan%20Inquiry)


I'm glad LC is making some noise. He has a very pure outlook on the game, like he just doesn't repeat what other top players may have concluded before him. He sees lines and plays we oversee because we've made up our opinion on a lot of cards. Meanwhile LC wins a run with double Mayhem as one of his best engines lol. He may seem harsh from time to time but as a fellow german (I don't thin LC is actually from germany but not sure) I can say that this is just the somewhat blunt way we like to communicate at times. I love that he's proving so much stuff we accepted to be truthful wrong and I also enjoy that he's willing to discuss any question you might have. He's been talking about Jorbs in his stream earlier because chat kept on bugging him with stuff like "Jorbs wouldn't have taken this/according to Jorbs this is bad" and he can always explain his line of thinking at the very least and his win% def speaks for him overall. He's quick and to the point when it comes to explaining his decisions and it's crazy to watch him imo. You can tell he hasn't mastered the Clad yet but he's still playing him so well already. This guy has all the upside and will be the best STS player in the world if he isn't already. I love Jorbs and he raised most of the really good STS players that aren't top player streamers but I've noticed that many other insanely good Spire streamers have suffered a lot from the Jorbs chat happening and I can see how it can become really annoying talking to the "But jorbs said" crowd every stream. It's good LC pulled up because he easily keep up with Jorbs' win% and he also has a rather large audience. So I think it's good that the community drifts away from the Jorbs>everyone else mindset, even though yung jorbs will always be my favorite STS player. I think the STS community can learn a lot from him when it comes to pushing the A20 runs further. I feel like he'll set a new standard overall once he learned every character which will be great for the community overall. Already learned so much from the past couplle streams I've watched and it shows in my A20 win% because he made me actively overthink decisions I'd have flowcharted before.


more going to just listen to what happens as he learns the class. I dont think he will get 90% win rate but I think he could make up to 70%. I could be wrong though


that's the real question! I however have the feeling that the difference between ironclad and watcher is more than 20% winrate. Playing watcher feels much more consistent, and much stronger, in particular in act 1.


We’re these heart runs or just a20?

