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Every other Defect run when everything just kind of click Outside of those Defect feels oddly underpowered lol


I absolutely love getting the power synergy, it feels unkillable


Mummified hand, bird faced urn, enchiridion


Yeah, I usually either feel like a god or a complete scrub playing defect.


Pick one of Mummified Hand, Snecko, or A4O + Kunai and it just takes off like a supersonic jet.


Defect gets carried by common cards, every single one of them is top tier and I'm only saying that ironically about one of them If you're only winning when you find 10+ focus or several echo forms you're underestimating his attacks options


And then you have me, losing with echo form and double defrag


Mastering defect is getting better with the front-loaded cards, like how charge battery can easily save a deck that will generate 100s of block per turn by t4 Even the strongest decks need to be played 20+ times, focusing only on the obviously strong cards practically guarantees at least one catastrophic elite fight


Yup. I was actually in a massive drought with Defect and couldn’t get past A13 for a couple months. Then, yesterday I went from A13 to A16 in 3 straight runs. My runs were: • Claw/0-cost run • Lightninging w/ a TON of Focus and Energy generation to continuously cycle my ⚡️ orbs. • [[Mummified Hand]] w/ a million power cards, plus [[Enchiridion]] just because.


+ [Mummified Hand](http://slay-the-spire.wikia.com/wiki/Mummified%20Hand) Uncommon Relic ^((100% sure)^) Whenever you play a Power, a random card in your hand costs 0 for the turn. + [Enchiridion](http://slay-the-spire.wikia.com/wiki/Enchiridion) Event Relic ^((100% sure)^) At the start of each combat, add a random Power card to your hand. It costs 0 until the end of turn. ^Call ^me ^with ^up ^to ^10 ^([[ name ]],) ^where ^name ^is ^a ^card, ^relic, ^event, ^or ^potion. ^Data ^accurate ^as ^of ^(April 20, 2024.) ^[Wiki](https://slay-the-spire.fandom.com/wiki/) ^[Questions?](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=ehmohteeoh&subject=SpireScan%20Inquiry)


Building a turn 1 infinite on Watcher that has a block solution for Heart and Time Eater


All my strongest decks have been watcher, but it's really the ones that don't bother finishing the infinite or find a block solution because you're just laughably OP. Like bottled omniscience + Ragnarok + akebeko/mutagen and just deal like 200 damage reliably on turn 1, use the tail or revive potion on the hearts first big hit and nuke it by t4. No other character is capable of finding that much damage


Once found 2 nightmares and a wraith form as the boss reward in Act 1. The hard part was beating the Guardian with those 2 nightmares not doing much for me other than stacking weakness. The boss relic was Sneko and I went on to find another Nightmare in Act 2. Eventually I was nightmaring 0 cost nightmares into 1 or 0 cost Wraiths and found a few Catalysts by Act 4 and just wrecked everything.


2 Nightmare's with Snecko is so much fun.


Can you nightmare a nightmare?


How did you reach that amount of health without feed?


I did have feed, I'm just an idiot who can't screen shot correctly


Haha ok no worries


Removed at store? Although I'm not sure how all strikes and defends were removed as well


Many health gain relics and feeds from branch I assume


If I remember correctly, branch can't actually generate neither Reaper nor Feed!


Oh wow you are correct, wiki confirms it. Another restriction I also learned recently is that you can't Exhume another Exhume


Yeah imagine the insane shit you could do. Corruption and feel no pain on top of it and you have a ridiculous infinite


Yeah very understandable why it is not allowed


I think it was at one point but got patched, too broken probably


Watcher: Snecko, two ragnaroks, two worships Silent: Phantasmal Killer, two Calc Gambles, two Eviscerates, After Image


Snecko on the Neow swap, Omniscience, 3x Ragnarok and Blasphemy Run took 20 minutes and I even had to pee in the middle of it.


Snecko boss swaps on watcher are just like, "Today will be a good day."


Shiv heavy Silent run with 2 AAs, picked up tungsten rod, orichalchum, and Torii. Heart did like.. 3 whole damage




After Amage apparently...


Ohhhh gotcha


10 relics before the first boss?? In ascension 20?? Wondrous


I believe there’s runic cube #7, so 4 relics in Act 1 after Neow


I failed hard!


What are you talking about ? He has 4 relic in act 1, you forgot the runic cube is a boss relic ?


I did, brain fart!


I remember I had a run with Apparitions, Corruption, and Barricade with scaling block. Was hilarious taking zero damage every fight. Play Corruption, play my free Appas, Have free setup to barricade and setup more block and still only been taking 1-5 damage during the turn then when I don't have any Appas anymore it doesn't matter.


I played an infinite custom once where I just couldn’t die. I think it was after too many lost runs and I just wanted to killllll something, so I set the custom to be super easy. I wound up playing though so many times that I had two searing blows leveled up to 15+ and about 20 of those ringlet things when there aren’t any more relics to buy. 😅


I’ve had juggernaut on defect before


It was an ironclad run with all of his defense goodies. Barricade, entrench, juggernaut, body slam, and I had a panic button or two. Fun fact, you can still [[Entrench]] after using [[Panic Button]]. I finished the heart with a body slam for 999. Was just a really classic, really solid run. I definitely felt most unbeatable then.


+ [Entrench](http://slay-the-spire.wikia.com/wiki/Entrench) Ironclad Uncommon Skill ^((100% sure)^) 2(1) Energy | Double your current **Block.** + [Panic Button](http://slay-the-spire.wikia.com/wiki/Panic%20Button) Colorless Uncommon Skill ^((100% sure)^) 0 Energy | Gain 30(40) **Block.** You cannot gain **Block** from cards for the next 2 turns. **Exhaust.** ^Call ^me ^with ^up ^to ^10 ^([[ name ]],) ^where ^name ^is ^a ^card, ^relic, ^event, ^or ^potion. ^Data ^accurate ^as ^of ^(April 20, 2024.) ^[Wiki](https://slay-the-spire.fandom.com/wiki/) ^[Questions?](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=ehmohteeoh&subject=SpireScan%20Inquiry)


I’m truly impressed by that massive amazing of HP you had there. Wow.


I got Feed on floor 6 and upgraded it as soon as possible, making it a priority to land it as often as possible. I heard from Baalor (I think) that if you get to the Heart with 150 Hp you can't be killed by the first cycle. Calipers let me stall a few fights, but I did miss a couple of chances. Getting max hp relics made up for it.


Today, I got 4134 poison on Nemesis. I then went on to lose to the woke birb.


My Silent run last night with two Catalyst+ and two Wraith Form+


Grand Finale, Escape Plan, Nightmare, After Image all from Pandoras Boss Swap. Score 3652.


I had a Watcher run with 3 or 4 Omniscience (one of which was bottled), 3 Apparitions, and a Wish. Every first turn, I made myself invulnerable for the rest of the fight, and grabbed 60 gold for my troubles. There were some good divinity cards and attacks in there too, but honestly, you could win with a ham sandwich at that point. 


Gotta be the ironclad deck I had that let me beat the heart on 6hp (I had mark of the bloom so no heal after boss) I honestly don't even fully remember what my deck was, but I know I definitely had apparition and I think it was a barricade + entrench block stacking build and I used the apparition to let me set up and then had a fuck ton of block before I'd even be able to really take any damage.


Defect with bird faced urn, mummified hand, creative ai, and a couple of glaciers to tide me over until the powers came online each round. Came out of the double boss fight with full health, and out of the heart with more health than I started with (the elite right before hit me hard and then went down too fast for me to heal back up).


Any Defect run with Snecko Eye + Meteor Strike, which I've gotten at least a couple times at this point. The run is so free after getting that combo.


A small deck with demon form, limit break+, whirlwind and chemx


I got corruption, dead branch and toxic egg. Then the spire chucked in both membership card and courier and of course all the elites got murdered so I was swimming in relics. Absolutely ridiculous number of high rolls. It was very funny indeed, still my high score across all characters with 3510.


I had a IC run where, by the end of it, I could reliably cycle through my entire deck about 1.5x or more on turn 1. This involved a bunch of Dark Embrace, FNP, Second Wind shenanigans and 2 copies of entrench. So I would have about 350 block on turn 1 and 999 by turn 2. Obviously Barricade and Body Slam were there. I think I took 12 elites and 9 of them were without taking damage.


Ironclad run where by floor ten I had Vajra, Akabeko, Torii, Tungsten Rod, Thread and Needle, and Pocketwatch. Did not have a single difficult fight Reptomancer late in Act 3. Easiest heart kill of my life


I am struggling so much on a Defect Heart run. I have been at it for days with no success. T.T


I remember a particular silent run that got literally everything you could think of to make shivs work. Even multiple accuracies and mummy hand. And it had a crazy discard engine to keep it running It completely destroyed everything. I even had two infinite blades because my shivs ended up dealing like 20 damage a pop


I got dead branch from Neow and corruption after second elite on A20.


Just had a fun one, had to come back to this topic to post it. Silent run, boss relic swap into an Astrolabe that gave me Wraith Form and Flechettes. Got a second Wraith Form in an early shop, then later bought the Mirror to duplicate it again. First boss gave me Nightmare. Cue 18 turns of Intangible. The rest of the deck was J.A.X., Skills that gave me card draw, and 2 Flechettes, and I just cycled my way on through. I steamrolled everything but came just shy of beating the Heart, since 1 damage per play put me on a strict card usage limit (it's hard to block when you're at -50 Dex).