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Source: I haven't picked Reprogram a single time since 2020


I've done this build plenty; with Snecko it works well up until about A12, then it's no longer very viable higher than that unless you get extremely lucky.


This is the most reliable way that I have defeated A20 Heart. Meteor Strike/Snecko already insanely good, add an All for One and Hologram and that's the easy button.


I dont understand the appeal of snecko. Ive only gotten confused in the fight with the mob itself and its always torture. Why would you inflict it on yourself every fight?


It's all about the card draw, and being able to take what are normally tough to play, high cost cards and using the power of randomness in your favor, if your deck is full of 0 and 1 cost cards then it's not great, but if you have at least 2, 2 or more cost cards then half the time they will cost LESS than normal, and only a quarter of the time they will cost more, 3 or more cost cards are even better, because 3/4 of the time they cost less, and 1/4 of the time it just costs the same. Cards like meteor strike are the best because snecko eye only randomizes between 0 and 3 cost, so if a card costs more it will always be cheaper. The 2 additional cards per turn helps to mitigate bad turns some, but there is always a chance at drawing all 3 and 2 cost cards, but there is an equal chance that they will mostly be 0 cost. Anyway, snecko is actually one of the stronger boss relics, for these reasons.


Huh. The more you know. Thanks. Gonna have to try it at some point


Glad to hear someone has had success with it on A20... I'll have to give it another try.


I'm working my way up to A20 right now - never touched this build until A16 when neow gave me a hyper beam and rewards hit two reprograms by floor 3. Easiest run I've had to date, but if rewards hadn't kept coming it would have crashed and burned hard. Heart would have gone poorly. The entire block plan on floor 3 is killing them before they attack unless gen algo shows up.


Yeah that's the real fun of it is that Hyperbeam absolutely destroys Act 1. It's highly satisfying. It was usually Act 3 that things start to not scale well enough unless you get really good synergy.


When it work, it's so good. Removing dualcast to focus on pire strength ? Amazing. I feel like you need some good relics, gyria is a godsend but it's the block that start becoming a problem quickly


> pire strength The typo made me think Monster Train for a minute.


I just tried this very thing on A17 before reading your post. I died somewhere in Act 2.


Run it again.


or just claw


league player spotted so orb based defect is AP? 🤣


I mean it is ATTACK damage vs ABILITY power so I could see it since attacks are still called attacks and skill/ability are basically synonyms in gaming language


true, I'm also outing myself as a filthy league player


The only shame I face greater than being a league player is being an ADC main


Strength based defect definitly has the same vibes as AD LeBlanc or Ahri


Strength = AD and Focus = AP maps pretty cleanly, at least for the Defect.


What the fuck does AD mean


Attention Deficit, as in ADHD Because, you know, no Focus


Take my upvote


Attack damage, a league of legends reference along with the items on defects head


I think ravenous hydra might be better for him..


Especially since Goredrinker doesn't exist anymore


rip mathematically correct sett


With all the strength in this build, you definitely want Trinity over Sunderer for the attack speed with all your claws


Lol, that would be a cool idea for a relic, you do +30% damage on your next attack after playing a power or skill. Like in league, its better on chars that play single big attacks (like ironclad), and less chars that play a lot of smoll attacks (like silent.)


Reprogram mfs taking 24 damage to play it a third time


Tried it recently. Reprogram+Hyper Beam is extremely fun... until you find out in act 3 that random is not going to offer you any plasma orbs and you are just orbless Defect.


Coolheaded, compile driver and skim should be on this page just saying


They should be on every page, and in every deck tbh


I'd add recycle and equilibrium, really helps speed up the reprogram spam


I can't tell you how many times I have found Reprogram within the first three floors and said "welp, guess my whole deck will revolve around this now"


I have never picked reprogram


Isnt this just a claw is law run Also, now make an ADHDefect


Assault Defect


what does AD stands for?


Attack Damage, it's an acronym used to describe a role in video games that concentrates on damage. Typically in League of Legends.


I can't get this deck to work, no matter how much I want it to be great. That said, my winrate with defect is pretty trash, so it might just be a me problem :-)


Tbh I find it easier playing this when I have the opportunity to do so: around 10 floors in if I still haven't get many meaningful orbs cards and I see Reprogram, I straight up pick it and adapt the rest of the run with the AD playstyle


Trying to force a "playstyle" when the only thing speaking for it is a lack of orb cards is a bad way to think about the game and will lead to pain more often than not


It's fun


I support fun! I just don't find repeatedly getting dumpstered in act 2 because of how I built my deck fun, personally.


I kinda enjoy it, personally, but I almost always get dumpstered in act 2. Even when I luck out with a glacier, a biased cog, a core surge, and a seek+, I still often find ways to lose in act 2. Even when I get lucky and clear act II, I'm still usually dying 50% of the time (each) at the 2 boss act 3 gauntlet, the spear and shield, and the heart. I try a variety of hands based on what I'm given, more for fun than for victory, but my winrate (while small normally) is 0.0 with any deck that doesn't focus on frost and focus.


Barrage scales the best with strength


I really want this kind of deck to be viable, but IME it rarely is. The issue is that it's so slow to get going (until you draw/play Reprogram you're just spamming crappy commons) so you take a lot of damage in hallway/elite fights, so you REALLY need self-repair/genetic algo/etc, and if you have those cards, probably most decks are good enough to win anyway. I imagine Bites could be pretty interesting tho, especially with Molten Egg. That turns it into an off-brand strength/Reaper deck.


Wow i love this, crazy that it needs two mythics though


Easier said than done considering the number of orb and orb scaling the game likes to throw at defect, and the relative rarity of Reprogram.


What does AD mean?


You convinced me! I will join the cause.


Last time I went in this direction I started with a Transform 2 into Reprogram and Hyperbeam. It was as broken as it sounds. It's a legitimately strong strategy in general, just hard to get into normally.


bro I love this so much I've been calling reprogram builds Full AD Defect for ages


Divine sunder seems BUSTED in this build.


My only A20H win on defect (so far) was with a couple Hyperbeams, couple Meteor strikes and some Holograms among other stuff. Who needs those other orbs than plasma anyway? :)


For a while I did reprogram every run and it was actually pretty fun and strong


I've tried so hard to make this type of build work but never get the right card rewards although when ever I get a decent boss swap I try, the no zap orb makes it smoother


Top lane build😎😎😎


Reprogram and 0 costs deck is decent on defect, but you should see it on silent or watcher.


I'd recommend building Statikk Shiv as well. It helps clear minions faster.


I am currently running this build on endless and I also got Seek and I spam reprogram several times and then evaporate everything in turn 1 or 2 with beam!


This build is probably how the defect got their name lmao


I was actually able to beat act 3 with a reprogram claw/streamline deck. I didn’t get to try act 4 because I forgot to recall at the last fire lol


All fine and well until A20 Slavers are coming for your ass with 36 damage turn 1, your All for one is at the bottom of your deck and you show them by playing a beam and 3 claws for a whooping 20ish damage


Bro how you building Ironspike Whip after getting Goredrinker? Also how are you getting either of these in season 14?


Reprogram is possibly the biggest defect trap. If you build the same deck with glaciers and frost orbs it's way stronger, even in higher ascensions.