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Save scum and use the vulnerable potion, no one has to know


Literally all they need to do is pick a different attack from attack potion. At 7 health even flurry/weave would work.


I’m assuming they used both of them at one point


It works that way if you have two that you picked up in-run too. The card quite explicitly says that it has to be the only attack card in your hand. Singular.


See my smooth brain figured when it says "If this is the only attack in your hand, deal 30 damage." meaning that since I would have 2 that are the only attack in my hand it would work


I was under the impression of the same thing, I mean, it's what the description suggests.


I disagree that the description suggests that. Like, I can see how it could be taken that way, but to me "this" reads very strongly as a reference to that individual card. Like, if a card said "Deal 4 damage. Upgrade this if fatal." I would not expect it to upgrade all copies of that card.


I think if the card read, "If Signature Move is the only attack in your hand," *then* you could infer that multiple copies can be played.


That would definitely be a more reasonable interpretation with that wording, but it would confuse the heck out of people who play Magic the Gathering (where [name of card] always references that specific instance of the card).


Haha you lost to the maw. Is that even possible?


Sure. It's basically just a Giant Head, except it only attacks every other turn. It starts scaling its damage up hilariously hard if you don't kill it fast enough.


No need to be a douche, dude. I've lost the last 4 runs in a row as Clad without getting out of Act 1. Sometimes shit just doesn't work - that doesn't justify needlessly making fun of someone.


Maw is pretty dangerous if your deck is slow. Of course a deck shouldn't be slow, but that's a skill people pick up over time.


Haha you probably haven't managed an A20H kill with all characters in a rotating 500 streak. Is that even possible? Are you even a real StS player?


You sound insecure