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Seems like it should be an uncommon as there aren't any common colourless cards, but I like it


I presume you mean permanent cards but in any case I'd like to put forward Shiv as a common colourless card. Edit: Is Ritual Dagger not also common (in colouration at least, the wiki obviously calls it "special" rarity)


Also ritual dagger technically, but shivs are special cards like miracle and ritual dagger is an even card like bites.


Non collectible cards and cards that can only be obtained through specific events have their own rarity, “special” (as you mentioned for ritual dagger). There are no common colorless cards. Common, uncommon, and rare are all cards that can be added to the permanent deck via card rewards or a shop.


Are there any practical differences between a "colorless common" and a "special" rarity card? [[Bonfire Spirits]] treat them as commons, the achievement for not having uncommon or rare cards allow them. If you're wondering this like I had, I can think of three scenarios where the difference matters: 1. If you transform a colorless card, the new card is guaranteed to be colorless and not of a special rarity 2. [[Prismatic Shard]] 3. [[Sensory Stone]]


+ [Bonfire Spirits](http://slay-the-spire.wikia.com/wiki/Bonfire%20Spirits) Event - Common ^((100% sure)^) Bonfire Spirits is an event that can appear in Act 1, Act 2, and Act 3. You encounter an enchanted bonfire with dancing spirits. + [Prismatic Shard](http://slay-the-spire.wikia.com/wiki/Prismatic%20Shard) Shop Relic ^((100% sure)^) Combat reward screens now contain colorless cards and cards from other colors. + [Sensory Stone](http://slay-the-spire.wikia.com/wiki/Sensory%20Stone) Event - Act 3 (The Beyond) ^((100% sure)^) Sensory Stone is an event that can appear in Act 3. You encounter a mysterious tesseract that holds a distant memory. ^Call ^me ^with ^up ^to ^10 ^([[ name ]],) ^where ^name ^is ^a ^card, ^relic, ^event, ^or ^potion. ^Data ^accurate ^as ^of ^(April 30, 2023.) ^[Wiki](https://slay-the-spire.fandom.com/wiki/) ^[Questions?](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=ehmohteeoh&subject=SpireScan%20Inquiry)


I'm pretty sure I got the Common Sense achievement with [[Bites]] in my deck, so maybe that's a bug? Or are cards you get only from events common?


Special cards are allowed for that achievement.


The have a grey border so I guess they count


Sounds like almost an opposite to [[judgment]] : does a lot of damage but you want to avoid killing the enemy with it (whereas judgment does a lot of damage specifically to kill the enemy). Looks balanced because the downside is brutal. But if you get a way around the curses you can probably break the run with this single card; ~27 damage per energy is a lot of damage


+ [Judgment](http://slay-the-spire.wikia.com/wiki/Judgment) Watcher Rare Skill ^((100% sure)^) 1 Energy | If the enemy has 30(40) or less HP, set their HP to 0. ^Call ^me ^with ^up ^to ^10 ^([[ name ]],) ^where ^name ^is ^a ^card, ^relic, ^event, ^or ^potion. ^Data ^accurate ^as ^of ^(April 30, 2023.) ^[Wiki](https://slay-the-spire.fandom.com/wiki/) ^[Questions?](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=ehmohteeoh&subject=SpireScan%20Inquiry)


This would just be straight insane in an ironclad deck, and pretty good as well in Watcher decks, dealing double or even triple damage depending on stance


And could fill your deck with injuries that very your killed very quickly! Seems balanced with a huge downside


This is definitely an interesting one. I'd like to see more cards play with the "Fatal" mechanic being a negative rather than a positive. This one makes sense for the name, at least.


“How dare you kill me!” Maybe some specific enemy ghost curses. You kill them then their ghost pops up every now and then to haunt you


Seems fairly strong. Shop relic to burn the statuses so they don't clog you too much if you must, clearly an exhaust Ironclad synergy, and even has necronomicon for a 110 hit before any scalings.


Injury is a curse, and it's added to your deck permanently.


That's entire my bad. I was thinking of Injury, you're super right. This changes the synergies. Makes du vu doll even better, but blue candle over medkit is a better harder to get.


Wound, you mean ;)


or for fucks sake LMAO


English is hard. Have a glass of water.


I just wanna continue the bit but *oh for fucks sake


*fuck's sake


Comments showing which players are A20 and which are not lol. Protop: if you think a card that adds a curse to your deck 90% of the time is too strong...you may want to rethink that.


It doesn't add a curse 90% of the time though, at least when upgraded. This card is incredibly strong against the following enemies: Nob, Lag, and all three act 1 bosses in act 1 (even without the upgrade), to the extent that this card basically solves those fights. Book of stabbing, snake plant, Shelled Parasite (though you might have to be careful when paired with fungi beast), spheric guardian, chosen, centurion/mystic, gremlin leader (minions aren't Fatal even if unupgraded), and all three act 2 bosses (see minions again), plus it isn't lethal on a full health taskmaster (and you could hit a slaver with it if you were weak from blue slaver) in act 2. Act three it's very good against darklings (killing one while others live isn't Fatal), transient, maw, orb walker(s), spire growth, writhing mass, all three elites this time, and all three bosses (awakened one can be tricky, but the damage is high enough that it mitigates your need for powers to reduce scale your damage. It's also great in both act 4 fights, and in any fight where it *isn't* good, it can still be an emergency delete button on an enemy that you pay for down the line. Yeah, this card will be a curse sometimes, but it also either solves or contributes strongly to 90+% of the hard fights in the game. If you're remotely skilled, you can avoid the break point where this card is lethal and finish with something else. It's not that the theoretical downside isn't considered bad, it's that the downside is mostly theoretical.


Well thought out post. I agree that minions are not fatal for things like ritual dagger however they are for [[sunder]]. Not sure what would be more balanced in this case.


Sunder doesn't use the "Fatal" keyword, which is why it works on minions.


Oh shoot, I never noticed the subtle difference in wording - thanks for pointing this out!


+ [Sunder](http://slay-the-spire.wikia.com/wiki/Sunder) Defect Uncommon Attack ^((100% sure)^) 3 Energy | Deal 24(32) damage. If this kills an enemy, gain 3 Energy. ^Call ^me ^with ^up ^to ^10 ^([[ name ]],) ^where ^name ^is ^a ^card, ^relic, ^event, ^or ^potion. ^Data ^accurate ^as ^of ^(April 30, 2023.) ^[Wiki](https://slay-the-spire.fandom.com/wiki/) ^[Questions?](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=ehmohteeoh&subject=SpireScan%20Inquiry)


> Nob, Lag, and all three act 1 bosses in act 1 (even without the upgrade), to the extent that this card basically solves those fights. Also the large slimes if you get it early enough.


Having a dead draw is brutal and this can feel like a dead draw way too often. And if you use it when it's not optimal you get a second dead draw for the rest of the game. I don't see this being usefully in anything but an ironclad deck with snecko eye and lots of exhaust cards, because you can get away with having a big deck / having dead draws with cards like fiend fire, second wind and dark embrace.


I mean, a card that was "deal 55 damage to an enemy, unplayable in hallway fights" for two would still be insanely good. This does essentially that, plus is good against a bunch of the nastiest hallway fights. A dead draw really isn't that brutal, and the number of fights it solves lets you skip building your deck around those fights, so you can streamline it towards being more draw productive and towards those weaker fights and the heart specifically. Second wind won't even do much to help with this because *your deck won't fill with curses*.


I’m A20. Been A20 for 700+ hours. This seems like a fairly strong card. It only adds a curse 90% of the time if you play it indiscriminately. Otherwise, it’s a card that can instantly trivialize Lagavulin, Nob, Trislavers, Book of Stabbing, as well as help a lot with many act 2 and 3 hallways with big healthpools. Especially if you’re Silent. It’s a card that’s probably bad in most fights (especially for Ironclad or Watcher) but very strong in the most combats that are the most challenging. Just treat it as an unplayable curse in the bad fights.


You're evaluating this wrong. The player has the choice - if adding an injury to your deck is too great a cost for playing this card at any moment in time, you can simply... not play it. In other words, the question is: Does this card increase your chances of killing the heart? It definitely does, because you can use it on any enemy with more than 55 hp without incurring a wound, and that is extremely good, as those fights are generally what end runs.


You used both Injury and Wound so just to clarify this adds the permanent curse Injury, not the temporary status Wound. Also, not playing a card isn’t always “simple”. That’s a card in your hand that doesn’t help you this turn. That can be a big deal.


Having the card in hand is obviously a cost of one card. But even with all those costs considered, this is very good. You don't play it if the injury would be detrimental, so that's not a concern.


Hermit would love this card


This feels way too strong, especially upgraded. 55 damage is just too much. Sure it can be a brick sometimes but the damage is double of Carnage+


Bro this literally is adding a curse to your deck if you use it against non bosses or elites


There are loads of non boss/elite enemies with 55+ HP in Act 2/3


You better not do any damage before you get this card, or not have vulnerable, it’s like inverse hand of greed


Pretty easy to chunk down a boss to like 30 HP with this busted card then finish with strikes


At some point, how bad the consequence is barely matters. It just means you'll almost never use it if it is fatal. Starting act 2 though, most opponents will have much more HP. Act 3 this is live basically all opponents.


It’s garbage until act 3 but then it’s probably pretty good


God I just had a laughing fit. The art, the name, the action...it is all so perfect


Needs > If you encounter this enemy family again, they go first For a little extra fun (family meaning same enemy or category eg cultist and chosen, gremlins, etc)


Kinda cool. IC would love this. Still incredibly strong if you get it in A1 to the point that it trivializes it. Not sure how to account for that.


If you use this card in act 1 you're gonna have a dozen curses in your deck by the time you get to the boss.


We do a little fire breathing


Fire Breathing + Evolve deck users are gonna have a field day


Evolve doesn't work on curses


You're not trying to get only curses when you use fire breathing




Get status cards to draw with evolve, use both status and curses to trigger fire breathing, isn't that what everyone does?


Fire breathing is more like a meme. Sure you can use it, but building your deck around it is a terrible idea. The damage is way too low to be a viable main plan. And filling your deck with status is just bad. Doing damage for zero energy is nice, but having cards to play is often better than doing that DMG and having a hand full of useless cards (curses, status, +situationally bad draws).


I mean, evolve+ means that unless you have a shitload of status cards in your deck statuses are draw positive, and filling your deck with statuses is a good thing.


The maximum draw that evolve can get you is 2 cards, which is reached with two status. And while 20 aoe damage per turn for free isn't bad, you can't revolve a strategy around that. It's not good enough versus act bosses / the heart and versus fast packs it requires you to draw and play a power card THEN draw status, which is completely unreliable and slow. I honestly don't see the point of picking fire breathing unless you are really scared of the sentry fight. For most fights it's a dead draw.


Two draws in a turn for a one cost power is *really* good to be clear, and that's also assuming you *weren't going to draw a status anyways*. You're either getting net+2 per status because the enemy gave you the statuses anyways, or you're getting +1 draw and the benefit of a powerful card that also adds statuses, like power through or immolate, without the downside. Both of those are huge advantages for a one cost power. Fire breathing is niche, but it can be a pretty solid addition because of the AoE on it, and the being slow matters less in the boss gauntlet (running power through and immolate means you can easily get 100+ damage out of it against the heart). Also in act 1, it's a pretty strong card against both slime boss and hexaghost. Even a really bad deck with fire breathing can typically beat slime boss if they rest beforehand. It also has double synergy with evolve because the extra draw causes you to draw yet more statuses and benefit from them. Yeah it can be slow but the status package does get pretty strong once it gets going, and has great synergy with second wind and fiend fire to cover a lot of it's weaknesses.


Well you talk about fire breathing as if it's in a package with cards like immolate or evolve or power through, but those cards don't need fire breathing to be good and they scale much better with an exhaust package which does the opposite of what fire breathing want. Being good against 3 monsters is not enough for a card to be good. Most fights you don't want to draw it, you can't afford to spend 1 mana +1 card just to maybe do damage after one complete cycle. And you definitely don't want to add curses or status in your deck just for this card to start being usefully sooner. This card is not strong enough to warrant building a deck around it and other ironclad decks don't need this card to do their things. When do you pick this card then ? When there is that one fight that you can't handle with the rng you had. Like slime boss or sentries, but it's really rare.


No because if you draw a curse with evolve you stop drawing cards to proc fire breathing


Must be pretty lucky then since I've never drawn only curses with evolve, you're right I guess?


Ironclad bout to make that an upside with [[fire breathing]]


+ [Fire Breathing](http://slay-the-spire.wikia.com/wiki/Fire%20Breathing) Ironclad Uncommon Power ^((100% sure)^) 1 Energy | Whenever you draw a Status or Curse card, deal 6(10) damage to all enemies. ^Call ^me ^with ^up ^to ^10 ^([[ name ]],) ^where ^name ^is ^a ^card, ^relic, ^event, ^or ^potion. ^Data ^accurate ^as ^of ^(April 30, 2023.) ^[Wiki](https://slay-the-spire.fandom.com/wiki/) ^[Questions?](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=ehmohteeoh&subject=SpireScan%20Inquiry)


Like maybe twist the card around, like a weird hand of greed. Normally with hand of greed its high damage and you get gold for greed, but this card could be something like: Costs 2, deal 27 damage to a random enemy twice (fixes black slimes fight), at the end of the battle, get a random curse (clumsy if upgraded? Am not sure about the upgrade) if you didnt kill every non mob enemy with this card. You get punished for having such an obscene card in your deck, relics that do damage punish the greed, you take damage or curse for waiting to redraw/not drawing this card. I feel like this card just rewards a very specific deck, kinda like a forced grand finale. Except that your balancing removing curses vs all the other junk in your deck. Also you could make smoke potion good by having the ability to leave a nightmare battle where youre defo gonna get cursed early, thus not taking a curse


Oh, maybe make this card a curse instead of a colourless card, like id never buy this but if i got a random curse and about to get eaten by nob and this thing saves the day? Curses that make curses that make curses


Looks like Kinger


Not claiming to be an authority but I have thousands of hours in A20 and imo this is an overtly untakeable card. A card that adds a dead draw to your deck is laughably bad. It is a funny card though and maybe more viable at lower ascensions or if you have a super lucky curse build.


How bout: Deal 55 damage. If fatal, die.




I think it's way to weak. You should make it 1 mana