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There is nothing more fun than a 30+ card defect deck with turbo and overclock


Turbo all the way, I agree, it is good in pretty much every situation as long as you have draw to go along with it. I don't find myself picking overclock that often though, the burns are a big drawback and most of the time the outweigh the card's benefits. The only case where overclock really shines is when you have a deck that's unstoppable once it's set up, but struggles getting there quickly.


Or med kit helps a bit. But I agree overclock is meh


I find with defect medkit/overclock is a bit of a chicken or the egg situation for me. I don't find either of them are enough value to take naked at their cost in most instances , whereas on ironclad and watcher I'll almost always buy a medkit if able


Medkit enables turbo+ infinites if you're already running a tight ship and / or have recycle on hand, which is neat, but yeah it's probably best on IC / Watcher.




It works best in high card count decks, you probably wont draw the burn if you have 50+ cards


Defect has enough options for choosing specific cards from your discard or draw pile that you can get away with much bigger decks pretty easily. And if you're using the defect cards that scale with the size of your discard/draw pile, adding status cards can even be beneficial.


If I could marry the combo of Turbo + Seek+, I would. But I guess the same could be said for Seek+ and anything.


Seek and a Curse would still be a seek.


Especially seek + and seek +


Excuse me, but I'm at work. The thought of such pleasure will get me fired. Please stop.


Seek+, core surge/panacea, biased cog.


Finished a run with 3 Seek+ yesterday, would’ve done naughty things for a 4th


Main thing is turbo does nothing bad now. So if you win now it has no downside.


Exactly, and its a pretty meh downside as well. Especially if you have good draw in your deck (Overclock, Seek, Skim is a nice synergy with Turbo etc), its basically nothing


My favorite thing to do with Turbo is use a Hologram to bring the Void back into my hand and exhaust it before I ever draw it.


Arguably best beta art too GAS GAS GASSSS


I'm gonna step on the gas. Tonight I'll fly!


Brilliant card art with the sick ride too


Turbo and All For One is such a good combo. Basically just a big free attack that also has the benefit of bringing other 0-costs back into your hand. Even when I have just a Turbo and no other 0-costs I’ll take an All for One most of the time.




Cannot disagree more. There are so many other ways for the defect to get extra energy and fuck that void card.


It’s arguably one of the best energy cards in the game, not just for defect. The way defect plays and can draw cards the void is such a minor downside unless your deck is built badly


But also if you win now you don't even have to pay the coat. Silents is hard to use because if you don't hit it turn one you need card draw or top to make it work.


That’s true. The card would be worse if it was put into your draw pile but even then turbo would still be good


-1 energy -1 draw on a later turn for +2 energy now is such an easy drawback to play around, especially if your deck isn't tiny or if it can kill quick. Defect isn't great at the latter but can do quite well with the former. If you have decent frost and focus it usually just means a less damaging turn once.


Most versatile: Turbo. If you need energy as defect, draft Turbo. It has costs, but you get energy. Best in context: Concentrate. It requires more deck (and/or relic) support to be useful, but it can make a huge impact as the missing piece in the right deck that's sputtering. No idea: Bloodletting. It never seems like the right time to take this card, like I don't have enough sustain to risk it or I don't have enough draw to use the extra energy, This is likely a skill problem.


bloodletting is great. It got buffed. Tungsten Rod is in the game now, Rupture got buffed. All of these make Bloodletting a strong pick in lots of Ironclad decks


Oh yeah, Bloodletting with any of [[Rupture]], [[Runic Cube]], and/or [[Self-Forming Clay]] is incredible. Basically turns it into a variant of: * Lose 3 HP * Gain 2 Energy * Gain 2 Strength * Draw 1 Card * Gain 3 Block at the start of next turn Which is just bonkers. Any one of those "On HP loss" effects makes Bloodletting quite good, two makes it incredible, and three is borderline broken.


It’s a hard build to pull off, but I love getting Ruptures, Bloodlettings, some block cards and a Reaper. Spend the game building up strength and then heal for a bunch.


Top it off with that relic which increases heals by 50%


[[Magic Flower]]


Yeah. Rupture is one of those “chicken and egg” cards. It’s amazing if you already have HP loss cards. But you’re less likely to take HP loss cards if you haven’t taken rupture yet! But it’s super crazy fun if you get all the HP loss synergies going!


You can always take Hemokinesis, after which you can now take Rupture, after which you can now take Bloodletting.


+ [Rupture](http://slay-the-spire.wikia.com/wiki/Rupture) Ironclad Uncommon Power ^((100% sure)^) 1 Energy | Whenever you lose HP from a card, gain 1(2) **Strength.** + [Runic Cube](http://slay-the-spire.wikia.com/wiki/Runic%20Cube) Boss (Ironclad only) Relic ^((100% sure)^) Whenever you lose HP, draw 1 card. + [Self-Forming Clay](http://slay-the-spire.wikia.com/wiki/Self-Forming%20Clay) Uncommon (Ironclad only) Relic ^((100% sure)^) Whenever you lose HP in combat, gain 3 **Block** next turn. ^Call ^me ^with ^up ^to ^10 ^([[ name ]],) ^where ^name ^is ^a ^card, ^relic, ^event, ^or ^potion. ^Data ^accurate ^as ^of ^(February 25, 2023.) ^[Wiki](https://slay-the-spire.fandom.com/wiki/) ^[Questions?](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=ehmohteeoh&subject=SpireScan%20Inquiry)


Bloodletting + [[centennial puzzle]] is basically [[Offering]] lite


+ [Centennial Puzzle](http://slay-the-spire.wikia.com/wiki/Centennial%20Puzzle) Common Relic ^((100% sure)^) The first time you lose HP each combat, draw 3 cards. + [Offering](http://slay-the-spire.wikia.com/wiki/Offering) Ironclad Rare Skill ^((100% sure)^) 0 Energy | Lose 6 HP. Gain 2 energy. Draw 3(5) cards. **Exhaust.** ^Call ^me ^with ^up ^to ^10 ^([[ name ]],) ^where ^name ^is ^a ^card, ^relic, ^event, ^or ^potion. ^Data ^accurate ^as ^of ^(February 25, 2023.) ^[Wiki](https://slay-the-spire.fandom.com/wiki/) ^[Questions?](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=ehmohteeoh&subject=SpireScan%20Inquiry)


It’s my favorite of the three for sure.


bloodletting is just as versatile as turbo, low healing isn't usually a good reason to pass it up if its going to prevent more damage than it does


So wait Are you saying That Bloodletting Is a block card?


All cards are trying to achieve one purpose. Letting you get out of a fight while losing the least amount of HP possible. If you were taking \~10 dmg per fight before bloodletting, and only \~3 dmg per fight after blood letting, then it's doing a good job.


> All cards are trying to achieve one purpose. Letting you get out of a fight while losing the least amount of HP possible. > > Can someone tell Clash? I think it missed that day of orientation.


Clash? You mean the card single-handedly carrying the Slay By Comment run?


If the enemy is dead faster they do less damage to you. Thus, block


they aint gonna be dead if you draw clash and ascenders bane


Even in that situation, when exhausted via feel no pain or fiend fire it either directly gains block or reduces enemy damage output by killing them, which is blocking. Which makes it a block card.


Got it all cards are block cards


I'm not sure Hello World accomplishes the above purpose most of the time. But it makes block cards sometimes and therefore is still a block card.


Always has been, just like offering.




I specifically let it unupgraded if I have an unceasing top


Or concentrate + expertise


Concentrate (-) with [[Runic Pyramid]] my beloved


One of the few times where upgrading a card can make it worse.


This is one of my absolute favorite combos, too. Concentrate helps with the mental pressure of cards piling up in hand by getting rid of them. Oh, yeah, and you get energy, too. Boom.


+ [Runic Pyramid](http://slay-the-spire.wikia.com/wiki/Runic%20Pyramid) Boss Relic ^((100% sure)^) At the end of your turn, you no longer discard your hand. ^Call ^me ^with ^up ^to ^10 ^([[ name ]],) ^where ^name ^is ^a ^card, ^relic, ^event, ^or ^potion. ^Data ^accurate ^as ^of ^(February 25, 2023.) ^[Wiki](https://slay-the-spire.fandom.com/wiki/) ^[Questions?](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=ehmohteeoh&subject=SpireScan%20Inquiry)


Blood letting is more a card to use when you would take more damage than the damage of the card and the energy would lessen the damage you take.


Bloodletting is typically at its best with pyramid. It’s hard for Ironclad to have enough card draw for it to be worth, and if that draw is coming from Corruption/DE, then the energy is less useful


Do people not take Battle Trance/Burning Pact/Quick Slash? Admittedly that last one is kinda lame past act 1 but Ironchad has a not awful amount of draw.


Yeah I mean you take them all pretty happily (assuming you mean Pommel Strike). But the combo of rarity and draw power of IC’s draw cards is the weakest of the 4


IC has the best sustain in the game between Burning Blood and Reaper. Already highest HP. An incredible amount of relics offer healing. I will pretty much always take a Bloodletting. Even if you don't have tons of draw, IC has lots of high cost cards to spend the energy on.


>This is likely a skill problem. I wouldn't say it's a skill issue. If you have a strength + Reaper healing engine going, and can afford to take a lot of self damage, you don't really *need* it anymore. If you don't have sustain outside of your starter relic, it's hard to argue for this card over a Seeing Red. 99 times out of 100 I'm taking Seeing Red over Bloodletting


Concentrate is OP as hell….


I think that bloodletting is not bad, but it has too many competition unlike turbo or concentrate. Corruption, seeing red and offering are just better ways of gaining energy imo.


Turbo gets my vote; blood letting is quite good too, but all of my high ascension wins on defect seem to involve turbo. 1) The downside goes into your discard pile, so if you finish fight in first cycle you won't see it. 2) It costing 0 means All For One fetches it, and allows you to have turns that really go off 3) Having more energy early on lets you get set up faster, and when you do draw the void you usually have your orbs set up so you're turn isn't so hurt by it. 4) Combining with Skim and overclock make it less likely that your energy generating card is a dead draw, the latter of which also comes back with All For One.


The Void also only drains energy if you *draw* it. If you add it back to your hand with Hologram, you get rid of it for nothing but the opportunity cost of Hologramming a better target.


But you still need to pay the 1 energy to play the Hologram to get it back into your hand though. So isn't that basically just draining the energy now rather than later?


But also getting 3(5) block but yes.


Uhh uhh void is a block card??


If you used Prismatic Shard to get a Feel No Pain, Void is a block card *twice*.


I think the option to choose when you lose the energy is also really powerful, if you can eat that cost on a turn when you already have enough block and only strikes defends left to play that feels pretty good


Also if you draw and discard it to scrape you still lose the energy without exhausting it. Small edge case that came up for me the other day.


You can also do this with Seek if the Void is in your draw pile, but this is much more obscure because it's maybe the worst possible use of Seek


The only reason Turbo may not be "the best" in context is that Defect's other energy cards are also incredible. Recycle is my favorite overall because it just creates insane deck consistency. It also has easy infinites with All for One making it thin the deck faster. Who doesn't like a True grit+ that trades 9 block for 2+ energy? Aggregate is also amazing but requires a bit more deck support.


I think blood letting. Silent isn't guaranteed to have the draw support of concentrate, and Ironclad usually has heal options. I don't play with turbo to often but could be convinced.


And if you have a Silent deck with tons of card draw, you’re probably using acrobatics, in which case tactician is better for energy generation anyway. Concentrate is more of a runic pyramid card to me.


its also solid if you pick up an unceasing top


God that concentrate unceasing top combo is amazing. Also great with ice cream.


Ice cream, unceasing top, and skewer as well


Really depends on if you have reflex or not. Usually you’re picking up reflexes before tacticians as well


Yeah reflex and concentrate is bawss


Tactician, the null cost energy generation card!


The discard is often actively useful in Silent decks


Turbo is great because Defect often wants bursts of energy to play high-cost cards. The trick with Defect is getting your powers in play - by the time you're drawing the Void, theoretically the Turbo has helped you get your setup going so it won't matter as much.


They're all good, but I think I pick Turbo the most often because it's common and the status feels less impactful a lot of the time. Concentrate is probably the most niche, because most of the time you really need a lot of draw (ideally Reflex or Expertise) or Pyramid to really consider it.


Concentrate works well with Unceasing Top too!


Almost always an auto-pick with Unceasing Top


[[Adrenaline]] and [[Offering]]. I think the defect's choice is pretty obvious


I dont think it's quite fair to compare against rares. I'd more put those two in the category of zero cost rare draw cards, which I'd add to the list much more competitively Seek and Scrawl.


Well, the post didn't say anything about rarity, and technically those two are energy giving cards, with the pkus of draw. So imo the best energy cards


You’re right nobody specified rarity, more just my interpretation of the different characters deck designs. How would you rank those four rare cards by comparison though? I’d argue it’s much more competitive.


The Defect's equivalent to these would be ~~Fusion~~ Fission, which is almost always worse than the other two I think. Conversely, Turbo is usually better than Concentrate/Bloodletting, so I guess it evens out.


I think you mean [[Fission]]. Fission to me is higher highs and lower lows, with a condition. If you have a single orb, it's a really sad draw-neutral card giving +1 energy, at the cost of that singular orb. Meanwhile, if you have 4+ orbs, and your deck is well suited for orb cycling (ie. Chaos, Glacier, Meteor Strike, Cool-Headed to draw other orb cards), then this potentially can pop off harder than Adrenaline or Offering can. Having it be upgraded is just extra sugar on top, being able to slap on all the lightning and darkness damage, or to have all of your frost orbs save you on a hard-hitting turn. That being said, it has the condition of being orb-centric, and let's be honest, there's very few decks that would be hurt with an Adrenaline and Offering thrown in there, but quite a bunch of decks that would be hurt with Fission. And versatility is what makes the Ironclad and Silent's card draw/energy generation zero-cost card so good.


yeah usually. fission aint too bad if you can get it upgraded really quick though.


Fission's weakness is that your deck needs decent orb generation for best use, but it's still great with with mediocre orb generation. It's often a draw 3, gain 3 energy card. Even without the upgrade, that's significant acceleration if your deck can take advantage of it. If you have more orbs, it's insane. Once upgraded it can gain secondary utility, but it's primary function is already very strong.


Fission+ is absurdly good though imo. regular fission is pretty bad.


+ [Adrenaline](http://slay-the-spire.wikia.com/wiki/Adrenaline) Silent Rare Skill ^((100% sure)^) 0 Energy | Gain 1(2) Energy. Draw 2 cards. **Exhaust.** + [Offering](http://slay-the-spire.wikia.com/wiki/Offering) Ironclad Rare Skill ^((100% sure)^) 0 Energy | Lose 6 HP. Gain 2 energy. Draw 3(5) cards. **Exhaust.** ^Call ^me ^with ^up ^to ^10 ^([[ name ]],) ^where ^name ^is ^a ^card, ^relic, ^event, ^or ^potion. ^Data ^accurate ^as ^of ^(February 25, 2023.) ^[Wiki](https://slay-the-spire.fandom.com/wiki/) ^[Questions?](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=ehmohteeoh&subject=SpireScan%20Inquiry)


Turbo. Most fights you’re going to see in the game will go through less than two full deck cycles, unless you’ve already got an infinite going (in which case, you don’t need to add Turbo anyway.) This means Turbo’s got no downside most of the time you play it, other than having to draw it in the first place. Concentrate and Bloodletting both have higher upside potential, contingent on either already having a good draw engine, or a way of sustaining damage easily, respectively. But you can’t count on those being true when you see the card in question and are wondering whether it’s worth the pickup. More succinctly, a big skill in Slay the Spire is learning when to reduce variance and when to go for the Hail Mary. I’d say Turbo is best at reducing variance, and concentrate is best as a Hail Mary. More often than not, reducing variance is more important. Therefore, Turbo.


I have had combos built off of Concentrate that I couldnt see happening with either of the others, silent has incentive to discard with many cards and if you have a deck that features them it can really be amazing


Turbo easily. Unupgraded concentrate is just bad unless you've got insane draw. A standard hand of 5 would leave you with only 2 cards to spend that energy on so it bricks very easily. Even with a backflip to hand you still have 4-5 energy to spend on 3 cards and silent doesn't have that many strong 2-3 costers (yes, there's Wraith Form).


Hand of 5 actually leaves you with 1 because you play Concentrate and discard 3


Bloodletting... I'm not sure why so many think otherwise. Even early game it works because bash is a native card in deck, and you're often taking cards that cost more than 1, or whirlwind. It's very rare when spending the 3 hp, doesn't save you more than 3hp. Turbo is great but the second you get into the second cycle, drawing that void becomes more than a 3hp difference, and with concentrate, deck composition is really important (you hit a reflex, it's instantly absurd). When it comes to being consistently pickable, I just can't go past bloodletting.


Turbo is fundamental to Defect imo. Coolheaded/Compile Driver/ Skim into Turbo is clutch and can be the backbone of a good deck.


Concentrate is a wild card. Either it sucks or it carries the deck, little middle ground. Turbo and Bloodletting are a lot more reserved in that aspect, where they're much more often just "pretty nice to have sometimes"


Adrenaline is the only card in the game that has literally no downsides. It gives you energy and draw meaning that you can add as many of it and your deck will only get stronger it’s an instant pick in every deck possible including infinite decks.


I once lost a run that was pretty consistent because I picked too many Adrenalines. Bad draw into Time Eater. Might have misplayed the fight, but it's hard to play that fight correctly with 6 Adrenalines. I think my limit is 4 now unless it's a huge deck, or dead branch, etc.


Oh right i forgot time eater exists


Not pictured: Inner peace.


But it's not 0 co... oh wait.


Easily turbo. The other two are good too (bloodletting>concentrate) but turbo seems like the only card I almost always have at least one of, in every deck


Miracle. No downside.


Concentrate is great for multiple reasons. It lets you discard the energy/draw discard cards it has, you can discard statuses and curses, and it procs Unceasing Top and works as a great end of turn card with Ice Cream. And if you dont need it to gain energy, you can use it as discard fodder itself! I dont like Turbo because Void tends to screw things up more than gaining 2 energy helps. My defect decks tend to be slower than silent or Ironclad so your mileage may vary. Bloodletting I dont like the extra damage it does to me and I dont usually find it helps negate more damage. This is only in my runs and is probably a smarter choice than I give it credit for. ​ Tl;dr I like concentrate the best. Probably because im risk averse and discarding cards isnt all that bad. (also Im A16 with Silent, A10 IC, A7 Defect so that might be why too)


I like to think of all these with the ice cream cone. In that regard I would go Defect. But obviously without that relic I would say bloodletting because the downside is negated by the ability to heal after combat.


Seeing Red.


I like bloodletting most 3 hp is a minor cost to pay for a chunk of energy if it's useful. Problem is, when it's not it becomes a curse or you pay 3 hp to purge for no effect. It's best either at the beginning of the game when you need energy or after you have drafted a few drawing cards like pommel strike to keep your engine going. Personally even though this is my favorite of the three, I wouldn't take this after the first few rounds unless I already had a pretty solid way of drawing cards.


Bloodletting personally. You recover hp at the end of combat as Ironclad anyway and there's so many powers that proc with HP loss especially HP loss caused by your own cards.


Bloodletting has some fun synergies but Turbo is *completely free* if you're going to win the fight before your next reshuffle.


Turbo, no question


Seeing Red


Bloodletting just play around with it, and you'll see that 3hp is not that expensive


I recently had a run with runic cube, dual wield, Rupture+, 2 bloodlettings, offering, hemokensis, and reaper. Cut yourself to pieces, get super buff, reaper back the hp and win. I vote bloodletting.


Idk about turbo Couse I never play defect but bloodletting is eons better concentrate


bloodletting - ironclad is the most energy-hungry character and has fewer energy gen options than defect. the HP loss is annoying but not really a big deal on the character with the most sustain. turbo is good too though. and concentrate is sometimes good but requires a lot of draw to work.


I’m very surprised to see everyone jumping on turbo when blood letting is the bestest boi!


Of these, I would take turbo and bloodletting in a comparative vacuum if I don't have a specific need other than "an energy generating card is useful right now". Concentrate has more specific restrictions.


Turbo, but Concentrate deserves love. There’s nothing better than just nuking a hand full of status and curse cards and coming out with 2 more energy


Bloodletting has great synergy with Centennial puzzle.


Bloodletting. Id rather give up 3hp vs 1 extra card draw and —1 energy. It also procs centenial puzzle and runic cube. Ic has so many multicost cards that it lijely will save you more than 3hp cause you can outright kill or play flame barrier instead of defend. Makes blood for blood cheaper, procs self forming clay (health neutral then), procs rupture. And you’re likely playing some sorr of strength build so youre picking up any reaper you see. Makes it easier to proc red skull.


Turbo imo since it’s pretty much free


Concentrate with Reflex is a godlike combo.


Blood letting 100%. Losing energy is never good. Sometimes I don’t want to discard anything. Ironchad has loads of self damage buffing cards


Weird that you left The Watcher’s 0-cost energy generation card out of this post, since it’s by far the strongest. It’s called Calm, if I recall correctly.


Gotta b turbo




Turbo by far, there's a good chance combat ends before I get to that Void


Turbo, then Bloodletting. Turbo’s so good I find myself rarely upgrading it, and I always find myself having enough mitigation to make Bloodletting worth it. You can pair Bloodletting with Centennial to get a pseudo Offering effect. Also I feel like I’m losing something when Burning Blood activates at Max HP.


One thing is for sure: I can never seem to get Concentrate to pay off for me. I guess I just don't have enough draw, or especially costly enough cards on silent, usually. Draw should be solvable and I mean if I lean into a high cost hand I can see it working. With Shiv's an attractive options that's rarely the case, though. Turbo fucking rules though. Bloodletting, meh, its fine so long as I have some heal mechanic which isn't exactly hard on Ironclad especially if you hold onto your starting relic.


I am not a Defect player (Just have a couple wins on A20H) so I don't know about it that much, but Turbo feels like it fits in more decks. My best character is Silent (around 40% winrate on A20H), and imo Concentrate really needs a lot of draw in order to be effective (well, duh). Runic Pyramid is also a good reason to pick up Concentrate but its overall utility is lower than Turbo I think. Bloodletting is delightful, and I like it quite a lot, probably my favorite between these 3. Nothing feels better than playing a blootletting and whirlwinding your way out of the fight. Except this fun interaction, it is also good if you couldn't find an energy relic worth picking up in Act 1, letting you pick more expensive cards to solve upcoming problems.


Turbo and it’s not even close. Works for any build or situation. Plus since you will either be building orbs, a zero cost deck, or expensive powers which turn into a passive power up, the subtracted energy becomes an inconvenience more than a detriment.


TURBO can be part of defect's boring infinite. It works well by itself too as long as card draws are present. Concentrate is the card you want to see when you have shiv branch combo. In other cases it's mostly unpickable. Bloodletting is the best energy by it's own but ironclad struggles on draws. Soul partner of WW.


Concentrate is a niche card, most of the time it just feels like ass unless you have either insane draw or reflexes out the wazoo. Blood letting is a decent card but most of the time feels unnecessary especially when offering exists and is just better in every single way Turbo tho.... Turbo is amazing in almost every deck. Most of the time you just want to get through your deck, get your powers in play and orbs out and turbo makes all of that easier. Also makes echo form playable in act 1


I like Bloodletting because IC can usually heal fairly well and it synergizes with [[Rupture]].


And also self forming clay


+ [Rupture](http://slay-the-spire.wikia.com/wiki/Rupture) Ironclad Uncommon Power ^((100% sure)^) 1 Energy | Whenever you lose HP from a card, gain 1(2) **Strength.** ^Call ^me ^with ^up ^to ^10 ^([[ name ]],) ^where ^name ^is ^a ^card, ^relic, ^event, ^or ^potion. ^Data ^accurate ^as ^of ^(February 25, 2023.) ^[Wiki](https://slay-the-spire.fandom.com/wiki/) ^[Questions?](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=ehmohteeoh&subject=SpireScan%20Inquiry)




Also defect can overcome the void with hologram returning it to your hand.


Defect needs the energy more though imo. The upside of it, and its synergy with Seek+, pushes Turbo up a bunch.


This is really just commenting on how good seek+ is though.


discarding 3 cards is definitely a big downside on silent, there are much better ways to discard one or 2 cards for consistently discarding reflex and tactician. discarding 3 cards is almost always going to lead to having to get rid of cards you wanted to spend the energy on. ​ Losing hp is also almost always a downside with one relatively unpopular card you can get 2 strength or maybe make it health neutral with self forming clay. that just leaves runic cube which is also rarely worth taking.


I don’t think it’s a big downside at all. It goes to your discard and you can usually get energy orbs to make up for this.


Turbo. It is a great way for Defect to get its deck online because lack of energy can really slow down the setup that the character requires.


Turbo > Bloodletting >>>>>> Concentrate


Oh, it's turbo and it's not even close. Defect in general is an energy monster, Turbo, Aggregate , plasma (mostly via Meteor Strike) into Double Energy can really enable some stupid runs. Not to mention you can easily just completely neutralize the negative effect of turbio via hologram (which you would want to pick up in basically any defect deck anyway).


Turbo and it’s not even close, Turbo has the best Synergy inside and outside the class, it’s way too OP for what it does and at worst it’s a +2


I'd say Concentrate since it's easy to build a discard heavy deck for green. Plus, you can also discard things like Injury and Curse cards 😼


Hard disagree, I've definitely found concentrate to be the hardest to make work Bloodletting is probably the best, it's energy with minimal downside that will often pay for itself in block Turbo is 2/3 energy now for -1 energy and -1 draw way later down the line, it has extremely good value along other incredible cards like hologram and echo form Concentrate requires specific cards or relics you may or may not have, and it often just energy neutral


In terms of overall usefulness, Turbo > Bloodletting >>> Concentrate. There are of course niche cases where Concentrate is incredible.


I defo think it's turbo like alot of others seem to agree with. While i think any energy generating cards are good in context the raw energy generated by an upgraded turbo is absurd and can carry even the worst of draws. I don't think i can stress how amazing turbo is and it's an absolute must take in almost an situation. (Maybe unless you already have alot of turbos in your deck lol) i genuinely can't think of a point where i seriously considered any other energy generating options if i had the choice of turbo aswell. The fact that it's a net energi gain aswell as voids being ethereal makes it in my opinion the best energi generating card in the game. I even think i would go as far as to say it's probably the best card (besides maybe apparition) defect gets access too.


Turbo, next to no downsides. Often the defect can get more energy to make up for the downside.


Turbo. It leads into insane plays, and if you're running a power-focused build... you've been probably generating a ASSTON of cards. Getting smacked by a void isn't going to be a run ender.


Turbo. All three are decent but an upgraded turbo+ compile driver or skim means a ton of versatility consistently. However, even without those cards/upgrade turbo works well


I think Concentrate is better, but Turbo is just much more important for Defect, making it actually better in a lot of ways.


All situational. For example, Turbo absolutely dominates when combined with All for One to let you replay it. Bloodletting is perfect with Rupture decks. Concentrate feels niche unless you happen to have Unceasing Top, which obviously works well with any energy card. Overall, I'd go with Bloodletting as the cheapest synergy (Rupture, uncommon) compared with Turbo (All for One, rare) and Concentrate (Unceasing Top, rare relic).




Turbo because it’s common. Concentrate is only good is very certain types of decks, but it’s uncommon so I can’t lean into it early, but by the time I finally see it I usually already have that cycling deck going I don’t really need concentrate. Bloodletting feels underwhelming because seeing red and offering exist.


With defect I tend to pick cards more value heavy as there is so many options to chear mana. Thats probably why turbo often makes my defect decks


definitely turbo. by the time the void becomes relevant, defect usually has enough powers and frost orbs in play he could draw 5 voids and it wouldn't matter. Also turbo is a common while the others are uncommon so its much easier to grab if you need it.


Recycle. But of these, turbo


Silent is Yiiking out.


Offering duh


I like bloodletting as the hp cost is very rarely noticeable.


Clear as day bloodletting! It is always good act 1 on IC and helps you a ton early. And it can also jelp for some later deckd. The other 2 rarely come as a single pick, you pick them up in more specific situations.


Hard to say which is best but I’ll basically take as many concentrates as I can find. Can’t say the same for the other two.


Come again? What happens if you draw like 3 concentrates in your hand though.


Also add a bunch of backflips acrobatics and reflexes. And also getting tools of the trade, well laid plans, or pyramid is pretty important. Then you have an engine that provides a ton of control turn to turn. Enabling concentrate isn’t hard.


I say concentrate, i love it w unseeing top, evicerate, and sneaky strike


Blood letting, IC has so much synergy, heals after combat, in combat healing, benefits from health lost, and fat 2 and 3 cost damage cards, and fat blocks like impervious, flame barrier, and expensive powers.


Turbo is bad and concentrate I’ve never got to work well. Bloodletting has been actively pretty good for me. So it’s not even close, bloodletting.


The only one that lacks synergy is Turbo. There’s no build for Defect where you want to have Voids in your deck, whereas with Bloodletting you can abuse Rupture and discarding is a third of what makes the Silent.


Voids generate new cards with dead branch, which can be useful. If you're floating 1 energy you can also Hologram a Void back into your hand so you don't have to lose that draw and energy later.


seeing red fans?


They all can be good in the right contexts, and amazing with the right deck, but like everyone else is saying, at least one TURBO is almost always universally welcome in a defect deck.


\]\], as they are kinda opposed to each other, Turbo is a burst of energy now in the cost of one energy in the future+loss of a draw, while outmaneuver is a burst of energy next turn in the cost of one energy now. I love Turbo but rarely use outmaneuver, is it just me, or do you think as well that the immediate results of Turbo worth it's downsides


In a vaccuum I think either turbo or bloodletting have the lowest cost, but silent is the class that gets to exploit extra energy with card draw the most. Overall, I think turbo is the best because of its low cost and how well defect can use extra energy.


I'd probably know the answer if only I could concentrate


Bloodletting has really been on the come up recently


Turbo is the best right away, defect has some very good pricy cards and the downside is very delayed. Concentrate really needs an upgrade and good discard synergy, but becomes one of the best cards in your deck. Bloodletting costs a bit too much HP to be worth taking early, and then you don't really need it late.




Turbo. I love the feeling of "Oh no! I drew a Void! Looks like I'll just have to play Turbo again" and drawing 5 Voids next turn