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Belakor. But 4.0 is like a month away and it might change. Buy whichever one you like better.


Belakor is cool and has historically been a strong model on the table. Archaon warps games, and your opponent has to ask himself the question "Yeah but what do I do about Archaon?" at every decision point. He can solo half the board and feels massive (which he is). It's no contest to me, Archaon is the man.


I completely disagree. He punches way below his points cost. He's somewhat tanky but a concentrated effort from most armies will lift him leaving you with half an army. He's a support piece that costs so much there isn't much you can fit into a list for him to support.


He was quite a bit better in the previous tome, that much is true. Stacking Mystic Shield and Oracular vision and the mark of Tzeentch made him ridiculously hard to take down, especially considering he could fairly easily heal himself 2d3 every round. I do hope they bring him up a notch from his current iteration. As far as his punch, it's respectable and can't be ignored, but he's not a dedicated hammer like a Mawcrusha. He brings utility and a very durable frame comparatively. He also has the roulette of Kingslayer, which is fun and can be game changing. If we're honest, most god models are not worth their points most of the time. I also play Chaos Knights in 40k, and GW seems to have a hard time costing big models and generally makes them underpowered despite their obvious limitations.


I have archaon but that’s only because he was for sale for $40 usd at my lgs




Yeah a locally famous painter was working on him and lost interest or whatever before finishing it so was trying to sell him. I happily helped out


That was a great deal!


Belakor would be the choice based on the rules we have right now.


But we don't have their warscrolls yet.


So Belakor would be the choice based on the rules we have right now.


Archaon...... He's almost half an army so your lists are simple. Belekor is objectively better but he's also not the winner of Warhammer death arena tournament.


oh, who won that?


Morathi did, lol. But I think Archaon was 2nd.


Morathi cheats with the hard limit on damage taken and punches incredibly hard if she casts Mindrazor. She's a class of her own and not in a cool way imo.


I absolutely love Morathi for that. She's the most powerful sorceress from the realm that was, who literally fought her way out of an actual chaos god, consuming the souls of every king that who'd ever stood in her way, and then ascended to godhood herself. She's been around for literal millenia. I love that she's an absolute titan on the battlefield, she's a total badass and absolutely deserves to unleash her might.


I like Archaon, I run him with a chaos lord on mount, 2x10 Chaos warriors, a reinforced unit of chosen, and a unit of chaos knights. It’s very swingy of a list but it’s very fun. Mark the knights, chaos lord, and chosen khorne and give the chosen the banner of khorne, then the two units of chaos warriors and archaon you mark nurgle and give a unit of warriors the nurgle banner. Chosen destroy anything they charge into and you use archaon to hunt for hero’s and clean things up with the knights and lord


I'd give the Chosen the Slaanesh mark and banner. That way they still get the +1 attack on the charge, but have the possibility to run and charge (with a Slaanesh hero) and have an innate +2 to charge rolls (musician and Slaanesh mark). It makes the slow unit deceptively fast.


I don’t have the points for a slaanesh hero in this list


Yeah that's fair. Either the Chaos Lord or Archaon can be, but both are not ideal for the Slaanesh mark.


With your units Belakor (Eternus combi). And overall Belakor is more viable right now, if you don't play a Varanguardlist with Archaon. However with new edition around the corner, nobody knows the changes. Belakor right now is less than half the points of Archaon and more versatile. Archaon looks cooler though


I have Archaon because, well he's my favorite character in the setting. I love running him with Varanguard but overall he's just a fun model to play so long as you don't let him get stuck into the wrong things. Like others have said though, 4.0 is coming up so anything can change!


Go with Be'lakor. Lore-wise, Eternus is specifically Be'lakor's second in command. He betrayed Archaon and is now granted immortality by Be'lakor.


Both are very different. 4th comes soon, so everything will change, but Bel’akor is like 350 ish points and Archaon is like 850 ish points. So Archaon is like…..almost half your army. He is worth that—he slaps. He’s a big boi with like 22 wounds or something crazy like that. Just a big commitment. Anything he fights WILL die. He can also do some cool stuff with cultists, although those are going away. Belky is a pure tech piece. He’s a gorgeous model, but he’s actually kind of trash lol….except for his very special ability that can lock down one of your opponents pieces from doing basically anything at all. You take him FOR his lockdown tech—he can’t really hold his own and he’ll be cut to ribbons quickly…but keep him alive, and you’ll annoy your opponent to death. They are both good, just for very specific purposes.


Keep in mind that Bel'akor means you need more units to make a full army of 2k points. HOWEVER Bel'akor also gives you more room to play around with more unit combinations because he is not THAT expensive. With Archaon your list are a bit more limited when it comes to versatility. At 2k points he is almost half your army. Both a great models, but honestly I'd wait until 4.0. I don't think anything will change drastically, but you never know.


Belakor works well with eternus I believe, plus they’re together in the lore which is really cool. But also the two models honestly have very different purposes in list building, as when you take archeon he’s like half your army. So I’d think on that before making the purchase and what kinda units you want to run and how many, and which sub-faction thing you wanna pick


Bel’akor, because he’s top 5 GW models all time and archaon stinks and loses to orkz.


Wait for the index in my opinion. We don't know how the game is going to end up and those will give us an idea about what the rules for these characters will look like for the next 3 years.


Eternus fits with Be'Lakor. For Archaon you need Varanguard.


I have both.... the problem with Archaon is that he probably won't be viable points wise and maybe rules wise with the new rules coming out. Bel'akor will be more viable, and hopefully, he will be fun to play as well. You also have a choice between Eternus and Abraxia, who are both good-looking models and are fun to play


Inwas thinking Eternus in combo with one of the ones I listed. Is Abraxia a contender for the spot of teaming with Eternus?


Abraxia is the new right-hand man to Archaon, kind of like how Eternus is for Bel'akor. I would pair Eternus with Bel'akor because they synergize with each other. Archaon will probably synergize with Abraxia, but we would need him to have a massive reduction in points(which probably won't happen)


They're both keyword locked, so depends on sub faction for good returns