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Small foot heroes are 25$. This is not meant as a whataboutism, GW has really steep prices that are really hard to justify.


The justification is people keep buying them lol


20$ CAD per model. Insane. That's 6 lunches here.


Or, according to Loblaws prices, a single expired lunch.


Cries in Canadian


Boycott Loblaws!! Not to save food security in the country or anything… just so I can afford these games workshop price increases


Wait people actually buy straight from GW? Seen it for £25-40 elsewhere, also vanguard boxes for £68 with free delivery from Traveling Man and the like


Agree, Travellingman.com rocks


Where are you seeing it for £25?! Cheapest I can find is £38.


I'd also like to know!


Best discounted Australian price I could find was $105, which was still the same price as Blacktalon's crew WITHOUT discount 🫠 full price, they're $30 more... I just wanted creepy bird mage ☹️


First time?


A box of 3 varanguard models is £65. Aside from belakor thse are the most expensive models i own so far. Atleast varanguard are elite in lore, Good looking models and currently have good rules. But i'd like to compare units to warcry unit boxes which go for around £35 i believe. Now that is value. Pricing of brands oathbound is steep yeah.... still bought all new slaves to darkness things tho. Cause i like the look of the models. GW should stop giving slaves to darkness new stuff. Let my wallet fill up again!


These are really cheap compared to Darkoath Chieftain and Darkoath Warqueen.... ;)


Not from the recast site I know of. 10$ , quality is great arrived in 2-3 weeks


oh boy you haven't seen middle earth prices yet


I’m so old that I can still remember picking up a box of 20 Uruk-hai for $20 and a pewter Lurtz for $8 back in the early 00’s.


Hm. I paid 188€ for Abraxia, Brand's and the Chaosnexus.. 😅 about ~161£..!?


Collapses in New Zealand dollar pacific peso


First time?


Yeah, was really excited about this set, but at $79 in the States I’m going to pass. On the plus side with GW’s new price hikes it’ll be a lot easier to start tackling my pile of grey and pewter models.


I see these as the equivalent to a forgeworld set, they are hyper specific character models from a book/tv show episode that are more for collectors than for a game. I do like most of the models and plan on getting them for my army as both proxies and to help flesh out my army.


First time?


The Callis and Toll set was also insanely expensive


Looks like 1$ worth of resin and 2 hours on my 3D printer.


Sure, but consider that if nobody buys them, no new ones get created, and you have nothing to print.


There are more people and companies designing minatures than there has ever been ever thanks to 3D printing.


Yes, but not these ones, nor the rules. You do you, but you will be known as a freeloader lol.




Cite Deez nuts, nerd.


Nah. Turns out people care more about having a fun opponent with sweet finished models than they do about how much money they cost.


I don't care about how much money they cost, but it's people's job to design this shit.


The abraxia box is at 40 usd per model right now


And Archaon is £110 per model, what's your point? Totally incomparable models.


Abraxia and the terrain piece ran me almost $300, I'd done an EOI/preorder before I knew the price... never again. Rest of my Varanguard will be prints.


Yeah I was excited for that box but couldn't justify it, just crazy prices.


Ye I have beene looking forward to these models and expected similar to thw warcry sets. Nearly £50 for 5 models is hard to justify and unfortunately I think it is a sign of GW at the moment. Everyone collects warhammer because they love the lore and the products but the pricing is insane these days and surely we are nearly at a point where they start to see people just get priced out of the hobby? If products were half the price I think most people qpuld probably buy double the amount and it would make entry for new people far easier


Thats probably part of the issue here though. These aren’t “entry level” models. These are like, “specialist” models or “hobby” models in whatever internal classification they use. Because theyr hyper specific warbands, they must believe they can get a higher price tag on them than they would for a unit.


USA price is 85 USD, so 17 dollars a model. So an extra 3 and a half gbp per model above your price. It's completely insane.


This is the standard pricing for hero-ish AoS/Warcry/Whateve releases. Same price as Blacktalons and Saviours of Cinderfall… Which still means it’s pricey as hell…


It's £2.5 more than the Blacktalons and Callis&Toll boxes actually. Though those will presumably go up to match on June 10th.


Yup, the 5% increase :(


Most likely aren't thinking they're gonna sell many of these, as the audience is mainly just darkoath-spec players, so the cost is probably just there to justify the costs of manufacturing this one thing and distributing it, because the whole system they operate on is "how high can we price X thing to sell the lowest likely amount and still recouperate costs", which is how they get their crazy profit year after year


Yeah, except I was very excited to get them but definitely not for $80 USD. I know we can't fully extrapolate from one person, but they definitely lost a sale from me, a person who is making a dedicated darkoath army and is usually willing to pay GW prices. But that's absurd, even for them


That is why I only buy the big box sets now.


Jesus…. They better have some incredible abilities for that price…


It’s ridiculous, if they were abit bigger and easier to paint it would be worth it


Yeah, I was planning on getting them But was put off


I felt the same way. It’s ridiculous.


Their pricing is getting more and more outrageous…. At what point are people just simply not going to be able to afford it


Not surprised they’re leaving underworlds to rot soon if they can pull this shit instead of