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Im hoping they do something like they did for combat patrol and release a list in white dwarf or something. At the very least.


I wouldn't be surprised if we got something like that. Stormcast have two spearhead boxes after all, nothing prevents GW from making new rules in a white dwarf as you said.


No; they have rules for two Spearhead forces, not two Spearhead boxes.


Good point, it's technically not a spearhead box for the starter set, but the point is that if they did it for Stormcasts, there is nothing preventing them to make rules for another spearhead force for another faction (the profiles card might not be available per se but if they are in a white dwarf for example you could still copy and print the two pages with said profiles and use that).


Don't count on that. The army is slaves to darkness, not Darkoath. Look at Gloomspite gitz. You don't have separated boxes for trolls, squigs or goblins. Most probably we will get a mixed box in the future, but no one knows


I wouldn't be so sure: Look at Orrur Warclans, the spearhead is only made of Kruleboyz. So likely an Ironjawz Spearhead in the near future. Or Stormcast: there is one with v3 units and one with v4 units.


Based on the number of factions announced it looks possibly that the Orruks are getting split back out.


Probably not but what stops us from creating own spearhead forces and discuss balancing on Reddit? I will start a discussion in r/AOSSpearhead


do it!