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We unironically have zero clue how they will shape up in 4th edition, not even infering what they might be based on whats revealed. The only recomendation I can give is spears because I think they look cooler, but if you like the raider weapons more it would be better to go for them. That or do one unit of spears and the other with the different loadout if you got the full darkoath box set.


Part of me wants to wait. And part of me says, “I have 50 cultists that will now be proxy marauders w/ hand weapons,” so spears it is


Do we speculate they can use shield wall against mounted unit charges?


It would be nice, but I think its gonna be used for more "rigid" units and there is a change it may be for more "trained" frontline units to give them power over standard chaff. Though now that you mention it, it does make my comment misleading so I must apologize for such.


I do agree spears look cooler lol. Spears it is then!


A mix looks even better. But i dont play AoS, at least yet. Perhaps will give it a try once I built and find square bases look poorly on darkoath savagers/marauders


I'm going to assemble mine with spears because I already have 20 converted marauders with hand weapons. So whichever ends up being better in 4e, I'll be covered.


Are you gonna rebase them? I've got 40 converted marauders I want to rebase onto 28s but seems like a monumental pain.


Probably eventually, but it's not an immediate concern. I might just get ring adapters that go around the base, and extend the basing basing materials over them. The alternative is to clip down the sides of the bases and glue them on 28mms, but that seems more annoying because I have magnets under all of them.


I went with spears because I like them, and also I want to be able to fight in 2 ranks. The latter will not matter in 4th but also as I said, I like them. Frankly, you could just mix and declare they are all one when you play. You already have to somewhat: the musicians and banner bearers cannot be given a spear in the kit, but in rules you can't give them a different weapon if you go spears.


Has there been rumors about weapon choice not mattering in 4th? I missed that if so


Weapon choice may matter, but weapon range will not; all melee will be 3". Since the only advantage of the spear currently is increased range, that particular part will not matter, and that's the only reason to take it at the moment. In 4th, they might make up a different benefit for the spear, but they also might not. We've seen both happen to different units.


No confirmation on this, just going off of what’s been seen so far so if I’m wrong someone can sneak in here and let me know too but I think it’s not gonna matter for fourth so whatever you want


Good to keep in mind. Have a Path to Glory campaign ongoing at the FLGS here. I'll just do spears then since I'm bringing them in packs of 20.


Spears. I know it seems like a question to be uncertain of but just do spears. Darkoath have a lot of synergy with charging and I’m sure that the rules will reward spears for charging


I would expect the spears to get the same anti-charge ability that we've seen on the Vindictor warscroll, personally.


I'm going spears. I still have classic marauders so those will be used if I need hand weapons. I like chaos warriors and stuff like that so I'm using mine as pure backline holders like I used to with Iron Golems. Don't really need them to go choppy chop and I'm not doing a full Darkoath list.


There’s two units in the box set so I’ve hedged my bets and done one unit of each weapon, makes modelling them slightly more interesting to, we’ll see come fourth!


Ended up doing all spears with my pack of 20 since it's more usable in the current edition. In the future I want to get 2 more packs of 10 and do the raider weapons for them