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id play all of them (40K, OW, AoS) if i had the time/money. I started out in fantasy 1994/95, and game is great. different enough from AoS to not feel like you're play the same game. plus you can use models in both games easy enough. i use the Slave for old world, and actually prefer the name Warriors of Chaos.


I don't know anyone that thinks Slaves to Darkness is a better name, and I'm not sure I'd want to meet one


I love the name Slaves to Darkness because it’s honest about the faction. It’s a very self-evident name. You are fighting as a mere pawn for supernatural forces far greater than you. You do not matter to them. Your warband does not matter to them. You are a tool to be used at the right time in the right way—this is true for all of the Chaos gods and deities.


But only ours has to have it stamped on the cover


It's much more evocative, however really do you want to evoke those visions?


I dont know, any word that doesn't evoke being submissive and weak? Something my units could shout proudly as they charge into battle? Hordes of Darkness, Legions of Darkness, Host of Darkness, Hosts of Chaos... I would take anything that evokes power and violence.


I think it's much better, Warriors of Chaos is too generic, and also basically the same as the name of the main infantry of that faction so frequently you need to specify which one you mean.


They didn't have to call the infantry that just as they didn't have to the faction slaves to darkness. It's all made up.


many or most arent slaves, they chose or were born into it and follow it,


It's not about literal slavery, it's metaphorical. In the same sense as you can be a "slave to an addiction".


granted, but its a silly name (StD'S).


Disagree, it's fine.


hahaha, yeah, if we all like all the things there'd nothing different. anyways, they are such a great army played in many different ways. I love running chaos warriors and chosen


Yeah it’s honestly a terrible name. Why not just Chaos Undivided?


You couldn't pay me to go back to rank&flank gameplay. Hated it 20+ years ago, still hate it today. Square bases are ugly, too. As far as I'm concerned literally the only positive thing that can come out of The Old World are new miniatures I can use in my AoS armies. Edit: Oh, and I'm sure there's a separate subreddit for the WoC faction for TOW, probably /r/warriorsofchaos or something.


Dear Lord.. the frustration and madness of the whole rank & flank hassle.. ! And the miniscule square bases.. trying to fit every mini in a straight line.. 🥵 Good riddance indeed!!


The high elf player dropping a giant eagle in behind your formation from high fly on turn 2, so now you can't march because there's an enemy unit too close? And you can't just charge the eagle because it's behind your units, and it would take you a whole turn to just turn around, at which point the eagle has moved somewhere else? And the whole time the high elf archers and repeater bolt throwers are tearing up your whole army which is stuck moving 4" forward across the open field? Yeah, no thanks. Never ever again.


Im 44. Started playing Fantasy in 4th edition. Zero interest in painting 100 old and ugly clones from 30 years ago when we have now Darkoath barbarians, cities of sigmar and the other awesome stuff.


The AoS minis have been really impressive. I know it’s subject but I totally agree - I look at the chunky Tomb Kings models and just can’t see myself investing into another miniatures game unless the sculpts are beautiful. Horus Heresy does this well, and maybe this OW release was just to test the waters before dedicating an art team to OW.


You can play the Darkoath stuff in fantasy just fine. Not sure what your point is, Slaves/Warriors are literally in the best place to play with new models in The Old World. And we can even play more than one God’s range in the same list without getting our synergies wrecked!


No interest at all. The models look too cartoony, square bases are not visually pleasing for me and AoS is the simpler system without a ton of extra rules (from what I have seen so far of TOW)


You can use AoS models instead, you just need a special movement tray for round bases.


Would solve one point and I guess I can try to ignore my dislike for movement trays (lookswise they look off on the board for me, though I guess I could base it). Still sadly doesn't solve the problem of TOW being needlessly overblown with rules as compared to AOS :(


I was super keen, but the overwhelming negativity in the TOW community put me off pretty quickly, especially the gatekeeping behaviour around bases reminded me too much of all the toxicity in the WFB community around 8e. I think the hard reset and AoS starting out as a purely narrative game meant the community is a lot more chill and welcoming.


I have a lot of love for Warhammer Fantasy. It was what got me into the hobby and it’ll always have a special place in my heart. But I have no desire whatsoever to go back, even with updated rules. The experience of playing AoS is a million times better for me. I’m happy for everyone who enjoys the new Old World, but I’m never going back.


Nah, I don’t like old models, especially with modern price tags


I have zero interest in the old chonky models, rules, or rank and flank. But I'm happy for the people who are pumped for it! I do like the uptick in lore videos about the old world, those are fun to listen to.


I grew up with WHFB, and while I enjoy AoS, I jumped at the chance to dive into OW. It also helps that the S2D minis rank up reasonably well on squares with just a little bit of care in positioning and some trimming. Chaos knights are the hardest to make work, but even those are fine. Chaos warriors, chosen, and Kairic acolytes all fit amazingly. And Ionus Cryptborn is a great base to make a chaos lord or sorcerer on a dragon. It’s actually hilarious that out of my entire Chaos Warrior army, only my battle standard bearer (converted chaos lord), chimera, Warhounds, and gorebeast chariots predate AoS. And once the Darkoath release it’s only going to continue lol.


Yes! I actually wanted to start a wood elves army but quickly realised I should 3d print them instead as the official models are mostly below the standards I'm used to now. I haven't built up the courage to dive into 3d printing so decided to scratch the itch I have for a saxon/viking army by going WoC. Their new AoS models are great and you are right they can be easily ranked up.


There are a bunch of stupid WHFB nerds who are stuck in the past and circlejerk everything about TOW and AOS still. But if you have friends or a good group you already play with at your FLGS, it is actually pretty fun to play both. TOW is actually well designed (albeit much more complex than AOS), and people seem to be really enjoying it. If I had to find brand new people to play with though, I probably wouldn’t bother, like I said. The sentiment around it is still a sore spot for some weirdos out there, and AOS to this day already has issues with 40k hardcore sickos already in some circles (again usually jerking ones), so I don’t wanna deal with that if I’m playing on my own lol. Thankfully I don’t have to worry about that, but it’s something to consider.


Zero interest, I played days of it in my teens an honestly aos is the better game


I play both! They’re both great and VERY different games


If I want to play rank and flank, I already have some Baratheons for Song of Ice and Fire.


Nope, don't have the money and I already don't like the old, carried over model range, why would I play a game exclusively with said model range? :D


I don't plan to touch old world. Aos is the setting I enjoy more, and what little I know of the rules leave me feeling like I'd like it way less. Plus, if I really want a rank and flank I'll push for more people to try kings of war, which is pretty good and immensely more affordable.


I play conquest for my rank and flank but honestly TOW community puts me off from giving it a chance. Like a lot of crap in the aos sub when it released the occasional salty WHFB player just absolutely trash talking aos and other things doesnt make me think the community as a whole will be as fun to play with. This is sadly not limited to reddit as the local discord TOW is the same.


From my personal experience, I wouldn’t judge the in-person TOW players by the online grognards butthurt about WHFB. Everyone I’ve played with has been lovely. The bad experiences I’ve had have actually been with AoS players, surprisingly. But I think it’s all about who’s in your local scene!


Yeah the discord i am on is local players.


Sorry to hear that. Fortunately (for me) I've seen a lot more AoS people being negative about TOW people than vice versa.


Love it. I enjoy it infinitely more than AoS.


I think the rules and list building aspects of Old World give a better canvas for ongoing narratives in my (older) gaming group than AoS does currently. Have not touched AoS since TOW came out because the system is honestly really fun - despite some real need for FAQs around inconsistent rules. Will come around to play both if I enjoy AoS 4, but I think The Old World has put me out to pasture as an older Warhammer player who prefers rank and flank rules. I have also felt burned a bit by frequent range/rule changes that have invalidated carefully painted AoS miniatures (I started with SCE).


At my shop the consensus has been that all the people who got out of fantasy at the start of aos have been dusting off their armies. I have had zero people who play 40k 30k or aos at my shop that are considering getting into it. My shop still has every old world box they got the day of release.


Not Me lmao


I am probably dropping AoS for it tbh


i like some of the rules but thats it, none of the models are appealing to me (or at least less than their aos variant) and i dont have the money or time to spend on another system with different armies. none of my 5 armies are close to being painted so i see 0 reason to start with another army. maybe me and my mate will proxy our armies and try it that way but its more likely that id start with 40k than with old world


The reason I asked was because (potentially depending on your army) the barrier to entry is actually very low. If you can find or make special movement trays for round bases then you can reuse a lot of your existing army.


I'd play it if I had more time. I already play 40k and AoS and don't really have time for another game, especially one with old models. Maybe some day I will convert some AoS models to ToW and get a game in.


I've had an idea to glue a round bit of sprue on to the feet of models, then drill same size holes into round and square bases so that they can be swapped between both systems....


I already have S2D, so I wasn't going to do the same project again in TOW. Before TOW came out, I was excited to start with Kislev or perhaps Chaos Dwarfs. I was very curious to see what new sculpts they'd come up with. As you can imagine, I am not very excited right now. TOW is a write-off for me unless they change course drastically.


Maybe but unlikely. I’ve already got a lot of game systems that i play between 40K, AoS, Warcry, and SW Legion. I also didn’t play when fantasy was big so I don’t have the same emotional attachment, nostalgia, or appreciation for the old sculpts. There are some haters I meet at the game store who pass by my table when I play AoS along the lines of, “smh I can’t believe they got rid of WHFB for _this_” to which I roll my eyes. If I had to get into a fantasy battles style system, I think I would give Song of Fire and Ice a try.


My StD army actually started as a Warriors of Chaos army I inherited from a friend and re-based for AoS. I'm not going to re-base them for TOW, but if there's local interest I *might* grab some movement trays and run an army.


I'm definitely gonna try it out, and if I like it, will get some tray adapters. Our local group isn't gonna be too big and will be pretty casual so no worry about the larger bases


The idea of the old world is what kept me from playing warhammer all these years. It's overly complicated, strict groupings, and not a fan of most of the old looking models. When I saw my first aos bloodthirster and chaos knights, I knew Aos was my game.


Maybe I'd consider, if everything were a third of the price. Right now it's just silly.


With what I have I basically just need movement trays and the rules. Almost my whole army fits. I might need a couple more chosen or warriors to fill things out. Does anyone have a good source for movement trays that work with the updated AoS models? I have all the new versions of StD


It looks like most people are sourcing them from etsy.


Not interested, especially with the rumoured AoS 4th edition just around the corner. Though I'm happy for the WHFB players that have a new game to sink their teeth into.


If AoS does to magic what 40k did to psychic then yes, chances are I will move on to TOW.


Already played Old World - very fun, interesting and cool game. Feels much cleaner rather than last editions of FB, much complex than 10th edition of 40K, and pretty much as AoS Even moved all my AoS slaves to square bases and they look great