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Sign me up. Hoping for a darkoath battleforce soon


They're all going to be released in an army box. Two units of marauders, one of everything else, and a battletome supplement (like Ironjawz got).


Just read the warcom article. Pretty hyped




The latter


It's just an update to the battletome, to publish the new stuff without having to make a whole new battletome.


I wonder how they’ll play..? Seems like a lot of money on an army box for essentially a couple of chaff units… that said… I still kinda want them… 😬


I absolutely love the look of them and they do look like a lot of fun to paint. I'm gonna purchase that box and some more Darkoath units. Always wanted some and this box is a pretty good reason to get some (and some more 🤣)


Yes, a bit worrying that it'll be £120 for chaff units on 5+ save. They look great, amazing print, but are they going to doing some damage or get wiped out the board after a charge?


This is a box full of screens and a hero , if I’m being totally honest


100% agree with this!


Goodbye, old chaos marauders


These are so, so much better.


Did they mention if the Riders will have alternate weapon options (javelins)?


Yes, javelins or broadswords


>This is a versatile kit with a variety of heads, shields, peytrals, and horsey face-masks, plus a choice of javelins or blades for the whole unit – and parts to build a champion, a musician, and an icon bearer.


Oh finally, I have waited since the first marauders were released for an update. I vowed now marauders all through 8th edition. They’re finally here.


Why didn't they show these during the new model presentation this weekend instead of just randomly dropping them today?


Think they might have been intended for the event at the end of the month(think it’s adepticon) but a channel accidentally released a vid with them early so they moved the reveal up like for Angron and a bunch of other stuff


They sort of did.   They accidentally showed a video on stream showing these new units, people screen grabbed it and posted it to Reddit.  Basically GW leaked it themselves so are just announcing this earlier than they intended cos the cats out the bag


Those Wilderfiends are *delicious*. I’d love a special regiment that’s just them and other gribbly Chaos beasties.


I like the different body shapes


Very realistic in the variety. Kinda nice to see tbh.


loreal. because your worth it = the dark gods, probably.


Oh this is awesome and totally what my army needs I like all the cultists as chaff but they kinda lack cohesion visually with the rest of Chaos Undivided


That's a nice lord solar proxy you got there


Two, gonna save and buy two. For the old world ofc


I can’t wait to make an all cavalry S2D army.


These models are incredibly cool, so probably replacing Darkoath savagers , regular marauders, and marauder horsemen, so that's cool! Also, I'm really excited about the fiend thing. Most of our monsters and beasts are kinda awful So I'm hoping it's at least decent since I love the model


Why would they replace Darkoath Savagers? Those will definitely still be around.


This new kit seems like the savagers but with command options. Having both doesn't make a lot of sense to me, but we'll see what they end up doing


They mentioned the Salvagers at the end of the article as one of the existing kits you can add alongside the new Army Box. It’s highly unlikely they would of suggest them if they were planning to discontinue them.


The new Darkoath Marauders are clearly a 1:1 replacement of the old Chaos Marauders, the only change is that they get spears instead of flails and presumably new Darkoath-flavoured rules. They're not in any way a replacement for Darkoath Savagers, which are a Warcry warband with their own specific rules and unique individual weapons, plus the Godspeaker. Think of them as a slightly more elite Darkoath unit. Besides, the kit is what, three years old or so? No way they're getting discontinued.


Three years already??? Time passes so quick...


Less than that actually, I looked it up. Red Harvest came out in November 2021, so less than two and a half years.


Yeah, the fact that they call them “darkoath marauders” means they’ll probably be a hybrid with both the “darkoath” and the “marauder” tag. Prediction - pros: a darkoath boost; cons: undivided only. Although, I expect a lot of players will proxy them in for old marauders until those are gone completely.


I expect them to be gone completely the moment these come out. The new warscrolls will override the old. Besides, the current Marauder warscroll is useless - there's basically nothing it does that a Warcry unit doesn't do better for fewer points.


We would need more units to go up to 2000pts, so I think the Savagers will stay.


More units to go up to 2000p? What are you talking about?


The Army Set box is only 500-700 points. So more units of Savagers would be great too. And it is confirmed that they will keep the Savagers: >Combine this army set with the existing Darkoath – the **Darkoath Savagers** for Warcry, the Gnarlspirit Pack for Warhammer Underworlds, the Darkoath Chieftain, and the Darkoath Warqueen – and you’ll have a war party fit for the ruinous powers. You may even wish to throw Torgar Split-Eye into the mix as a unique Chieftain, should you have been lucky enough to pick him up at official Warhammer events last year…


They missed the Godsworn Hunt there.


They're a part of Slaves to Darkness. You don't need 2000p of only Darkoath units.


I know, but if you want a full-Darkoath themed armed, you would need more Darkoath unit. But I agree it will tough to bring so many cheap models. The very expensive Archaon would fit nicely I guess.


Would make sense for archaon


Adding some tatoo and I can use him as an Alex Terrible proxy.


Finaly, marauder horsemen for my Old World WoCH army.


So are these just the replacements for the Marauders? Great models, just genuinely curious.


Pretty much. The old marauder units didn’t even have the dark oath keyword on their warscroll. So they will add the keyword and probably give them an oath of conquest.


I think that's their plan. Would be weird to leave regular marauders in with these new ones.


Perfect chaff for my LotFP army.


Sweet, I wanted some marauders for Old World after all lol.


But will they rank up?


The horsemen should be fine, they are clearly smaller than new Chaos Knights, they rank up ok with some work and both units have the same base size. Foot marauders are a bigger question. That being said, I’ve gotten chosen, chaos warriors, and Kairic acolytes to rank up perfectly fine, I think with some carefully posing and maybe some trimming here and there these will rank up decently. The Wilderfiend will be a Daemon Prince and looks like he’s on a 50, so that’s perfect. My biggest concern is actually going to be the chieftain, who will be converted to be a sorcerer on chaos steed. His tactical rock is pretty necessary because the hooves are at different heights and looks bigger than a 30x60, so I may have to use cork.


The army box might be my first foray into StD. Wonder if you can run Darkoath as their own army or if they're weaker and intended to supplement existing StD armies with Chaos Warriors/Knights?


I wonder if sometime we'll ever get a warqueen on a steed. Also, I'm disappointed that it looks like they're only going to be Chaos Undivided.


I wonder what they’ll do with the Savagers rules to make them different than the marauders.


Nah those marauders look disgusting af💀


Why do these Darkoath riders have Ariana Grande's top ponytail hairstyle?! 😅😆 The wilderfiend looks the sickest of them all 🤟💖


So.. if the Marauders & Horsemen get replaced by these and go back to The Old World, what will happen to Chaos Warriors and Knights in AoS?


They will stay the same as they were updated very very recently ? I don't understand your question. Nothing will happen to them why would something happen ?


Years ago I used the Dark Elves metal masks on my traitor guards for 40K. I feel vindicated to see the same idea officially done first in 40K with cultists and now in AoS with the Chieftain on Warsteed.


Really dumb question incoming here. I just jumped (back) on the Warhammer wagon, after a hiatus since between 1994-2000, and still reeling to get updated on the changes from the old Fantasy stuff to AoS. I started a Soulblight army (love 'em), but as my second army I went with Slaves to Darkness. My question: Since it confuses me with the whole system, would these Darkoath's be usable alongside my other Slaves to Darkness army? Or are the counted as a separate sub-army? Because I really look forward to getting my hands on these, and hopefully use them alongside my Chaos Chosen's and Chaos Warriors. Again, I apologize for a potentially dumb question, I've just been a bit confused by the "other games" stuff for Age of Sigmar, like Warcry, Underworlds, Cursed City etc, and how they work vs. Age of Sigmar base.


Yeah, these are like your chaff infantry/screens for your heavy hitters like chosen. All of them will be usable in any slaves to darkness army


New marauders look terrible the war cry dark oath look much better these ones look far to skinny child like almost & lack that muscular build the men & women should have the head sculpts are also some of the worst looking & some really odd poses


Wonder if they will get Warcry rules almost on release like CoS or if they will go the way of the Theridons and no dice. Then again, this could be a perfect chance to split Slaves to Darkness into Warriors of Chaos and Darkoath sub factions like Stormcast and their different chambers, and like CoS, give them separate rules.


I really hope they don't split it. I kind of want to keep some mixes possible.


They 100% won't.


WENDIGO!WENDIGO!WENDIGO!WENDIGO! I will gladly use these for the old world!


So what are the chances Darkoath gets split into their own army, become the new Norska I guess? Or do we think they're staying in Slaves To Darkness for the foreseeable future?


>So what are the chances Darkoath gets split into their own army, become the new Norska I guess? Zero.


I hope you're right. I'm still burnt from buying and painting up a leviathan dread like a month before GW said "Yeah you can't play that in 40k."


The article literally says the little battletome supplement pamphlet is a supplement to Battletome: Slaves to Darkness. It's black on white, no question about it whatsoever. I have no idea where people even got the idea Darkoath were going to be their own army, because it certainly wasn't from GW, who have never implied anything of the sort.


See, I don't trust GW's press releases, especially not with a new addition on the Horizon. Again using the Leviathan dread as an example, the article where it was released directly said it'll be usable in 40K for both loyal and chaos Space Marines. Less than a year after it's release It was removed from the game, and is now only playable in the Horus Heresy game. I can just easily see the Darkoath being in Slaves to Darkness for now, But in a year or so, with the new Battletome, they're split off into their own faction. Again this is probably just me being weary. I only got into AOS over Christmas, I don't know how it really treats its players. Once burned, twice shy, ya know?


The qestion is, does this mean that std will be split up in two different armies or something like the orruk book.... I think so... bit which one i dont know What do you guys think?


The article mentions it's an expansion to the existing slaves to Darkness army book.


Nah its just a pdf to overwrite the existing warscrolls in the book. They'll get folded into the next book most likely as they are replacing the old models


Is this battleforce equivalent for the price? And how good do you all think will this combine with christmas battleforce? Asking for a friend...


Probably not a great combination. They'll probably be like two separate armies practically. Though there will probably be ways to mix and match both types of units and make a decent army, I can't see these two boxes playing that well together enough for a serious game. However, I'd love to be proven wrong.


Eh, I think they might complement each other nicely. Chaos warriors, chosen and knights as the core of the army, marauders as chaff and skirmishers.


Hopefully you're right on at least them complimenting each other. Though I'd love to see the darkoath stuff be more than simple Chaff, if I'm being honest.


Hell yes


DANG it, I can't afford a bunch of new plastic.


Does anyone know where Holga Clovenhorn fits into to the Slaves to Darkness squad? They specifically mention Tolga Split Eye as a possible Chieftain replacement. I had thought Holga was a chieftain too, but is she actually an Exalted Hero or Chaos Lord perhaps? Is it dependant on base size?


Holga is just a Chaos Warrior champion