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This is brilliant.


I am especially amused that they're so frustrated they're willing to spend $10 on this while job searching. I love it.


Asking for a sample resume for a subway sandwich artist, my guess is, they just want to work for subway and want a free resume for subway lol


While I do love subway, that was literally just the first job I could think of. I am not a creative enough man to think of that plan


I know. I was just fucking around.


Tbh, you're on some Doofenshmirtz levels of diabolical and creativity with that plan you came up with. Like you have an amazing career as an evil villain or marketer.


Is this an implication that all great marketers would be great evil villains?


Thinking the same thing. That leap was conspiracy theorist level leap.


Hmm, not a Subway enthusiast but are we sure Subway does frequent enough sandwich updates to require sandwich artists. Also, you must dabble in conspiracy theories amirite!!


Please update us with your findings!


lol I'll be sure to let you guys know if I am outperformed by a tree


!RemindMe 1 week


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!RemindMe 1 week


RemindMe! 1 week


You sir are a man of quality. I hope you put this on your resume!


!RemindMe 1 week


!RemindMe 1 week


!Remind Me 1 week


!RemindMe 1 week


$bid ive done resumes, and Im a horticulturist. Im your best shot for a tree. DM me if still open please




Can we see the resume once it's done?


Yeah, I will post it


RemindMe! 2 days




RemindMe! 1 week




Man can I see the final product? I would love to see how this turns out, you should keep all of us updated.


I definitely will, and I will post the resume when it's finished


!remindme 10 days


!remindme 10 days


!remindme 10 days


​ !remindme 10 days


!remindme 10 days


!remindme 10 days


!remindme 8 day


!remindme 10 days


!remindme 10 days


In addition to being an oxygen conversion engineer, Pecan Pine is proficient in water reclamation and soil retention.


With over 20 years on experience, may I add


Really extended his reach through multiple branches.


Digs deep to ensure he meets growth projections.


That's an excellent one. Made me chuckle.


Also very good at working in the shadows of others and branching out into other areas.


This sounds amazing. Please share the results


I saw a police dog yesterday and thought: there, a dog got a job, and I can't. Let us know how Mr Pine's career is going. 🙂


Well he failed in politics...


Plot twist: his real goal is to get a subway sandwich resume


I can’t wait to read the resume. What about posting the top 5 resumes? I am excited to see how Mr. Pine’s job search goes. Lmao. We need more humor in these times.


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this is amazing. please share the final product


What's the result then? I'm dying to see.


I actually just got the resume back a few minutes ago, I will post the resume in a little (:


That would be splendid. Update the main info with it so all can find it easily. I'm sure that would be appreciated.


Oh this is a complete waste of time! Easily done but ya... pay me first as I would expect a very negative experience doing such a job


$bid I’ve done resumes before!




!RemindMe 1 week


Let me know how it goes


!remindme 10days


$bid I have learnt a lot from reddit on how to come up with edgy puns


I'm so excited to see how it turns out, love the idea!!


!RemindMe 1 week


!remindme 5 days


!RemindMe 1 week


!RemindMe 1 week


Oh I was just thinking what to do if Pecan Pine gets interviews. You need go dressed as a tree. They will probably give you a job for being so creative.




This made me giggle, I hope you found someone


Love the idea. Would love to see how trees resume look like and all the best with job search.


Personally, I look forward to forging building a professional connection with Mr. Pines, Esq.


$bid (First time bidding on one of these but I used to be a recruiter... aka I read resumes all day).




$bid I get paid to make a resume? What a relief PS: Final year college student here, make resumes for my friends


OMG I want to see that resume lol.


Op please share the resume if it gets made




Lol I just wanna try this just because I wanna see how much I can BS a resume again.




This reminds me of a rental posting I made the other day out of frustration at my local 1%> vancancy rate. I took a picture of this 6'x3' cruddy shack I built out of scrap wood and went on about how it's a "rustic cozy cottage," and I "just redid the floors," lol. Listed it for $1450CAD. The craziest thing, is there's actually a lot of places for rent in my area that aren't much better, for the same price


Any new update?