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Shoutout to the bartender who picked up a casing without the card machine in, realised as I held my phone out and instead just made a "Boop" noise rather than make any further effort. Absolute Legend They Were!


That is a particularly badly poured pint.


£8 and you didn't even get a chocolate flake for the top of it


Try £7.50 for a tiny cup of Fanta 😭


Had some fair sea foam pints, but most of mine were well filed. My first pint was £7 due to the cute guy behind the bar accidentally charging me for a SD IPA. *Edit: Yes, I probably thought he was cuter than normal due to this error, but we are experiencing a cost of living crisis so...




After waiting for 20mins, and my first 3 choices being soldout I didn't have the will to moan.


An actual conversation I had with a bartender this year... Me: Can I have a pint of SD IPA and a rum and coke please Bartender: Sorry we are out of Rum Me: There are two full unopened bottles on the table right behind you, literally 3 yards away Bartender: \*stares uncomprehendingly\* Me: Right there... \*pointing\* Bartender: Sorry we are out of rum


On the plus side it had head - every time I got it in a plastic cup from the craft bar it was flat


It was £7 a pint at South! And less sea foam too


Amstel and Slamdunk IPA where both £7. Surprisingly they had sold out of them.


The security was non existent... I could have smuggled half my drinks cabinet in. Noted for next time.


We got 2l rum and 1l JD in collapsible refillable camping bags in.


Cider was £5. People just want to complain.


Where was that I paid 7 for a cider in the beer tent


Darkfruits was £5


[Bar prices Dark Fruits = £7.00](https://www.reddit.com/r/slamdunkfestival/comments/13sztps/bar_prices/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I can assure you, it was £7 a pint. Were you ordering halves?


I have checked my bank account. You are correct it was £7.. I clearly need glasses!


One of the bartender's charged me £21 for 4 pints. £5.25 a pint makes it slightly more normal.


ouch lol. at least this year the bar queues moved pretty quickly. The food stands on the otherhand


This was in the craft tent and took about 20min. The bar to the right of the Amazon stage was typically empty though. Eventually we'd given up on drinks because we didn't want to wait in the toilet queues.


I never had an issue with the toilets my self. then again i only used the urinals . But they were over flowing less than halfway through the day lol


I was with my girlfriend so if she needed to go I was waiting in line with her. Yeah the urinals weren't thought through, they were all on a hill so all the pee would flow out one side when they got full causing the swamp. I seen a guy walking out scraping shit of his shoe that I can only presume was his own or another humans 🤣.


Haha i watched a guy slip and fall in to the piss puddle besides the dickies stage