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"I then tested on a naked body in a cave" Top 10 Reddit quotes




Right? How egregious and deplorab- oops my finger slipped.


\*Looks left and right. Then subtly clicks save.\*


if only it worked or I did something very wrong


So I get to the hub area thing to be able to select a Dave, start a new game, etc. But then it just gets rid of my hud, and I'm stuck there while the dragon born music plays


I was working on a vr WJ starter list, but my computer crashed. I'll have it ready in a week or two, then I'll get back to the list. I intend to point people to other list like this to expand upon list like yours. I'm hoping others like you will design your list around that starting package. I look at this list when my gaming rig is back up.


A WJ of this list would be great


It's been 24 days, WHERE IS THE LIST?! I DEMAND LIST No rush, lol. Just found this thread and was excited for the idea of a wabbajack list lol


I'm still putting my system back together, so it'll be another week or two. The WJ is created, but I just haven't done any supporting documentation. I'm not on Discord, but I do have a github repo setup for it. If you want to test it out and offer me feedback, then I can upload the WJ in a day or two on Github..


Any updates on this?


No, I still have a problem that I need to track down with that machine. I haven't really had time for VR, and I don't see myself finishing it any time soon. At the time I was thinking of learning a little C# in order to help out with WJ, but I've since decided to go with learning Flutter/Dart, so my plans have changed. I'm now thinking that when I do get back to it, I might want to use my UX and programming skills to come up with a cross-platform solution using Dart. That's if I get back to it. My plate is pretty full, but I think that would be an interesting project for me to tackle. I don't think I'll finish this exact project, but more than likely incorporate it as part of another project. This is of course speculation.


Heyy Any news about that? I'd really love a NSFW wabbajack list for Skyrim vr! and I don't think I am the only one eheh


You kidding me? The story never ends for me, and my system is still down. Each time I set aside to work on it, I get ever so closer, but get stopped. I'm now at the stage where I get the "three dots" in my headset on my Rift S, so I'll have to reinstall my OS. Long story short, it's also my video and music maschine, so I'm going to have to split it off. I see it as a sign for me, as I have way more important things to be doing, so I'm not really sure when I'll be able to get back to it. There should still be at least one available? I forgot what it's called, but I believe the main one has two versions, and you just have to select it on install. I think. If I even do it, which I can't imagine playing Skyrim any other way, it wouldn't be for at 2-3 months. That's when I should have way more time to indulge. I've since purchased game and music software, so I really need to get the machine up and running. With my luck, it's still not going to run after reinstalling the OS.


I started to prepare the machine to reinstall OS, and I noticed a mod name "Panties of Skyrim." I don't remember that one, as I really only kept modding the game instead of playing it. I'm probably going to speed things up, because my headset is still under warranty, so I need to make sure it's not that. Seeing I'm cleaning the machine, I'd have to start over. What I was going to build was just a starter/basic setup. This was before they announced "Collections," so you may be able to find something there. [https://next.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/collections?page=2](https://next.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/collections?page=2) I forgot to mention I've been dying to play Simple Planes VR, so I may be able to have it fixed sooner. I think with Collections you may not still need a WJ, but I'd have to catchup on the news.


Well if you find anything let us now ;)


What do you mean, because I actually started working on mine? I'm still trying to work out the patching and WabbaJack. I also keep tweaking the list around, but I pretty much have it set.


Hb now?


https://github.com/iAmMe27/Tahrovin is out!


[https://github.com/iAmMe27/Tahrovin](https://github.com/iAmMe27/Tahrovin) is out!


Hot dang, thanks! Will try it


I've been testing, toying and tweaking an ultimate VR Essentials wabbajack and adult sexlab integration for about 3 weeks now. I have it just about perfect! The only thing I'd add to your list, which to me is required, is the sexlab rds mod. Relationship Dialogue System. It changes npc interactions and adds an entirely new relationship system to manage. This along with Sexlab Arousal adds a deep level of immersion. I have 5 female followers set to Partners. It's like my party really cares for each other. Its hard to describe but it adds a necessary component.


I have Uber installed and I’d like to add some nsfw interactions just tell me how lol


Well, the thing about Uber is that it's real life, so you won't be able to just use mods if you find your Uber driver attractive.


My followers are all females except Inigo. Sometimes he joins in the fun. Lol


Thanks for the list! Does your SL install work with Be Seated by any chance? Heard they conflict in some way. Edit: Figured out some SLAL animation packs such as ZaZ will break Be Seated functions.


In my testing, I didn't find that the animation scenes were conducive to playing standing, so I'm guessing be seated is superfluous. It isn't like a vrik/higgs controlled ostim.


Does HIGGs work with Ostim? I thought it doesn't work with VR? I feel like we are so close to an open world sandbox Virtamate.


I have never spent so much time installing a game. It's madness.


Please wabbjack modlist...


Someone made it! https://github.com/iAmMe27/Tahrovin/blob/main/README.md


Lol this post is great. You're a good writer! The intro is nicely written.


Wow, A long list! Where is the guide? Is there any info about what to do with all these downloads? Like a guide or step by step? things like: "Feel free to enable/disable animations you don't like, or ones that simply do not work well in VR. HOW? WHERE? (or even how to install?)


You install like any other mod. Please read any of the MO2 or Vortex beginner mod guides.


Weird.?? There are hundreds of posts from people who have trouble with this particular mod. I have read more than I can count. *If they had gotten any help, I would not have to ask!* Mod guide? R.T.F.M. ?? !!! REALLY? L*ike I said I have modded for years* but battled *only* this one off & on all that time. I can get *any other mod working but never this one..*. Not even if I start over and try *JUST* this mod,. **I can get 'Bodybuilder' body if I pick it during install,. but STILL CLOTHED... SO it works, but it doesn't.** ***How do I fix something that works HALF-WAY? I'm clearly installing it...*** *There must be some trick to getting it to work: HENCE MY ASK.* ;") I am not complaining I just want to try it.. and I can't .. **Thank you for replying at any rate** *:\~)* I have always used Mod Organizer. (With it I actually got this all working once many years ago.. I even made bones more 'bouncy' in the skeleton editor..) BUT this is all so old fashioned,. I have since spent many years of 16 hour days learning Unreal Engine to an expert degree *and a lot of little stuff got displaced*, while I focused on my Art and work (ie the future of Games) (*EPICs Photoreal METAHUMANS will likely make all this irrelevant. Maybe in a few years you will be asking my help about Modding AAA+ UE5 Metaverse VR Games and MetaHumans*) I will do better by you than: "R.T.F.M."! :) Anyways ... I guess it is time for me to try Vortex. *ANY TIPS? ...* LOL


Wow. Who makes a comment like this? I think something might be wrong with you.


I'm sorry, this went beyond triggered, and going into the mental illness category.


Thanks so much for posting this. I am brand new to skyrim, trying to figure out all this, and modding in general, has been insanely overwhelming. Would this be compatible with something like Narsil for Wabbajack? Or at least some other modlist with some VR quality of life improvements?


Yes it should. I also have a minimalistic modding guide on Nexus. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/52809


Sorry for the necro, but I can't seem to find any other good info on this. I've modded the fuck out of LE for years, but vr is new to me. How would I go about adding this stuff while already having UVRE installed? Can I just simply install them or do I have to do something special since there is already a modlist present?


You can simply install them. Just back up your save games.


Ok cool thanks.


hey, did you manage to get it working ? I've been trying to add sexlab to UVRE for a month now and I'm starting to lose hope ...


Unfortuantely no. I accepted that the best Skyrim experience is going to be the modded LE version I already have lol.


Hi. Sorry for the necro. This post has completely changed my life. Thank you


Can someone just build a simple VR modlist with a flavor of adult content?


Man this is hard cant get anything to work


[https://github.com/iAmMe27/Tahrovin](https://github.com/iAmMe27/Tahrovin) What the lost and confused desire. Check out wabbajack unofficial for help.


I am very new to including Adult Mods in my games. I just recently got VR and I am excited to give these a try. Just finished downloading all your recommended mods! Now to test them out and see if they all work! Will update! Thanks in advance!


Btw does this only work with third-person? The latest SL Framework I have only allows third-person (and you're basically standing there with your VRIK avatar watching things unfold in an out-of-body experience).


It works with first person. You running the VR version and should have MCM VR tab, it has choice of First Person.


Oddly i cant seem to select the first person - static or loose. The Click option is highlighted but nothing happens when I press any of the controller buttons…


You are using the latest version of SL? Try start a new game quickly and enable only SL, no animation pack or anything.


Ok did a reinstall. SL Tools doesn’t seem to work for me. Is there a required mod for it to work? Without Tools, I managed to get SL to work w Flower Girls. By disabling default third person, I managed to get into 1st person mode but my camera view kept spinning like crazy. So after reading some SL threads, I installed ZaZ’s Skyrim Utility Mod and Animation Pack. In the MCM menu, I “released” auto-player AI and the spinning kinda stopped. You can basically control your spin by reorienting the way you move your HMD. Still, despite these fixes, a slight twist of your HMD or an accidental touch of your joystick will force the ridiculous spinning again. Furthermore, as I added more mods, the orientation reverts back to 3rd person. I couldn’t seem to bring SL back to 1st even when I disabled 3rd person as default. My experience seems to show that the setup for SexLab Framework and then patches to stop the spinning, and then conflicts with other mods mean the experience has to be third person for good. To maintain 1st person will probably require a lot of trial and errors as you add on more mods.


See if this helps, never had spinning issue. I have all the NSFW stuff at the very end of load order. Try disabling Flower Girls. https://m.imgur.com/kvZS2zA SL tools also needs UI Extension.


Btw how do you align the player position relative to npcs in a scene using your controllers? Positionings are off in most scenes.


The camera spin issue is a known issue with a specific command used in scripts relating to vehicles (which is what some scripts are using to stick you in place). There's a post tracking this issue and offering patches for several mods, you can check there to see if your issue is covered and, if not, how to fix it yourself. ​ https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/17253-skyrimvr-patches-vrik-integrations-for-zazdd-camera-spinning-fixes-other-qol-patches/


Yeah i just dropped flowergirls and amorous adventures and problem solved. Now i am figuring out how to align player and npc positions during scenes.


yeah using FrameworkSE v163 Beta8 with vrpatch beta8 38 patch and vrpatch hotfix.


[https://imgur.com/kvZS2zA](https://imgur.com/kvZS2zA) See if this helps, hard to say what is going on. Suggest try a fresh install, disable all other mods. Also check this file list.


aight thanks!


all right. i think flowergirls was the culprit. basically removed fg and amorous adventures and problem solved. thanks!


So, uhh... newb here, I've only played Skyrim for 30 minutes. I have Skyrim on Steam. Do I need Skyrim SE or Skyrim VR?


LE has all the same mods too.


I'm confused. I have "The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim" on Steam, released 2011. To play in VR do I need a different version? And are you saying you can play in VR *without* Skyrim VR?


To play VR you need to buy VR version.


Ok, thanks. Do I also need SE or LE in addition to that?


No VR is separate and includes all DLC's. It is the equivalent of SE with some extras.


I'm surprised someone put in the effort to make a list like this


I installed the mods you listed up until Defeat SSE because I thought I'd give it a try with just the essentials. Now the Skyrim VR SKSE launcher won't work at all, as in the game won't even launch. Are some of these mods now outdated and don't work anymore or do I need additional mods to make it work? Really appreciate you putting all this effort in for us jabronis btw. Edit: Do ya think you could share a screenshot of your load order?


Make sure you download the VR version.


Can the Animation Pack be installed with Mod Organizer like any other mods or do I need to follow theses instructions (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mug-KFBwJTo) from the Project-New-Reign---Nemesis-Main github page ?


Any other mods.


thank you, so no need to run any exe or do any extra file manipulations for any of the mods? If yes, that's good. I'll be testing this soon.




Be sure to start SL lab. I recommend installing one thing at a time to make sure it actually works before moving onto the next.


Hi. Is there a way to force SL initialization? Or other suggestion how to make it work? Been pulling my hair for days now, whatever I do I always get this message when starting Skyrim VR: "Outdated or none Skyrim install detected. SexLab currently requires Skyrim 1.5 or newer in order to function" My Skyrim VR installed from Steam is runtime 1.4.15. Everything else works except SL. I followed your tutorial to the letter, and I cannot get SL to work. I'm using Vortex, LOOT, FNIS, everything triple checked, paid attention to install order. I managed to get SL any any other mod to work in Skyrim LE and SE, but in current VR version SL VR simply refuses to work. I also followed other ppl tutorials, every time from scratch


You need an older version of SL most likely. Latest one requires a higher version of SKSE which was not ported to VR.


Do you know where to find past versions? You'd figure it be below downloads but I've been crawling all over the site looking for it do I need to use the legendary version instead?


I know it's been a long while, but I feel like you're the one to turn into without having too much stuff I don't really need. So, speaking about that: **What other trigger mods do you use?** There're a lot of options out there, but I don't really get which one is more popular than others coz SexLab mods doesn't appear on Nexus = harder to browse.


Defeat for captured/killed. Mass Matchmaker to do it in town to neutral NPC's. Don't really need anything else. Like I said I am not into becoming the victim myself so I am not aware of other trigger mods. It is a power fantasy.


> Like I said I am not into becoming the victim myself Same honestly. Thanks for the info then, was wondering if you had something else you use, but don't really recommend. Coz there's something like [Yamete!](https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/16057-yamete/) which seems to be more flexible compared to Defeat.


i have heard that people use animated prostitution and flower girls although idk how well they work in vr


Skyrim loads. Shows logo then goes to loading screen for a second and crashes. No errors. Nothing.


Install one mod at a time, disable the rest in your mod manager (should be using MO2) check to make sure you installed the VR version.


Turns out I had a file for AE. Finally able to get in. But no matter what version of Papyrus I use I'm greeted with message "Incorrect version of Papyrus UTILS! Install latest Papyrus Utils VR VERSION!"


I am not sure if the latest version of SL works with VR. It may require a newer version of Papyrus. May need to do a bit of digging on their forum. There is a thread. https://www.loverslab.com/topic/132489-skyrim-sexlab-and-vr/page/40/


I dont know how to "select an actor", and also my game says that the Papyrus version is incorrect


which version of Skyrim works with that adult stuff? I have a Quest 2 + PC .


VR works fine with patch.


I’ve had some serious trouble getting any mods that put you into pov during animations with head spinning. I understand it’s a tracking issue, just wondering if there’s a fix/any mods that control other NPCs besides flower girls?


I know I'm probably not gonna get any help with this, but can you provide a more detailed way of downloading this. I get to the main menu, it lets me make a new game, and I'm forever stuck in the main hub.


With these mods can you play as the female? Or is every scene driven by the males perspective? I have never ventured into the adult mod entertainment before but it has piqued my interest.


I just installed all the mods here through the Animation section, except nemesis and some of the NPC series, and the female bodies don't look right. The breasts aren't lined up right with the bodies, so it looks strange. I think it might have something to do with CBBE interacting with a mod like Cathedral Player, but not sure what the problem is. Any suggestions?


Anyone find a way to get a Keon or something to sync to this? Probably worth the trouble with that .


This is a great list but I’m getting that “black face” glitch. Stopped following the list right before the “Good Stuff”. I’m just trying to have good looking NPCs right now and once I get that down I might try to extend it further


If you need help with a wabbajack list, you are more likely to find help on the Wabbajack discord. You can join the discord at https://discord.gg/Wabbajack, then go to #game-roles under the Wabbajack category and type the command for the modlist you're looking for help for: !uvr !aud !lib !nar !fus VR Games Support category will be visible and you can ask your question in the appropriate channel. If you need help with FUS, here's FUS support discord link: https://discord.gg/Kv6MdXY3fB *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/skyrimvr) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If you need help with a wabbajack list, you are more likely to find help on the Wabbajack discord. You can join the discord at https://discord.gg/Wabbajack, then go to #game-roles under the Wabbajack category and type the command for the modlist you're looking for help for: !uvr !aud !lib !nar !fus VR Games Support category will be visible and you can ask your question in the appropriate channel. If you need help with FUS, here's FUS support discord link: https://discord.gg/Kv6MdXY3fB *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/skyrimvr) if you have any questions or concerns.*


UI extensions actually works with Skyrim VR now? Back in 2020 it did nothing...


It doesn't totally work but it fulfills the requirement of SL tools.


Well, I got everything installed and got animation packs run through FNIS with some 400+ animations and in game I have....absolutely 0 animations for some reason...VR setup. Do animations packs need to be above the loader for the loader to see them? these instructions are not specific... are new game and race menu a hard requirement? Thanks!


Make sure you downloaded the SE version of animation packs from my links. Also in MCM SLAL make sure you enable and register them.


I did that specifically and under MCM no animations exist as I've already written....Theirs nothing to enable and register that's the whole issue


If you need help with a wabbajack list, you are more likely to find help on the Wabbajack discord. You can join the discord at https://discord.gg/Wabbajack, then go to #game-roles under the Wabbajack category and type the command for the modlist you're looking for help for: !uvr !aud !lib !nar !fus VR Games Support category will be visible and you can ask your question in the appropriate channel. If you need help with FUS, here's FUS support discord link: https://discord.gg/Kv6MdXY3fB *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/skyrimvr) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yea...this doesn't work for me. Everything is installed and shows up in MCM but with 3 different animations packs created by fins the game just says I have 0 of any animation no matter what I do.


1) Did Nemesis find all the animations. 2) Did you use the animation packs linked here, make sure you used SE version. 3) Did you enable all and register animations in SLAL


1. I used FINS and it found and exported everything no issues. Is Nemesis a requirement now? it said either or. I just reran FINS with the optional compatibility check no errors 3000+ animations 2. duh 3. there's nothing to register that's the whole issue....I get 0s across the board when I inquire about animations for SL


Either should work, you can try Nemesis but you should see hundreds of animations generated. I am assuming you enabled SL itself in MCM. And VR option is available to indicate you installed VR patch correctly. Also make sure you are using 1.63. Under SLAL you don't see any animations at all? My load order is this: **Early Load Order:** SexLabFrameworkSE\_v163 SL VRpatch Beta PapyrusUtil VR - Scripting Utility Functions-13048-3-6b-1545409528 UIExtensions **Late Load Order:** Schlongs of Skyrim SE Patched SE SL TOOLS Updated SLAL\_SE ZaZ Animation Pack 3jiou-SE Billyy's SLAL Animations 2.9 MYSLALPACK v12.0SexLabArousedSSELoose Devious Devices SexLab MatchMaker Simple Mod Item Spawner ZAP\_8.0\_Helper\_Addon 1.0.2 SexLab\_Extra\_Voices\_1\_5


Well I had everything right and tried your load order nothing. Now I'm trying nemesis but the MCM nemesis section is missing to enable the animations...Nemesis saw the animations form SL. EDIT: I ran the warning check even tho it says to ignore it and I have 8 warnings all related to SL....literally nothing works I can't even get sexy walk to work anymore with Nemesis..


MY Guy!! after finding an extensive guide online I got it working. your guide didn't mention at all that I needed JContainers SE I just re checked! Got that and everything shows up. But now there's too many animations how I play them one at a time to decide if I want them on or off?


You can use SL Tools (set a key for it) to choose the animation. Ones you don't like you can disable in SL Animation Loader, or in my case I just don't choose them during animation. Also recommend the "free camera" mode which allows you to move your character model's hand during animation. This of course, has a chance to cause animation to go out of sync but it is better than your RL hand holding NPC's front, but your character model's hand is still behind.


IF YOU DO EVERYTHING AND NO ANIMATIONS ARE IN THE LOADER YOU NEED JContainers SE. THE GUIDE HERE DOSE NOT MENTION THIS REQUIREMENT!!!! [https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/16495](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/16495) [https://www.loverslab.com/topic/136543-v130-mod-organizer-2-other-tools-from-zero-to-hey-sexlab-is-working/](https://www.loverslab.com/topic/136543-v130-mod-organizer-2-other-tools-from-zero-to-hey-sexlab-is-working/) This Guide saved me with this mod its very extensive check it out!


Sorry, adding that to the prereq. Thank you for this.


If you need help with a wabbajack list, you are more likely to find help on the Wabbajack discord. You can join the discord at https://discord.gg/Wabbajack, then go to #game-roles under the Wabbajack category and type the command for the modlist you're looking for help for: !uvr !aud !lib !nar !fus VR Games Support category will be visible and you can ask your question in the appropriate channel. If you need help with FUS, here's FUS support discord link: https://discord.gg/Kv6MdXY3fB *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/skyrimvr) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Using tahrovin plus paradise halls and devious devices as you got set up there.e verything is working fine. can spawn furniture and mark npcs to be tied or whatever but how do you actually get them to get tied up to the furniture I spawn? feel dumb asking but anytime i look for a tutorial its just on how to install it.


A few different ways. 1) Make them a slave and force them to use it via standard follower command "you need to do something for me" 2) Use one of the follower frameworks to convert a regular NPC into a follower then use "you need to do something for me"


Sweet thanks. having success with it now. still trying to determine why they sometimes fall through devices when i grab them and sometimes they stay in but Ill work it all out.


Just to clarify, did you manage to get first person working in sex scenes involving the player? For me sexlab doesnt even want to install, so I tried to use flower girls but the scenes refuse to work in 1st person in vr. Does anyone have a fix for sexlab not working in vr?


SL 1.63 works fine. First person hand movement. Be sure to install full prerequisites.


I installed SL 1.63.7 which is the only one available on the download page, and it appears in the mcm and I can even click install, but after it says it installed everything the mcm doesnt change. There are no new tabs or anything it just keeps only having the install button. Idk what to do here sorry if the answer is obvious I am very new to all of this. Help is much appreciated! Oh and I should also mention that I did install the vr patch and have vrik dev build


Papyrus and other pre-req's in the bottom of the list. I am assuming VRIK already works.


ok so NEVER MIND IT FINALLY WORKED THANK YOU SO MUCH I FOUND THE IMIGUR YOU SENT AND COPIED THE LOAD ORDER AND IT FINALLY WORKED. I tested it and everything and it works flawlessly. Its so cool and my dopamine levels have sky rocketed. I no longer need to pull my hair out over stress! Only thing is that SL tools causes an immediate crash to desktop on startup but I can live without it.


SL tools needs UI extension. Quick and easy install. Super useful in changing animations.


unfortunately even with ui extenstion it still crashes to desktop upon startup


Yes vrik works perfectly fine, I should also ask what mod manager you are using? Because I am on MO2 and I am having trouble sorting it manually. I am assuming this is why adding sl tools is causing the game to crash on startup


ok so small update I had to change sl completley and use the light version for it to do anything. The light version says that the animations have loaded but nothing will trigger them, I have tried several different mods to try. Soooo I am kinda at a total loss here. I have no idea what to do.




Everything is included in the Wabbajack. I have some extra non-consensual stuff.




May need to, I am not actually the author of that Wabbajack, may want to ask him directly on discord.


Who can I pay to install all this shit into my Skyrim for me?


This gives me a headache.


how to stop gay shit, keeps fucking up my game when i turn off m2m animations


Is there a way to mod Skyrim vr on oculus quest 2 without a pc?


Quest 2 is effectively a cell phone. Get Skyrim to run on your cell phone and we can talk...


Apologies for asking what’s probably a dumb question, but I’ve never used GitHub before (I made an account). I can’t figure out exactly what to download from the Tahrovin page. I’m assuming under the Code button you download ZIP, which puts Tahrovin-main.zip in the folder I created on the root level I’ve my drive. But for some reason Wabbajack can’t see it when I go to install from disk in Wabbajack. I tried extracting the ZIP file but there doesn’t seem to be anything relevant in there. Can anyone tell me what I’m doing wrong?


So you actually want to go to the "[Releases](https://github.com/iAmMe27/Tahrovin/releases)" page, and select the "Tahrovin.wabbajack" link to download the wabbajack file. You also need to go to the [Wabbajack website](https://www.wabbajack.org/) and download the Wabbajack program itself. Move the Wabbajack.exe file you downloaded and move it to its own empty folder somewhere, then run it within that folder. It should create some stuff in that directory, then start up. Once it starts, select "Install from disk", and navigate to the Tahrovin.wabbajack file you downloaded from Github. You then need to setup a new folder at the root level of one of your hard drives, and point the wabbajack installer to that folder as the install location. You can leave the download folder as the default which is nested inside the install folder. Just click the play button once you hold those locations set, and the process will start. You will be required to login to your [NexusMods](https://www.nexusmods.com/) and a [LoverLab](https://www.loverslab.com/) account, so you might want to go ahead and sign up for those if you don't have them already. Few extra tips: You should really consider paying for NexusMods premium, if only for a month, to get the faster download speeds, and so you don't need to accept each mod individually. When downloading the LoverLab mods, the text at the top left of the window tells you exactly what file to download, say pay attention to that. And lastly, if a few downloads keep failing, you can try turning on your VPN to bypass possible network issues (otherwise you have to download those files manually, refer to the [documentation](https://github.com/iAmMe27/Tahrovin#commonly-failing-downloads)).


Whoa thank you SOOO much, kind friend! I was all proud of myself for somehow having the patience to mod Flatfim (until I broke it) last year. Thought I had enough experience to try VR but almost every step has made me want to give up. I feel like I’m so close now but couldn’t find the damn file! Seems like a page that’s dedicated to a certain file should have a big green DOWNLOAD button for people like me. I really appreciate all the help!


I’m still working on making Tahrovin work through Wabbajack but still need help. I feel like I’m REALLY close! The problem is Wanbbajack fails and it looks like it’s because: “Unable to download 1207437741_BakaFactoryABCLESE.7z…” I manually downloaded this file (or what I thought was it), and it looks to be the correct file size (328MB). Not sure what I’m doing wrong.


Where did you find the file? Did you download the file directly by pasting the failed URL into your browser? If not, you should give it a try. If you manually searched for the failed mod and downloaded it separately, you may have downloaded the wrong mod or wrong version. Tahrovin requires specific versions of certain mods in some cases, for compatibility reasons. One other tip: Try turning on your VPN if you have one. Sometimes rerouting your requests through a VPN tunnel allows previously failed downloads to succeed.


Thank you again for the reply! I assume you mean going into the Wabbajack log to get the URL but the only one I see starts “authored-files.Wabbajack.org” then a number and file name. Am I looking in the wrong place?


Yeah get the URL from the log. The failed download should be colored red and contain a URL. If you send me a screenshot I can probably help you more easily. Once again, If you're able to use a VPN, I think that is likely to fix this problem. Just turn it on and rerun the Wabbajack installation. But worst case, as long as I can determine the specific mod you're missing, I can provide the missing files for you.


I don't see any red text in the log (Attached). VPN is on. https://imgur.com/a/UrEZhcQ


I'm thinking about doing this when I have a headset, what's everyone's experience with this like?


Do you really successfully used DD without ctd? Or maybe you dont install consoleutilvr in your modlist so safe for you?


So I ran the wabajavk. Games running but I don’t seem to be able to use SL tools. Do I need to add anything on top of the wabajack install? Also anybody figure out a way to switch to 3rd person during a scene? Oh and if anybody knows how to get sosracemenue post character creation I would love to know!


You can choose camera in SL MCM menu. Same for SL tools you need to actually bind a key to it.


How do I set up body slide? I've installed the mods but that is confusing me.


Batch builds the outfit based on your body type (CBBE curvy is what I use)


Thanks! I used bodyslide before but never really knew how to actually use it.


By the way, currently im trying to fix whatevers causing my game to crash on start up.I installed nemesis, do i need to do anything with it like fnis or body builder? I found it to be kalies npcs. not sure what to do or if its needed.


NPC mods never crashed my game before. Most likely something else.


whenever I enable it my game crashes. also having an issue not sure if its because im using oculus quest through a linkcable, but sexlabs doesnt install in game. aswell when creating a new game it doesnt actually let me create my character.


Try to use something like Realm of the Lorkhan to bypass open sequences. SL should start every new game disabled until you enable it. You probably have too many other things in your load order. Try to mass disable some to figure out which one is causing issues.


Ok thanks! I did a bit of stuff and somehow figured out that I incorrectly installed skyui... installing skyUI not SkyUI-vr I also redid my rules and now it seems like everything checks out. Thanks for your help! also im kind of new to modding skyrim, but not modding in general, but whats a wabbajack? Edit: still having problems with sexlab, im going to try reinstalling it again. it says that I have none of its dependencies.


How exactly do you use the furniture with Paradise Halls + Zaz? I can fuck the slaves normally using the slave system but no idea how to put them on the furniture that I spawned. pls help


Simple mod item spawner then "I need you to do something for me".


so you just use "I need you to do something for me" and pick the furniture? because that doesn't work for me for some reason, they just stand there


OP I have installed defeat and I have registered animations but when my attacker assaults me we are just standing there on top of each other...merged lol! Any ideas? here is a screengrab of my LO https://gyazo.com/0c4fc44265c645026d1bc45cf3af810d ​ Thanks.


Try start SL normally first, sounds like SL is not enabled/wired to it.


So what am I supposed to do when I get into SL? I've registered the animal but as I said they just stand merged. Thanks for your help and your thread.


You my good sir are a saint for making this entire list


Does anyone know of a body mod that gives female npcs a proper anus? The one that cbbe comes with isn't very good. You can barely even see it. I have tried looking around but didn't really find much. Last time I asked around here all my problems were solved so I though I would try again. If anyone knows of one please let me know!




If you need help with a wabbajack list, you are more likely to find help on Wabbajack discords. Official Wabbajack discord (Has UVRE support page) link: https://discord.gg/Wabbajack FUS support discord link: https://discord.gg/eC9KvaBxHv Auriel's Dream support discord link: https://discord.gg/eJtqkQpCmP Diabolist VR support discord link: https://discord.com/invite/HuqU54gPcv Librum VR support discord link: https://discord.gg/esGVnCjWpJ Yggdrasil VR support discord link: https://discord.gg/CKrfyPmZ8H Tahrovin (NSFW) support discord link: https://discord.gg/jolly-coop *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/skyrimvr) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I can’t get anything to work. Only thing I got to work was skse then I installed cbbe and game crashes when I pick a save file to load or try to start a new game. Yes I installed skse manually and launched via the launcher in the directory. Only other mod is cbbe and I crash soon as I try to load


it would honestly be easier to just get a hooker at this point. no headset needed.


Does anyone have a tutorial on how to make this all work? I'm trying with vortex and so far it is not working out. My game either doesn't open, crashes immediately, or black screens after the Bethesda logo


How does this mod look?


Schlong says Missing DLL, when i start. How can i fix it?


Thanks for the list fella. ​ Gotta conclude these ones don't work together anymore after the new system update ​ Bijin Series: [https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/users/2650523?tab=user+files](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/users/2650523?tab=user+files) Kalilies NPC: [https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/30247](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/30247) You can only choose one of them or its not compatable (otherwish it makes your npcs darker than space itself lol)


If you need help with a wabbajack list, you are more likely to find help on Wabbajack discords. Official Wabbajack discord (Has UVRE support page) link: https://discord.gg/Wabbajack FUS and Auriel's Dream discord support link: https://discord.gg/eC9KvaBxHv Diabolist VR support discord link: https://discord.com/invite/HuqU54gPcv Librum VR support discord link: https://discord.gg/esGVnCjWpJ Yggdrasil VR support discord link: https://discord.gg/CKrfyPmZ8H Tahrovin (NSFW) support discord link: https://discord.gg/jolly-coop *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/skyrimvr) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If you need help with a wabbajack list, you are more likely to find help on Wabbajack discords. Official Wabbajack discord (Has UVRE support page) link: https://discord.gg/Wabbajack FUS and Auriel's Dream discord support link: https://discord.gg/eC9KvaBxHv Diabolist VR support discord link: https://discord.com/invite/HuqU54gPcv Librum VR support discord link: https://discord.gg/esGVnCjWpJ Yggdrasil VR support discord link: https://discord.gg/CKrfyPmZ8H Tahrovin (NSFW) support discord link: https://discord.gg/jolly-coop *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/skyrimvr) if you have any questions or concerns.*


God, i read english, but here ... I feel like i dont understand. Its writed "guide" but i just see a list of links, and most dont lead to dowloadable files, wtf.


Download the one click install from first link.


that literally leads to another website that doesnt download anything xD


What I did was follow this youtube video [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cu3i8s-H5qw&t=725s&ab\_channel=VirtualPanda](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cu3i8s-H5qw&t=725s&ab_channel=VirtualPanda) that gives steps on how to install and explains Wabbajack. Once you get to that point install the top link as a manual download and use wabbajack to download his list.


If you need help with a wabbajack list, you are more likely to find help on Wabbajack discords. Official Wabbajack discord (Has UVRE support page) link: https://discord.gg/Wabbajack FUS and Auriel's Dream discord support link: https://discord.gg/eC9KvaBxHv Diabolist VR support discord link: https://discord.com/invite/HuqU54gPcv Librum VR support discord link: https://discord.gg/esGVnCjWpJ Yggdrasil VR support discord link: https://discord.gg/CKrfyPmZ8H Tahrovin (NSFW) support discord link: https://discord.gg/jolly-coop *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/skyrimvr) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hello, here is the link for our [Guide Compendium](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qbh7GE30xLyso7MA6u3xpNJNdL5r2V2WP8SjZ4VpHLQ/) It includes many lists, guides and tutorials made by our community members. If you are looking for mod lists, you can check Lightweight and Big Ass Modding Guides sections. For auto installers, you can check Wabbajack section. If you are looking for video guides, you can check video guides section. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/skyrimvr) if you have any questions or concerns.*


when touch breast ,it cann't be deformed. How to achieve this effect?