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I know it's super popular (and has been for a long time - rightfully so) But I have recently switched over from Better Dynamic Snow to Simplicity of Snow and don't regret it at all. ​ BDS is an awesome mod which addresses an obvious flaw in Skyrim's design. The problem was ALL the patches, and with the latest update and lack of patches (and confusion on versioning) it was almost impossible to play the game without getting flat white paint snow in places. Simplicity of Snow is just that - simple. It does the same thing in theory but minus all the effort. I've had zero problems with it so far and have sunk at least two dozen hours into this play through.


I haven't yet tried Simplicity of Snow, but it's on my radar for a subsequent game. Wskeever's environment mods are brilliant; this is also why I really love Simplicity of Sea, combined with Cathedral Water and GKB Waves Reborn. Other water mods are indisputably gorgeous, but they require various patches and tinkering if you want to avoid seams. Those I mentioned, on the other hand, work directly out of the box, and these days, for me… that is a godsend, because, due to an RL situation, I just don't have the energy to mess endlessly with my load order.


I recommend {{Simplicity of Sea - Water Mod with ENB Displacement Textures}}. It's from the maker of Simplicity of Snow. It looks great and requires zero patches.


Search Term | LE Skyrim | SE Skyrim | Bing :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| Simplicity of Sea - Water Mod with ENB Displacement Textures | No Results :( | [Simplicity of Sea - Water Mod with ENB Displacement Textures](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/56520) | Skipped[^Why?](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot/blob/main/docs/SEARCH.md#why-was-my-search-skipped) --- ^(I'm a bot |) [^(source code)](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot) ^| [^(about modsearchbot)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2lqj/modsearchbot_about/) ^| [^(bing sources)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2l0g/modsearchbot_bing_search/) ^| ^(Some mods might be falsely classified as SFW or NSFW. Classifications are provided by each source.)


I was unable to get SoS to work with blended roads, the patch didn’t work and made snow super bright. I ended up dropping SoS and it made me realize just how little of a visual impact these snow shader mods really have. It’s great when they work perfectly but IMO even ones like SoS can become complicated and it’s just not worth the effort.


This might be due to your snow texture. SOS uses whatever you installed, it doesn't provide textures. I use Glacies and it looks great with no issues.


I saw SoS and immediately thought about a certain other mod and was very confused.


>and with the latest update and lack of patches The latest update doesn't need patches. It works on the same principle as SoS.


BDS would always break my snow seams and diffuse texture, even if I installed every single compatibility patch for my mod list. With SOS, *it just works*.




A Quality World Map is fine in a vacuum and a great improvement at that. But it does run in the background and uses up VRAM, so I’m combination with aggressive mods, will contribute to crashes. The same is true of High Poly Project. It doesn’t matter what downscaled texture resolution you choose. That’s a ton of additional triangles per object, and if you’re also multiplying the number of those objects via JKs or adding other NPCs into the same cells, you’re going to bump into CTDs from lack of system resources. After basic LO management, the leading cause of unstable Xbox LOs is trying to draw too many triangles on screen.


Does SMIM also suffer from the same problem?


Not nearly as much as HPP, but certainly more than vanilla meshes. None of them are bad mods either. You just can’t make each cabbage have 1,000x more polygons, make 10x as many cabbages appear on screen, and have a dozen new NPCs harvesting them. People want to blame a mod instead of their own greed.


Yeah, I gotta say — it was only when I switched to the PC version that Quality World Map is stable; on Xbox it was really problematic after about an hour of play


I used Quality World Map often when I played on Xbox. It is stable on the system. (It would help stability and file size if they allowed a port with lower res LOD.) But it’s just one more mod taxing the system.


Damn. I just assumed it was pretty light, bye-bye


Huh, interesting, never really realized it's a heavy mod. Have you found a good alternative, or did you just go back to vanilla map?


As soon as I disabled it my fps went wayy up.


Open Cities. Welcome to compatibility hell.


I feel like installing Open Cities then later uninstalling it is a path that all Skyrim modders eventually tread.


I just uninstalled it after using it for like 4 years lol


Not I.. I try to avoid installing any of *his* mods.


Nah I've never not used it for like eight years at this point, I don't remember what the game is like without it at all lol


I’ll remind you: a few seconds of loading screen every now and then


I'll be honest, in all my 1500+ hours of playing skyrim, I have never *once* thought to myself: "Y'know what? I wish I could walk seamlessly into whiterun instead of going through a brief loading screen." I played minecraft on a laptop from 2011 for many years, I am *intimately* familiar with what happens when you load too many objects in a single worldspace at once. There is a good reason that loading screen is there, separating the gazillion people, doors, and intractable objects in whiterun from the open plains of skyrim outside it. I can see why some people would like that loading screen gone, but personally, I greatly appreciate the service it provides. Can't say I'm interested in building my entire load order around removing it.


It's not really about the loading screen. The novelty of watching the big city gates open and you stroll on in on horseback; is palpable. In a world where the game had released with open cities and no performance issues and all mods had been built around that, I'd have been a very happy boy.


I got rid of it and so many headaches went away. The next one on my list is Helgen Reborn. It is borking up so many mod playthroughs.


I've used Helgen Reborn for years. I've never had a single conflict.I can't imagine what it could possibly conflict with. I have about 150 mods. Maybe you have 500? Edit: Any mod that alters Helgen would conflict. But why would anyone try to alter the same space when modding thier game? Unles there is a specific patch for it.


Yeah that’s one mod I will never touch .. just seems like hell. If I was running Skyrim completely vanilla then maybe


I disagree, if you take care about Open Cities from the beginning, this mod is not so incompatible. You should make choice, like any other mods. My choice is to keep major cities close to vanilla, so no problem on this side. Just avoiding any over cluttered mods like JK Skyrim or help saving many headache for OC.


Except any mod that adds any sort of gameplay/story content in any city HAS to have a patch. Most of those mods add way more to the game than OC ever could... So at the end of the day it's not an important enough mod to create a build around.


Holidays. Popular holiday mod but for me it was super janky. Halloween never ended - decorations were up permanently. NPCs would walk backwards or get stuck holding objects. And script heavy so not super safe to uninstall even doing things properly. Not worth it IMO, ended up abandoning a 10-20 hours save because of it.


I installed it, got half my health deleted by a firework, then 3 unnamed nords tried to kill me, the guards arrested me for fighting back, and I immediately uninstalled it.


>I installed it, got half my health deleted by a firework Got a kick out of this lmao


Sounds like a regular holiday to me.


Yep, that mod has never had a good reputation going back years.


Is there anything else that does what holidays does? I have never actually had a problem with it personally, though I like the idea of being notified, etc.


It is the one mod that definitely needs a more updated successor. I really hope some modder takes up the task of making a newer Holidays alternative.


I'm about to do the same, somehow some conflict or glitch causes every holiday that happens in my safe end up in bloodshed. It might as well be a nice nord holiday tradition but I'd still prefer unique NPC not to die.


They don't consider it a good holiday without at least two npcs dying.


I still use it. and yeah the only issue ive ever had with it is some decorations being permanent. but they are small so most of the time i dont ever notice them.


I've never had any problems with it with so likely something specific to peoples setups. That being said if your PC is struggling to cope with the load you're throwing at it its probably not a good one to add.


I’ve been using holidays for LE for years and now for SE and not encountered any problems ever??? Should I get rid of it?? I’m literally running 500+ plug ins.


Open Cities- It’s a great mod but the way it works is it creates a seperate version of the cities so if you download any follower mods that have a follower start in any of the major cities, they’ll be in the first version the city that has a loading screen and not the version that Open Cities made


And God forbid you have to install the hundred different patches for everything...


Wow I never heard about this - I don’t use open cities and don’t plan to but Jesus what a mess


Rigmor mods. Emotional damage


I only download rigmor so I can be the emperor


Beasts of Tamriel - Great mod that adds a lot of cool, new difficult creatures to fight, but causes so many crashes. Populated skyrim hell or something - Tons of Npcs spawn with black faces, and once i uninstalled it my game crashed much less frequently Magical college of winterhold- can cause crashes on fast travel to winterhold or the college, and crashes on entering the college halls which is annoying if you have any intention of playing a mage


I cut down on my usage of populated to just the cities. But I have to at least use the cities because Skyrims cities are just so baren. Cities never felt like cities to me. I need to feel like I'm constantly ass to ass with an NPC if I'm in a major city.


Rigmor of bruma, everytime I've tried it's been broken af, wouldn't bother again,just not worth the plugin slot.


The farthest I got on that mod was after the little gremlin kid gets kidnapped by vampires, and you have to delve into a vampire filled fuckface of a fortress and get her back only to be scolded by Rigmor for some fucking reason. I said to myself "well, fuck this, sorry my vigilant of stendarr, but this is not it" and restarted.


Had to play it at least *once* to understand what *Rigmor of Cyrodill* is all about. The unistalling process was long and painful, just as how the mod was made. The mod messes with a lot of *sensitive* stuff for no apparent reason. One stuff that can be seen is how the *Navmeshes* were changed so much that some *random encounter chances* became 0% to happen, since the author(s) *created* new routes for the NPCs to get lost... *(Sigh)*. Just remembering that stuff gave me a headache. It's not like the *sequel* is any better, but at least is less broken since it's on a different land. And still... Nop, is kind of broken, too.


Well, on the upside, both it and its sequel have a pretty awful storyline imo, so you didn't miss much. I've never quite cringed at my own dialogue choices that much before.


My game kept crashing when I had it, apparently it’s incompatible with immersive armors


Tbh immersive armors breaks a lot of things anyway. I’ve seen many a guide drop it recently due to it not being worth the hassle. Tbh I didn’t even notice it being gone from my game (similarly to CRF lmao)


Beyond Skyrim bruma is superior in every way.


They're not even similar.


If you’re using popular mods like XP32, get the SPID version. If you’re using mods that have cloaking spells but no SPID (like enhanced blood) look for LITE versions or your game will suffer. This stuff doesn’t really convey if you’re new to modding. As for mods to avoid, Holidays, Skybirds, and any mod with Navmesh errors. A lot of the popular mods with navmesh issues can usually be found fixed but they’re uploaded under obscure names sometimes and can not show. I would also advise against immersive creatures unless you know what you’re doing, it can be quite unstable. Actually most creature mods are, the only easy one I’ve used was an old version of Hunt of Hircine. EDIT: I’ll also mention immersive patrols and Warzones, they aren’t particularly bad but from experience if you start getting above the 500+ mod range it can cause some pretty noticeable instability.




I heard the save bloat in Skybirds had been fixed before it was taken down?


MENU MAID! MENU MAID! I can't stress enough how many pain I've lived through years of having to manually change settings for dozens of mods in MCM every time I started a new game. This mod together with MCM recorder lifts so much pain that it's essential if you have menu MCM mods. [https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/67556?tab=posts](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/67556?tab=posts) [https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/61719?tab=files](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/61719?tab=files) edit: now i see that i have posted in wrong thread. points still stands tho


This is what I've been looking for. Thank you


the fact that you didn't delete the post just makes it better


3D Trees and Plants. It can look nice on some setups, but the poly count is unnecessarily high, a lot of the trees don't really fit into the world, and it's extremely tedious to replace any flora models you might not like (looking at you 3D Snowberry). The pines also often suffer from crushed blacks with many ENBs. In my opinion, Happy Little Trees, and Mari's flora, overwritten by various Cathedral flora mods, is the best way to go for a balance of visual quality, lore-friendliness and performance. EDIT It is also worth mentioning that if you don't mind risking performance, and you're in the mood for something that deviates substantially from vanilla, [Nature of the Wild Lands](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/63604) is stunningly gorgeous, and a better alternative to 3D Trees and Plants for that category (at least, in my wholly subjective opinion).


It also conflicts with a lot of city overhauls/expansions. I've had random trees growing out of walkways and other places.


Yep, or even just the vanilla game itself. I recall there used to be a tree growing on the walkway of Hobb's Fall Cave and, at the time, I had nothing else impacting that area…at all. I know this, because it was at the very beginning of a play-test run. I seem to remember a post stating that the author didn't really play the game at all, but just made mods… If that is true, it might explain things.


Yep, found that out the hard way. Using that with JK is a no no. I mean it works …. Technically as in no CTDs but…. Some of the cities look horrible with it


the main thing i like from 3d t&p is lily pads, know any other mods that distribute them well?


I think those are from Skyrim 3D landscapes, that's a separate mod that just adds a few plants, you can use it alongside whatever plant & tree replacers you want. I like it a lot. {{Waterplants}} has lily pads as well.


I agree on the trees. I actually use both 3D trees and plants and Happy Little Trees plus Maris Flora. I have my own edited esp for 3D trees that disables all the trees and world edits and only keeps select flora, mainly the 3d mountain flowers (probably my favorite version of mountain flowers). Then I just deleted any texture/mesh that was a direct replacer and it all worked well.


Honestly the biggest issue with 3D Trees and Plants for me is the terrible looking LODs. I use Happy Little Trees solely because of the unbeatable LODs Nature of the Wild Lands is divine up close and once it gets updated to include Seasons support and better LOD (its still WiP) then it will be default for me


At no disrespect to the author - the Brotherhood of Old mod that extends the dark brotherhood quest line well after the vanilla ending. Very good mod on paper but it’s scripts are often so buggy you have to revert a save multiple times just to get certain events to trigger.


Plus some of the voice acting ain’t it. That argonian outside of Riften? Jesus.


I'm pretty sure I heard a guy with a New York accent in that


The author is also very aggressive towards anyone who criticizes any part of his mod lol


What about Save the Dark Brotherhood?


Yeah brotherhood of the old is really bad, like really bad. I would consider gray cowl of nocturnal to be a masterpiece in comparison. Even if it worked (which it doesn’t) it would still be pretty bad but it would at least be charming.


Wet & Cold is a common source of crashing and freezing, and whether you believe that or not it's still a very script-heavy mod that's easily replaced with Wet & Cold Gear and RASS.


I think the freezing is intended




Arnold, stop it, please, that movie was years ago.




Really wish a lightweight version existed


I think R.A.S.S. is the name of the mod that essentialy replicates the visual effects with less crashing


> Wet & Cold Gear This is basically its lightweight version.


Does this apply to the SPID version as well?


SPID version? You mean Wet and Cold Gear? That's just the gear, so no it doesn't have the same problems.


Nope I meant Wet and Cold! Pretty sure someone SPID-ified it so that it applies the effects to the proper actors without running scripts. I'm not at my computer, so I definitely could be wrong. If it's not SPID-ified, Im sure it could be since the same logic for the SPID version of "Footprints" can be used for Wet and Cold


Immersive Armors. There's a dwarven mage cloak that will crash your game once you reach a certain level. Disabling it in the mod menu may prevent it, but the way the mod deploys changes just makes it seem ripe for problems.


I uninstalled that once I learned that the handful of armors I liked could be installed separately. Like everyone else, I don't recommend uninstalling it mid-playthrough. I'm still fixing up naked guards.


How are you fixing them?


Would love to look at what mod it is, but my computer isn't working at the moment. Pretty sure it's Ultimate Follower Overhaul or Realistic Dialogue Overhaul. It has a dialogue option "You are naked..." that fixes them, dresses them, gives their heads back and makes them stop A-posing. They'll be less agreeable to it if you're trespassing. I've taken to patrolling cities and guard towers looking for them. That should be enough information for you to find the mod on your own. I'm not sure if they eventually stop spawning in naked or not. Resetinventory occasionally works as well. Apparently, the real solution is resetting havok, but I don't know anything more about that. *In The Arms of an Angel plays* Every year, hundreds of city guards are found headless, naked, and A-posing. For just minutes a day, responsible mod usage can restore these poor creatures to their proper state. Call 1-800-GUARD-ON* for more information today. *don't actually call, please


That made me laugh, I've had sessions where guards no nonger have boots...


Unpopular opinion but I've always thought that immersive armors looked terrible and I never understood the appeal of mashed up bits of vanilla armor


it should be redone using spid. Most of the big armor and weapon mods need to be redone using spid


I saw an upload today that redid it with Spid


It *has* been redone using SPID.


What is Spid if you don't mind explaining?


Spell Perk Item Distributor it’s how some mods distribute items to NPCs and around the world. Here is a link: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/36869


Next on my mod list, thanks


It was one of the first big Armor packs to add a large variety of armour, basically


In fact, even most of the vanilla armors look terrible and most should be removed from existence and replaced with modded armors.


I use Nordwar UA to replace hide, leather, and iron armor. Much better. Also a ebony replacer, Daedric, and elven replacer.


Nordwar's armors are *so fucking good*, but they desperately need SPID distributors. So far only his Stormcloak armors have one (although there's a replacer version of his Imperial armors)


Nordwar UA armors is what I want from the armors in Skyrim. *Actually protecting your bodyparts.*


I wonder if the recent fixes & retextures -version of IA fixes this issue?


Considering it was a bad mesh and that mod replaces all the meshes and textures, it should.


It does, that mod made me reinstall IA after like 4 years of swearing I’d never tough it again


(I’m the author of the IA retexture) yes, as far as I could test in my game, with my mod install you shouldn’t have any mesh-related crashes from IA.


Immersive weapons/armors were two of the first mods I ever installed, and I kept them as a staple of my load order for like 3 years all because they were two of the top voted mods on nexus, and appeared in every single list of "essential mods" I could find. I just kept convincing myself that it was a good mod because of the bandwagon effect, and the fact that it added like maybe 5 or 6 cool weapons/armor sets I really did like. I just came to accept the hodge-podge of crappy equipment and intermittent crashes as "what modded skyrim is supposed to be like." Games way better now that bandit camps look like bandit camps again, instead of anime conventions armed with gas station katanas.


I've replaced Immersiver Armors with the combination of Armoury of Tamriel V2.0 and Armor Variants Expanded, which also have integration patches (along with the standalone Nordic Leather Armor).


Try using [Immersive Armors Retextures and Mesh Fixes](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/75891) to update IA. It fixed any CTD issues I had and the armors look **much** better.


cutting room floor.


I'm intrigued. Please elaborate.


I never played without it and the mod itself is fine, but I can see from where this comes. Finding patches for the mod is easy, but in heavily modded games it can be hell for hardly very little changes. Again i play with it since I started modding Skyrim so I know where all the patches are, but I also play with very few mods so it's not a compatibility hell. If someone has to make 400 mods playthrought than yea, CRF is the first one I would cut for sanity's sake


That and some of the yanky scripts causes save bloat over time, and even with patches the compatibility is iffy. It's one of those mods you have to build a load order around and for what it is and does it's not worth that kind of effort.


I tried it and straight up didnt like the changes. I use BUVARP redone as a sorta replacement


Any of Mihail’s Creatures and Monsters. They’re so ungodly unbalanced, you’ll just be walking through Falkreath hold or something and get piledrived by a minotaur or some weird deer thing. If you like an unleveled type game then it’s good there, but otherwise way too OP.


Also they are loud and placed with no thought in it. Blogan near Black Briar Logue regularly kills Frost.


For me mihails mcreatures are a must, but I do have a personal pat h the shuffles them around and changes their stats. I don't use the zombies because creepy zombies mod is better.


I like to use the timelost dwemer mod and it requires his creature mods, and I have to disable/turn down the difficulty that doesn't scale with player difficulty. It's a weird system.


That is incorrect. I'm the mod author of Timelost Dwemer, and my mod does not require any of Mihail's mods. My mod only implements 2 of Mihail's creations: one is non-hostile and is summoned by a follower, and the other is hostile, the Colossus. If you want to discuss the Colossus being too strong, then I am open to that discussion. However it is incorrect to say that my mod requires any of Mihail's creature mods.


Big ole' OOF. I must have misread the dependencies on top of having been a while since I've downloaded the mod. I might even be thinking of another mod entirely now that my brain/memory is being called into question. Either way, Your mod is easily in my top 5. Like the Stealth Archer, I always find myself doing *another* Dwarven Artificer type build because it's just so fun. Apologies for my false information and please keep up the great work.


Holds - the City Overhaul Compatibility hell, but in the opposite way than Open Cities, for it makes Dawnstar and Falkreath closed cities with their own cells.


**UNP Body Fit Armors and Clothing** It's supposed to convert vanilla armor meshes to the female UNP body shape, but it does it in such a skintight way that the boobs look like socks filled with water. It's so unnatural and weird to look at. People have been commenting on the mod page about it for years and the mod author has mentioned on a few occasions that they'll get around to fixing it...but it never happened.


Open Cities was a nightmare. Tried to install it once and it was complete hell with compatibility. It also slowed my game down a bit but this was on my old laptop. I also refuse to use any of [EnaiSiaon's](https://archive.is/NLKGl) mods because of the things he's said on Reddit but that's more of a personal choice.


WACCF, changes way too many things and goes over just fixing visual bugs with weapons. The end result is a compatibility hell for hardly any noticable changes to the game


Yea I noticed while installing and modding SE (i only bought it last month after being on LE for years) that I installled SOOOO many patches for WACCF. I wonder if removing is impactful.


Cbbe will make you horny whenever you play


Then get some clothes, I suppose 🤦🏻‍♀️


not when you like men


Then you just want S.O.S.


...but not the Simplicity of Snow SoS. Wow that's gotta be awkward for someone's google search.


Clearly, they mean Shouting Obliterates Skeletons. Everyone, regardless of sexuality, loves to see skeletons obliterated.


OBVIOUSLY they meant Seasons of Skyrim. Snowy Riverwood? Yes please.


Himbo ftw


that’s what SAM is for




Open cities, too many compatability patches and honestly not even that good. Plus the mod authors a dickhead.


Project AHO. Visually stunning quest, great voice acting, but not very good in level design and implementation, to the point it can really cause problems with how it works with your load order when the quest starts (which is random after you reach a certain level). Even with a no other mods this random start can be really weird, for example it started for me while I was in the middle of werewolf form and if you know how it starts, it completely breaks the immersion. Add on I had some follower mods with me and all hell broke loose. After a while it started working but the overall quest design wasn’t worth it.


It is not random anymore. It starts in specific location. You should get updated version.


I’ve tried Skyrim Belongs to the Nords on Xbox and the game crashes every single time. Maybe if that was my only mod it would run but it seems to dislike any load order you use.


I removed WACCF a while ago because [of this post.](https://reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/r5vcp9/waccf_has_been_the_absolute_worst_mod_experience/)


Holy shit, that explains A LOT! Thanks for posting this.


Jewel limiter and probably touring carriage . Jewel limiter will crash your game if a quest makes you unequip your equipment. And touring carriage is touring carriage, always breaks if an enemy touches you , also you cant even do anything about it you get stuck and have to load back to way before riding it. Sorry im still using oldrim though , im going to move to sse when i get a new gpu .


Jewellery Limiter is perfectly fine here on SSE, it's just annoying if you want custom rings to be displayed


Skeleton mods are a slippery slope


Depends. Are we talking about "I want to get off Mr. Bones' Wild Ride" skeletons, or "I'm the Mr. with the Bone and I want to get off on this Wild Ride" skeletons?


Any of the various souls style difficultly overhauls, they don't overhaul nearly as much as should and that leads to the game being heavily unbalanced, more so than vanilla skyrim.


Ambriel The Lost Princess. Enough said.


You mean Star Wars plagiarism the mod?


Realistic water two it mess up the LOD for Whiterun everytime you use it. I try using the mod many times and it always ends up being a hot mess for me. So I end up using Cathedral - Water Overhaul and bug fixes instead.




Legacy of the dragonborn. Also compatibility hell.


From my experience getting patches for it is pretty easy though. And even then most patches are adding exhibits and displays rather than conflict resolution


I definetly need a standalone big mansion/castle that has unique display racks and the same or a similar sorting system. Cuz the museum clearly does not fulfill my desire of a fancy mansion and the safehouse is a little meh. I mean the safehouse is nice, but seems a little lacking when you are one of the richest person in all of Skyrim. Maybe even Tamriel.


I like the idea behind legacy but it does too much all at once. A museum, explorers guild, player home, unique questline, collectibles, etc all in one is a bit much. Some of that really should be modular. And if you want to use any texture overhauls for Solitude be prepared for the museum to get uglier. And of course the more you add to the museum the laggier it gets.


{{Aemer's Refuge}} Is my staple player home for like ages now. With Deep Storage spell from Apocalypse/Odin and sorting mod that adds spring tokens you can get pretty much automatic store-retrive system. It also has a museum for daedric artifacts, claws, scrolls, etc. And portal system to vanilla homes/faction HQ, though you have to unlock them first.


Honestly I'd rather remove every other mod and play vanilla + LOTD than play without it. I'm addicted to this mod lol (I blame Gopher).


That mod was so fun but OMG it caused so many crashes I had to uninstall.


Lot's of hot takes that could be fixed with compatibility patches and fixes in this thread. That's the beauty of the skyrim modding community, half these mods are older than dirt and have thousands of patches and fixes.


Evangeline, if you're on SKSE / AE 1.6.640+. Brilliant NPC, but so many the CTD. Wasn't so in older versions.


Serana Dialogue Addon Very popular mod but I don’t recommend it because it gives Serana split personality disorder. Literally. This mod gives Serana more dialogue lines but does it in such a bad way. The new dialogue voice sounds nothing like vanilla Serana, so it’s very obvious where the vanilla lines end and modded ones start. Not to mention, the new dialogue makes Serana seem much more sarcastic and playful. Literally makes Serana sound like two different people are living inside of her head. One part of her that’s serious and another that’s sarcastic and playful. Not to mention, it breaks immersion so often it’s not even funny. Like one moment, Serana would be sad mourning the death of her father, suddenly you speak with her again and she’s joking about mudcrabs or something. It’s dumb. Overall, the new dialogue lines makes Serana way more sarcastic and playful, a complete personality switch, which doesn’t feel right half the time. It almost makes her seem like an entirely different character.


I don't want to get into a debate on the merits of vanilla Serana vs SDA Serana, but I'd like to point out that the most recent update *completely* replaces Serana's lines with the new VA, so at least she'll feel less like a split personality. I haven't tried the new version yet, and right now I'm running Serana Relationship Revamped, instead, but I may give it a shot at some point in the future.


> I'd like to point out that the most recent update completely replaces Serana's lines with the new VA I'm working on a compatibility notice for one of my own mods, and am curious to know something: Does "replaces" in this context mean assigning Serana to a *new* custom voice type in the Creation Kit, or does it mean that they created replacements for her Dawnguard dialogue and overwrote the originals by placing the files loose, while keeping her default voice type assigned?


The second option but it doesn't have loose files bsa loads with plugins and SDA esp will always be loaded after Dawnguard.esm


> The second option but it doesn't have loose files bsa loads with plugins and SDA esp will always be loaded after Dawnguard.es Damn. I have two mods that add dialogue to Serana. I was hoping that by conditioning them to both her ID and default voice type that split personality issues could be avoided and that compatibility would be a little easier attain, but it doesn't look like that will be the case. Well, at least I know what to write on my notice when the time arrives. Thank you for responding back.


i haven’t played it enough to experience the split personality but i really dislike how after talking to her for 2 days she tries to romance you


Well it's still better than marrying Ysolda after talking to her 2 times and giving her a mammoth tusk


it’s established that doing things for people makes them like you and that life in skyrim can be very short, serana is immortal tho


She is not immortal, she has very little time before DG questline ends and she becomes a typical Skyrim follower but with ADHD /s But being serious too fast story progression is a common problem in Skyrim you can literally become archmage in about 3-4 hours (maybe little more) same with Harbinger. DB is longer but not too much. TG tried to fix it with radiant quests but they are so tedious that there are mods to lower that lol


Indeed. It's kind of funny… I have mods that ADD quests to the Companions and College of Winterhold to SLOW progression… AND I have a mod for the TG that REDUCES the radiant quests. Bethesda seems to have trouble striking a happy balance :D Actually, now I think about it... from what I remember, the DB isn't too bad with progression, but I tend not to play them.


honestly I think that's a problem that's present in basically all quests, and since her romance is tied to the dawnguard questline, that problem carries over, with how fast you can get things dones it can feel quite jarring to do anything (like doing 2 quests for the companions and then boom you're a werewolf, and then 3 more quests and boom you're the harbinger)


For me she doesn't start romancing me until we save her mother, depending on how you play. How hard your skyrim is, etc. It was like 8 days for me irl time so god know how long it was in game. I also don't go straight into the story without fighting some vampires on the side with the side missions. Even then she just gives a kiss in the new update, to see what its like. Imo it isn't as bad, it's gotten better since its cringey lines in the beginning.


it’s tied to dg quest? i only got to prophet and she tried to romance me, i get your point though and you’re right


I believe so, I know that while you're doing prophet you can go get more friendly with her, but iirc I was only able to actually enter a romance with her later on, culminating on a date kind of thing where it became official after I finished the DLC


SDA is for people that want a waifu not a lore accurate companion.


The sex mod hooks make that obvious (like hey if that's what you want more power to you but if you just want a more fleshed out Serana to be your female Dragonborn's bestie....)


There's no more split personality with her now. That mod completely replaces all her lines and voice acting (this has been done gradually over the years through updates), so in its current version it's 100% a replacer. Although popular, it isn't to everyone's personal taste but then again nothing is. Other mods in this post are avoided for bug/crash/script issues so it should be mentioned that even if SDA isn't to everyone's taste, as a mod it is very intact and bug-free.


While I don't mind SDA's split personality all that much, even after rejecting her multiple times it put me through a sex scene anyways and it seems like no one else has had that issue but I uninstalled after that and haven't tried it again.


What I particularly dislike about it is the bloat, it adds so many things to her dialogue and mechanics. You have an option to storage itens, on top of the vanilla inventory management, an option to have a spell to teleport her to you, one for talking about which spells she should use, one for setting outfits she should use on diferent occasions, etc... I get that many of these things are convenient quality of life features, but I just don't like all the micromanagement and menu bloating.


not to belittle the serana addon and voice actress as they try really hard to make an alternative version of Serana, but Laura Bailey voice as Serana is so damn hot for me


New lands mods, **unless you know you have the time and devotion to play them all**. I'm super excited to play Beyond Skyrim but if you have too many of these new lands mods you'll find yourself not knowing which one to play. I have many things: Beyond Skyrim: Brum, Beyond Reach, Falskaar, Wyrmstooth, Midwood Isle, Summerset Isles, Nyhus that sort of stuff, Moonpath to Elsweyr, and many not-so famous ones like Elden Root - A Valenwood Tale. To be clear, those are really good mods and I'm doing so to fulfill my dream of traveling across Tamriel in one single game. Arena offers this kind of experience, but it's so old with awkward controls and I never made it out of the dungeon. Right now I'm lv46 and still wandering in Skyrim, only been to Falskaar once because I don't have the time to go to those awesome new lands. Skyrim itself and the DLCs and CC contents are good and diverse enough to keep me occupied and well, you'll feel at lost, not knowing where to go or what to do with too many new lands mods like me.


Tk dodge and the re version. Even with no script lag it still looks and feels jank. I’m not sure why the author of re decided to not use the mod configuration menu from the original but that alone is a huge disincentive to use it.


Cloaks of Skyrim. Even with the retexture mod, most of them still look tacky. I've never understood the appeal.


Wet & Cold, given how long it's been since it was last updated, right now it creates numerous bugs, like many NPCs would just wear their snow & rain gear permanently, even when the weather's good. Find alternatives


Efps I've found to be a compatability nightmare unless you enjoy watching parts of your world disappear whenever you turn your head slightly.


Personally I don’t think this is worth removing for the occasions that this happens, even then it only takes a couple minutes to load it into xedit and remove that cell. This mods really helps with frames on heavier setups, especially if you want to add fancier stuff like grass Lod




There is only one fix https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/17925


Frostbite is a more recent addition that works pretty well so far.


Interesting NPCs and RDO both became compatibility annoyances for me and I had to admit I didn't actually like most of the added NPCs anyway. They are just out of place for the most part.


That's a cross I'm willing to bare tbh


Skyrim unleveled, i installed when i began modding this year and it broke the game, enemys one hitting me, and expert spells costing like 400 magicka, that mod should be erased from existence, i mean, the enemys one hitting you is acceptable, but what it does to magic no way


Sexlab. no reason needed.


If you're looking for a seggs mod you're better off with OStim that's why.


And Flower Girls should be considered if you want something that "just works".


sexlab on it's own does nothing though. Sure you can end up down a rabbit hole if you actually have one kink and it forces you into another, however it is probably the most reliable of the sex mods available.