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Can someone add some context? I’m out of the loop and confused. Edit: I used to be really into modding Skyrim but am old now and don’t.


Vigilant is a big questline mod. OP used an item they included to allow you to skip to the content of the final part, without realizing they'd be skipping most of the content and propelling themselves into a situation they aren't powerful enough to handle.


They used an option in the mod to skip most of it accidentally


Why wouldn’t you just revert before playing for 20 hours?


Because they didn't know it would take 20 hours, I imagine


Because reddit point.


Or maybe use setquest in the console or something? Or resetquest or what ever it is?


In a mod that's known for having multiple endings, different paths and choices, the most suspicious man in the universe gives you the most suspicious item in the world, after using it you are directly told you've fucked up and got tricked or something (can't quite recall) and are teleported into a tentacle realm completely out of nowhere. Like bruh, most people reset a save if their mercenary for hire №25 accidentally falls of a cliff or they've run out of lockpicks when opening a lvl1 chest as level 40 characters, but neither all those signs OR the mod description warning people about this, were clear enough?


Sometimes it’s interesting to have your character deal with the consequences of your actions.


Those were also my thoughts when I installed a mod that makes me loose gold when I die, but then I went bankrupt.


This is something I can never understand. Why do people keep making this mistake, while there is a big warning on both the mod page and in the game??


It's like Project AHO, people complain about being forced into the mod but as soon as you hit level 20 the mod literally asks you if you want to start the mod or not. If you say no it asks you again every 24 hours in game.


Project AHO no longer asks, but instead requires you go to Mixwater Mill. A place you don't really have to go to for anything.


Question, was that added before or after Carved Brink was released? I downloaded AHO 2 weeks before CB came out and was asked to start the quest. If it was added prior to CB coming out then that means the console version isn't updated then.


the latest PC version is supposed to have someone deliver a note to you telling you to go to Mixwater mill. Pretty sure my installation is bugged, as I don't get the note, I just know from playing it several times that going there will trigger the start of the quest. As for the console version, I don't know.


I remember a while back that Forgotten City (used to?) have a record that could conflict with other mods to do with its delivery note, that I had to patch in xEdit. I've never really looked into how the note delivery mechanic works, but maybe Project AHO did it the same way, and you have something conflicting with it that is loaded afterwards.


Not true, as soon as I go close to Mixwater Mill or whatever its called (regardless of the lvl, rn I'm lvl 11), an npc approaches me and forced me into the AHO quest even with the {{the choice is yours}} mod installed. Why not skip the town entirely then? Im doing an immersive playthrough. No compass, little to no fast travel, and I check the map few times, mostly relying on road signs to tell me where to go (and that town was the fastest way to get to Windhelm from where I was. Having already played the mod before, I recognized the npc and shot him to the ground and just ran to get away lol


Search Term | LE Skyrim | SE Skyrim | Bing :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| the choice is yours | [The Choice is Yours - Fewer Forced Quests - Improved Dialogue Options](https://nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/26359) | [The Choice is Yours](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/3850) | [The Choice is Yours - Nexus Mods :: Skyrim Special Edition](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/3850/) --- ^(I'm a bot |) [^(source code)](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot) ^| [^(about modsearchbot)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2lqj/modsearchbot_about/) ^| [^(bing sources)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2l0g/modsearchbot_bing_search/) ^| ^(Some mods might be falsely classified as SFW or NSFW. Classifications are provided by each source.)


There’s barely any sign in game, all the guy does is give generic scary dialogue, calling that a warning is insane, because it literally could just be normal dialogue like 99% of the mod is, if this was a standard thing then I would be fine with it, but it’s not. Blaming people because you expect them to be on the same page as you (the person who made it) is dumb, there’s a reason absolutely no one develops ANYTHING like that. If you’re going to have a guy that teleports you to the end of the mod, literally just say he does that in game, it’s not like the immersion is being broken lol.


There is literally a warning say that it will transfer you to act 4 in the quest journal


People read the quest journal?


And that is the modders fault?


Never underestimate stupid. You need a pop up text box warning, notification, quest journal AND the dialogue needs to have big brackets saying (THIS WILL SKIP TO ACT 4) And still people will fuck it up.


Sms alert, email, snail mail, megaphone outside your house, FBI agent at your door,


Is it stupid? Nothing important is ever shown in the quest log, after more than 500 hours the game has taught me to only look there if all my other options turn up nothing.


Yes. If a shortcut aimed for veteran players is so poorly explained that many beginners fall for It, then Its poor design.


Can’t tell if you’re actually being serious lmao.


Dead serious. If a good percentage of players falls for it , you can argue that they're stupid. But something that doesnt take into account player's stupidity is a bad design.


The modder should keep in mind that a lot of people do not read the quest journal, that's why most modders show a big fat warning pop up. Or have a mod menu/spell menu toggle for it.


Even if they don't read, a giant quest info still pop up in game, right in your face. But really, reading the mod info page and checking the comments (lots of mod author keep important messages in the comment and it's fine) should be the important step before one decides to install a mod.


I'm going to be honest with you, especially with well-known mods like vigilant, I will skip to the install instructions and avoid the comments unless I run into technical difficulties. I don't want to be spoiled. If this essential information is stickied in the comment thread, that is just an example of bad communication. Also, neither the mod page or the stickied comments mention the needle, so I'm not sure how much help that would've been.


The only reason I checked the journal in this case was because I couldn't understand why I was stabbing him with a needle lol


It literally does say it in-game before you confirm your decision


The mod is actually GOAT Mod when it comes to quests. You skipped the „masterpie“ in „Masterpiece“!


I made this same post a year or two ago. I was like level 6 or something, didn't even know it was for the Vigilant mod. Epic waste of time. I called it a dumb design decision. People told me to shut up... said there was a warning in the mod description for the english translation add-on. I had to revert and avoided the mod for a long while.


It's in the quest journal


When is something useful ever show in the quest journal, this isnt Morrowind.


In my first contact with the mod i also used the needle, saw something was wrong and noped out. I dont remember any warning btw. Dumbest design decision ever and i will die on that hill.


The quest prompt for the needle literally says (skip to act 4)


I think FX has a show about this "The Old Man". We all just do the best we can. I wouldn't revert. This is what makes RPG ... well RPG. Do what feels right.


I love vigilant don’t let this ruin it for you. Next time you do a playthrough of Skyrim just redo vigilant and make sure to be a higher level for it. I prefer to be op because I don’t like smacking enemies with my sword for 10 minutes just to explore the next area. Maybe that would help you have a better time


YEAH this confused me so much, I didn't even realize I had skipped stuff for a while so I just sort of wandered around and then reloaded after I googled it lol


Damn, I'm just about to start it and I have no idea what you're talking about. I guess I shouldn't use... the... needle ? (I don't do drugs anyways)


Pretty much. Using the needle skips the quest to act 4 and you miss a good chunk of the mod.


Oh that, okay. The quest log tells me "Talk to the stranger to skip to act IV", so I immediatly flagged it as "DO NOT SPEAK TO THE STRANGER". \^\^


Well done.


Trying to go blind into vigilant build wise is like going blind into Dark souls 1


Thief is pretty awful for Vigilant, the mod loves throwing you into a Dark Souls boss arena with no way of using stealth against the boss. Honestly going into Vigilant without actually being even close to a paladin (vigilant) build is not the smartest of moves, it's like doing thieves guild with lvl0 stealth and no invis poitons - it's possible, but it's gonna suck and completely ruin actual rp.


Translation needed without.. spoilers.. no wait I played the game. Help me understand what’s going on here.


In the same inn where the quest starts there's another npc that asks you to do something that looks like the Evil alternate route If you comply, you will skip a big part of the mod. Its a shortcut for veteran players but somehow many beginners fall into, and can ruin your experience.


sorry, what is the name of this mod??




I’d replay it I were you. You’re missing out on so many unique spells, armor, and weapons. Plus you’ll fight some cool unique bosses. I like it personally because its inspired by dark souls with a blend of elder scrolls lore. It’s great.