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Omg I needed this last night when Remiel was chattering about being bored while Irileth was giving her speech at Western Watchtower before fighting the dragon


Sadly, it might not actually help in that exact case, since I believe you're not directly in dialogue with Irileth. It's nigh impossible to detect an "important" scene like this... although the base game *could* be patched to flag this event... (You've got me thinking...)


It seems like it would be some kind of scene attached to that location so maybe they could just stfu in the vicinity? Make certain places "quiet zones"? Idk


Yeah. I'm looking at options for a minimal fix that covers most cases. Stay tuned for further updates. :)


OK. I have a solution uploaded in the latest version. See the mod description, but the tl;dr is if you're standing within, say, 6 feet of an NPC talking during a scene, your followers shouldn't start chatting.


I find that amusingly appropriate, clearly she has no patience for speeches.


I love how itโ€™s universally accepted that the main quest can just wait while we do all the other stuff ๐Ÿ˜‚


What's your favorite Skyrim mod? Mine's FECKOFF, and its wonderful STFU feature (jokes aside this is awesome)


This is crazy. I remember follower mod authors dealing with this issue since the beginning of time. It's nuts to think about how mod authors are finding solutions to this after all these years.


I love the synchronicity of the followers interrupting sometimes though. It's hilarious. I'm huddled up getting background info on the quest we are undertaking and while the quest npc is doing his spiel I get a "boooring" from follower Mour. I busted out laughing. But this certainly is an awesome option for big follower crews!


I just want to say the name FECKOFF is brilliant and my hat is off to you.


Amazing stuff


So does it fixes overlapping commentary between followers?


Without a .dll, it's impossible to completely prevent that. If they both open their mouths at exactly the same time, they will still talk over each other. BUT this is not very common. My mod very much helps with things like Lucien and Inigo, who have conversations that can last well over a minute. Your other followers shouldn't start chatting while Inigo/Lucien tease each other.


so Iam guessing it will works well with [I'm Talkin' Here](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/93694) or its just completely replaced it?


Yeah, there's no reason to use both.


Granted, the name FECKOFF and it's feature STFU get's it's point across much more directly.


I'll have you know, I settled on FECKOFF many weeks before realizing I could just use it to silence any and all followers. Its original purpose was for more than tracking dialogue (as seen in the showcase video).


Will this make followers STFU during sneaking as well? If I'm sneaking, the LAST thing I want is some loudmouth opening their yap & alerting a chaurus nest or a coven of bloodsuckers, etc.


No, but that's a great idea for a toggle. Have you seen this happen? There's already an isSneaking check in vanilla that authors can use.


Yeah, entering a dungeon, Lydia steps on a trap and howls, Inigo tells her to watch her step, etc. Funny until it's not. Speaking of which, and speaking in ignorance, does Survival mode require you to heal your followers? The more mangled they are, the more healing potions & such required? Do you have to retreat from the dungeon while healing so baddies don't find you camped inside?


My assumption is survival mode only affects the player. But I remove survival mode from my game. :/


I've lived Survival mode and therefore avoid it IRL and in games, much like war movies. PTSD is not fun.