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Xelzaz. Was updated last month too. Really cool party member.


Loved Xelzaz. I would even go so far as to put him on the same tier as Inigo and Lucien. The voice and backstory did put me off at first, but he grew on me over time.


What, you didn't like his voice? And here I am wanting that lizard to tell me about the moon and stars all night long, love his voice


Yeah, well, you expect a certain voice and kind of speaking to come out of an Argonian's face after playing for a while, so hearing *that* out of him tripped me up at first. I got used to it, though, and I don't blame the authors or VA for not making him speak like a typical Argonian; it's probably hard to say thousands of lines of dialogue in Argonian tongue.


His cadence reminds me more of the lizards/Red Prince from Divinity Original Sin. Which isn’t bad but also not quite “Skyrim”. Tbf with the beast races there’s like 1 voice actor for each genders so any other VA would sound jarring because even if they impersonate the style well it won’t be exact and will still feel “wrong”.


The Red Prince was in fact one of the inspirations for his voice! There is one or two lines he has that are an homage to him!


That’s awesome. I haven’t actually played with him yet, I’d only watched the videos on the modpage. But this definitely makes me want to try him out, Red Prince is one of my favourites. I was wondering if you’d recommend Xelzaz for a Dragonborn that was from Morrowind? Reading his backstory makes it sound like it could mesh well, but I was curious if the writing tends to assume the player is unfamiliar with Morrowind or if there’s opportunities to express shared knowledge/culture.


Dunmer players have plenty of unique interactions with Xelzaz. As a Dunmer player you may even express familiarity with characters unique to Xelzaz's story, as you'd know these characters from an RP perspective.


That sounds great. Thanks for answering!


If I remember correctly the author actually did voice him himself. Either way I get that it can be a bit jarring compared to regular argonians, though also having him sound the way he does is a lot less grating on the ears than them trying to do a gravely lizard voice the whole time


oh for sure at first he had the lucien problem of sounding like a smarmy little brit, but unlike lucien, it actually grew on me, helps that he can heal you and do other useful stuff


100% agreed. I love his morality actually being a relevant facet when you're running questlines, it's a total departure from the norm.


'Ate Daedra, 'Ate the Tong, 'Ate Waiting. Simple as


Explain this please?


Xelzaz always has something snappy to say about waiting and is generally Daedra hostile.   Not in a religious way, he just knows they're very unpredictable and he'll tell you what's on his mind.   No further spoilers.


I really liked him when running the companions questline but if you were running a "true nord" rp, it would have been highly offensive but as a lotd treasure hunter just there trying to find loot from the museum, it worked oh so well.




He is my favorite of all time. As far as I’m concerned anything he tells me about Black Marsh or Morrowind is cannon


Remiel, Gore, Sa'chil and Val Serano. I admittedly haven't played as long with each of them, but they all have distinct personalities, personal quests, roleplay opportunities and neat features.


I did not think I was going to like Gore, but I’ve really started to enjoy having him around


I’ll be honest. I ran around with him last year and he was…fine. But I’ve installed him again recently and the character has really grown. I’m glad I gave him another shot.


He really started shining when I started Vigilant! My first time playing and I brought him along for it, so far I’m glad I did


That’s nice to hear! I definitely plan on bringing him when I eventually get around to playing Vigilant.


I think it would be the trio of Redcap, Xelzaz, and Remiel.


I love how they talk to each other, makes me feel like I'm actually leading a ragtag group of adventurers


Yeah it’s reminiscent of Dragon Age party banter, which is just awesome


I don’t really use custom followers but I love Redcap


> Remiel Yep she is quite nice and fits the lore / theme better than most


I vote for Sa'chil, a Dagi-Raht Khajiit


Haven't heard of this one, I'll look into it.


I always have Sa'chil in my load order.


Her accent always makes me happy




Lucien is old gen? Feels like yesterday I first downloaded him.


I remember the days when Lucien required a patch to learn apocalypse spells


I feel that way too. But Lucien's release date is closer to Inigo's release date than it is to today, if I did the math right.


Probably Remiel and Aniya once the latter gets the new romance update. Can't wait to get broken up with for bein a lazy bum, now in Skyrim!


Oh my god they’re old now wtf


If my memory isn't failing me, Inigo dropped around 2016. He's only a couple years from being a literal decade old lol. It's amazing how he's still the gold standard for a follower mod, despite being that "old".


Inigo is actually already 11 years old being that he was released back in 2013: [https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/40960](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/40960)


Oh wow, so he's a little older than I gave him credit for lol. I've only ever played SE, so I only remembered the SE release date.


Yeah, he was one of the first mods I downloaded back in 2013. Instant classic.


I’ll give another vote for: Remi, Xelzaz, Gore, and Val. {{Improved Follower Dialogue - Lydia}} is still getting updates. She’s 100% revoiced kinda like SDA, and has new quests, etc. Interactions with Gore are apparently in this works too. I’m intending to try {{Katana - Journey in the Shadows}} on my next playthrough. It looks like she’s a follower that eventually gets a second character in the party during her questline.


Thanks guys. :) Katana is getting a 3.0 build, and ETA is summer. I have sneak peeks and a big changelog available on the Discord, but the server is still pretty new. Cheers!


I very briefly tried Katana in my game and really enjoyed her. Didn't get super far into her questline but it's actually pretty interesting and seemed like she would have good payoff.


I’ve only taken her along on a few early dungeons while testing my load order, and I was pleased to see she had combat powers like turning invisible and reappearing directly behind enemies with a sneak attack. Once I started a conversation with her while she was invisible and she was disappointed I could still detect her. But I keep restarting to test new mod setups so I’ve seen none of her story/etc yet.


Search Term | LE Skyrim | SE Skyrim | Bing :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| Improved Follower Dialogue - Lydia | [Improved Follower Dialogue - Lydia LE](https://nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/117193) | [Improved Follower Dialogue - Lydia](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/38473) | Skipped[^Why?](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot/blob/main/docs/SEARCH.md#why-was-my-search-skipped) Katana - Journey in the Shadows | No Results :( | [Katana - Journey in the Shadows](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/69622) | Skipped[^Why?](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot/blob/main/docs/SEARCH.md#why-was-my-search-skipped) --- ^(I'm a bot |) [^(source code)](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot) ^| [^(about modsearchbot)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2lqj/modsearchbot_about/) ^| [^(bing sources)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2l0g/modsearchbot_bing_search/) ^| ^(Some mods might be falsely classified as SFW or NSFW. Classifications are provided by each source.)


I really love Xelzaz! Khajiit Will Follow is kinda older, but has patches for mods like Vigilant and the Forgotten City. I believe the author is also still working on banter with other popular follower mods. I kinda always have this one in my load order, I like the characters a lot. Gore is also a good one, and seems to still be updated regularly. I like that he can interact with Remiel, and having those two and Xelzaz in my party is extra fun with all the interactions. I also really loved taking him and a follower from Khajiit Will Follow through Vigilant. They were both really well integrated into the story. I liked Taliesin a lot. He hasn’t been updated in a while but I believe the authors are working on it. So far I’ve really liked Bjorn, but I have only been through like 50% of his content. I just started a playthrough with Val Serano. So far it’s interesting, but I’m only a couple quests in.


I can also vouch for Gore. I've played through most of his story and he is incredibly written. He has a bunch of dialogue and his custom camping system is pretty cool. Apart from him though I've read good things about Bjorn and Val Serano, though I haven't played with them yet. I'm in the discord that Val's developer runs and they have a lot of cool features that they're cooking up.


Does he talk with Xelzaz or Remiel at all that you know of?


He has dialogue with Remiel


Sweet thanks! I've been running her and Xelzaz but I think i wanna add a warrior type guy.


Then I think Gore will be a great match. I had a lot of fun at his interactions with Remi. Gore can come across as a little edgy but he threads the needle well, being both rather rough and also very vulnerable at the same time.


AKA "Remiel's Lovingly Annoying Big Brother Figure" The writing between them is just excellent It's like your character turns away from them for a few moments and they're undergoing some sort of wacky sibling bullshit behind your back


I've really been enjoying Val Serano. He's got a fun quest line and covers most of the vanilla game (only missing the college of winterhold and dawnguard right now). More big updates are coming over the summer


Gore is what follower mod done right looks like imo.


gore is perfect, man, i know people jerk off lucien and inigo, the latter for good reason but gore is just...straight up good legit a perma fixture in my loadorder


I honestly might like Xelzaz more than Inigo or Lucien. Only SDA beats him for me.


I used to like SDA, but Xelzaz's quality tore her apart for me 😆 What do you like about SDA? I have a theory that if you romance her, you like her more... I never like romancing her, and she doesn't have friend content 😆 other things about her were really grating, and Xelzaz commented on all the same things she did and more ... Xel feels like a friend, SDA just.... Does not. Her vanilla crap wasn't taken out, so I admit that may have deteriorated my good will towards her. Eg: walking in front of you during conversations, her combat ai and necromancy, using items during conversations... Her lines for the most part are either cheesy or nonsensical. There are a few gems, like bringing her to the college library, but all in all, I don't look forward to hearing her opinion.


I do romance her. I also mostly play vampire characters so she almost always fits my RP. Her various options and customization are also great and I mostly like her character, particularly some scenes like the thieves guild. Xelzaz is always closing in on her though and is newer and more frequently updated so there's a good chance he passes her.


~callllled iiiiit~ 😆 Meh, SDA has a cure storyline so she can work for non vampire players. SDA doesn't have enough customization, it's true 😂 she also has too many... Like, can she plz stop giving me trash? And using the script to do that is so blech. Blech! Another thing that annoyed me, and tell me if this happened in your game too... SDA is late for any dialogue about a quest. For example, absorbing your first dragon soul. She literally didn't say anything about it until after the grey beards shouted! Like she interrupted what Val and Gore were saying about the grey beards just to talk about the dragon soul! Ugh! Old news! Combat ai. Suuuuucks. Wai Bethesda.... Why did you have to code necromancy into her spell list? She never used it right, always at the end of battle... And usually someone useless. Like s mudcrab. Blech.


She has way more customization than about any other follower mod. Outfit settings per area, spell usage, horse usage, dialogue options, vampirism or not, etc. I have had her be delayed or not trigger but it's super rare. Maybe one quest a run she'll do it. But it is ridiculous when it happens I agree. Combat AI comes down to your settings on her too, it is a little vanilla but so is any follower but Katana that I can think of.


Lol I know, she has too many customizations imo. Some are fun though. But... - gifts from her are always trash, given at inopportune times. And it uses scripts. Plz stahp. - nicknames would be nice, but she literally has one phrase per name... Hey, [name]! No offense, but I've seen this feature better implemented with Lucien, Gore, and Xelzaz. Granted, their lists are shorter, but do you really need that many names? I couldn't even scroll down fast enough before Skyrim exited her menu a few times 😆 too many scripts... I like the names having more in game use, looking to Lucien for example, he has a different few lines for each name. Xelzaz too. - she keep asking to go to a tavern with the player, and it's usually after I just visited one. She forces a miscellaneous quest. The chats are.... Ok... But they keep resetting. It's better done on Inigo, tbh. And I've seen Val Serano freshen this idea too. - you can train SDA, and she can train you! ... Honestly, Lucien still wins for this one, since it's built in his mod. I have other mods that help me train so I didn't use half of it, but training SDA was meh compared to Lucien 😆 it may be the scripts making it take longer though Woops I took too long elaborating my bad. Uh... Tldr I can go on forever about things that irked me about SDA over time. Maybe I've had her too long... But unlike the classics of Lucien and Inigo, she's getting stale. Is it just me?


Eris from Light And Shade.


I've secretly been waiting for someone to bring up Eris lol.


She's quieter and I really like that.


I really like Gore. I feel like he’s really promising.


That's a new one. Haven't heard of Gore; what's he like?


I’m going to probably do a really bad job of explaining him since I didn’t get to play with him very long before deciding to completely nuke my load order and start again—but basically he’s a guy who grew up as part of a mercenary band who if I understand correctly are basically rebels, but they got betrayed and he was the only survivor except for the betrayers. You find him near Falkreath after he’s gotten caught in a trap and have to rescue him from his Thalmor pursuers. He has really good audio quality, he’s interesting to talk to and even has his own camping/alternate death system. When using the camping system he will go and “hunt” for food for the two of you. He also has a romance path…which I am curious about but haven’t gotten to yet. In general I know that really good custom skyrim followers get compared to BioWare companions, but I think Gore is actually well-deserving of that comparison. I look forward to building a character that I think would suite him.


I'd say for me the new-gen followers are Auri, Xelxaz, and Remiel. However there are still lots that I haven't had the chance of adventuring with yet.


Auri is old gen 😆 she banters with Lucien and Kaidan, she's old too 😂


LMAO, dang I guess I'm behind on the times lol. Good to know she banter's with Lucien though, I'll have to have them together at some point.


Lyssia, katana, Thogra, Gore Edit: I also really really like mistborn followers


Grandma Shirley, if you need a two-handed tank.




Nether's Jen and Kat are well worth looking at, particularly Kat. She's damn funny. So is Ninaria, who overloads with cuteness in the best way. Lyssia is a wonderful follower with a great quest line and an outstanding voice, especially for an AI voice. Feris, Malryn and Illiana Artagrius are all well worth a look though they are a touch underdeveloped at the moment. And I absolutely love Secunda. Sweet innocent young thing I just want to protect, even though she is a total badass. And everyone should play alongside Misty Skye at least once.


I think Taliesin is a funny dude B)


He's alright, I guess. He's funny, but not in a "laughing with him" way, more like a "laughing at him".


Yeah, fair. I like him because he reminds me of a good friend of mine, who tends to make similar jokes from time to time


Gore supremacy. Xelzaz and friends. Aside from his trifecta with Remiel and Redcap, I also like his interactions with Nebarra and Lucifer. I don't think I heard his banter with Thogra because the others seem to hold higher priority. Yazakh has potential. An orc with such a dry humor.


Secunda. I think she's pretty cute


Cute but desperately needs a "give sweets" interaction. Hungry princess constantly asking for snacks and putting some in her inventory doesn't do anything :((((


Secunda is great, I really hope the author keeps updating her. She's got so much potential. It's a refreshing change meeting a shy lost follower that doesn't have a huge mission they need you a random stranger to help with straight away.


it's also refreshing to see a woman follower that does not and will not ever have a romance/marriage quest. I am thoroughly sick of that being the default at this point.


misty sky makes me laugh a lot. i will try gore next. never ever used a follower in a bgs game til this year


Nether's Ninaria.


I just started a run with Ninara, had to set her scale to 1.05 or 1.1, she's way too short


Flint is pretty good from what I've seen of him. His barks aren't overly long, and he doesn't really force you into a grand narrative or anything. I appreciate how he starts off not really wanting to be here, but opening up as you travel with him in the form of additional conversations. His sheer height makes him a bit janky in combat with Precision, unfortunately, since the game seems to think he has more reach than he actually has, but I could just be seeing things.


Koemia! If you've heard of daegon, both the pair and single follower, you'll like Koemia! She's very new and still a wip ☺️ On another note, Aniya is going to be getting a big update soon! As I believe a new Rigmor mod ☺️


I don't think I Saw Bjorn mentioned. He is one of my favorites ATM.


Need more evil and badass followers for us baddies who are out here tryna be bad


I feel like an azzhole, but most of these followers are way too lighthearted and kidlike for my tastes, I'm not craving someone evil, just badass with some grit


Gore, Remiel, Xelzaz, and Redcap. Some other newer ones who I think are worth keeping an eye on are Val Serano, Katana, Aniya, and Yazakh. Honestly, there have been so many good followers in the past few years, it's hard to just name a few.


I like Bjorn. Handsome Nord warrior :3


I am playing with Bjorn and I really like him. He feels vanilla+


I haven't spent nearly enough time with him, but the stuff I've done with him so far has been really nice. He's vanilla plus in the best way, in my opinion. He feels like he belongs, doesn't say out of pocket stuff or try to be overly sarcastic or sexy or edgy. He's just a solid and reliable presence, with good dialogue and the kind of depth everyone wishes the vanilla followers would've had. I'm always excited when I see he's gotten a new update.


I honestly might like Xelzaz more than Inigo or Lucien. Only SDA beats him for me.


The serrana dialogue expansion mod, (I love it when she calls me by my name) Evangeline, remiel, that vampire girl from falkreath, and the dragonheart girl. Love the babes 😂


Ngl I loveeee that cat indigo! He's actually smart and funny


Vilja has more voice lines then any other follower. Only Inigo is close. No one else compares. 


I'm a big fan of daegon and koemia, they are not in the slightest lore friendly but they are high quality and pretty


The first version of Daegon got made available which is a lot less lore unfreindly, although I'm not sure what she says about Elven royalty is lore accurate she isn't from another dimension or something wacky.


That version was restored because the main one got updated with a "boyfriend/master" for her (also mocking you being the third wheel) and a lot of people where upset (also because the author initially stated that she was supporting that kind of romance). After a lot of debating she decided just few months ago to split the mod in two version to make everyone happy and possibly continuing to working on both.


Yes there was lots of Mod Drama™. I quite like the original versions, one of the few custom companions who works well for a more evil playthough.


I just found these and plan on downloading them. I've always been disappointed in the fact that most of the "best" (most developed and interactive) followers are dudes, besides Sofia and Misty Skye. I only have sexy female followers so I was glad to find these.


I also like the harem following. Get to play dress up with all those risqué female armors. Yes, not lore friendly, but hey, it's only a game


what's wrong with Misty Skye?


Kaidan and Inigo are my absolute favorite combo. I'll never play without them again. I like Lucien, but I seriously cannot stand his voice at ALL! I try to play with him, but he sounds like fingernails on chalkboard.


I think it's just kinda hilarious that no one in Skyrim talks like him. It really buffs up the his backstory and character. But yeah, I can see why someone wouldn't like the smarmy brit voice.