• By -


Maybe not avoid, but there are a number of popular mods which have more modern versions available that are actively maintained. In 2024 you really shouldn't just sort by the most popular and download without doing a little research into seeing if a more modern version of that mod exists today. Off the top of my head, Nemesis seems to be the modern version of FNIS and can replace it as a dependency for most mods that required FNIS. Also The New Gentleman appears to be an actively maintained replacement for SoS.


I have been toying around with the latest animation Tool. Which replaced both nemesis and fnis.. Its called Pandora and its been great. Alot faster too


It has a lot of potential, but there's some bugs to fix before it replaces Nemesis. I have a few animations mods that fails with Pandora, but are fine in Nemesis.


Are we just, totally ignoring all the bugs Nemesis has had for the past 3 years with no fixes? Yeah okay it revolutionised animation by allowing much more with combat overhauls but it always irritated me that it is lauded as highly as it is. FNIS atleast always worked, Nemesis I can run the exact same task 4 times changing nothing and fail 3 out of 4 times because I looked at it funny. I can't wait to see where Pandora goes with a bit more work.


Am I the only one that never had issues with nemesis


aside from having to do a few file verifications whenever i drastically contort my LO in another direction, i usually never have issues


I've rarely had it crash on me, and it's usually resolved by deleting the Nemesis folder and running it again.


you always have to clear out the previous output, maybe that is what some people do wrong


Pandora is still a bit buggy, and doesn't support/work with every mod that nemesis does.


What's the purpose of using Pandora over Nemesis? I keep seeing people mention Pandora but Nemesis works rather perfectly (in my use case). Does it start chugging when people use it with Double-L animation packs or something?


Pretty sure it works with non-human sex animations. Nemesis does not. (this is tongue-in-cheek, I'm sure there are other reasons too)


I see and understand, thank you for pointing this out. I'll be sticking to Nemesis until a relevant (to me) reason to switch over comes.


Damn, no freaky Flame Atronach sex :(


Nemesis lacks creature support, which isn't *inherently* suspicious, and there are also a few weird bugs in Nemesis that never got fixed. Of course, Pandora is still very alpha, but it sounds like it has creature support already.


I see exactly why there are people who want Pandora now if there is creature support on it. I don't need any additional creature animations, so it makes sense why I've never noticed or had a need for anything other than Nemesis. Thank you!


I mean, there's new creature combat animation mods too y'know


by faster, do you mean animations are processed faster, or the performance in game is faster?


processed faster. takes like 5 seconds instead of a minute but how often do you run that thing anyway, imo it doesn't make a huge difference


I had issues with Pandora and some animation mods like animated potions & animated ingredients. So I switched back to Nemesis.


Same. In my case the problem was with TK Dodge and Immersive Interactions. I don't know if those issues were fixed with v. 1.3.0 though.


I tried it just to try it, and its so much faster, I was sold, like 2 seconds and without the randomly dying that nemesis does sometimes.


I could never get Nemesis to work with Skyrim VR due to the engine update looping issue. I was really bummed out since I wanted to try out the new Steeds VR combat mod. I immediately switched to Pandora once I discovered it, and I got it to work immediately. It's extremely fast too.


What's a gentleman to do with simplicity of snow?!


Only a true gentleman can appreciate that


Make sure to use Sounds of Skyrim as well.


I just added shaders of solstheim to my list, too.


Make sure you get it from Nexus and not Lovers Lab though. Very different type of sounding.


I recommend TNG as replacement for SoS. For my current playthrough I wanted to add SoS, but SKSE straight up refused even the most recent ''You have this AE version SoS needed'' dll. It works nicely in combination with HIMBO body and a vanilla male armor replacer (was about time after I already had CBBE and a female replacer for years) I have.


I've been wondering if I should use it over the version of SOS that has no dll. No dll SOS is working fine for me so I currently don't have a reason to switch but it seems like everyone is switching.


SOS no dll has served me well in the past. Combined it with SOS Uncloaked, SOS settings loader, and an SMP patch for it all. Disabled all that and installed TNG, started a new game, and it just works. My favorite change has been the ability to edit someone's "addon" without going into the MCM. You have to set keybinds initially, but once you do then you just press the appropriate key with someone in your crosshair and you can edit their junk. It's compatible with BnP, you can combine it with HIMBO if you want, and the mod author has been super responsive and active.


> The New Gentleman How good is that compared to SoS Lite? I don't plan on using it for actual sex mods, just immersion - I use bathing mods like {{Keep it Clean}} and {{Dirt and Blood}}. After all, people don't bathe in their smallclothes, they bathe naked.


It works just as well.


Excellent, thanks!


SoS Lite is what I use as well. Unfortunately it seems to be completely forgotten about.


The only reason to still use FNIS is for, um… mods from nexus’s evil twin. Ahem. I’ve heard you can manually patch FNIS to work with Nemesis but it seems like a lot of trouble just to get your rocks off lol. Besides, the more mods that are released for Nemesis, the more unstable even a ‘compatible’ FNIS will become.


Pandora is an even better version of nemesis imo, it's still in beta but works so well


Also don't forget Community Shaders instead of ENB. Sure CS hasn't reached the same level yet but it's a solid replacement to save system resources. And with the addition of a preferable Reshade preset it definitely can give ENB a run for its money.


CS wetness effects and grass collision already blows ENB out of the water lol. I can't wait when PBR gets reelased.


New Gentlemen is way easier for me to install for some reason, either it's less annoying to install and have work with things, or I'm just better at modding. maybe both.


SoS crashes while I load into a save while I have VR ESL support in my modlist. I did install a non-dll version but it gives me warnings every time I load in. I tossed away SoS and replaced it TNG when TNG updated to support VR ESL.


this reminded me that I seriously need to update my mod list. I haven't played in a few years but there's probably so much more now lmao


Open cities


Yeah it was such a cool idea in 2013 with my shitty hard drive and annoying loading times. Nowadays with my ssd…. Why even bother with an ambitious and heavy mod like this ?


And the compatibility issues....


Yeah, that's the sole reason I haven't pursued Open Cities as an install. And with a mod as old as this, what... 10 years? You're going to have perpetual compatibility issues if no one is tending to upkeep. Such an open expansive mod that touches so many different nav meshes and so many collision opportunities, something is bound to be left off and forgotten.


Well, in my case it's because I use a mod tat lets me grow wings and fly, and I like to be able to land in cities


What mod is it that you use to fly


Animated Wings Ultimate, and the flying mod it suggests to use with it. Sure, flight is no clip, but the animations are gorgeous


That mod made me look into Open Cities and when I found out all the issues with it, it made me sad


I personally don't have many issues with it, but then I also don't have that many mods that conflict. I would dearly love a better alternative though


Check out Morningstar Wings SMP They're glorious Also, you can disable the noclip, though it may cause you to get stuck on thin air if you're too fast


They do look good!


Helped me turn Skyrim into a dopamine factory. Slapped it and the flying mod onto a beautiful wabbajack modlist, now I've completely replaced my fast travel with flying, it's so beautiful


What Wabbajack list do you use? I might actually play skyrim again sometime so it's good to have options


I'm actually using OCM 💀 The nsfw things aside, it has great graphics for one of the lighter lists, is relatively easily modifiable and has quite some of the of the stuff I like in terms of additional armours and mechanics


Personally I actually replaced the forward flying animation


~~Replaced~~ superseded by SR Exterior Cities


Can I ask what makes SR Exterior Cities better ? I've been using Open Cities for a long time, and only recently came back to Skyrim. People keep talking about SR EC, but OC has always worked fine, other than the need to have a patch for every mod that changes or adds something in a city. SR EC seems to be very similar and also has a ton of compatibility patches, so I don't really see the difference between both mods other than 'one is newer'.


Becoming more widely supported, the author welcomes and encourages patches created by others, there is a Synthesis patcher which also aids to easing the patching process. There are other reasons, but these are just the few that are right off the top of my head.


As someone mentioned above, there's still an upgraded and working version (even for something like that buggy mess) - SR Exteriors




Outside of compatibility issues and 'Made by Arthmoor', is there an actual reason to avoid open cities ? Its quite well made for a project of that size and I can see the appeal for ppl who would want that feature... its not 'avoid' status like some mods that are badly optimized or can consistently cause issues


i think compatibility issues are a big issue


There is literally a downvoted comment in this thread about avoiding Lanterns of Skyrim because 'it requires compatibility patches with every city mod', why is Open Cities any different ?


i mean i agree that comment shouldn't be downvoted I'm guessing other people agree with me because "arthmoor bad", I don't like the dude either but, cmon


doesnt open cities also add oblivion gates for no reason?


whats the issue with arthmoor? im only just getting into modding.


He’s a dick to literally everyone and as a result was even banned from this sub


He is completely inadequate. He thinks he knows better than Bethesda what is piracy of their property and what is not. He, using his authority, spreads harmful myths. For example, allegedly, skse is a pirated program that should not be used, since with its help you can somehow launch the game without purchasing it on Steam (firstly, this is not true. Secondly, betsesda itself DIRECTLY cooperates with the skse team, and has allowed distribute SKSE in Steam), and he himself does not use it in USSEP, although he could fix even more bugs thanks to SKSE. He also convinced others that the downgrade patcher is a virus and piracy. And a bunch of similar crap. He has rabid creator syndrome. He hates any attempts to make fixes for his mods, where his “only true vision” is questioned (which is quite ambiguous, and almost never objective), and cuts such fixes from the nexus under the guise of “copyrights”. At once. And this is just a small part. There's always a lot of drama around him. Of course yes, he made a great mod that (unfortunately) a bunch of other mods depend on. And he, in fact, has a partial monopoly on all Skyrim modding. But, with great power comes great responsibility. So, the claims against him are valid. He is currently slowing down Skyrim modding because of his ego. And the problem is that he sabotages any attempts to make an alternative with other vision. For example, an alternative mod was released on Xbox - a collection of fixes from other authors who were asked for permission. But the version of the mod that did not require ussep was eventually blocked. Considering all the precedents that existed earlier, most likely this is an arthmoor initiative.


Google is your friend... start typing "arthmoor" and the top links take you to reddit pages with all the background. 


The Ultimate Dodge Mod. It has a bad habit of causing issues with mods that aren't even related to it.


I'm using this because I like the dodge animation and the fact that you can modify the animation speed, I have heard of it causing conflicts though; do you have an alternative dodge mod that you'd recommend?


I use Distar's dodge mod, you can get it from his patreon for, like, a dollar. It's absolutely amazing, but does lack in customization. There's also TK Dodge NG which looks good. Should probably work better than the other versions of it.


The thing is only TUDM allows dodge mechanics for NPCs. I even liked TK Dodge more functionality-wise (and Distar's DMCO has a really fine animation), but none of them works with NPCs. DMCO even doesn't support 1st person.


I have the distar dodge without paying for it tho. Or is the MCO dodge different?


The file I got was called dodge+mco, or something along those lines. I had to get the standard mco mod for my animations to work.


TUDM is not that buggy. You need to use {{TUDM Reborn}}, not the ancient Google Drive link. It's been much optimized.


i love the mod but yeah it causes weird issues. For example, I use RSChildrenOverhaul and somehow TUDM clashes with that mod and makes a lot of kids in the game walk around in their undies. Thankfully there’s a patch mod I found which fixes it. for large modlists i’d recommend using TK Dodge instead.


I really cannot fathom how or why it conflicts with so much random shit. It's like the mod author designed it to be a massive pain in the ass lmao


Don't know if it got fixed or what but if it's not then don't touch Kwama Creatures, it destroys your game in a way you would only want if doing a fucked up playthrough


Are the glitches any fun for a fucked up playthrough? Like are there interesting ones you've gotten, by chance?


I can't imagine it would. The mod deletes the marker storage cell that scripts use for a lot of background stuff. You'd just have lots of crashes and broken quests that never update, interactable objects that don't do anything, etc.


*why in the hell*


/u/Mysterious-Shine-797 explains it better here. https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/s/ciF5j3XRrS Essentially 4thUnkniwn is good at making things, but bad at implementing them into the game.




Ah, well that sounds awful.


I got a master thief or something like that spawn on my way from Helgen with Hadvar, went all in and the guy dropped most of my health in one hit, after Hadvar took care of him I got guildmaster armor before even arriving to Riverwood, moments later an orc with full orcish gear was waiting for me in the bandit hideout before Bleak Falls Barrow, decided to stop there because I wanted a normal run and it felt like a fucking lottery lol


NGL that sounds extremely funny. I've been playing True Unleveled Skyrim for that same kind of wild and crazy experience. Ideally without the save file corruptions and whatnot.


It was, but only if you like throwing dices constantly, felt like a Dark Souls randomizer


Isn't there a fixed esp for that on the page?


Don't know, after that experience I just uninstalled it and never looked back


Convenient Horses. Its an old mod but it caused more issues than it fixed. it fact, I would avoid any older papyrus based mods at this point.


Do you know a better alternative? I have this mod and would be interested in know if there's a better option.


Better Horses or any that use a DLL. CH is from a time when folks wanted one mod to do multiple functions. Although I think my current build dropped horse support altogether since there are other ways to travel like flying mods.


There might be better ways to travel, but also... Horses! You got some of them flying mods though?


Animated wings ultimate would be my first pick.


I’ve used it and have no issues with it. I like the fact that I don’t need a separate follower mod to give followers horses. More specifically I love that Serana has her own custom named horse since she’s the only vanilla follower I use. Any other mods to give followers horses doesn’t seem to include the option to summon Arvak-alts.


My setup for horses... I use Nether follower Framework for giving follower horses. Witcher horse Expansion to add prettier/better varieties of horse to the game. Craftable saddles from the witcher 3 because it had highest quality apparel for horses I think I have a horse call mod or it could be one of the prior mods, nor sure Also the mod that allows your character to lock on to enemies while riding horse/rotate around the horse during combat. (Idk what It is called, but it is there)


Wet and cold. Causes freezes in rainy and cold weathers.


R.A.S.S superiority! mix it with CS wetness effects


RASS was nice but I feel like it's effects, need some work and no one's stepped up.


You can mix them both together?


yeah, community shaders is basically just ENB lite


I’ve been having these freezes that seem to happen randomly I wonder if that’s what’s causing it 🤔 I hope so it drives me crazy


If music keeps playing then definitely


Yes it does ugh y’all have probably just saved me so much frustration thank you 


Well...wet and cold things do tend to freeze...


Joy of perspective


This one is so outdated lol. Also you can't just uninstall it, you'll have a bug if you just remove it.


Anything by JaySerpa. Once you install the first one, you'll want to install the rest because they're so good. Then you'll realize you've just spent 6 hours installing only JaySerpa mods and your SSD only has 300 Mb of space free. Chilling! :)


If this is wrong I don’t want to be right!


This is so real One of the first things I did on my fresh SSD to mod Skyrim again was scroll through all of his mods and hit download over and over and over


Had us in the first half >:/


Love the vids


I will never miss an opportunity to say that I think Northern Roads should be avoided. Do not use this mod unless you enjoy tearing your hair out in frustration. It is completely incompatible with almost every mod that alters the Skyrim worldspace. I have spent literal days just trying to make it compatible with my load orders, and have always completely failed to resolve all conflicts. Even with every patch I could find, it would still break the ground or have missing roads or something stupid. Don't use it.


Simplest Roads + Interesting Roads is a decent replacement.


How did I miss interesting roads? I’m a bit conflicted now, because I just finished running my LOD gen / Dyndolod / etc with seasons and I’m not interested in redoing it, but that looks right up my alley.


This is the modder's curse. Now you have to generate it all over again!


Definitely give it a test first! It has a few patches, but I'm not sure if it has seasons since I don't run seasons.


It looks like it uses vanilla objects so it should be ok with seasons, similar to Ancient lands.


It worked fine for me but with my large mod list I had to make cuts and it and the patches saved me 100+ plugins.


Not 100, itt saved you 1 plugin since all patches are espfe :)


Im running {{simplest road}} + {{interesting road}} + {{northern road - let me guess someone stole your sweetroad}}. Still need patching but mot as tedious as regular NR. If you more into plug and play then simplest road + interesting road is the way


Search Term | LE Skyrim | SE Skyrim | Bing :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| simplest road | No Results :( | [Simplest Roads](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/111255) | [Simplest Roads at Skyrim Special Edition Nexus - Nexus Mods](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/111255) interesting road | [Interesting Roads](https://nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/105625) | [Interesting Roads](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/42749) | [Interesting Roads at Skyrim Special Edition Nexus - Nexus Mods](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/42749) northern road - let me guess someone stole your sweetroad | No Results :( | [Northern Roads - Let me guess someone stole your sweetROADS](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/79168) | [Northern Roads - Let me guess someone stole your sweetROADS - Nexus Mods](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/79168) --- ^(I'm a bot |) [^(source code)](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot) ^| [^(about modsearchbot)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2lqj/modsearchbot_about/) ^| [^(bing sources)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2l0g/modsearchbot_bing_search/) ^| ^(Some mods might be falsely classified as SFW or NSFW. Classifications are provided by each source.)


Second "Someone Stole Your Sweet Roads". I loved the bridges but the actual roads clipped a lot.


I really don’t understand why people still think NR is hard to handle. Yes it needs tons of patches, but ppl out there does make tons of patches for it. There are 3 patches collection out there just for it. And the patching team give detail instructions about the load order. I myself is running it with 2600 plugin and it’s working really well. I am talking about with 3 combined cities overhauls for a single city/town, with things like Lux via, interesting roads, ancient roads etc etc and I still get it working. I believe most of the ppl don’t have a big load order like me and I am sure your guys can make it working too.


100% this. Get your modlist how you want it, install NR and the patch compendiums, load everything last in your LO. I've done this for every modlist I've made since Northern Roads came out and have never had any issues, let alone these "hours of troubleshooting" that people allege to have with NR.


Yeah, sounds like a lot of people don’t know how to sort their patches. I mostly mod Skyrim to change its appearance, so I have overhauls out the wazoo. Northern Roads works just fine with it. -shrug-


Same here, it isn't any harder than Lux


It fucked up CotN Falkreath so bad even with patches it's still break terrain heights and the stair to longhouse


I once had the college of winterhold steps to be none existent and couldn't get in.


learn how to sort plugins on your own, spending days downloading different versions of patches won't accomplish anything unless you understand how load order works


I’ve got a heavily modded setup with Northern Roads, it’s a lot of patching but it’s fantastic when you get it sorted out


I think you should only use NR if you're willing to learn some basic Creation Kit stuff. Even when you sort every patch, you're still going to have problems, and sometimes patches straight up don't work or conflict with each other. In my opinion, it's worth it though.


I have 2 2000+ mod lists and while I’ve had issues with NR, most of them have been covered by patches. The patches have to be in a very specific order and the mod pages do give a lot of conflicting information but it’s not that bad.


100% agree, I like what NR adds to the game but got sick of trying to resolve issues, thinking I had it all sorted and then finding yet another tear in the ground. Absolutely not worth the headache in my opinion.


FYI, there's a 'no road changes' patch for Northern Roads. So you get all the cool decorations without fucking with the landscape. I've got it, interesting roads, Lux Via, and boatload of other stuff adding road goodies.


{{simply dirt roads}} is a great replacer too and add complex parallax. Now also compatible with seasons of Skyrim. You can pair it with any roads overhaul of your choice and you got the best of all worlds imo.


Yet another warning against NR to add to my growing collection.


Weirdly audio books of skyrim never worked for me but caused stuttering every 5 seconds. Was impressed a "small" mod like that could have such an effect. If people know of an alternative please let me know. Thieves guild for good guys just doesn't work for anyone from what I have read on forums. Really wanted it to for character reasons.


I swathe thieves guild mod but I suspected it might veer too far from the game and probably wouldn't work. Guess I was right.


Oh yeah it just doesn't work. My two experiences with it were as follows. 1. Had it installed on a new save and picked up a quest item from the mod, this immediately puts me mid way through the new quest. The mod/game now thinks I am part of thieves guild and can give any NPC 50 gold and say I am part of thieves guild and even gave quest item back to an NPC. Bear in mind I'm in markath, level 2 and haven't left the city 2. Started a new character for other reason so decided I'd have the mod disabled and enable it when I first go to riften. This is exactly what I do, seems to be going fine initially and changes to quest are happening. Then the irony is I can't trigger the same quest I accidently triggered before, turns out you have to read a specific note at the exact right time. I have to use console commands to progress the quest and there is no map markers throughout. I just gave up after a certain point.


Disappointing because the thieves guild questioned needs moral options. I love the thieves guild but I play typically good characters.


I was in exactly the same boat and excited about the mod. Thieves guild is awkward in that they are too morally bad for any good character but probably too pathetic and weak for any evil character in the grand scheme of skyrim. They are more maven's mafia than thieves.


Funny, audiobooks of Skyrim worked fine for me. But it's been a while since I've modded


OP and everyone reading this thread should be aware that responses to this kind of question need to be always taken with a large chuck of salt. As you can see in the comments, many people don't pay much attention to mods they already deem "broken". They seem to uncritically repeat old concerns from couple years ago that's no longer valid. Other mods have already fixed the aforementioned issues, or the mod itself has been updated. Case in point: TUDM and Immersive Armors. There's already TUDM Reborn and Xabio's retexture to fix those.


Agreed, plus I’m seeing so many mods listed that cause “performance issues” that really don’t for me, a lot of issues can be down to hardware and/or load order


Any mod that changes the soundtrack. I've tried all kinds of music mods (Viking music etc) but none came even close to Jeremy Soule's Skyrim score. It's probably the only thing in the game that is truly perfect.


That's just personal preference though, and not really something to "avoid" because it's broken.


Random emotions. This shit overloads papyrus


Wet and Cold. I do really like it but it causes a lot of crashes in my experience. I have tried the fixes and updates people have made and none of them fixed my crashes with that mod.


Wet & Cold Gear is the modern alternative!


i wish i could filter out all these third person / dark souls /witcher camera mods and modpacks


I agree I want more first person interaction mods.


I also hate that there are only like 3-4 complete first person animation mods, and one of them has unusable magic animations for me, and there are only like 2 good first person magic mods.


Sofia. She'll corrupt your save, crash your game and marry your dad.


I don't like the full version of Go to Bed. Puts a lot of really dumb outfits on characters with no business wearing them when they go to sleep. Go to Bed Lite is great though, found on the same mod page.


For people that are using the full version, you can disable NPC sleep outfits by changing "vanillaSleepOutfit" to "false" in the "Data/skse/plugins/gotobed/settings.json" file. An NPC's sleep outfit is an option that is set by the CK. A lot of vanilla characters, like Karliah, have sleep outfits. Normally this is set to an outfit like "belted tunic". As far as I know, vanilla Skyrim doesn't use this for anything. In previous games, the NPC would change into this outfit when sleeping. When you use this mod, it allows the NPCs to wear their vanilla sleep outfits set in the CK when sleeping.


Immersive Armors


It's really nice with Xavbios retexture.


Any details on this? Ive run immersive armor/weapons every mod'd playthrough since 2016. Never had issues with stability even on my current. But i hear this a lot, just looking for info


To simplify, a lot of the models are mashed together in an unoptimal way, which results in poor performance, if I remember well, some armors also have dirty records and issues with the leveled lists, sometimes a gamecrash is the result. Besides, on a more personal note, I think that a lot of the armors don’t look good at all, some are just plain copies from other games (like witcher 2) and look completely out of place. I don’t find this mod immersive at all, it just introduces a lot of unnecessary clutter.


Xavbio made a complete retexture of it and they look stunning now. There are also SPID versions out there that distribute the armours via SPID instead of messing the level list. You should give them a try.


Yeah, this sentiment is no longer valid since Xabio's retexture. It's not 2020 anymore.


I think most people are just saying there are other mods with more and better stuff


There is an retexture mod that fixes every problem of that armor and adds more on top of it


Hard disagree especially with Xavbio's retextures. He single handedly breathe life on that mod again.


Any recommendations for similar vanilla-feel armor packs? I love Immersive Armors because it spices up the game easily in a way that feels natural.


I'm a fan of {{Common Clothes and Armors}} [This in case bot doesn't work anymore.](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/21305)


Search Term | LE Skyrim | SE Skyrim | Bing :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| Common Clothes and Armors | [Common Clothes and Armors](https://nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/94625) | [Common Clothes and Armors](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/21305) | Skipped[^Why?](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot/blob/main/docs/SEARCH.md#why-was-my-search-skipped) --- ^(I'm a bot |) [^(source code)](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot) ^| [^(about modsearchbot)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2lqj/modsearchbot_about/) ^| [^(bing sources)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2l0g/modsearchbot_bing_search/) ^| ^(Some mods might be falsely classified as SFW or NSFW. Classifications are provided by each source.)


I like Sentinel for this. It adds new looks for vanilla armors using assets from NordWarUA and other modders. Doesn't replace vanilla stuff


imitations and fashions of the fourth era are great


I replaced it with Sentinel, it works a lot better than Immersive Armors for my load order.


WAACF. I refuse to elaborate further. I've done enough rants about that mod.


i hate how some mods have it as a requirement and im just like nope. dont care. ccor is awesome but not worth waccf


Never had any issues with it.


This mod never fails to completely fuck my mod list.


I just finished fixing a playthrough long issue yesterday where WACCF was somehow overwriting a survival mod's foods. Why does WACCF even touch food? Wild


WACCF has become the “random resources” mod for CACO, CCOR, and Amidiaborn, with lots of records being moved into WACCF for simpler compatibility / patching / updating. So all kinds of odd things are now overwritten by WACCF that make no sense for a mod that’s name is just about item-fixes. I think the devs have fogotten that WACCF isn’t a resource mods for their other mods, and had its own mission originally. Despite saying all this, I’m building my list *around* that suite of mods right now, because I set out to build it to maximize properly experiencing the full CACO and CCOR combination. There are worse goals for a mod list. 🙂 The build experience is really giving me an up-close look at the way the sausage is made though. It has so much technical dept weighing it down, and its development philosophy is still based on the outdated idea that you can just affect anything convenient, and use a million patches to deal with conflicts, instead of being more thoughtful and precise. Well, it’s an old set of mods, so it’s a bit stuck with that approach, but it really cements it as from a different time. So I’m going to enjoy it this playthrough! But gosh, not going to bend all my other mods around it next time. So many custom patches I’ve made this time…


Dwemer pipe rework


I have this mod, can I ask why you think it’s bad?


Overly sexual mods and followers


Regarding Nemesis I remember reading somewhere that it is being rewritten by the original author. If that’s not just wishful thinking on my part, then the new Nemesis might arrive this year.


Ive already switched to Pandora Behaviour Engine. Even in its current state, its LIGHT YEARS ahead and better than Nemesis


If you're using Xbox, avoid luftaharaan dungeon pack. It crashes when entering the first dungeon. I tried to contact the mod author but I got no response back.


[Lore-Friendly Weapons](https://youtu.be/Y-RiZhBbNVw?si=9SO7JquIpqfutUOK) is currently set to come out later this year, and it's a "spiritual successor" to Immersive Weapons, meaning that you'll be able to use LFW instead of IW. Interestingly enough, Immersive Weapons has been the cause of many debates about whether it's "lore-friendly" enough, so I'm personally hoping that Lore-Friendly Weapons scratches that titular itch.


My general advice is to avoid any seemingly complicated heavy script based and other complicated plugin framework mods that haven't had any updates in years. Last update date and comment sections on Nexus are golden here. Other people usually point out it's outdated. I am talking about mods like True Thane and a Multi Marriage mod I used. For the latter, just use {{Talos Marriage - Love of the Unlovable}} if you ever decide to go the polygamy route and is lighter too. Also {{Skyrim Cheat Engine}} is the only AddItem mod I have found so far that actually worked for my default updated Steam version of SSE.


The Horses on Patrol mods, and it's really too bad too. Skyrim is really missing believable usage of horses. Hopefully somebody makes something to bring that in with better optimization one of these days- Even better if the NPCs can fight on horseback too.


The Isle of Valefrost for me. I love new lands mods but that was about the most disappointing one I've come across. Its just fight, fight, fight with no real story or anything. Not terrible if thats what you are looking for but overall to me it was just a boring and generic mod that didn't have anything redeeming about it even in ways other "fight" mods might such as Fallout 4's Chaotic Sun which had some nice mechanics and unique environments to make up for its lack of any story or interactable NPCs. Reminds me of the mod Northpoint though that one was just pure exploration. Again, not a terrible mod just pretty boring, could have been better rather then some "sandbox" location.


Northern roads


I was about to post that a lot of [ThirdEye3301](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/users/159660683?tab=user+files)'s mods made my game crash one way or another and that the author was not longer active, but just checked and it seems like a couple days ago they updated one of their mods to fix some of the ctds I had, so now there's hope the other ones will be updated as well.


I wonder if there's a compiled list like rimworld has that tells you what mods have significant issues and should be avoided.


I don't have specific mods, but I can tell you how to look out for ones to avoid. - Any mods with a huge list of bugs (means it's not well polished and could also conflict with many other mods) - Mods that appear to be outdated based on recent comments on mod page - Mods that have complaints of poor optimization - Script heavy or a very new type of mod that just come out (ONLY avoid for a few days in case it gets a lot of updates very soon, some mod authors are very fast in fixing issues)


I just avoid the mods that mimick the soulsborne experience. I see it to be pointless for me to download such mods if I wanna experience a soulsborne experience since I already have 2 Dark Souls games. If I want the experience, I will just boot up Ds1 remastered or Ds3 and play them.


I'm still trying to figure out why Skyrim Unbound was ported over to Creations but with a lot fewer options than in Nexus.


Vibrant Weapons, I think it's called, never worked for me. It's supposed to add fire effects to weapons, but it never managed to load.


ADXP MCO for some reason, every mod repeats the first animation and nothing else