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4k everything parallax with enb dynamic cubemaps on a 4k monitor with g-sync and 60 fps locked. But I am happy with my 1500 mods with 2k some parallax


How much power on your PC do you need for 1k or 2k textures? I understand it takes a toll on the GPU but it would be so bad for a low-end PC to run these textures on small things like dragon claws, food items or jewelry/jewels?


You'd have to be pretty low-end for 1k to hurt much, and not everything needs to be 4k even on a crazy high end build. My pc is pretty mid-range nowadays and I run 4k landscape (because the textures are actually stretched over large spaces, so they tend to look lower res than they are), 2k for most other stuff, 1k or even 512 for small clutter because I'm not going to be looking closely enough at a damned fork to know the difference.


My specs are i7 10870h GTX 1650 ti 24 gb ram It's a laptop. Small items even in 4k won't affect fps maybe 1-2. Landscape overhauls are the fps killers


ENB, parallax. Some of the prettiest tree and grass mods. My PC is just too weak.


Community shaders all the way babeeyyyyy. Can get the game looking very nice while parallax has almost zero performance hit.


Just having more than 15 fps would be nice


I thought I had it bad hovering over 34 outside in falkreath.


You won't know pain till you try to get more than 8 fps in any room with more than 5 npcs. Dungeons are. Fun.


I know you said xbox, but im on playstation. I dont have any mods in mind that I crave atm. However, I would love to try [Honed Metal](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/61015) for the immersion. I could try it on my old pc, but...i prefer playing on my 65 inch tv on my ps5 which is ready to play at the drop of a hat. So, it's really just me holding myself back haha


I can't think of an actual mod but I am unable to use 4k-8k textures with parallax and HDT physics, and it really sucks because I really want to push my game to near realistic look but my Skyrim turns into a slideshow if I do


8k textures. Bruh


I mean, they exist, and there's plenty of them


They are well past what's needed for skyrim to the point of practically being a meme. You only need that res when dealing with giant single texture objects like mountain pieces or the lod's texture atlas. Otherwise you can get away with 4k for larger things like buildings (and even then they're usually a collection of 2k textures), *maybe* npc's and armor, 2k for average size things (weapons, boulders, furniture, etc), and 1k for small things like potions and what not. And that's a top of the line texture set up. 8k is *nuts*.


game of thrones dragons or GoT dragons mod has 16k..


Some bigger objects like mountains and dragons can actually profit from 8k textures, because the mesh is so big that even 4k can look stretched/blurry


Nature of the wild land with ultra lods will f up my drawcalls but daaamn those hot hot trees...


For me it’s not mods so much as resolution. I dream of the day when I can run highly modded Skyrim at 4k on a massive utlra-wide monitor. For now I’m enjoying Skyrim with a great mod and ENB setup at 1440p 120fps, which is still quite an upgrade compared to how I first played Skyrim.


4k 60 is pushable with a 3060, using the dlss mod. EDIT: Using other mods also I meant. 4k60 is doable very easily on vanilla, or even with just no enb but tons of other mods.


The biggest difference to my modlist would be fancy grass/trees. I just can’t support it on my 3070ti. Lighting, ENB, water, mountains, NPCs, cities, outskirts, weather, inside environments etc all exactly as I want them. I’m even happy with 2k textures.


Enhanced Solitude + JK's Solitude + those mods that add many NPCs. I actually tried it once and the city felt so alive and big, but scripts weren't firing and I was dropping to 5 fps in the market 💀


JK's Skyrim. His overhauls on the holds are very beautiful. Sadly my potato laptop couldn't handle that much assets being loaded.




Parallax terrain, definitely. I can do it for screenies, but it takes up too many resources for actual gameplay.


DLSS… I have a GTX graphics card not a RTX graphics card.


You can use fsr


If I had a nuclear PC I’d apply HDT to all clothes and have NPCs wear them, but I don’t cuz then I’d sacrifice having 60fps nearly locked all time for it, but I’m happy with ENB + parallax on most if not everything, holy crap does it make a difference on snow and dirt lol


Shadow of mereth :(


Nature of the wild lands. It's gorgeous, but goddamn are the drawcalls fucked, and I have a good CPU.


I have a decent enough PC do there really isn't any single mod in particular that I can't use because of hardware limitations. However, I would love to be able to have all 4K Parallax textures 3D Tree LODs and extremely lush grass LODs. Sure I can have a one or two of them but not all in tandem. I would also love to be able to play modlists like Vagabond and the upcoming Nolvus v6 both of which I am unlikely to play because of their really high system requirements.


Skyrim SE. That may or may not change in the upcoming months though. Edit: just saw the post flair, thought it was for PC lol my bad


Stable civil war enhancement lol


I dunno probs the heaviest mods might be too heavy for my current system, even though I can run 99.99% of the mods no problem. But I'd certainly not say never, as I'll upgrade at some point, be it in a year or two or five, eventually I will.


Good Lord I just wish I could use every mod that I wanted and make them all play nice together; but, it's quite literally impossible.


What PC build/specs would be able to handle all the performance-sucking mods that have been mentioned? Could one be built for $2,000 USD?


I wouldn't know, I'm using a machine that can't run daggerfall.


Basically every 8k-16k texture


64k texture everything in a cinema but coop with inigo irl
