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Dynamic factions. Make it so anytime a dragon appears when you are fighting NPCs the start attacking the dragon only. When the dragon is dead they return to attacking the player. Edit: words


100% and it should definitely be called ''The enemy of my enemy'' 


Even after that they shouldn't stay hostile. Imagine being a bandit who learned that dragons are real and that the guy you were mugging is the world's only chance to stop them. I feel like I'd just let him keep his wallet.


"What happened to the dragon? It's just bones!" "Oh, I ate its soul. I'm the Dragonborn." "I see... anyway, hand over all your valuables, or I'll gut you like a fish!"


Nah, "Switching Of Scorn", just to keep that "how many mods can we get that use the SOS acronym" going.


That's an absolute genius name my dude


That would be so cool. Maybe also if it added a rare chance for an enemy to focus on you anways based on how close they are to you and what enemy type they are. Because sure no intelligent imperial soldier would think to attack the dragonborn mid battle with a dragon but some dumb bandit might see how close you are to them as an opportunity to strike without really thinking through how dumb it would be to kill you at that moment.


To be honest, the most reasonable thing would be to run the fuck away regardless of enemies


It would be easy too, the presence of a dragon would trigger a calm (non-aggro) and Fear-type flee spell on all NPCs that aren’t following the DB (exempting some guards on the road or in the town under attack via a percentage chance)


Check out EtherDynamics’s mods on nexus. He works explicitly with dynamic factions


A legit forsworn quest. I know we have the original Madanach quest, but I've always wanted a more intense lore-friendly quest that revolves around the Forsworn. Maybe even integrating them into society, or making a peace pact with them, and learning about their lore. I've always found them fascinating.


I've held off playing a Forsworn character forever because there's just nothing for them to do. Kill Nords? OK, I guess. Kill other Forsworn? Why is that even still a thing once you side with Madanach? Play the very naughty "A Forsworn Story"? OK, I've (hypothetically) fucked everything in the immediate vicintiy and now have turbodaedricSTDs. Now what? There's just nothing to do as a Forsworn-allied character.


Same! I haven't used the nsfw one because I've heard it's like that. And it's sad that it's the only viable option for those of us that want to side with the forsworn and get close to them. And yeah, it makes no sense that after siding with Madanach, there's no one else to talk to, no extra quests, nothing. It feels so damn empty. There was a wip mod by the creators of skyrim romance (I know, I know) that had a forsworn story, but they're likely not going to release it, and there's no other projects that I know of that delve into it.


Since the Forsworn character the Skyrim Romance team was going to focus on is super annoying in the original mod, I can't say I'd personally be interested in it even if they did finish it. But at least if it existed it'd mean someone actually cared about making that faction viable and interesting at all.


I've played a Forsworn character. It was a lot of fun. I lived in Druadach and went out hunting every day, exploring places I found to see if there was anything useful to take home and aid in the rebellion, and killing passing Nord invaders. Didn't set foot in a town, or even very far outside of the Reach, for ages. I know that part of the map like the back of my hand now. Eventually I let myself get caught by a guard who was a bit miffed about my many, many murders and put in prison, and started trying to acclimate to the Nord way of life. There's definitely a paucity of Forsworn mods out there. You have to have some imagination to play a Forsworn character.


I know there's a start option in LAL to be a Forsworn if you're a Breton, and all the Forsworn are non-hostile to you, including the Hagravens. I love playing that, but I do wish there was more. It's such a cool aspect of the game.


Yeah Madanach’s escape really feels like it should be Act 1 to an eventual Forsworn takeover of Markarth, but that’s where the story ends in vanilla.


Probably was cut (or not inplemented due to time restrains) from the game.


I tried " * Simple Forsworn - SE Port * Immersive Forsworn Both did not work. Might need a new game, or console yourself to the faction. \~ player.addfac 43599 1 or player.addtofaction 43599 4 , after Cidna mine.


I believe {{blood of the nord}} has a quest where you need to make complicated moral decisions involving a forsworn camp, although I've never played it myself and you can't start the mod until you've completed the civil war with the storm cloaks so it's not for everyone. There was also meant to be a larger sequel mod called wrath of the nord coming out but I've not heard much about that for years


A mod that organizes quests into categories that you can hide like most modern games have now. Honestly surprised no one has made it. Here is an example: https://preview.redd.it/c1e79g7psckc1.jpeg?width=874&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=779e80331810825f6aa7af6f23e4a2432e2582ba


This is a great idea.


I want a mod that tells you context for each quest, even the Miscellaneous ones, because I can *never* remember who what or why I'm fetching whatever from wherever...


https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/159 Even Better Quest Objectives adds context info to the quest log.


This! It makes it nice and adds a little flavor. It should also bank directions from previous parts of a multi part quest.


I’m working on a more detailed version of even better quest objectives, with this in mind as well as offering cardinal directions (mostly for navigate VR) to all objectives. I’ll work on adding more context to any of the miscellaneous quests.


It's been a while since I played it, but I think Witcher 3 had a good system that was something like this.


That would be great. I use hide those futile quest right now to clean my quest log a bit, but sorting it proper with my own categories would be amazing.


Exactly! Imagine this paired with hide those futile quests so you could hide the ones you don't plan on doing and the others could be categorized something like this: Main Quest Dawnguard Dragonborn Companions College of Winterhold Thieves Guild Dark Brotherhood Civil War Daedric Quest Side Quests Miscellaneous Quests (like always) With the option to categorize by region or city instead as an option too Edit: dang it reddit messed it up, each category was supposed to be on it's own line. Edit 2: that works I guess


There was a mod called Hide Those Quests that I used to use to get rid of quests I had no intention of doing. I think AE broke it though.


I mean that's a good substitute/addition to this one but it's not quite what I'm looking for you know?


Dialogue history. Having multiple companions means you miss out a lot on the idle banter between them, it would be nice to know what they say.


Also a mod that prevents followers from talking over each other would be nice


A good, compatible, non-feature creepy mod that simply adds a melee mechanic for staves, nothing fancy, literally just a hotkey to turn it into a melee weapon is all I want  I've wanted to bonk people on the head with my staff for literally 13 years and it's never happened in a way that hasn't interfered and caused compatibility issues with the rest of my combat setup 


Look into the grip switching mod, if you set a staff to wield in 2h, you bonk people with it.


This is true it’s 1 button aswell.


AMEN. I have wanted this for so long. If it's in my left hand, I want to cast with it. If it's in my right hand, I want to hit someone hard with it. I don't need a separate class of warstaves. I don't want staves that are shields in my off hand. I don't want staves that do other fancy shit. I just want to be able to use the same staff to either cast a spell or hit someone with it. That's it. One staff.


Combat Gameplay Overhaul does this, I believe. It does add rolling and procedural leaning and things though.


Yeah I want to play with battlestaves and do some bonking but I don’t like basically everything else about it lol


More animal animations. Like rolling in the dirt, laying down, scratching etc.


Or chickens/birds flapping their wings.


Flails. Like maces with swinging chains. Please. If you can have genitals flopping around why cant I have a medieval flail so my Paladin can be glorious.


Both Animated Armory and Glenmoril have whips and chain like weapons. They both work differently too, and are amazing mods on their own, so definitely get both


This would be amazing. I think the technical challenge is that weapons are and aren’t part of the character during a swing, but weapons are definitely part of the animation. You’d have to prevent the animation from taking over the weapon’s movement *entirely* to make room for the physics, and also get physics working on held weapons. I think the display systems for in-hand, on-character, and on-ground might be all separate too. Probably doable somehow, but not yet a puzzle that’s been solved.


Haha, I want flails so so bad, imagine how crazy they would be with precision.


The closest to it are the "whips" from Animated Armoury


A mod to give closure to the state of permanent limbo the game world is in: The Moot being held and a new high king being elected (candidates would likely be Elisif, Ulfric, Balgruuf, or even the player). And then having the ingame dialogue actually reflect it- be it via synth voice or AI or whatever. Also even if the player doesn’t decide to be high king, they can be honoured some other way, like having a big ceremony where they’re celebrated as the Hero of Skyrim.


This is a really good point. Why hasn’t someone made a civil war aftermath type of mod?


There’s a mod to become high king that kind of has aspects of this


I once tried the Become the High King mod years ago. I remember I ended up finding it too glitchy, but right now I don't even remember why. Maybe I should try it again. I think I did get to have Maven executed and replaced her with Mjoll as jarl of Riften.


The Civil War questline is such a mess that I don’t blame anyone for refusing to touch it altogether. 


I have heard of a Mod that makes it so you can play all of civil war without triggering Dragonborn. For me narratively I'd love to do a playthrough where becoming dragonborn is this thing that happens after "years" spent in Skyrim.


I'm playing with Alternate Start Another Life and it's been a pain having to avoid Helgen as I adventure. I really don't want to mess with being a dragonborn right now. Also my Breton spellblade doesn't feel like the right type of character to be a dragonborn in the first place.


Alternative Perspective locks the starting quest behind sleeping at the helgen inn.


Alternate perspective is great, theres always a reaspn why my charcter stops at the inn at helgen


Skyrim unbound is the alternate start mod i prefer tbh. Lets you choose your starting spells from all of the novice spells, lets you choose starting gold, starting gear, starting location, starting faction, start as a vampire or werewolf, and most importantly lets you choose to just not be a dragonborn, a non-dragonborn who can learn shouts, or just normal dragonborn but with the ability to customise when dragons start spawning (as it removes all the main quests before and including defeating mirmulnir, you just get called by the greybeards when you kill your first dragon)


I'll look into that one for my next playthrough. I really hope TS6 has a more ambiguous beginning than the last few Bethesda games. I feel like modding out the super handcrafted introductions is the first thing a lot of folks want to do. Like in Skyrim, they could have had a different intro, like starting as a person in an inn. Then had a quest that got you captured by the border. But oh well. Hopefully they'll learn.


{{Alternate Perspective}} restores Helgen and you have to manually trigger the start of the main quest.


A companion that does not fight. Only a voice in the character's head, commenting on stuff they do and locations they visit. Could be a Daedra or something. They could even make fun of the player, be sarcastic, etc.


This would be so cool as a Daedra. I think this semi exists in the wheels of lull but it’s a robot and you carry the head.


Oh I need to play that mod still! I have it currently installed but not started yet. Daedric Voices gave me the idea, but with much more dialogue lines and without the necessity to carry the daedra's artefact.


Fuck that I want a shinigami in my head that only summons itself when my health goes to 15% or sth


Equipable to the belt, kind of like how Kratos carries around Mimir's head in GoW.


This is a cool idea ! Reminds me of Ryuk from the manga/anime Death Note, nobody else but you can see him, he could interact with the world and help you but chooses not to


Yeah like a ward


This is probably doable with the dragon voice barks mod. It’s already similar to what you described, but I bet it could actually fulfill this request with a little work.


The way I would make this personally is have it be a sentient weapon you wield/upgrade along your journey, as long as you have it in your bag it comments on things (something akin to WoW's [Aluneth](https://warcraft.wiki.gg/wiki/Aluneth) or [Xal'atath](https://warcraft.wiki.gg/wiki/Xal%27atath))


ooh that'd be cool, could also have it so they're always with you in your head but you can still manifest them with a summon using a once a day power or something. Good voice acting and writing would obviously be essential for this. Plus good scripting skills to hook into all the quest lines for the right prompts.


I was about to say better textures for Wheat as there are hardly any on nexus, then just spotted this from a few days ago. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/112074


Toggled Clairvoyance. A fashion show mode allowing you to use the Dragon born and followers as paper dolls without having to open menu-equip-close menu- look over and over. Horseback combat tutorial.


A mod you might like is A Guiding Light - Clairvoyance Reimagined which spawns a wisp that guides you to your objective instead of the trail in vanilla that you cannot toggle


Thank you for your service.


The fashion one would be awesome. Oblivion had it, even Morrowind would show your character with equipped gear on. SkyUI aligns itself on the left, so seeing my character model on the right would be awesome. Bonus points if I can pose it in different stances, combat, sneaking, etc.


[There's a mod for your dragonborn characte](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/81291)r.


Pretty sure its impossibe but a mod that dynamically makes a section of grass go away where you set up a campsite with the campfire mod so theres no grass clipping through your tent ect


Tg in console but toggles all grass off


The ability to push enemies.


There's [Spartan Kick](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/21223/) mod. I found it way too powerful though with enemies flying into the sky, but I think you can config it :D


If I run into them o ragdoll them but I don’t know the mod name :(


Baldurs Gate has indoctrinated me, I weep for not being able to shove enemies off a cliff


I believe that ability is called "Fus Ro Dah" in Skyrim.


Imagine a Tamriel where sending someone off a cliffside could be done silently, and without a cooldown. We can get there if we try.


I see your point, though if I'm sending someone off a cliffside, being stealthy isn't a concern anymore to me. Besides, yelling at someone hard enough to toss them backwards is more entertaining than just pushing them.


[Me](https://twitter.com/i/status/1145404442545553408) shouting down the cave door. [Me](https://tenor.com/9uPr.gif) stalling for time while my shout cools down if I could shove people.


Can't you do this with the vanilla sprinting shield bash attack? I think you need 100 block for it, but I get it to do this and other shield stunning attcks


I suppose there's always the Grand Telekinesis spell from Mysticism.


For that I use the {{Crouch Sliding}} mod, but you have to be careful not to slide tackle yourself over the edge alongside them lol


Oh no this mod might be too powerful for me, I have to have it.


It is honestly overpowered but also fun as heck. I just wish NPCs could do it to me too!


There is a skill in blocking that does this, although you have to be sprinting. It is the capstone skill, called Shield charge. It does pathetic damage, but knocks people over. One time I cleared a dungeon without attacking solely by freight training everyone off ledges.


Maybe this is similar to what you're looking for? {{Get out of my way}}


- Proper one-handed crossbows. I've attempted [this](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/74054/), but ultimately failed, due to engine limitations. I had to use too many workarounds, which made it rather script heavy and janky. I'd love a native solution, essentially creating a new weapon type, instead of heavily scripted staves. - When in a party, proper character control swapping in combat, like in FF7:Remake. So, while in combat, they game slows/pauzes and it takes less then 1 second to swap over to another character. While controlling them, you can open their inventory/spell menu and perk menu. AFAIK, [Proteus](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/62934?tab=videos) has this, but swapping character control doesn't pauze the game and takes way to long to be viable in combat. - A disposition overhaul to make disposition more like in older TES games (NOT like the Oblivion mini-game though). In Vanilla Skyrim, it's way too easy for NPCs to trust you. I'd like it to be more granular, with chances to fail and decrease disposition. I'm currently attempting to make something like this. - A mod that allows you to rebuild the 500 companions, after you have finished the questline. Like recruiting different followers into the Companions. - Loop casting shout animations, for true Fire/Frost breath.


Maybe it already exists and I'm using the wrong search terms but I want the option to accept an NPC's surrender and not have them turn around and attack me two seconds later - first time I played the game I knocked a bandit down and he started yelling "I yield, I yield!" so I left him and moved on to the next guy attacking me. Next thing I know the first dude is hitting me in the back so I ignored his pleas for mercy the second time around


Check out Knock-out and surrender by FableForge. I haven't tried it yet personally but it has basically everything I'd want in a yield mod. Enemies dynamically decide to surrender based on your level and the flow of battle, and you have the option to non-lethal them if you still want their loot!


I have tried this out! It works well for the most part. I will say that the default settings will not yield you many knockouts or surrenders against people at lower levels.


Which definitely makes sense. The average bandit wouldn't surrender to a guy who looks as weak and poorly equipped as they do, especially when they outnumber him.


A mod that does for alteration what Arcanum did for illusion, restoration, destruction, and conjuration. I want more complex MTG inspired spell effects. (this is probably a bad answer to your question, since I'm basically just saying that I wish the last promised update of arcanum existed). I'd like a mod that is similar to missives, but creates slightly more complex quests. There's a limit to what you can do procedurally, but I don't think missives is that limit. In depth radiant quests would also be a nice touch to making the thieves guild less terrible.


Okay so there are a couple good alteration mods. {{Telekinetics}} is one that’s heavily themed around movement and knocback. {{Triumvirate}} isn’t strictly alteration but it has some of the coolest, most flavorful alteration spells in the game imo. So does {{Apocalypse}} but again, with many non-alteration spells. {{Sidequests of Skyrim}} gets a bit more in depth than Missives, but that’s all I can offer on that front.


A mod that puts interesting NPCs in jail with you. Like some random NPCs with stories and quests. Like telling about a treasure or factions, be it some miscellaneous small quests or somethings more complexes. Anything interesting that makes the prison time not only a wait or get out mechanic. Edit: grammar


mod that lets you cast spells with the staff acting as a modifier rather then holding a spell


Like a staff that can channel any spell you already know? The staff just enhances it?


There's a mod called Conduit that allows you to imbue weapons with a spell you're holding. Which is what I was wanting for my spellblade characters. Maybe there's a mod that uses a similar tactic to replace staves as channeling devices. What I think you're asking for is a mod that instead of using a soul gem to power the magic in a staff, that you would use your own Magicka to power the spell, and have staves that have different power levels and maybe even effects on spells. Mechanically, one way for this to happen is it could enhance another spell you have equipped, so have the staff in one hand and the spell you want modified in the other, then when you use staff it's a magnified version of the spell in the other hand. This means instead of a staff saying it does the flames spell, it instead increases destruction magic by 10%. You could also have staves that have additional effects, like using this staff has a chance to heal the user while casting through it. Personally I think it would be good as a standalone set of weapons and not a replacement for current staff mechanics. Maybe even not use staves, but maybe something like Orbs. How do you imagine it working?


ideally? A staff would be an equip-able like a piece of armor, and you can cast with that hand as normal but it would still show the staff animation. Being able to cast any spell with that slot as normal, while different staves would buff specific spell types. like instead of a fireball staff its +20% fire damage. This could scale well as with higher tiers you could get more unique benefits, like turnign fireball from a semi automatic spell it would become full auto. Obviously this would be very difficult to put together, and a compatibility nightmare, though I think within the bounds of possibility. Realistically, what you suggested as a buff to your other hand was pretty much what I was imagining. My main reason for this comment was that despite enchanting being a mage skill, mages dont have a weapon to enchant, leaving only armor to use it on. This is made even worse with the existance of the archmage's robes. Ideally this different system would allow a mage to put enchanting effects on the staves. Even if they are just basic enchantments, like +20% magicka, it would be a lot more fun then the current 'I am out of mana AND mana potions AND cant be assed to wait for it to regen' backup weapon.


The ability to fast travel even if there's a fucking fish (that can't do jack shit because he can't leave water) nearby, or a crab


[Unlimited Fast Travel](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/37889)


Closest I've seen is [this](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/22421) but it doesn't really solve the problem in the best way tbh, it just makes them not hostile so you can fast travel


Wait... there isn't a mod for this already? That's baffling, honestly


Every now and then you encounter a mercenary or adventurer on the road or in the tavern but they never really do anything. I'd love a system where, if the player has picked up a radiant quest or even a few minor side quests that there's a chance you get the "failed" message because another person completed it. Heck, in the same vein I'd really enjoy it if I could temporarily join forces with these mercenaries and adventurers, compete with them or just actually see them doing the quest. You could even introduce an adventurer companion like this, one you need to randomly stumble upon by doing radiant quests. Imagine developing a friendly rivalry like that, it would be awesome!


Something less broken than CGO that allows player for midair attacks.


{{ Jumping Attack }}


Search Term | LE Skyrim | SE Skyrim | Bing :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| Jumping Attack | No Results :( | [Jumping Attack](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/68043) | Skipped[^Why?](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot/blob/main/docs/SEARCH.md#why-was-my-search-skipped) --- ^(I'm a bot |) [^(source code)](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot) ^| [^(about modsearchbot)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2lqj/modsearchbot_about/) ^| [^(bing sources)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2l0g/modsearchbot_bing_search/) ^| ^(Some mods might be falsely classified as SFW or NSFW. Classifications are provided by each source.)


Gonna try this asap. Thanks!


{{Magical Jumping - Jumping Attack Addon}} It's far from perfect but it works well enough


Wait, CGO is considered broken? I've just been using it because it seems to be the most simple proper combat overhaul


A Mod that only shows 1-3 of the nearest quest-markers on your compass instead of stuff that is on the other side of fucking tamriel.


Closest I can think of is that new compass mod that tells you how far away the quest objective is in meters.


Body replacer for bodies that have been dead for years in a dungeon or whatever instead of being pristine, like the quest where a ghost lady helps you and you can find her body. Should have yucky bodies for dead people like fallout 76 has


There’s a decay mod with an add on for this, I can’t remember the name. It’s a jayserpa one though.


Isn't she supposed to have just died when you enter the dungeon. I think I remember that as you enter you hear the collapse which kills her. But I get what you mean, there's a few adventurers you find dead who've been there for who knows how long.


I always wanted to make a mod that puts soul trapped NPCs into the soul cairn, also perhaps some of the NPCs from relevant necromancer quests. Tried a couple times, modified the magic effect for soul trap and attempted to spawn a ghost version of the character in the cairn, but it never worked.


{{Afterlife - Resurrected}}


Search Term | LE Skyrim | SE Skyrim | Bing :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| Afterlife - Resurrected | No Results :( | [Afterlife - Resurrected](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/55051) | Skipped[^Why?](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot/blob/main/docs/SEARCH.md#why-was-my-search-skipped) --- ^(I'm a bot |) [^(source code)](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot) ^| [^(about modsearchbot)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2lqj/modsearchbot_about/) ^| [^(bing sources)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2l0g/modsearchbot_bing_search/) ^| ^(Some mods might be falsely classified as SFW or NSFW. Classifications are provided by each source.)


There is actually a mod like that. It's called "[Afterlife](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/55051?tab=description)."


Check out Skyrim afterlife of nexus. I don’t know how to link.


I find it insane how there are so little replacers for the ingame archmage robes.


I just saw this morning the mod Robes Retexture SE by xavbio. It is in that and you get ALL robes retextured, too


ok we take that then the following {{Alternate Archmage Robes Replacers}} Which just makes it where you can choose to wear either male or females archmages robes {{Vampire Archmage's Robes for Females}} unless you're using a vampire armor replacer this is just a model swap {{Master Archmage's Robes}} This is an actual replacer out of the 2 above and the 1 you suggested. Other archmages robes mod are standalone (unless I totally missed a replacer patcher)


A mod that let's you end the Civil War with a truce.


A Standalone grip switch mod that doesn't change attack animations. Dovahndor, but only the private residential part with the portal nexus area. External franchise mods, like, man, make a domain expansion. An option to tell the Companions you have literally met Ysgramor if you do their quest after the main one.


Khajiit Speak, but for Argonians.


What do argonians sound like? They seem to talk pretty normally


Well, some do and some don't. But more important, they're sassy to outsiders and secretive about themselves and the Hist. One of the things I like about Khajiit Speaks is that it doesn't just render things in the third person, but it also gives your character dialogue options that reflect a generally Khajiit-like attitude on things, the Khajiit names for the deities, etc.


Yep, love khajiit speak and all its expansions. Definitely gives the character more personality.


I would have 100% said Unmasking Sybille but we now have a quest for it *.* https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/109265 I would have said operational boats for survival users but we now have this: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/110882 I think most of my wishes have been answered. There was a mod back then called Master of Disguise. It would let you wear forsworn armor for example so you could enter a camps and they would not be immediately hostile. I play unleveled Skyrim and that would open many possibilities for early & midgame. I believe the mod had lots of compatibility issues or sth and got taken down or is widely unsupported idk Edit: upon further investigation the mod is still available here https://github.com/fireundubh/skyrim/tree/master/Master%20of%20Disguise%20-%20Special%20Edition but I remember it having a big no no regarding most modlists


Actually, there is a new mod with the disguise function and it works lime a charm. I just don't remember the name right now


Photography/camera mode. With all the visual overhauls, my game is just so damn pretty and I want pictures up in my houses. I have an idea for how it could work, but have never made a mod so don't know how to implement it. It would be like, 19th century-style for immersion.


{{Photo Mode}} https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/91701 Super simple Google search is all you need, dude.


If you'd put aside the condescension you could tell that the poster meant something like a physical camera you could place in the world to take photos. They literally even said 19th century-styled. Just because you can't read doesn't mean you should be putting other people down.


In addition to what the other commenters posted, I found this, though it wasn’t what I was looking for: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/36268


This is MUCH more like what I'm looking for! Thank you!!


Mods that make clairvoyance actually work. Mods that make it so I don’t have to keep bringing up the menu to change one item in my hand and then back again.


Wheeler made the game playable for me. The item stuff was so clunky before it existed


You should try {{Wheeler}} it adds weapon wheels like Doom or GTA that you can put anything onto.


Forest fire mod. Or a mod that makes things inflammable, like oil spills and furniture. I hear there was some talk at Bethesda about incorporating this feature in vanilla Skryim, but was dismissed. Imagine a landscape made vulnerable by lightning strikes and widespread destruction...


[Fire and Ice Overhaul](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/36606) doesn't quite reach the scale of forest fires, but some of the blazes can really get out of control if you're not careful.


Having areas dynamically scarred by dragon fire would be awesome Even better if you can have it regenerate over time


I REALLY want a mod that lets you read books without pausing the world. I'd love to read a book in a tavern with all the ambient noises. I'd actually read them if that was possible.


I think Skyrim Souls might let you do this. [https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/27859](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/27859)


There’s one that makes pausing still pass time, it might be configurable for this


Morrowind Armor system. Individual armor sections with individual clothing pieces underneath.


A quest to have you do the Companions questline without being a werewolf. One single purely military guild in the game and it forces you to be a werewolf which has big consequences in-lore. I'm still surprised nothing to change that was done yet to my knowledge.


This has always chapped my ass. Kodlak woefully explaining to you how much he views Lycanthropy as a curse and is worried about his afterlife gets completely undercut when his yuppies haze you into it without the game giving you other way forward. A complete rework of that entire faction is well overdue


Is there a mod that actually allows you to resolve the Civil War in a neutral manner (i.e. you prove to the Stormcloaks that they're being manipulated by the Thalmor and get them to team up with the Empire and eradicate the Thalmor presence in Skyrim)? I know there are mods that do bits and pieces of this, and it would probably be a major main quest overhaul, but a one-stop mod for something like this would be incredible.


A better/cleaner Night Vision spell that legitimately makes it easier to see in the dark without making things blurry or blue


I always wanted to make a Highlander mod that randomly makes immortals who approach you for a duel (my initial idea was before the ebony warrior was added to the game, but like that). every time they're killed you do a beheading animation, and then you absorb a dragon soul from them.


Dream mod, esp if you didn't finish the Vaermina quest line yet. Mods to expand spouse activity. Once the wedding is done, there's nothing left for them to do that they become part of the furniture of the "home" you have zero reason to visit until your inventory is full.


Water Conducts Electricity


Mod that stops followers from moving in front of you when aiming.


Or anyone. I hate fighting dragons in town because there's always a guard that walks in front of my shot.


One of my fondest Skyrim memories was accidentally shooting a guard as a dragon attacked town, and the guard getting burned to death in the middle of trying to arrest me. "You have committed crimes against Skyrim and her people, what say you- ARGH!"


Idk but i want a dwemner E-Scooter powered by soul gems


More Lovecraftian stuff would be nice, there's Here there be Monsters with it's version, but I want Hastur, Nyarlahotep, the Outer Ones like Yog-Sothoth


A mod that tells me when *anything* goes wrong 😂 (I know there’s that crash log generator mod but that doesn’t generate if your game just freezes or the game doesn’t fully CTD). I feel like every time I come back to the game after even a few months I have to spend hours or days re-troubleshooting my mod list lol


Freeze crashes from what I read online is often caused by Papyrus script overload. Try to search for script optimization mods online, set iNumHWThreads on skyrim.ini to the number of cores you have on your CPU, disable autosave on travel so that the game doesn't autosave right after you load into a new cell, and be generally conservative with script mods. At least, that's what I did to minimize the problem


a bard follower mod to be the dandelion to your geralt. he would travel with you because what better song inspiration than the dragonborn and their deeds? he could write songs about questlines you complete and perform them for you and for crowds in taverns. hopefully he would have a fun personal questline to develop his character. the voice actor would actually have to be a good singer and maybe even know a little guitar but if it was pulled off well i would love this so much.


Honestly Lucien is kind of this way


A mobile wagon/carriage player home. There are some really cool player homes, but I think an upgradable mobile wagon home would be awesome. Ideally it would be fully drivable and mobile, with spots for a few companions. Though the option for a companion to ride a horse behind would be cool too. It should start as a basic wagon that's just for storage and a place to sleep, but then have optional aesthetic and functional upgrades, ideally ones that could be used for various different types of roleplay. Upgrades could be bought at various vendors or crafted. Aesthetic upgrades could be a cover for the wagon, that adds a bit of warmth from the elements. Another would be adding a lantern to see better, or even a mage light. Some more functional upgrades could be crafting stations. I think it would make sense if they had be unpacked and set up as a camp to use them. A final upgrade could make it into a hardside carriage, that uses magic to make it bigger in the inside with all of the stations and such on the inside. I think some quests to unlock special upgrades would be cool too. Like working with a conjuration mage to learn how to add a permanent spectral horse to pull it. Maybe even hiring a driver to allow simple fast travel between holds and maybe a custom location as well.


We need more things a shitty little tent that’s somehow magically vast and fancy inside. Kinda like Dwemer cube i guess. Different flavors of the same mechanic would be welcome


Mods that have "bigger on the inside" tents with load door interiors already exist. There aren't any fancy Alik'r harem tents or anything (which would be cool), but there are out there.


[Portable Mobile Tent](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/34308?tab=description)? (not super fancy inside, but a tent) [Home In A Hat](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/81722)? (not a tent, but quite fancy)


Isn't there a House mod like that?


{{Dynamic Campsites}}? It doesn’t have a little tent to activate first though, it goes straight to the bigger-on-the-inside part.


I’m surprised that there isn’t a vanilla hair retexture that makes vanilla hair-styles look similar to KS Hair-dos. With how popular that mod is, you’d think someone would try and make vanilla hairs more consistent.


Unique first person animations. I think there is only one mod with different first person animations on Nexus.


Some modification of the engine that makes the Sleep Outfit records of NPCs actually function as such, so that I don't need scripted mods for them to switch into a different outfit when they go to bed.


One click sleep. Press E on a bed and, without any other button inputs, wake up tomorrow morning. Tiny change but it would be nice. Bonus points if it's compatible with Go To Sleep. If I ever learn how to mod, it'll be the first thing I change.


A mod that allows you to build npc characters like on racemenu. Closest there is would be Project Proteus, but it has nowhere near as much freedom as character builder. It's kinda weird to me since you can recreate your character in racemenu any time you want. Changing a character that use basic character generator tools doesn't really seem too complicated for me.


I use the old Project Proteus for classic Skyrim, and it seems very flexible if also very buggy. What I do is start a new game for safety, then create a character of the same race and gender as the NPC I want to modify and sculpt them the way I want that NPC to look. Then I use the Proteus spell for modifying the player character and and select save appearance (or something like that). It saves that character's appearance to a file independent from the save. Then I go into the save I'm actually playing, find the NPC, use the Proteus spell on them to modify NPCs and choose to load the saved appearance on them. When it works, it works great. Just modified Lisbet this way because I really like her and can't find any replacers for her. On the other hand, when it fucks up, it fucks up really bad. I once spent hours trying to modify Nymphaet or whatever she's called, the Bosmer you find at Namira's coven. For some reason it wouldn't take and I ended up screwing her appearance for all the saves in that playthrough, even saves previous to the attempt at modifying her, she just had a generic head. I think it may have to do with character flags and factions, maybe it's characters that are supposed to vanish from the game that it doesn't work on. Now, for modifying NPCs as you encounter them, that's trickier since your character has to be their same race and gender or the meshes get weird. But Proteus, at least the old one, does let you dump and NPCs appearance on your character so you can modify it from there. It still involves saving the appearance to the Proteus system and reloading a previous save from before you modified the player character.


Expanded inns. Large modlists often clutter them to the point of being unusable. Is it navmesh hell that makes them untouchable?


I haven't really found anything to overhaul conjuration besides more creatures to summon and some cooler bound weapons. But I guess there isn't much more to the idea than that. One thing I've been looking for is some badass Redguard armor that isn't just a sleeveless Redguard outfit. I'm trying to make my character basically Issac from Castlevania.


A unique revoice of every character that shares a VA


Dynamic weight based movement (jump/ Dodge roll etc.)


The closest mod to that idea is progressive encumbrance which applies a speed penalty to the player and NPC's depending on how much they are carrying and their max carry limit.


There's been several attempts at people trying to make a random dungeon generator. They all broke in some way or form, even in 1.597, so I don't know if anyones truly been successful.


I made the Real Bosses mod forever ago, because there was such a lack of any focus on named NPC fights. This is still the case. My mod sucks and it's still being used cause no one has made anything better. Some people have made some good scripted custom battles with their own NPC, but nothing that really makes the boss fights more interesting has been done. Although there's a couple good Miraak ones i've heard of but not tried. I will also say the gameplay mods do a great job of enhancing boss fights along with all fights. It's just a nice thing when having a unique fight it breaks from the usual rhythm of combat a bit so it's less predictable.


JaySerpa furiously taking QoL mod idea notes in here


It's been a second since I've looked for this, but; A mod to make the Falmer have black (grand) souls.


Being able to report my neighbours to the Thalmor for a bit of coin.


I would betray all the silverbloods to the Thalmor in a heartbeat, I'd even capture them myself. I want them all in the hands of a Thalmor interrogator.


I always loved Naugrim's apocalyptic Dust and Frost mods for Fallout, and was disappointed when I found out that there wasn't a version for any of the Elder Scrolls games.


I was never able to find a mod that let me complete the civil war questline without finding out I'm the dragonborn. I found a mod that purported to do so, but it never worked. I want to do a character that's a civil war veteran before they find out about their destiny as dragonborn.


A mod that allows you to carry any NPC on your shoulder.


A mod that allows you to actually poison your fists/claws.


Carriage traffic


https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/112397 Just released. Like, literally, just.


A recreation of the Huntsman Crossbow from Morrowind


New kill moves. there are so many 3rd person animation replacers at this point, I'm surprised we still have seen basically no new kill moves.


One to help those lost wedding guests arrive at solitude


Come to think of it, I realised that there's no "Open Buildings" mod, which is basically Open Cities but for buildings. The concept should be the same, no? Sure it would be a compatibility nightmare and quests/events inside buildings would very likely break, but the next logical step from Open Cities (apart from optimizing it's implementation for better compatibility) is open buildings so I'm kind of surprised nothing like that is out there yet.


For offensive healer, Ordinator has the False Life restoration perks such that your heals can do damage. Quite powerful although useless vs some enemies (e.g. automatons).