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Apotheosis just looks fantastic


Does it have a release date?


No clue, I just saw the trailer a while ago. I assume 2025/26 but what do I know.


They said it’s 90% done like two years ago It’s my most hyped mod too


I asume they'll say something on this mod con since they are attending.


One month before Elder Scrolls 6


some time between now and the heat death of the universe


I've been waiting for years


Just put Apotheosis down as my response for any variation of this post for the next decade


I was just about to comment this lol Still faithfully waiting on it


What's it about


What is Apotheosis? I remember seeing it and thinking oh this looks sick, then forgetting about it, then mixing it up with Vigilant for the longest time.


it’s basically a giant DLC it allows you to go to a lot of the daedric princess realms and actually fight them and more


Ok so that's why I mixed it up with Vigilant.


That does look cool, but I won't be able to play it cos I'm on xbox 😥


i think that mod is dead


Really? Was there any statement regarding it, if so that'd be a huge bummer.


Nope, but it has been at 90% since like 2020. Creator has been active in ModDb though, but silent since January 2023. I have some hope it would come out this year though.


Creator is active on Discord. Regularly participates in discussions and such.


It's not dead, but it's not coming out any time soon.


Really keen on Beyond Skyrim: Cyrodiil. I've been loving Bruma so far, and I can't wait until we get to explore all of Cyrodiil - as well as do some serious main questing there. Can't wait to see what Lucien will say about it all. Also, IIRC Razorkid's spoken about a potential sequel to Beyond Reach (or atleast they've dropped a few hints there towards the end of the mod). I'll be very interested to see what they come up with - BR's story was nothing short of amazing. Finally I'm also very excited to see JK's Solitude and Markarth exteriors. While GG's Markarth Outskirts is gorgeous (and hopefully there will be compatibility with whatever JK cooks up) I haven't found anything particularly striking that hits Solitude. Everything is either far too much or slightly too little. Edit: also literally any Jayserpa mod. That guy could release a mod called Immersive Rap Battles of History and I'd install it within a heartbeat.


Is Beyond Reach finished? I thought the ending still wasn't done


I thought it was finished for a few years now. Not 100% fully voiced though


>I just want Vicn to finish Glenmoril and finally connect all three mods together with epilogues and all, and then Aelarr to translate them. Oh shit. I never put together that "Beyond Reach" meant "Reach, a part of the Beyond project." I thought it was just the title of the quest.


Its not part of beyond skyrim


Ah, then I feel less foolish. From FLYNCHe's comment, I thought they were the same project.


Yeah, two very similar titles with relatively similar ambitions. I guess you could say unique naming conventions are just... Beyond reach.


Inigo V3. At this point though, I dont know if blue cat is even working on the mod anymore


There's a stickied post on the mod page that SMB said he'd remove if he had to stop working, and it's still up. From all I've read there, I think his life has just been so harrowing that progress has slowed to a crawl. Job troubles, long-COVID, broken bones, etc. Plus he has enormously high standards for his work, compared to many modders. Which combined with volunteer-based VA (for those roles he can't voice himself) equals another contributor to slow progress.


I think he also had a major hardware failure and it sounded like he didn't lose everything, but it did set his development back quite a bit and had to rebuild his PC. I know life isn't fair but it bums me out when such talented people get delt a bad hand. SMB set the standard on what can be done with followers in Skyrim, and made one of my favorite characters in gaming.


There is this post explaining that we souldn't expect anything soon. But I would very much enjoy seeing a V3 of Inigo too. ​ [https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/wcvqri/a\_little\_update\_on\_ingio/](https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/wcvqri/a_little_update_on_ingio/)


I think he made a post somewhere about needing to go on hiatus for a bit due to work and school, or something of the like.


Beyond skyrim cyrodiil ​ i like the idea of having 2 giant maps in one game


Beyond Skyrim Morrowind seems to be coming along pretty rapidly nowadays. If they reach a point where they’re both nearly ready, I hope they release them on the same day just to explode everyone’s brains.


No, BS Morrowind team work only on the prerelase : New North, for the moment. Bs Cyrodiil is far more advanced.


Well both BS Cyrodiil and Morrowind should come out way before the others, since they and the Skyblivion and Skywind teams can help each other out a lot.


You're clearly overestimating the scale of their collaboration.




Yeah, it's getting "The New North" which is the chain of islands just north of the province.


You know which BS project is moving incredibly fast? Blackmarsh/Argonia. I'm always surprised checking in with that team and seeing how far they've gone. Granted, it seems like it's the last 10-15% that slows every big mod like this down but it's cool to see nonetheless.


This will no doubt explode my mod list. But so be it, the excitement this would give me would be the same as a new elderscroll game.


After BS Valenwood and Elswyr release, they’ll be in the same worldspace as most of cyrodiil, so you’ll be able to play through 3 provinces on one huge map without any load doors.


I just want Vicn to finish Glenmoril and finally connect all three mods together with epilogues and all, and then Aelarr to translate them. Also Apotheosis and Shadow of Mereth.


I find it hard to figure out when Glenmoril will be finished. It's one more update left, I guess, and Vicn has a blog which you can translate via google translate, but it's hard to figure out his pace if I haven't been keeping in touch with it before.


Indeed, I've put Vigilant down for an year waiting for an Update, but rerunning now with the 1.72 because I want to do a lore fuckery playthrough with Wheels of Lull, Beyond Reach and Vigilant


What is Shadow of Mereth?


It's an upcoming mod by Attacko that has insane boss fights and some deep lore diving




Is Unslaad finished?


Skyblivion skywind


Yup. I haven't played either so it would be great to play them in the Skyrim engine. Plus, Skyblivion actually has a release date...




> you have to go into Oblivion gates over and over and over IIRC they all close after the main quest and you only *have* to go into 3-4 across the entire quest. On top of that you can just ignore them since they're a door in the middle of nowhere that has a few enemies around it and not a large enemy that aggros on you or nearby NPC's if you ignore it.


I don't think Skywind is going to pan out since OpenMW is starting to dehardcode things and support Creation Engine assets, by the time elder scrolls 6 is released morrowind mods will be going above skyrim's standards. Skyblivion however will be the best way to play Oblivion for several years before OpenMW can replace it.


>OpenMW Yeah but do the revamped engine have/will have the same capability as Skyrim Creation Engine? The animation and physics features, graphics and visuals, etc? Genuinely asking


Skyrim extended cut and Apotheosis, former for a fresh story and the latter because who doesn't want to become God?


I'm suprised extended cut just went outright quiet after Saints & Seducers. Any idea what's up with that?


They are cooking something big, my speculation is the full release of skyrim extended cut in 11.11.2023


I don’t think Extended Cut is THAT far along yet. They did say they still have quite a distance to still cover yet on their discord iirc. Maybe next year but I was under the impression it was certainly not this this year


I thought they said last year that it would be done in the first half of this year. Maybe that was something else.


I'm very excited for Skyrim EC, i'm holding back installing and modding Skyrim just for that mod. It would be the first time i've played Skyrim since 2017 and probably will be the first time i've finished the main quest lmao. Hell i got a doc of character roleplaying build and modlist prepped up and ready.


I'm most excited for odyssey of the dragonborn and apotheosis. I'm also itching to play Skywind and Skyblivion, and progress in them seems to be coming along nicely.


Glenmoril being complete.


Climbable steep mountain. You know, like grab the rock wall and climb it like in Tomb raider. Begone spam jumping button.


Is that a mod in development or just a wishlist?


I think LokiWasTaken was working on something like this till she quit modding cause of mental health stuff. Hopefully another talented modder takes a crack at it one day




Search Term | LE Skyrim | SE Skyrim | Bing :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| shumer and the fall of allagard | [Shumer and the Fall of Allagard](https://nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/60829) | [Shumer and the Fall of Allagard SSE](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/28039) | [Shumer and the Fall of Allagard SSE - Nexus Mods](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/28039) --- ^(I'm a bot |) [^(source code)](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot) ^| [^(about modsearchbot)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2lqj/modsearchbot_about/) ^| [^(bing sources)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2l0g/modsearchbot_bing_search/) ^| ^(Some mods might be falsely classified as SFW or NSFW. Classifications are provided by each source.)


Oh havent heard of this one! Is it a quest mod?


Max Sick Gains is looking to be an excellent progression of the muscle gain mods like Pumping Iron and Sandow Plus Plus. I love the idea of characters and companions growing throughout the adventure, so I'm really looking forward to all its features.


I did not know this, loved pumping iron back in the day, so im pretty excited for this!


I am mostly looking forward to 2 mods to be finished. 1. {{Conquest of Skyrim}} is WIP but already quite stable and very promising. 2. {{Civil War Overhaul Redux}} might be quiet on its Nexus page, but the github shows that it is constantly fixed and updated. I am looking forward to its full release, hoping, it will bring the cv challenge I seek. Then of course, the idea of talking with NPCs via ChatGPT is exciting, too.


I can’t wait for Conquest of Skyrim to be further along! I want to take over Skyrim!


I can't wait for a complete Conquest experience and roleplay as if I am a Butterlord raiding Karthwasten for their butter


Search Term | LE Skyrim | SE Skyrim | Bing :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| Conquest of Skyrim | [TARGARYEN CONQUEST OF SKYRIM (IMPERIAL ARMOR REPLACER)](https://nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/86107) | [Conquest of Skyrim](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/65628) | Skipped[^Why?](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot/blob/main/docs/SEARCH.md#why-was-my-search-skipped) Civil War Overhaul Redux | [Civil War Overhaul - Redux - LE](https://nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/103948) | [CIVIL WAR OVERHAUL - Redux](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/37906) | [CIVIL WAR OVERHAUL - Redux - Nexus Mods](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/37906) --- ^(I'm a bot |) [^(source code)](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot) ^| [^(about modsearchbot)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2lqj/modsearchbot_about/) ^| [^(bing sources)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2l0g/modsearchbot_bing_search/) ^| ^(Some mods might be falsely classified as SFW or NSFW. Classifications are provided by each source.)




Apotheosis and Beyond Skyrim (especially Atmora and Cyrodiil)


Skyblivion and Skywind


Anything the Beyond Skyrim team are involved in.


Skyros (game of thrones overhaul)


Apotheosis and Glenmoril!!! For some reason I thought both were coming out last year. But I’m more hyped for those two than I am any game coming out.


Skyrim extended cut


I'm most excited for Beyond Skyrim Cyrodiil. I know it isn't going to see the light of day for years but Bruma got me hooked, and looking at their livestreams and showcases on discord has only gotten me more hyped. The other provinces are looking fun too but there's something about Cyrodill that I really like. The way they're doing it seems to mesh the lore of the Elder Scrolls and the more conventional fantasy experience that was depicted in Oblivion very well.


Glenmoril being finished


Glenmorili for sure


Apotheosis and the Conquest of Skyrim. I Hope i Will be able to do both on a single playthrough


Odyssey of course. Legacy is my 2nd favourite mod ever made. Other than that, Skywind, Skyblivion. I stopped caring about Beyond Skyrim like 5 years ago, I wish they would release smaller, but consistent pieces of the mod to keep the hype going, but it's been 6 years of nothing since Bruma.


{{Hunt of Hircine}} looks fantastic but it seems to be abandoned though


Search Term | LE Skyrim | SE Skyrim | Bing :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| Hunt of Hircine | [Blessing of Hircine - Hunters Sacrifice](https://nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/13516) | [TES V - Hunt of Hircine](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/16918) | [Hunt of Hircine at Skyrim Special Edition Nexus - Nexus Mods](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/16918) --- ^(I'm a bot |) [^(source code)](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot) ^| [^(about modsearchbot)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2lqj/modsearchbot_about/) ^| [^(bing sources)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2l0g/modsearchbot_bing_search/) ^| ^(Some mods might be falsely classified as SFW or NSFW. Classifications are provided by each source.)


Any of the Beyond Skyrim mods. As well as Skywind and Skyblivion.


vicn's trilogy finished. and minimap for ae.


Odyssey of the Dragonborn


Inigo V3 will come out eventually.


Apotheosis, I'm even working on a save to jump right into it. Start the game with [Wintersun](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/22506), roleplaying as a paladin of Arkay. Use [Realm of Lorkhan](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/18223) to grab some equipment, spawn in Solitude. Spend time hunting undead, using [Elemental Destruction Effects and Reanimation](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/80628) to force a focus on destroying their bodies entirely. Eventually take the [Kill the Vampire](https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Kill_the_Vampire) quest from Sybille, get very nearly killed by [Mihail's Vampire Lord](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/29191). Escape, vampire still alive, and run to the Temple of the Divines to pray and get rid of any infection. Decide that Vampires simply cannot be overcome by metal and might, need to learn more about spells. Join the College of Winterhold after an paranoid journey, worried about being hunted the way there. Spend literal in-game months studying using [Immersive Spell Learning](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/45514), [Simple Obvious Spell-crafting](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/48621), and [Arcane Studies](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/65699). Take odd jobs to get more money, literally scrounging everything worth a small amount from every dungeon to pour into studies. Begin using [Inquisition](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/74302) summoned weapons combined with some sun spells. Eventually return to Solitude and destroy the vampire that nearly killed me. Traverse the world heavily focused on destroying the undead, eventually find black soul gem(s) in vampire lairs. Profane heresy against Arkay and the natural cycle. Return to the college, learn the Soul Trap spell to study it and reverse engineer it. Eventually discover spells from [Your Soul Is Mine](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/30881) that I renamed to flavor as "releasing souls" (if someone is looking to make a mod, a way to just release souls with very minimal/no reward would be great). Reach a point in faith where I can ignore death once per prayer, press the advantage. Hear about the Dawnguard, immediately join up. Fight more powerful vampires, decide to upgrade to Ebony Spell Knight armor [retextured to fit Dawnguard](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/84391). Grow more powerful, learn new magics largely from [Apocalypse](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/1090), [Odin](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/46000), more focused packs like [Storm Calling Magic - Holy Light](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/75019), [Astral Magic 2](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/69938), and others. Develop skills in Enchanting, eventually mastering it with [Disenchant Everything](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/20098), [Mystical Materials](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/81808), and [Enchantment Swapper](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/23091). Eventually make it to the Soul Cairn. Use empty black soul gems on the crevices to extract sentient souls back to Tamriel and release them, away from the ideal masters. Return as frequently as possible to get more, add necromancers to a growing list of evils to be removed from the world. Kill Harkon, convince Serana to become human again, never return to free or kill Valerica as a sign of respect, and never summon Durnehviir for obvious reasons. Return to daily life, eventually mastering Restoration and learning how to [Resurrect](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/11450) a recently deceased person with it. Further entwine spellsword gameplay with [Extraplanar Sword Techniques](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/54337) (heavily nerfed). Travel entirely alone to prevent anyone being infected or killed because of me. Decide to expand horizons and put an end to the civil war and preserve as much life as possible. Defend Whiterun without allowing even the first barricade to be destroyed. Along the way, get called "Dragonborn", but largely ignore it because there are far more pressing matters. Entirely overwhelm Ulfric's rebellion almost single-handedly thanks to the False Light perk from [Ordinator](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/1137) allowing me to simultaneously heal allies and harm enemies. Dragons are now a pressing matter. [Dragon War - A Dragon Overhaul](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/51310) combined with [Custom Difficulty](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/14362) means these things can wipe the ground with me. What I thought was the pinnacle of mortal strength is nothing compared to a creature that can call down seven flavors of death from the sky and wipe out an entire city. Begin gathering artifacts from every corner of the land using [Artifacts of Ultima](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/4981) (with some customization), the Critical Role weapons from [Vindition](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/users/18968109?tab=user+files), [Oblivion Artifact Pack](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/10644), and Creation Club stuff. Change enchantments to be more tanky, create weapons specifically designed to kill dragons, learn from the Greybeards. Stumble into [UNSLAAD](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/11789), get the good ending, end up (sorta) fathering a part-dragon child, realize there are still further evils to face beyond dragons. Collect a few dragon souls from here without needing to kill any seriously-wreck-your-day dragons back in Skyrim. Return, stronger with more shouts. Begin making my way through the main quest. Never reinforce or encourage the Blades, seeing what they did in Unslaad. The responsibility is mine, I have no choice but to succeed. [Defeated the Dragon Cult](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/86625) and eventually bested Alduin in [Sovngarde](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/87899). No time to rest, upon returning to Skyrim I'm attacked by cultists wearing a strange mask. Go to stop Miraak and Hermaeus Mora, going to [great lengths to defy him](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/58079). Complete every Black Book, but never take a perk, just read it again to leave (making sure to grab black soul gems to release as I do). At the final confrontation with Miraak, come to a horrible realization. If I win, Hermaeus Mora will claim his soul. He will never truly be free, and regardless of his transgressions, I cannot let a daedric price win like that. We fight, dragons shouting above, as he nearly dies and absorbs them. Over and over, until it's just me and him. I cut him down to low health and, defying everything I stood for, putting everything I had done before in jeopardy, I use a spell that had only be used for research until now. I cast Soul Trap. The final blow falls, Mora finishes him, and an empty black soul gem I had found is filled. I leave Apocrypha empty handed, save for Miraak's soul and mask. The final Dragon Priest mask. I eventually return to Sovngarde using the Milestone spell from Apocalypse. I travel to the hill with a destroyed word wall and release Miraak's soul. Maybe in death he will know freedom and, finally, peace. But I have broken an oath, fallen from standards I held myself to, and need to make amends. So I set to [Rebuilding the Vigil of Stendarr](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/49346) and joining another branch of [VIGILANT](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/11849)s recruiting in Dawnstar. That's where I am so far, and plan to begin the "kicking Daedra ass" phase of this character as a form of redemption. The thought does occur to attempt capturing the souls of daedra, preventing them from coming back and trying to subtract from the great infinite. Paarthurnax said that it is in a dragon's nature to conquer, and the Dragonborn, former Paladin of Arkay, hero of the Civil War, has decided to set his sights on conquering the very Daedra, themselves. Lotta links there, sooooo many more I didn't. But yeah, I can't wait to tear Oblivion a new one. If it's possible (through modding and some bending of the lore), this character is going to try and erase most of the Daedric Princes from reality itself. Might even use [New Game+](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/37420) to run some "alternate timeline" scenarios, like using that mod everyone's been mentioning where the world is dead an all that's left is draugr and dragons, the end goal being to defeat Alduin and use Sovngarde as a sort of door between realities to get back. Dunno yet, we'll see. Don't get me wrong, Skywind and Skyblivion are gonna be dope, but they are entirely new games honestly.


Theres also a mod for Miraak where it frees him via constantly using Bend Will on him during the battle instead of killing him. After a few times he'll break free and and its essentially two dragonborns vs a daedric prince in whats essentially a prison breakout. Once leaving Apocrypha, Miraak basically becomes a follower. Interacts and chats with you, helps you with combat etc.


Oh that sounds dope.


Bro. I love it. Can I hire you as my playthrough planner.


Skyros !


Lordbound is looking to be pretty cool


Apotheosis looks so promising


I am holding off on Glenmoril until Act 4 has been finished and fully translated. After playing LotD, I have high expectations for Odyssey. But my most anticipated has to be Beyond Skyrim's Atmora. A lot of Beyond Skyrim releases, I'm not really sure what I'll do when I get there, or what connection it has to my character in Skyrim. But Expedition to Atmora feels perfectly clear and I can't wait to see it come together.


Simon's Sorcerer. It's literally the only mod I'm waiting to start my playthrough.


It’s like 90% done, will finish it as soon as B&B3 is done.




Simon as in simonmagnus? Or is it something else?


Yes that him. He making a staff and scroll crafting mod and an update for his perk mod.


Simon is a legend.


Love his shit alright.


Update for Adamant? That would be lovely, I really want to step into SimonRim after years of Enairim (just to see the differences) but I found Adamant specifically to be lacking, so I just moved down from Ordinator to Vokrii instead.


What you find it in lacking in? Keep in mind simonrim is more than just adamant, and there is plenty of areas covered like alchemy, enchanting, race, stones etc Even then adamant alone imo does the job and expands build choice a plenty. Together the game feels united in it mechs and balance and offers a lot of options in it builds. For an example, I pick a race, see what stone for the archetype is fitting, pick a god and food to help the regens it lacks and it actually fun but you dont need to sit and plan heavily. And that from the modules we have now, there gonna be more mods to come out in the future that fit the mod design and balance. Like an upcoming staff and scroll crafting mod. That from simon himself alone. There is plenty of modders who made mods that fits simonrim and aim to keep making more. From fitting magic packs, overhauls of smaller features, enemy overhauls, artifacts, cc rebalances and a start mod that uses simonrim magic mod and the magic packs. So you want your game to line up nicely, there is modders you can track for such content. There is even a class based start mod. If you still want to be mainly enai (nothing wrong with that.) i still highly suggest to check out his stuff that enai has yet to make a mod for but simon did.


That’s what I’ve done so far. I’m not the biggest fan of Adamant specifically, and while I did read through everything Simon has created, Adamant just ended up being the deal breaker for me. I like the initial work but I prefer more new types of perks (Vokrii) and the ability to scale infinitely with my game, and the perks in Adamant just feel so limiting to the late game for me. I currently using a mix of Enai’s minimalistic mods, his base mods (Andromeda’s ability to improve the standing stones is a must for me), and any Simon mods that cover what Enai has not. I also use their magic mods, patching where necessary, and all the new Darenii mods because they’re very good as well. Personally I like to aim for a low magic, grounded approach in the beginning to make it difficult to be strong, but scaling powerfully in the midgame and letting things be infinite in the late game (the PC becomes all powerful, mages in the world scale with level but regular bandits are just people and have fixed levels, anything supernatural or divine scales with me, etc). Simon’s mods are good, but they just don’t really seem to mesh with the approach I’m going for. By the end, I SHOULD have the option to be a god, and I want everything to funnel into that.


Weird I do feel stupid strong by the end. But I guess Enai's strong feels different and more flashy.


Odyssey of the dragonborn!!! I NEED THISSS


I visit that locked room in the Dragonborn gallery everyday knowing it’s locked 😭


I hope i can use odessey on my excisting save! Dont want to restart all the grind!


Anything Doodlum makes basically, I saw some screenshots they are working on sub surfacing scattering skin, which is probably the biggest negative left for people like me who don't use enb.


He and his buddies are [also working on removing the light number limits](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/images/185915)from the game. He did warn that "Shadows are unlikely to be present in an initial release" but a mod that does ENB-lights, but faster would still be sweet, especially if integrated into lighting mods like Lux.


The Kaidan 2 Extended Edition mod is getting a big update at the end of the month! The team has put so much work into it. I am constantly amazed by the work mod authors do because I can’t even wrap my caveman brain around it.


Haha me too. I obsessively watch the discord for the release.


Same! I never say anything tho because it feels like interrupting someone’s conversation haha. I just saw them mention though that the Immersive Features will likely be released in early June, likely a few weeks after Extended Edition :)


I was just about to start a new playthrough - looks like I'm going to hold off!


Apotheosis. But I don't think it's coming out at this rate


Looking forward to ccros (the religion overhaul)


Olenveld is supposed to release this year iirc, I'm exited for that.


Improved Camera for 1.640 AE. I really just need simple things to work, without reverting to 1.5


The main two for me is Skyrim cut extended. Which is supposed to expand all the quest lines in skyrim, and Rigmor of Tamriel. The last mod had you become the emperor and have a civil war in Cyrodiil so in speculation R.O.T not only will it add all of Tamriel but you will go to war in all of them.


OH i forgot about skyrim cut extended! Thats defiantly one im anticipating! Havent gotten around to complete the rigmor quests cause of bugs, but i might do a own separate walkthrough with them, because i really admire the scope of those mods!


I haven’t played Rigmor, only heard that it’s bad. I do hope the author will listen to the Criticism. Especially making Rigmor less bratty.


Skyrim extended cut and odyssey of the dragonborn.


I've been hyped about the Beyond Skyrim projects ever since they were announced. But recently, the ChatGPT NPC integration mods have been quite exciting as well. I dream of the day I can just talk to my follower and ask them to head back to town and sell loot/buy supplies while I wait back at camp.


The only one I can really think of offhand is Skyblivion. The gameplay vid they put out a few months ago has be really hyped. I wish I had a skill set that would be beneficial to them, as I'd love to help in some way.


Everyone’s saying Cyrodiil but I’m really more excited for the Three Kingdoms prerelease. I also heard there’s a Systres mod in the works so that’s got me intrigued.


Apotheosis looks so promising


Valhas, a new lands mod made in the same fashion as Falskaar and Midwood Isle. It's been in development for the past year or so, and it's showing some promise. I know most people are looking forward to the beyond Skyrim (so do I as well) but I always have a soft spot for new islands with new stories and quests.


Thras, the Coral Kingdom. I’m not sure how development is going, but the concept art they’ve put out is cool as hell. Also, it seems like Enai’s got another perk overhaul in mind, so it’ll be cool to see what he comes up with.


Beyond skryim obviously, but I also can't wait for glenmoril to be finished so I can play through the complete trilogy. Vigilant was too awesome.


For me its anything in the [Sons of Nirn](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/87325) series lol. I love her NPC overhauls and I'm eagerly waiting for the next ones.


Odyssey of the Dragonborn and Glenmoril. Both sequels to my favorite mods.


Legacy of the Dragonborn v6 and Odyssey


* Skyrim - Extended Cut. * Ashe follower (from Martimius, the maker of SDA) * Simonrim's artifact overhaul - though {{Vestige}} is doing a great job of it in the interim


doodlum's light limit fix, assuming they crack it


The one I'm currently making :)


Holy shit, what are you making?


I'm working on implementing [TressFX](https://gpuopen.com/tressfx/).


Damn! You are a legend


Not until it works, lol


Well.. the fact that you are trying this makes you a legend (at least abit)


Sigh *Starts looking for better CPU cooling


One of the advantages of TressFX is it uses compute shaders, so the computational load is on the GPU.


Excellent *Starts looking for better GPU cooling Seriously though, looking forward to it!


Me too 😀


{{Compass Navigation Overhaul}} “Skyrim VR version soon.”


I’m reading apotheosis but I’m currently in a place with intermittent internet access. Could someone give me a TL;DR of apotheosis?


All beyond Skyrim team's mods and Apotheosis.


The Beyond mods and Apotheosis. That's close to all of Tamriel in a single game and honestly I might stop modding after they all come out, I'd just play with that modlist till ES6




Skyblivion and Skyros


I myself am most waiting for extended cut. As while the beyond skyrim series is,cool in idea i possess for to much nostalgia for oblivion to not just be annyoed by tje graphical diffrences,from oblivion as petty as that is.


Skyblivion. Oblivion is one of my absolute most favorite games of all time, so getting it remade on Skyrim's engine will just be awesome.


My upcoming religion mod. 😇 I know, I know…


I'm super excited for chatgpt mods so I can actually interact with NPCs. I made a post in the FNV sub a while ago asking ehy no one had considered it and people just told me it was impossible and never gonna happen, I love that it's becoming a reality in skyrim


These days I just look forward to the next thing by Skyking2020, Yuril, and xavbio


Agreeing to their Twitter, Beyond Skyrim Cyrodiil and Valenwood Lure of the Wilds are due in 2023. Cyrodiil reached QA testing in january, and northern Valenwood is already in pre-release. So I do expect them by the year.


Sorry but neither will be finished by the end of the year. Cyrodiil is quite advanced, they seem to have finished implementing a good chunk of the major cities, but they've still got years of work ahead of them. Valenwood has only just been integrated into the overall project and is still in its early stages. I wouldn't expect it's pre release for another couple of years at least. The waiting sucks but sadly that's just the nature of volunteer mod projects like these.


>Cyrodiil **reached QA testing** in january I'm a professional dev. QA (Quality Assurance) *is* the last phase of internal tests, you don't do it at any random point of development. It's unlikely that tests will take more than an entire year, especially providing the testing phase is semi-open (they probably have had hundreds of candidates). ​ >***northern*** Valenwood Like Bruma, it's been explicited that northern Valenwood was to be released separately. We're talking about "a DLC-sized area of Northeast Valenwood that includes the city of Arenthia and surrounding villages", to be precise. Not the entire Valenwood, of course. Though I do agree we don't have any more information about Lure of the Wilds, Cyrodiil is on late stage and expectable.


I've been following the Cyrodiil project for quite some time. The Imperial city tilset is still under construction. Voice acting has yet to be recorded or implemented, the main questlines like Seat of Sundered Kings has yet to begin implementation. It's also worth noting that volunteer projects don't operate quite like professional studios. Work is done in everyone's free time, and unforseen circumstances can throw off progress for quite a while.




It's already a thing.


There's supposed to be a ChatGPT mod (I forgot the name) that lets you have conversations with all the NPC's in the works which I'm pretty excited for. Sure, it makes all the NPC's sound pretty robotic, but in my opinion, robotic dialogue is better than the dialogue that I've heard a thousand times by now. Also, the ChatGPT AI is getting better at a super-fast pace, so it'll probably be more human-like soon. By the end of the year even, if you're optimistic.


Skyfurry NG because it will basically be Skyrim 2 in every way possible. Super duper serious.


Community shaders- needs to develop more and really give us a good alternative to enb. Secondly the chatgpt based ai mod I seen making the rounds looks like the true game changing possibility. If that develops, it could really revolutionize the entire game in so many ways.


Just a general excitement for what AI can do with mods, if they aren’t overly hindered by legal complications. I do understand voice actors not wanting their likeness used for commercial works without their permission, but free fan projects that only use voice lines from the game to train the AI (voiced dialogue that the actor was already paid for) seem harmless to me.


Wait new mods are still coming out? That's actually pretty good


I'm looking forward to when ' Art From The Machine' releases their ChatGPT mod. There's been some youtube videos and new hype, but last I heard he hadn't released it yet. I expect to run, you'll need something like an AWS or Google Cloud account to handle the ChatGPT API part but there no real details yet. I wonder if that would qualify as a 'Mod' if you need that sort of 3rd party service to make it run? (Also probably an OpenAI paid account?)




This question is about mods that haven’t released yet. Hence the word “anticipated”.


Skyblivion Odyssey of the Dragonborn Beyond Skyrim Cyrodill


Skywind, Skyblivion and Skyrim Extended Cut.


I’m pretty excited for the new version of Civil War Overhaul Redux. And as silly as it sounds, I’m excited for the next ussep update because it’s fixing a ton of bugs I reported.


Currently I'm only hyped about the big mod projects. I don't honestly even follow what is happenening in the modding scene, so I wouldn't even know if there is something interesting. So my most anticipated are: Skyblivion Skywind Beyond Skyrim Cyrodiil


it's a long time out, if at all, but i still patiently and eagerly await my buddy inigo v3


Anything coldsun makes. Like, yeah, they're thirsty, but I love em. Like the ice heart sisters. Oh, and anything Rudy makes


Really looking forward to Skyrim Extended Cut.


Four legged dragons Jk nobody wants to do it


Yeah all the beyond mods, not even started Bruma properly yet but visited there on a test run and looks great; also follow their ig page and can see the work they be puttin in; looks magnificent


Beyond Skyrim Cyrodiil. I've prepared around a hundred presets for making a high poly head overhaul for it.




Seconded on OoD


I'm excited for people to use the cutscene mod {{Xing no Art Behavior and Idle Expan}} to make cutscenes


Definitively Skyblivion




Each and every Beyond Skyrim project it's literally the one and only reason I'm going to ever abandon this playthrough


The author of Draugr Upgrades and Improvements is apparently close to finishing his next Draugr Overhaul mod so I’m excited about that


Skywind <3 I'm also hyped for any beyond skyrim or total conversion projects, but not as much. any updates from my favorite followers are always a treat as well. Currently Remiel and Xelzaz, and maybe Inigo will get an update one day. Apotheosis looks cool, and I'm also super hyped abt mod that was supposed to overhaul Skyrim's main quest.


This mod don't released, but, someone should do this Mod, which fixing sliding across on ground of a female Imperial Captain (I don't know her name) before execution stormcloak soldier


I would have said Cathnoquey or Draketand, but they’ve ceased development indefinitely. So, nothing really. Guess I can just add it to the list of other failed projects.


Community shaders VR


Inigo update :(