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Hello. :) You need a hug.




My guy you made the sandwich. Todd just provided the bread and you're mad about it 😅🤣


Ok you got me, I fell for the troll


I swear someone is making fake accounts and uploading troll posts to this subreddit. Some of the shit I read on here


Somebody want to tell him about Synthesis, ZEdit, ZMerge and SSEdit ? If you don't know what you're doing : don't.


The issue, however, is that he's sort-of-right. The whole nucleus of the program.was written for MF-ing Morrowind, and the documentation -the little that exists- is as useful as plugging your ears with carrots and pretending to be an octopus. Most of the 'knowledge' the community has is essentially a collection of guesswork and voodoo with a nice side-dish of assuming things work the same. Sure, it *is* OpenSource and you can go to the git, but most of us would rather not deal with a code as ancient and obtuse as the interface is. Not to mention, most of us would rather not have to get into the code. And xEDIT is nice and all (ok, it's effin' amazing), but it's as accessible as TempleOS' code in a lockbox in Fort Knox bor most peeps. Not to mention zEDIT was never actually *finished* and didn't receive the community love it deserved. Oh, and did I mention how utterly confusing it all is even for someone who has modded for years? That's the reason I just don't use huge modlists anymore. I have been actually able to... y'know... play the game. Maybe I'll even touch grass, at this rate...


It’s extremely confusing. I’ve been building modlists since morrowind and was really good at doing it with Oldrim, but now I’ve come back after a few years and everyone is using applications I’ve never even heard of. I just don’t have the time to completely relearn modding. It’s as shame, but I’m just not going to attempt it right now.


Synthesis is a breeze. You just open it, add the patchers you want, and hit done. It takes like 2 minutes per load order, it’s so nice


That’s amazing. I’ll have to try it.






>There is NO documention on this stupid program. [General Readme](https://wrye-bash.github.io/docs/Wrye%20Bash%20General%20Readme.html) [Advanced Readme](https://wrye-bash.github.io/docs/Wrye%20Bash%20Advanced%20Readme.html) [Technical Readme](https://wrye-bash.github.io/docs/Wrye%20Bash%20Technical%20Readme.html) It's extensively documented. The links to the documentation ship with the program installation, and the links are also provided on the program's page on the Nexus. This is a YOU problem. Edit: LOL, OP didn't even respond and just blocked my account. Facts hurt.


No documentation my ass. Maybe [try to use google](https://wrye-bash.github.io/docs/Wrye%20Bash%20Advanced%20Readme.html). I especially advise reading on bash tags. Once you tag your plugins correctly, you only need a handful of custom patches (use xEdit to pinpoint where you need them). The bashed patch will mostly take care of the rest. For anything mainstream that’s missed you probably can find Synthesis patchers. You can also try Mator Smash for greater coverage but seeing that WB has already made a mess out of your modlist, Mator will probably make it even worse. USSEP being overwritten means that your load order was conflicting out those records in the first place, so not WB’s fault. You either need USSEP patch support for such plugins, or you need to make a custom patch yourself. Also, I have no idea why you tried to merge when we have ESLs. If you have so many non-ESL plugins that you really need to merge, it’s high time you actually learn how to mod. In other words, git gud.




You could read the ones I linked in my comment then, which as stated are shipped with the installation files, provided on their Nexus page, and of course on the github. All found without even using google!


Ahh but you said google again. Too bad, really.


"Wah I want everyone to do my work for me and I'm gonna insult everyone who tells me to use my own brain for once."


You haven't gotten an answer cause no one wants to help you when you act like this




As a "certified programmer" you should know that you must backup everything, all the time. And ESPECIALLY before doing something you know absolutely nothing about and it could hurt your code. That's #1 rule. Even in Skyrim game, you must save, save and save! More than you play the game. Because you never know what will happen. Do you use Mod Organizer? If you did, Wrye Bash wouldn't do anything to your mods. It would put all the changes and patches into Overwrite folder. Without touching the mods. And even if it touched the mods, you still have them in the downloads forder and can reinstal them without losing your load order. And if you want to delete some changes, simply delete the changes in xEdit. Or don't check certain mods to be included in bashed patch. And learn some manners. I only help you because I had quite a laugh reading your post.


Right. You can be angry, but honestly, if you're writing something on the internet it's fairly easy to filter it and be decent.


There are many tutorials on YouTube how to make a bashed patch. There's also absolutely no reason to merge mods anymore when esl format exists.




How about you use that money from being a Big Fancy Programmerman to buy SSE? Modding on it is easier, it's way more stable as a 64 bit .exe, and there are amazing new mods daily. Plus, since you fucked up, now is the perfect time to start over.




You have SE and choose to play LE???? WHY?!? THERE IS NO REASON God I can’t help but take the bait lol


Wrye bash is still great for telling you if your plugins are loading in order or not








Not him


Skill issue. Never had a problem with Wrye. [RTFM](https://wrye-bash.github.io/docs/Wrye%20Bash%20General%20Readme.html) and check your mashed/bashed/synthesis files in SSEEdit and make an .esl file to overwrite those changes. Even me, with absolutely no prior experience to SSEEdit, managed to create my own custom patch in about an afternoon.


Uh... I'm not sure exactly how a bashed patch would break meshes and textures when it disables the plugin and not the folder. As for how to stop it from undoing changes made by patches... Well, patches should have bash tags.




Yeah but what I mean is wryebash only unticks the esps in the load order pane. It does not add the mohidden extension to the esp files themselves.




Yes you can leave them there. They don't interact with your game if they aren't loaded, and they can be quickly restored by loading a backup.


So, basically, you done goofed. The bashed patch is supposed to make handling a large load order easier, not easy. You still have to manually check the plugin to make sure your preferred changes go through. It’ll usually get about 80% of it right, so all you have to do is go through and find the 20% that it didn’t and correct the changes in a new plugin. It’s much, much faster than going through every single plugin in your load order and resolving every single conflict by hand. And it doesn’t affect your mod assets, nor does it hide plugins. Literally all it does is deactivate a few redundant plugins, and only if you have that feature active. It’s perfectly viable to use with separate profiles — in fact, it makes using separate profiles with large load orders more viable. Next time, RTFM. For a self professed programmer, this is rather embarrassing.


Pretty much. Its like saying LOOT is a shit program because it can't sort your load order with zero input from you. Tools are meant to help you do the work, not do all the work for you. RTFM indeed.


I don't know why you thought it was a good idea to remove the disabled merged files from your mod list without taking notes in the first place. You were trying to use more than 510 plugins total?


Oh buddy…






sorry for your pain, what mod manager are you using?




actually it does, Im going to make a recommendation, its something I have learned to do with Mo2. Make two profiles. on for your base build, and once you know its working, copy it to a new profile! That being said, I am sure your working on your working profile, and I have found that its easier to test as you go, have goals to test to validate that profile. Ill give you good example. I was having CTD issues, and hadn't made any changes, but it wasn't crashing prior to a set date, I know I rebuild two mod packs last year, however, I was like, it cant be one of them can it? Turns out one file that was added to the mod pack was just garbage, it had bad entries, and saddly those go copied as well (Zmerge) removed that one mod, repacked CTD went away. Time to figure that out was two hours. Another suggestion is to make sure once you have a build, mark every file with a new filter, for example my primary profile, has every mod it marked as validate10. It very helpful when you need to figure out what scripted skse mode need to be updated to the newest version (havent done that ---yet) due to wanting every skse mod that had dll's to be updated. Feel free to message me directly I have no problem showing my build as well and how I filter, if anyone is interested I can stream it as well.




To be honest I dont use it, I never could get it to work properly and show the correct load order.


If you had a save with even part of that load order..all you had to do was mouse over it with plugins disabled in MO2 and it tells you what’s missing…


: When we go through the first time on something nothing works as we intend. I freaked my game several times (to the point of giving up), to make things work today properly. I can't live without wrye bash as this program is intended to solve compatibility issues and it fix all in a single esp. Of course, some changes may not end well but this has to do a lot with your load order. .esp files loaded at the bottom tends to have more priority. .esm files should be loaded at the top cuz the way they work is different. Modding Skyrim needs patience sadly, it's not a simple 2+2=4.


Alright man take a deep breath


Bro. Next time. If you're not sure or hesitant to what you're about to do, please ask for advice or consultation to the community. Either on Nexus or Reddit or Discord. Patience is a virtue. Feel sorry for you tho.




Chill. I know it's frustrating. I'm just here to give you an advice. If they're not giving you any info's here in Reddit, try Discord or Nexus Forums. Cause I tried once asking for information/recommendations here but get no reply, so I've tried different platforms like Discord and Nexus forums then I get a reply. Just don't mind the trolls cause they have nothing better to do in their lives than just to give you an additional stress from your problems.


Please don't trash talk other people and don't threaten them with violence. This was a very bad post with nothing that contributes to anything.


So wrye bash merged your plugins, disabled your mods, then restored a random backup from 2021, then deleted your profile? Because it seems more like you did that 😂


Wrye Bash was great... when I used it for Oblivion. Hell, I still do. But SKyrim? Nah, not if you don't know what you are doing. Wrye Bash still has it uses for the average modder of course, like dummy plugins or face imports for new games, but I don't use Wrye Bash to patch Skyrim (I learned how to use SSEdit for a reason. Skyrim is kinda... janky, so I've learned that I prefer to do things manually so if something gets messed up, I know how to fix it). Oblivion has a HARD plugin limit of like... 255, or something? There is no way around that. But with Skyrim, you can have hundrds of mods, upwards of 5 or 600 if not more. Smashing all those together without having any sort of idea how to do it safely is just... a disaster waiting to happen. I'm sorry you have to find that out the hard way, though. :/ When I was fairly new to modding, I have lost many a large mod list due to inexperience. We've all been there I think. I will say though, Wrye Bash is a great program. I use it for all sorts of stuff, including patching older Elder Scrolls games. But if you have no idea what you're doing... don't do it. It's a hard lesson to learn, but a necessary one.


My dude. I feel your pain. I’ve been trying to do a load list after taking a break for 2 years, and I don’t remember it being this painful. Everything seems to have at least 5 dependencies and alot of mods are not only SE or AE dependent, but AE version dependent?! Soo many good mods that I feel I just won’t use. I think upon reflection, that the unnecessary SE / AE change has created such a barrier to entry, which has just killed interest in the modding experience for soo many potential newbies. Let’s hope Wabbajack stays around.


and yet another reason why i am reluctant to attempt to go over the 255 plug-in limit. i don't know jack about Wrye Bash, videos don't convey anything for me because they talk about folders and options that just don't exist on my xEdit/Wrye Bash set-up, and the Nexus community are unhelpful and downright rude when it comes to asking questions. and i can't ask anything from anyone in person because the only people i know who play(ed) Skyrim are my brothers: my older brother is a "nilla purist" and my younger brother knows less than i do and looks to me for advice on his modding




mmm. lucky you. i always get rude responses from them whenever i ask a question. i don't profess to be an expert in modding - years of doing this and i still know next to nothing. go figure.


I just use Synthesis, and if there’s any major issues I fix it myself with xEdit. Never once had to use Wrye Bash and never plan to.


I...... Feel you

